16 MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, Feb. 6, 1990 II* * 0ME8 CONDOMINIUMS CONDOMINIUMS I MOTORCYCLES/ ' U OR RALE FOR SALE I I APARTMENTS I APARTMENTS IMISCELLANEDUS CAMPERS/ CBT official pounds the pavement to regain public confidence M FOR SALE MOPEDS FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE TRAILERS By Dianna M. Talbot Manchester to convince them that reductions or layoffs to recoup los­ ticut municipalities last month Negro said he began cutting back Bullock, a long-time member of CHARMING 7 room Co- SOUTH WINDSOR- ENNET Elderly Manchester Herald investments with CBT arc safe, ac­ ses. There are three CBT offices in reduced deposits or stopped doing on CBT deposits because he was Bank of New England Corp.’s tonlal, easy care exte­ SOUTH WINDSOR- AVAILABLE March 1st-3 ROUND 48" dIpIpg room WE DELIVER HONDAMATIC 750- Clpnamon Sp rings. Apartmepts-I and 2 rooms with garage, table. Dark Pipe with 6 cording to H. Ridgcly Bullock, in­ Manchester. business with CBT. i concerned about the immediate Board of Directors who wears an rior, hardwood tlo)rs, Completely redeco­ Absolutely gorgeous 2 For Home Delivery, Call Needs mlpor work. bedroom Ranch styie bedroom apartments heat, hot water and chairs $250; Frigidaire RunS. $150. Call Ron, terim chairman and chief executive “Bad publicity has resulted in a The Town of Manchester had al­ availability of money. eye patch after injuring an eye in a large family room off rated two bedroOm for Immediate occu­ HARTFORD — Reeling from the kitchen, a rear'cooker" end unit in Westage. appliances. No pets, no washmachine $75; 2 647-9946 649-9034. officer of Bank of New England drain of funds which we hope to get ready reduced its deposits with the The town had only a little more household accident, discussed chan­ Townhouse with suvdy- pancy. 1 mopth free waterbed. S ecurity re- w I p d o w a I r - Monday to Friday. 9 to 6 effects of bad publicity about its delight. New price /pursery off master Mapy amepitles. In­ Corp., CBT’s parent company. back,” said Bullock, referring to last bank, and the Eighth Utilities Dis­ than $2(X),000 deposited in CBT late ges at the bank and answered ques­ cluding indoor pool. Su- rept. 1 bedroop,. $528- qulred. $490. 646-2970. COpdItlOpers $50. 645- financial performance last year, S163,900. A "s u p e r bedroom. Unit over- $560; 2 bedrooms. 6092 PLYMOUTH-1977, Trail Connecticut Bank and Trust Co. is At a press conference TUesday at month’s widespread withdrawal of trict withdrew about $950,(XX) from last month. tions from about 25 reporters. It was buy". Come stop by. loo|<s pond. Conve­ sap Donahue. $106,500. MANCHESTER-2 bed- CONSOUDATED REPORT Sentry Real Estate.643- $575-$630. Please call roo p luxury Town- B laer, V8, 4 speed, faking its promise of better fiscal fit­ CBT’s main office at 1 Constitution funds from CBT after Bank of New two accounts. The town had more Negro also said the town has his ninth day as chairman and CTEO Call Barbara tor more nient to Mail and 1-84, needs tital. $400orbest OF CONDITION 4060.□____________ 528-6522 for 8p house. All appllspces, Plaza, Bullock also said the parent England Coip. announced an ex­ than $7 million with CBT before benefited by dealing with CBT in following the forced retirement of Information. RE/MAX CHFA A FHA ap­ application. END ROLLS offer. 645-8728. MANCHESTER ness this year to the local level. East of the River 647- proved! $117,900. D.W, SOUTH WINDSOR-Need heat, cable, carpeting, 27V4" width - 509 STATE BANK company had not decided whether to pected $1 billion loss for 1989. Town Treasurer Roger Negro the past, and he hopes the town will Walter J. Connolly. 1419.□ M ANCHESTER-Brand Bank officials will meet with Fish Realty, 643-1591.□ 3 bedrooms? Then see alr-conditlonipg. Call 13" width — 2 for 509 sell CBT. In any event, he said it After hearing of the bank’s losses, decided to halt most of the town’s be able to continue doing business spBpkipg new! 2nd 647-1595.__________ I CARS ASSETS leaders of municipalities such as CHFA BljYERS'-'N^^ist- SOUT I WINDSOR-Just this 6 room Townhouse Newsprint end rolls can be was likely there would be staff several Massachusetts and Connec­ business with the bank in December. with the bank in the future. Please see CBT, page 10 at StrawbrIdge. 3 full floor, 1 bedroom apar- MANCHESTER-1 bed- FOR SALE Cash and due InS Perfect CHFA, 3 like new. 2 bedroom, 2 mont w ith ful|y ap- picked up at the Manchester baths, fireplace, air roofp apartpient. Hea- Herald ONLY before 11 a.m. from depository bedrooms, 1W baths, bath, supoy 1st fioor pllapced kitchen, car­ institutions 4.981.000 large kitchen, fire- unit, sliders to private copditionlpg. garage, t/hot water, carpetipg, Monday through Thursday. tepnis, pooi', etc. Ask­ peting, air. Intercorp air. all appliances. Cali U.S. Treasury placed living room, plus patio. Joan Ipguaptl. Security, sto ra g e , Lipman VW securities 1.190.000 greenhouse. $139,900. $103,900. Sentry Real ing $168,000. U A R 649-5249. Realty, 643-2692.0 laupdry facilities, apd Rte. 83, Vernon Obligations of Call Lipda Brown Estate. 643-4060.□ parking. No pets. Heat WANTED TO States and RE/MAX East of the extra. Security. $500 a BUY/TRADE SSGolSpoilSSpd. $5,866 River, 647-1410 n M A N C H E S t ¥ F - cT e a t political price tor a first floor ILOTS/LAND __mOpth. 646-1379. HOMES 89 Ford Prob« Aulo, Air $A7H subdivisions in unit with 2 bedrooms. FOR SALE 3'A ROOMS, stove, se- [for rent WANTED-Bedroom setor B8J«llaGLAulo.AC $8,218 the U nited States 137,000 Fully applianced kit- fridgeratpr. No utili­ dressers, dipipg room B8J«epU(nl1Mj $17,886 Other bonds, notes, NEW LISTING! cbep includes micro- M^N^^ESTERTAvanab^ 87GUl6V5Spd.,A« $8,788 and debentures 127,000 HEBRON-Buiidipg lot for ties. 1st/|8st months set. and crib. 524-8824. wave. David Murdock. Immediately. R em o- 89 Mareuty Grand Marquis $13,488 Federal funds sold Redwood Farms sale. $89,900. Call 649- security. $450. 649- 87 Java a 5 Spd, AC $5,988 7 room Dutch Colonial, $84,900. Sentry Real 9415. 7850.__________ deiied 4 bedroom Cape, and securities large family soom, fire­ e6GTI5Spd,AC.Caaa $6488 i® anfl]patpr H rralJi Many new features Estate. 643-4060.□ ■ CARS purchased under MANCHESTER-4 room. 2 place, eat-in kitchep, 86 Buick Skyhawk $4,968 agreements MANCHESTE^Pric^ to b e d ro o m , screeped FOR SALE 86GLILImiladEdi1ion $7,888 $216,000. carpeted livingroom to resell 1,550,000 sell! Recently reno­ I BUSINESS porch. Includes heat 65 Dodge W-1S0 4x4 Long Bad. $6,888 ____ 649-8737 vated 2 bedsoom Twon- and bedrooms, large a. Loans, Total and hot water. Nice laundry and bath. $975 MERCURY, 1980, 85Sclrocco5Spd,Air $4,968 house. Convepiept lo­ PROPERTY 84 Chevy Corvena Aulo, Loaded $11,800 (excluding unearned neighborhood. $700 per mOpth. 646-4144 or Cougar-Very good con­ cation Call for details mopthly. Security and 83 R a f a i l 5 Spd, One Owner $2488 Income) Josp Inguanti. $79,900. 643-0909.______ dition. good for young 87 Horizon 4 Dr., 5 Spd, AC $2,905 89.204.000 MANCHESTER-Two pro­ referepces. 649-4820. kids first car Asking Wednesday, Feb. 7,1990 Sentry Real Estate. 643- 646-4412. 6 ROOM, single home 84FordTanpo4Dr..Aulo,AC $2,006 b. Less; allowance Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price; 35 Cents I CONDOMINIUMS ^ 6 0 .0 fessional buildings. w ith garage, fepced in $800. Call apytim e 645- 82BukkRagalMtigonAmo,AC $1,906 for possible loan FOR SALE 470-476 Maip Street, M A N C H E S T E ^ sT aT I, 6. 0467.______________ 61 Toyota Tarcel Auio, 81,000 losses 1,047,000 OAK Cabipets Highlight yard, pear school. Call near center. 646-2426. 8pd 7 room apartments. 649-7230, 4 FIREBIRD tires apd Maea $2,006 c. Loans, Net SOUTH WINDSOR- this delightful kitchep. 9am-5pm weekdays. Security, No pets. Now 88.157.000 Dinipg area ip front rImS. car mask fo r 1985 645-0838 Westage, end Unit- Im­ available. 646-2426, 9-5 Buick Somerset. 649- , Bank premises, which gives a pice opCp weekdays. maculate two bedroom STORE AND 0933. furniture and Ranch style Copdo with 8pd spacious feeiipg to ROOMS MAN cm'sTER“ Fed- fixtures, and Communists FORD-1 983, Escort OUTTO BECOME sliders to deck. Ameni­ this Ope bedroom roopi, 2 family. 2nd OFFICE SPACE other assets Condp Upgraded ap­ FOR RENT Wagop. Rebuilt engipe, ties galore! CHFA/FHA floor. Spacious rooms, automatic, air. AM/FM MANCHESTER'S representing Assembly gets ‘tight’ budget pliances. A real beauty approved. $107,900 MANCHESTER-Availabie newly renovated, ap- sterio, excellent condi­ bank premises 1,369,000 D.W. Fish Realty. 643- Only $69,900. Cail Ron pliBpCes. hoo kups. IpCiudes utilities and b. Other assets 1,161,000 Fournier. RE/MAX East immediately. Large 1 tion. $1800/best offer. 1591.□ bedroom with carpet- Easy access to 364. parking. Locatiop 465 #1 TOTAL ASSETS 98,692,000 to give up of the River. 647-1419.C E. Middle Tpke. 646- 649-0381. ipg and appliances. $625/month plus utili­ LIABIUTIES Aid to towns ties and security. 647- 1698. TOYOTA-1982, Corrolla $500 per month 646- Wagon. Air. automatic, USED CAR Demand deposits 4144.
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