»aaa%ai»aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa»aAa' The O N l.T Newspaper Priatad tl)( fintien lema-OMiseaur # In Linden i ladaa-a OWI.T OMrIal IM ataaaar lA a U W )O I WgWl. aalafcBakad IMT. ceaiM aad wWi Tfca UHM M QAAnVOL aaUiblialMd ItM Vol. IX — No. 41 LINDEN, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1963 10 PAGES PRICE: TEN CENTS »» A« (a tatt wrak'i «H- Murawski Hits Bauknight With “Lack Of Sincerity oma tlMt aeUoa ea Mm poIHleal fa u rt aamM la c n aM oac« Ui« Fourth Ward Councilman Eldward ">#■*•> a t A**t) roMaiM a n a a d araa Murawski at the City fViuncil BMet- qaNa la avIMascw aa CItrviMe B auk • Honorary PBA Award Baukni^t Final Plans Dalziel Reports City ing Tuesday produced a report ai|M aaa Al Wrtilajr alaitcd tbroar- from the Bureau of Oombustitoa lat kanAa «a AprH laT AklMUCh which he said prov»»d that School 5 tr a a m U f kaam •• -A*rtl raoT* IS not a fire trap. UM haa BUanKjr enaamlaaU Svoboda With Plaque Raps Foe’s For Rally Summer Repair Program The school had been called a fire « w t Am traaa fimUi« Ikaak- trap by Murawskl's opponent la **aM Ml Wa epp a a i Bl Btf M onW ' Cotmciknan William Dalziel. F in al plans for a Pre*iaectM>fi the primary. Clarence Batiknighi. M «Hh Ika BiMm Hm i Um poMIr chairman of tbe road committee, Rally and Dance in honor of As­ However, the report read by Mr. w W I k u fld tet M Hm « k W .rd today released a long Hat of im ­ Statem ent semblyman James M MeOewan. Murawski indicated that the school »aa la roaHljr a "Hr# trap* and provements which Will be under­ Deroocralic organisational candi- meeLs all state .specifications and that M akouM k» InoMiHalvtr data- for Senator will be made taken in the city at a cost of about s cheekf-d regularly by the bureau "towd MurawiAn. »ko ia 'nr» tatfT.OOO Clarence Baukn*yht, intenalfyiny at a meetir^ to be held tonight. which has foiind the facilrty “free On«imtH*» rhalrmaa for tb» f!Mr hu oamiMuyn for Uw* eoundimanlc Thursday. April i T h - work inchidejs road im prove­ fr m Violations ” at UibAob roapoadMl amk a rwpy mamnatton for the fourth warl The dance wiM be heW Saturday, m ents at :<"'*'nter Sh , between S**y- Mr Mumw.ski not-d that berause a t a r<a>nn auAantti*>l ky ir tn O kirf atated at a rally y.vrn .n hu honor Apnl 6 at 9 p m at Poidcay s Pine nvjur Avenue and Washington Ave­ of Its construction the stihooi is not J'M 'Pk IkaMa la aritkiii tlw y a atif **that I have not foryotti^n the poor Room, 434 R^osMlle S treet It was nue, Todd PHe*‘, b<^we»-n reqiiired by the stii’e to have an lanwrtLMa at all pM ic acHaaU ama condttaons of she street* m the anw»unred by the dance rommittf-e Price «4treet and E l.z a b fh Avenue, out.Hidc fire c.>teHp*' iwvWMy mnudld* ia'^ksoI m fourth ward that exiMed three year* th at wdl be a*, the M M onmouth Ave b**tween Another primary candidate, Alex­ «%• by ihi^ U n ayo. nor mm I un*w*r« of how they d<-,»r and that there will be danc­ M.-Cindle^s Street and Lincoln St ander G Wrigley, ;i.-iked council 4*m Wxr^ m bri»« d* yot .oto that p.tifui Btate of dHcna- ing free beer and pn*#-* 5^ M ark s S tre e t b<-<*A*e—n wh.^t progre.s.s i.<? be.ng m ade lo hmMitrd* ArrtMB t*on They 4M »o th ru She tu gl*o-i Sa'r\'".ng on the committee- are E,.zah«-*h Av‘-ntie and Penn-'sylvan- pmmfing tl»* m^«Hbrr» of ti%r ^ i t r curb fk>oding .n W est Broiik. and unconcern for the problem of Mr and Mrs Thr.mas A Ehrhart. .-t Avenuf tti-Vi*' Sherman S'r*et 4uf;aK thd" City Eng.neer John Ziemian said Ihr pwple by she present oouncii Mr and Mrs, R^jb- rt arnl Mr b*e-A- r-Tt K* 7,'t^«'th Av-nue and that plans are moving along for H IB MUd «r<M « rttpt tm iHa U r r ol mar. Th«'re wtu. no other vw*> ' P nr<%:vir. i .A.veaue tifinft R an- tfw fVfNT !nv»4f«Ad*v etfmpmtkf *»4 arvi Mrs Jo*tph f'Ahrha.'t the n-’V bridge in the W. Itth -St. he realty b*-5:? ve UwiS by ='k- Stri** h'-tw - n Phar^ller Avv- are.i but admitted that no c.ty fM m tt* t »kft»rnrU»or for ^ pAV,n* one itfe e t all of the neg­ e-. -ind B thim or. .tvenue A^n V^Bhttr '‘irl-. hr- been allocated for the lected aetJozM on the p art of th e Penn.fyKnn.o Ri.ir^jad Av.-nue b**- con«:F4ictjon of n- w hndge.s in oth U Hob rrfai»K«<i fbatc ttw U ii reat af tth< w*ard are eolve.! He '•A-t^n f'» r:er» t Str»*et to Wood Avr- er area -»f th*- cre*-k. Atrn af Bdoa*tl«« *a4 U« c«ft nev* r^ Mr H*tukn.ght con Facts Only nUf 136 Stimpw>n Avenu* h- al.so a.sked -f there w.-re p*rmammi hmw f.nu»d ■ un*1er no .rcunurai*'^ ? tw»o n Wood Averwi* and M;t<-h*dl «»f^nMrMi rAumViom puBgmm any pi in.>> f.ar th«* • instruction of silence me from fpejUring out on Av' nu* and M .tcbell Avenue bc- lAlIXIAM OALZirx 'HMftl rflftaiitf » i mnms JMboo] a library in the Sixth. S- v- nth or the need* of she ward for ail the •w. * n .S'imp^on A\*enue to term - E-ghth Warti,s. mwieMhr rw^o^tiac TIta M«»tawry l*IIA i Issue, Says people, itmMl ai ail by }u*t paving tnu* t23rt:*‘> im prev i .n Cir.:I.n - Av-r.ue at a C.ty Count il Presid. nt J-rom<* 9wmi9 fomAnyam* ta «H achaali tfewMt 9m Ida itwitag my street that was ;n d.re need ' fren- Strie*. p.-dor Avenue to cost cif $3/J00 and a parking kx will Krueg. r said that there w is not OMir op dnr^D^ ib r fwm.t ao r Ib al w m pprmmmiad by IdWtaa F wijwmib be built in W ESizab^xh Avenue at tb«C aCisRN^Atir pcum.-m Uopm %r<e M m CMM m rnrp ..................... .. Mr BaukftlcbS answered th lfrm ;n u s $6 S’lTi Arthur Street and .aiviseii W.'-ig'.-y to appear be­ rharye that he weui a ' dieappi'i.ated Fedor Str-w*.. F*dor Avenue to a cost of J26 iXs> fore the library board if h«* w‘Hntr<i fo r«>r?»>r* (lfec«a ‘Hk# r>4o Al Wrigley Work now underw.iy will be com natMOTk om$ M»r r iM r o o KowM%ry f^lta* Btawvo*r«l A* Jo b e la ffery rrt •ad job seeker", by SeUiAf the frtMip t<*rm.nu5 $6 .V» E-ldy .Avenu* 15th them to con.si.l-r .such a plan. •A»rUKt»Mi of )U«i«W pfPwrwCcd AicmaiKirr I.o K n itan rr rfu.: to showed *tacli of Street to term.nuA, SU.Ohfs, Allen pleted .r.elu Je.i M -K .nl-v Stre»t Wngley also charg*d that a city lNi«^ h r ^ to Mir AUxart’irT G Wr.giey cand.dale itvifmui Ororfa Bm/brndm unsb * t>mmetivr Bdomrd namican sad character in maletAx shM sta te ­ S'r**'t Oner Avenue to TlK>ma.s Pennsylvama Avemie to MiWred firehouse had b<'en used for a cam­ otB ft »e^m« h m * ^ for the Dexrvxratur C^irfcdmamc plupBe mmA Lf«JUd Wtmlm SAmspi CMacrr Al M iaem ao of the Xow ment " good cAisen* of the S‘r* *t <u> be done )o.ntly with F!.z Avenue Wood Place, Union Ave­ paign meetirkg involving his op­ rfmt thttf mtmtd kmommg htH otfU Bom.nation .n the Sixth Ward, to 1^3*4 ftM metimm, obipr* »ad brywad Jenw y 9t»te t^Uew Be4M-o«3>l«'at A*- fcairth ward w#>re deeply concerned aix-^h* Academy Terrace nue to I.atberty Avenue; R*rlnnt ponent. 5keve Morris, tlM* • flMNir lMUNir4 ratal* pti m i» day accused C*ty Attorm-y *Jm ««li of 4 vir PrcMbteai l*wta toala&wm m ttr gmmt wpmktoa De as so why the arard was not repre Orchard Terrace to terminsis. fT.500 Avenue. Raritan Roaii to tcTmirrus. He asked council if it had any ibt* to oamtimao M i« r WiiMtsky of ’tiid.ng behind the cwtdb dhl fwagiij wCMtaw. t«etio» Edw vrd rbMm#hf> rpokr on seidcd on a vital City hoard lUce and Myrt!^ Terrace. Elmwood Ter Bf-nrood Drive Bt-rtant Awnue to knowledge of this and if :*o if it thmt ompUsktm fo m 4artai< organ EATion candidate ’ oi lt««fy tViitaMa fwtaii lha fTOWth af Liadea Polhre A£h the board of hewith fV>T more thnn race to terminus.
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