Friday, March 23, 2001 Webcams are all over Tech Rapper DMX makes the jump TECHNIQUE campus, and they are used from the music world to “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” for a variety of purposes. Hollywood in Exit Wounds. ONLINE http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/technique CAMPUS LIFE page 11 ENTERTAINMENT page 21 Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 • Volume 86, Issue 27 • 36 pages Opinions␣ 8 · Campus␣ Life␣ 11 · Entertainment␣ 19 · Comics␣ 28 · Sports␣ 36 SGA elections Bookstore committee seeks input next week By Tony Kluemper information from students and then Voting for undergraduate Assistant News Editor provide a report to him,” said Steele. and graduate student govern- “This report will deal more on func- ment officers will take place In less than two years the GT tion or purpose of the space and less Monday through Wednes- bookstore will have a new home on the physical layout of the area.” day. Voting begins Monday with the completion of the Fifth From the beginning of the plan- morning at 8:00 a.m. and Street project, thus leaving the space ning process, the members of the ends Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. in the Houston Bookstore Mall open task force have realized that the most Voting will be available at to new ideas and functions for stu- important concept behind making http://elections.gatech.edu. dents. Although the space will not the decision of how to use the old The server will be down each be empty until the Fifth Street project bookstore space should be made night from midnight to 4:00 is completed, the Tech community through student input. “Because it a.m. for routine maintenance. has already begun preparing plans [the decision] is going to affect ev- A list of all USG candidates for the old bookstore once it be- ery students that comes through Tech can be found on page 4. comes vacant. in future years, it is important that In fact, earlier this semester Se- the students opinions are heard and nior Vice President of Administra- their ideas are represented,” said Referendum tion and Finance Bob Thompson President’s Council representative organized the beginning of a task Natasha Goguts. scheduled force to look into the needs and According to task force member Members of the Under- wants of the student body in refer- and Associate Dean of Ivan Allen graduate House passed a res- ence to the space. According to the College Dr. Richard Barke, the main olution that places a task force chairman and director of idea behind the task force is to gath- referendum question on the the Student Center Rich Steele, the er information from the students SGA elections website. The main objective of the task force was and take this information when question concerns the two to perform a needs assessment of making the final proposal. “Our options offered by the Presi- GT students. mission is to gather information dent’s Office. Further details “Bob Thompson asked us [the about the students needs and pref- By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS about the issue and the refer- task force] to consider the overall Adrienne Hairston and Shola Adeniyi shop at the current campus bookstore, endum can be found on page needs of the campus by collecting See Input, page 7 which was recently privatized under a new contract with Barnes and Noble. three in the News Briefs. Week of GTPD arrests Wang elected RHA president Greeks, honor By Tony Kluemper relationship with the residents life is about by meeting people Assistant News Editor overall,” said Wang. “I believe and getting along with people.” Monday marks the start break-in suspect that I can go and make the Hall Spanier hopes to increase the of both Greek Week and Hon- On Wednesday, March 23, Councils better so that residents publicity of RHA on campus. “I or Awareness Week at Tech. By Jody Shaw Information about Greek Managing Editor RHA held officer elections for will enjoy their stay here on cam- plan to increase the PR role dur- next year’s positions at their week- pus to make residents life bet- ing the year to make sure that Week activities can be found in Campus Life, and infor- The recent arrest by the Georgia Tech ly meeting. Former RHA Na- ter.” RHAs name gets out in the Geor- tional Communications Director Wang would like to see his gia Tech community,” said Span- mation about Honor Aware- Police Department (GTPD) ends a month ness Week events can be found long string of illegal entrances into cam- Jason Wang was named presi- term as president lead to a re- ier. dent for next year as he ran un- turn to a more sense of commu- “I want to make sure every- on page three in the News pus buildings and closes the investigation Briefs. into the various break-ins. opposed for the position. nity among Tech residents. “I one knows what RHA is, what “It turned out that it was a familiar Former treasurer Ryan Span- plan to restore RHA to what it we do, and what services we can face—a fellow by the name of Reginald ier was elected vice president, was before the Olympics. With provide for the residents.” Deck opening Rogers who we had arrested back in De- Bela Jacobson was elected trea- the Olympics, they tore down Next year Wang hopes to ac- cember for stealing rolls of toilet paper surer, and Angie Pallen was elect- the Techwood dorms to build complish this restoration of RHA delayed from the Weber building and entering the ed secretary. the Georgia State Village and by sponsoring such events as Success Center,” Jack Vickery, GTPD According to Wang, he ran they built a lot of apartments,” weekly barbecues and other large The North Campus park- Chief, said. for the position of president of said Wang. events on various parts of cam- ing deck, which was sched- Before GTPD actually caught Rogers, RHA in order to build the rela- “In the apartments everyone pus that help to make campus uled to open last week did tionship between the association just sticks to their rooms, they life better for the residents. “I not open. Neither Facilities and the numerous Hall Coun- don’t do anything. My plan is to don’t think the residents are get- nor Parking and Transpor- See Arrest page 5 cils. “The position of RHA pres- get the residents back to enjoy- ting what they pay for at this tation administrators wished ident allows me to build a better ing what campus and residence moment,” said Wang. to comment on the issue. News Feature Grading Our Faculty Guest Speaker Bob Barr Teaching, research affect tenure process By Nasir Barday of Computing, research and teach- innovation of curriculum while be- News Staff ing are important factors in tenure ing a “creator of content that is im- decisions. ”If you’re an awful teach- portant to the institution as well,” The faculty tenure process, which er, you’re not going to get tenure. according to Schwan. heavily impacted undergraduate The same goes for research,” said After becoming “tenured”, a fac- learning, includes components that Schwan. ulty member’s post-tenure perfor- evaluate both teaching and research. A candidate’s service to his or mance in the classroom varies from According to Turgay Uzer, a pro- her respective professional commu- case to case. “The faculty member’s O fessor in the School of Physics, the nity also plays a role in the decision availability in the classroom is af- tenure process at Georgia Tech in- to offer tenure. “If [the faculty mem- fected. They may have a lot of TAs volves evaluation of four areas of ber] is well known in the communi- to help with teaching”, said a pro- performance for each candidate, ty, they’re adding to Georgia Tech’s fessor who wished to remain anon- including research, service to the prestige,” said Schwan. “That’s not ymous. But he does not believe that industry, ability to attract funding, as important,” added Schwan ad- tenure adversely affects the perfor- and teaching. “At the time of ten- mittedly. mance of faculty once tenure is ure, the person has to be an all- According to Schwan, “teach- reached. “I think if they’re good, By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS rounder,” said Uzer. ing performance is quite important”. they’re still good,” he continued. U.S. Representative Bob Barr spoke on campus Monday about the In fact, according to Carston Another factor that affects the over- current political climate in Washington and his current legislation. Schwan, a Professor in the College all evaluation of teaching includes See Tenure, page 6 2 • Friday, March 23, 2001 • Technique NEWS Renovations Brittain’s New Look LCC creates digital media track By Jennifer LaHatte fall semester. the new track are still required to News Staff “Ultimately it was passed by the take six hours of history oriented STaC Steering Committee and by courses in the department, but will Upon approval from the Un- our undergraduate committee unani- increase their required hours of me- dergraduate Curriculum Commit- mously,” said Professor Alan Rauch, dia related courses (34XX, 44XX) tee and the Academic Senate this an elected member of the Steering from nine to 12 hours. Additional- week, the school of Literature, Cul- Committee. ly, the STaC issues course require- ture, and Communication (LCC) Essentially the resources and the ment will remain at nine hours, but will be opening up a new path of classes already exist for a media studies two of these courses will be speci- study for its undergraduate Science, focus, as almost all of the full pro- fied as LCC 3414 Technologies of Technology, and Culture (STaC) fessors in the LCC department reg- Representation and LCC 3352 Film program.
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