Approval of Accounts Payable Bills

Approval of Accounts Payable Bills

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Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Invoice Amount Account Amount June18­0247 5550­0800­0024­0247 GBS Applied Tech 06/21/2018 4,811.99 10 E 300 1130 4200 30 001057 1,883.42 Glenbrook South High School / STEM 10 E 300 1400 3230 30 001405 162.18 Glenbrook South High School / Technical Education 10 E 300 1400 4100 30 001405 32.99 Glenbrook South High School / Technical Education 10 E 300 1400 4100 30 001415 298.10 Glenbrook South High School / Business Education 10 E 300 1400 4200 30 001405 1,487.17 Glenbrook South High School / Technical Education 10 E 300 1400 4300 30 001415 26.00 Glenbrook South High School / Business Education 10 E 300 1400 7400 30 001405 847.13 Glenbrook South High School / Technical Education 10 E 300 1520 3340 30 005800 56.25 Glenbrook South High School / Extra/Co­Curricular Activities 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830164 18.75 Student Based Activity / Business Professionals Of Account Amer 1 of 224 7/25/2018 5:51:00 PM AP Check Register AP Run: AP­V­06/22/2018 ­—­ Post Date: 2018­06­22 — AP Run Type: R Glenbrook High School District 225 Check Date Check Number Payment Type Name Check Amount 06/22/2018 100759 Check Bmo Harris Bank 229,005.67 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Invoice Amount Account Amount June18­0288 5550­0800­0024­0288 GBS Dean's Office 06/21/2018 1,537.70 10 E 300 2111 4100 30 002110 1,259.70 Glenbrook South High School / Dean's Office 10 E 300 2111 4900 30 002110 278.00 Glenbrook South High School / Dean's Office June18­0304 5550­0800­0024­0304 GBS English Department 06/21/2018 1,485.74 10 E 100 2640 2405 10 002645 153.54 Administraton / Employee Benefits 10 E 300 1130 3320 30 001020 580.00 Glenbrook South High School / English 10 E 300 1130 4100 30 001020 176.85 Glenbrook South High School / English 10 E 300 1130 4300 30 001020 190.65 Glenbrook South High School / English 10 E 300 1130 4900 30 001020 303.07 Glenbrook South High School / English 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830170 81.63 Student Based Activity / Calliope Account 2 of 224 7/25/2018 5:51:00 PM AP Check Register AP Run: AP­V­06/22/2018 ­—­ Post Date: 2018­06­22 — AP Run Type: R Glenbrook High School District 225 Check Date Check Number Payment Type Name Check Amount 06/22/2018 100759 Check Bmo Harris Bank 229,005.67 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Invoice Amount Account Amount June18­0312 5550­0800­0024­0312 GBS World Language 06/21/2018 1,317.17 10 E 100 2640 2405 10 002645 92.18 Administraton / Employee Benefits 10 E 300 1130 4100 30 001030 867.45 Glenbrook South High School / World Language 10 L 300 4850 0000 00 000000 72.00 Glenbrook South High School / Undefined 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830920 8.95 Student Based Activity / Japanese Grant Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830925 276.59 Student Based Activity / Spanish Exchange Account June18­0379 5550­0800­0024­0379 GBS Mathematics Dept 06/21/2018 388.43 10 E 100 2640 2405 10 002645 51.18 Administraton / Employee Benefits 10 E 300 1130 4100 30 001040 237.43 Glenbrook South High School / Mathematics 10 E 300 1130 4900 30 001040 99.82 Glenbrook South High School / Mathematics 3 of 224 7/25/2018 5:51:00 PM AP Check Register AP Run: AP­V­06/22/2018 ­—­ Post Date: 2018­06­22 — AP Run Type: R Glenbrook High School District 225 Check Date Check Number Payment Type Name Check Amount 06/22/2018 100759 Check Bmo Harris Bank 229,005.67 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Invoice Amount Account Amount June18­0411 5550­0800­0024­0411 GBS Social Studies 06/21/2018 5,281.10 10 E 100 2640 2405 10 002645 51.18 Administraton / Employee Benefits 10 E 300 1130 3120 30 001060 350.43 Glenbrook South High School / Social Studies 10 E 300 1130 4100 30 001060 1,332.00 Glenbrook South High School / Social Studies 10 E 300 1130 4200 30 001060 133.96 Glenbrook South High School / Social Studies 10 E 300 1130 6400 30 001060 99.00 Glenbrook South High School / Social Studies 10 L 300 4850 0000 00 000000 3,314.53 Glenbrook South High School / Undefined June18­0445 5550­0800­0024­0445 GBS Oracle 06/21/2018 1,930.43 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830380 230.00 Student Based Activity / Etruscan­yearbook Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830790 1,700.43 Student Based Activity / Oracle­newspaper Account 4 of 224 7/25/2018 5:51:00 PM AP Check Register AP Run: AP­V­06/22/2018 ­—­ Post Date: 2018­06­22 — AP Run Type: R Glenbrook High School District 225 Check Date Check Number Payment Type Name Check Amount 06/22/2018 100759 Check Bmo Harris Bank 229,005.67 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Invoice Amount Account Amount June18­0766 5550­0800­0165­0766 GBS Student Activity 2 06/21/2018 8,604.29 10 E 300 1520 4300 30 005835 98.86 Glenbrook South High School / Forensics 10 E 300 1530 4100 30 005805 157.18 Glenbrook South High School / Auditorium 10 E 300 2410 4121 30 002410 209.69 Glenbrook South High School / Principal's Office 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830083 157.78 Student Based Activity / Anime Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830110 398.69 Student Based Activity / GBS Bass Fishing Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830260 195.98 Student Based Activity / Concessions Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830380 52.50 Student Based Activity / Etruscan­yearbook Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830465 63.47 Student Based Activity / Girls' Letter Club Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830525 56.86 Student Based Activity / Cure Club Account 5 of 224 7/25/2018 5:51:00 PM AP Check Register AP Run: AP­V­06/22/2018 ­—­ Post Date: 2018­06­22 — AP Run Type: R Glenbrook High School District 225 Check Date Check Number Payment Type Name Check Amount 06/22/2018 100759 Check Bmo Harris Bank 229,005.67 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Invoice Amount Account Amount 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830572 380.68 Student Based Activity / Interact Club Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830621 868.93 Student Based Activity / Lacrosse­girls Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830805 281.75 Student Based Activity / GBS Paranormal Club Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830901 1,105.24 Student Based Activity / Soccer­girls Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830990 607.03 Student Based Activity / Student Council Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 830992 895.62 Student Based Activity / Student To Student Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 831220 2,213.78 Student Based Activity / Titan Poms Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 831334 516.79 Student Based Activity / Wgbk Radio Account 99 L 990 1529 0000 30 832019 343.46 Student Based Activity / Class of 2019 Account 6 of 224 7/25/2018 5:51:00 PM AP Check Register AP Run: AP­V­06/22/2018 ­—­ Post Date: 2018­06­22 — AP Run Type: R Glenbrook High School District 225 Check Date Check Number Payment Type Name Check Amount 06/22/2018 100759 Check Bmo Harris Bank 229,005.67 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Invoice Amount Account Amount June18­0976 5569­0700­0070­0976 GBN Athletics 3 06/21/2018 3,536.34

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