WAverly 3-9207-8 $ hr HillsideBCRttOC DISTRICT $ime$ OF HILLSIDE XXXI— No. 1589 VOL HILLSIDE, N; J., THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955 PRICE 8 CENTS To Provide Control Convention Here Seniors Win Scholarship Awards Pastor-Elect Of KM 2.9th Division Cliurcli Ordained 0 Refrigeration I The- annual convention and re ~ Ordination of Rev. Ronald Eu- Little League unioi? of .the 29 th pivlsion Associa eene Ossmann,. pastor-elsct at the iuu„ .... complaints' from* _ Lion.' Department of- New Jersej Hillside Presbyterian Chliroh, took 0f the Monroe Gardens I censes for outdoor food vending ma­--w ill-b^h^at“ liie-War-Veteran place Tueaday -night-at tlje-Pirzt. vt^s on Schley street; the ‘ I Memorial'. ‘.Liberty avenue a 1 ( Presbyterian Church of Irvington. ^HeaTth-Xui^day-nlght_ln- chines. Those, heretofore issued are hefajhfevofeed-undor the new tuwfl. Memorial drive. Sunday start! _ At Rev. Or; James K. Morse, pastor on >_ first reading an ship ordinance, Several operators 2 pan. of l he Fegsmith "Memoi'laI Churclr L>nt to the Sanitary Code Will Parade of fnffl vending machines are con­ •Bleotlon.pf bfflcera will take place of Belleville, as moderator of New­ ’g refrigeration where the ark Presbytery, asked the constitu^ testing the ordinance in the courts. and they will, be installed by Wlf- agrees to supply It for tional questions and conducted the : The Hillside Little League ; Health Officer Samuel M. Jowltt liam E. Guthrie of Hackensack; na- informed the hoard- that- the polio will hold its annual pre-season, Gardens tenants had pre­ tionul commander.— inoculfgdon program has been in­ -T h roh a rge to the newly ordained Memorial Day parade Saturday morning, May. informed 1 the hoard that , William J. Taaffe of Newark, de­ definitely postponed. He Said it was' partment commander, has .named minister was given by Rev. Mickael 14, with sports notables p td ors -which- broke down Klinoff. pastor of, the host churoh his opinion it may hot take place Pfc. A1 Kelmig, Jr. Post 38 of Eliza­ prominent local figures partici­ l promptly repaired, oaus- until the fall. via which -Rev. Mr. Ossmann was, Staff Chosen tp spoil, The ordinance're* beth host, for the occasion. Col. Ar­ active in the past. pating. Vincent Ensign, of 2 Hidgway av­ thur S. Bell, warden of the Union mdlords in such cases to Invocation was given by Rev. Dr. enue. was appointed journeyman County jail, and Walter Howell of Promptly at 9:30 a.m. the parade refrigerators in repair 30 member of the Plumbers Kxamin- Frederick Jenkins of Forest Hill will start from the assembly area 5-degree maximum interior Hillside are eo-chairmen. Guthrie Presbyterian Church, Newark, who lng Board. was, appointed treasury and Poster of the George Washington School ure WIlThe maintained at also read the'"Scripture. Prayer was grounds at Winans avenue and Les­ s. The -penalties .p#oWded| S.« Bussinger, -Elizabeth Post com­ offered By'RW. Jbhft E. Slater, Sr., mander, secretary. lie street’ It will proceed on Winans ianitary Code apply: Hear- professor oi religion at Bloomlleld avenue to Liberty avenue, to the ic ordinance takes place on N Y U Students W ill ■The ladles auxiliary o f-th e de­ MARVIN LEE MANHEIM LEE DRESDEN GOLDBERG College. partment will mast at the same field opposite the high school, June 14: ' - ' Rev. Mr. fCUnoff preaehed the where each of the teams will play Visit Schacht Plant time and place. Marvin Lee Manheim, 17, High ster avenue. He hopes to enter Har­ representatives of the Me- sermon preceding ordination. Bene­ three inrtlngs o f exhibition ball. n Health District Of New Thirty NYU juniors tn civil en­ School, senior and member of the vard University in the ■ fall to study diction was kiven by Rev. Mr. Oss­ Sports, Other Notables medicine, inferred- with the board pn| gineering ere J8(mUng to visit the local chapter of the National H onor mann. In the line of march will be Phil At the high school,. Lee is treas­ er facilities for the board's Schacht Steel Construction, Inc. Peterpaul Named Society, has won an honorary schol­ A large delegation of members of Rizzuto of the New York Yankees 1 the new municipal Mild* I Plant in Hillside, Friday afternoon, urer of the Hillside Chapter' of the the Hillside Church attended the and Jim Woods, Yankee TV and ra­ arship in a national scholarship National Forensic League, a mem­ representatives were Mrs. May J:3-._The tripj*asj>een arranged service to witness the ordination of dio announcer; Mayor Henry Gold­ ber oLJha. Senior Council, a vice Kennedy, chief . public by New York University in associa­ Recreation Head competition- -held -by-the National their pastor-elect who. will be In­ hor and members of the Township president of the National Honor urse of the district; Miss tion' with . the American- Institute Association o f _ Secondary-School stalled In H illside'on June 1. Re­ Committee; members of the Board Society a member of the Advanced [ray, maternal health con- of Steel Oonstructioti. *-—- Principals, Washington, d . c ., it freshments were served . at the of Education,'school principals and Science Club, and ^as an assembly and Mrs. Verna Hanteoh, Lawrenoe Sohacht president, will was announced today by. Ruhl L. church following the service.' Rev; presidents of the eight sponsoring standard -bearer. Lee also, had an ?alth nurse supervisor, lead the students' through the j ■fi­ Custer, principal. This scholarship Mr. Ossmann will now be released groups, Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions shed til Es jommendation of Assistant acre plant and Instruct them In was won in a competition- o f , 9,QC5 by the Newark Presbytciy to the Clubs, Hillside Industrial Associa­ Emanuel Gersten, the working methods and machinery selected highranking students.-all Elizabeth Presbytery which will be tion, War Memorial Association, senior members of the National the first scholastically .in h is ‘ class. responsible for his installation in freed not -dso-issue new 11-1 used, Thg fund is provid e hy %WTK: Hillside Lodge 1514, B’nai B’rith; Hillside. m. Rev. Thomas F. Canty Council 3197, throughout the nation. G. Balfour Company, Attleboro, Rev; Mr. Ossmann, who has been Knights of Columbus and Food Fair The scholarship winner is the Mass., “and the Jos ten Company, supplying the Hillside church since Stores. A number of the sponsors son of Mr. and Mrs. Isidore M an- Owatonna, Minnesota, as a public he was called to its: vacant pastor­ will have floats in the parade. service to talented youth, and Is ad- WALTER IIOWELL helHLr-70 K ing-street.-He.. plans to ate, la completing studies at Prince­ Marchers will, also include mem- enter M.I.T. In September to study ministeredhythe scholarship-board ton Theological Seminary where he Joseph- pill, Sr., grand marshall bers of the Little League teams in t IfKIention *3t engineering. ... - of the National Association of will receive the degree of bachelor uniform, f members of the minor for Hillside’s Memorial Pay parade, At Hillside High Sch ool^ a n h eim Secondary-School Principals. o f' SIvffiWF oiT June 8.' league teams in T-shirts and caps, Visions Of Boston Tea Party was student council representative, today announced, the names of Police and Firemen, Am bulance' yearbook business manager and a those who .will serve as members of Squad, Civil Defense units and Oppose Fees For Gift Pool member of the senior class cabinet, his staff. league officials. Motion pictures, He was active in the Thespian S o ­ Harry C. Meltzer Funeral Sunday Walter Howell, of Hurden-Looker will be taken. For The Record— It’s True ciety; exchange assembly play, and League officials this week ex­ Post 50| American Legion,, will be The secretary of the Board of Assessors, Sidney Englander, in­ track team. He was standard bearer pressed appreciation to the public, Oommunity Centers of Essex Coun­ Chief of Staff; Albert Marks, of formed the Township Committee last week that about a half dozen and host, to delegate to . the Heraljd for contributing $463.24 in the fund Davenport-Pill Post 1722, V.F.W., owners of commercial property here refused to permit the board’s Tribune Youth Forum, and. had an ty and member of the state camp drive conducted Saturday. essay published by the National Es­ adjutant; Frank Brice, of Charles special appraiser to enter their premises for purposes of the tax committee of the State Federation Wernicke, Jr. Chapter 55, D.A.V., revaluation program. The owners have bf en requested to ^appear be­ say Association. He ranks among the of Jewish Ys. He served as chair­ first scholastically in a graduating quartermaster, and Joseph Madalo, fore the committee May T7 to explain their behavior. - man of the United Jewish Appeal of the V.F.W., aide-de-camp. 3-Family Buildings Somehow this little item conjures up ylsions that go way back class of 199 students. DOMINICK PETERPAUL several times. to early American history when the tea was dumped into Boston . Lee Dresden" Goldberg, 17, also, harbor. There is, of course^ no question of “taxation without represen­ Hillside's Board of Recreation a senior and a member of the Ma- ember of Tri Get Zone Approval tation “and no hint, so far . as we know, about “tyranny” . But it will' Commissioners, organized last Wed­ tiOflal Honor Society, has- won a Lodge 112, F. & A. M. Liberty Ave. Group certainly beinteresting to_hear-what these --propert-y-ow-ner-s -have-to nesday niaht id-the Mayfair Thea- certificate of merit in the same Meltzer leaves his wife, Mrs. Application for the construction say.
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