INDEX Abbesses cinema, 140 Allö, Janine (Hallo, Janine!; 1939), 99 Abel, Richard, 3, 41 À l’Ouest rien de nouveau (All Quiet on the Action Christine cinema, 154 Western Front; 1930), 9–10, 67, 87, 90; Action Écoles cinema, 154 multiple versions of, 25–26; in po liti cal L’Action française, 79–80, 88 clubs, 44, 89 Actualités mondiales, 111 Alsace- Lorraine, 150–51 Adorno, Gretel, 16–17 Altenloh, Emilie, 5 Adorno, Theodor, 16 Un américain pur sang (Joe Smith, L’Affaire Dreyfus (1931 play), 90–91, 96 American; 1942), 127 L’Afrique du Nord (newspaper), Âmes à la mer (Souls at Sea; 1937), 129 107–8 L’Amour et la veine (Love and Vein; L’Â g e d ’o r (1930), 76, 80–81, 84–86, 1932), 31 88–89 Andrews, Dana, 131 Agen, France, 45, 53 Andréyor, Yvette, 71 Agriculteurs cinema, 134 Ange (Angel; 1937), 17 Les Ailes brisées (Broken Wings; L’Ange bleu (The Blue Angel; 1930), 21, 23, 1933), 35 28, 36, 39, 66, 70, 73; in Algiers, 67, 71; Les Ailes du serf (The Wings of a Serf; 1926), multiple versions of, 67 51 Angelo, Jean, 9 Air France, 145 Annabella, 112 Albers, Hans, 104, 134 Anna Christie (1930), 71, 109 Alésia- Palace cinema, 130 Annuaire général des lettres (General Alexandre Nevski (1938), 142 Directory of Letters), 44, 54, 61 Alex Nalpas film studio, 64 Anton, Karl, 80–81 Alfa, Michèle, 118 Apollo cinema (Nantes), 18 Algiers, Algeria: and L’Ange bleu, 67; Apollo cinema (Paris), 27 Bijou cinema, 127; Cameo cinema, L’Arc- en- Ciel (The Rainbow; 1944), 126; Maurice Chevalier, 72–73, 75; 129 Cinéma- Royal (Hussein- Dey), 18; film Archives de la presse (magazine store), 2, journalism, 61, 107–8; and King Kong, 8, 138 36; Majestic cinema, 64, 72; Mondial Arlen, Richard, 10 cinema, 126; Régent cinema, 69; Royal Arletty, 99, 118–19 cinema, 126; sound films in, 68–69; Arrowsmith (1931), 33 Splendid cinema, 64, 69, 71 Artistic cinema, 139 Allégret, Marc, 140 L’Association Médicale (journal), 73 Downloaded from by guest on 24 September 2021 Astor, Junie, 110, 112–13, 118, 125 La Belle Ténébreuse (The Mysterious Lady; L’Atalante (1934), 156 1928), 24, 71 Atlantis (1930), 86 Belle ville cinema, 131 Aubert- Palace cinema, 13, 66, 86–91, Bellevilloise cinema, 25, 94 98, 125 Benjamin, Walter, 7, 15–17 Au bout du monde (At the End of the World; Benoît- Lévy, Jean, 35 1947), 117 Berger, Ludwig, 64 L’Aurore (Sunrise; 1927), 56 Bergman, Ingrid, 147 Autant- Lara, Claude, 142 Berneau, Jeanne, 6 Les Aventures fantastiques du baron Berneau, Pierre, 6 Münchausen (The Adventures of Baron Bertin- Maghit, Jean- Pierre, 118 Munchhausen; 1943), 104, 106, 115–16, Bessy, Maurice, 45 120, 122 La Bête humaine (The Human Beast; 1938), Ave nue cinema, 125, 133 135 Biarritz cinema, 102, 115, 128–29, Bailby, Léon, 8–9 131, 138 Le Baiser (The Kiss; 1929), 25 Bibliothèque nationale de France Baker, Josephine, 141 (National Library of France), 2, 42 Bal des sirènes (Bathing Beauty; The Big Broadcast of 1938 (1938), 17 1944), 15 Blanchar, Pierre, 136 Bal masqué (Masquerade Ball; Blier, Bernard, 58 1940), 99 block booking, 11–12 Balzac cinema, 155 Blonde Venus (1932), 70 La Bandera (released in U.S. as Escape Blum, Léon, 89, 92, 144 from Yesterday; 1935), 56 Blum- Byrnes agreements, 144–45 Baquet, Maurice, 118 Bogart, Humphrey, 134 Baranger, Henri, 65 Le Bonheur (Happiness; 1935), 103 Barbellion, Paul, 127 Bordeaux, 7 Barrymore, Lionel, 26 Borotra, Jean, 70 Les Bas- fonds (The Lower Depths; Bosquets cinema, 35 1936), 135 Bosséno, Christian- Marc, 4 Bataille, Sylvia, 110 Le Bossu (The Hunchback; 1944), 129 La Bataille (The Battle; 1933/1934), 92, Boulevardia cinema, 23, 50 95–97 Bourges, 143 La Bataille du rail (The Battle of the Rails; Boyer, Charles, 35, 63–64, 92, 96, 103 1946), 143 Brasseur, Pierre, 141 Baur, Harry, 103, 150 Braunberger film studio, 44 Bazin, André, 42, 44, 128 Brent, Evelyn, 57 Bécassine (1940), 110 Bresson, Robert, 127, 132 Becker, Jacques, 122, 129 Breton, Maddy, 118 La Belle équipe (They Were Five; 1936), 110, Bridget Jones’s Baby (2016), 156 140, 142 Broadway cinema, 139 La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast; Brown, Clarence, 71 1946), 140 Brussels, Belgium, 10 190 INDEX Downloaded from by guest on 24 September 2021 Buchanan, Jack, 152 La Chanson de Paris (Innocents of Paris; Buñuel, Luis, 80, 141 1929), 68–70, 72 Bussières, Raymond, 118 Le Chant de bandit (The Rogue Song; Byrnes, James F., 144 1930), 26 Le Chanteur de jazz (The Jazz Singer; Le Cabaret du grand large (1946), 136 1927), 23, 69–70 Ça c’est Paris (Mis tin guett revue), 72 Le Chanteur inconnu (The Unknown Le Café du port (The Port Café; 1940), 101 Singer; 1931), 8 La Cage aux rossignols (A Cage of Un chapeau de paille d’Italie (The Italian Nightingales; 1945), 131 Straw Hat; 1928), 36, 48 Cagney, James, 33 Chaplain, Renaud, 6 Cahiers du cinéma (magazine), 145 Chaplin, Charlie, 8, 25, 49–50, 66, 133, 143 Cambronne cinema, 85 Charney, Leo, 39 Caméo- Aubert cinema, 9–10, 104, 129 La Charrette fantôme (The Ghost Cart; Camus, Albert, 117 1921), 49 Cannes Film Festival, 129, 145 Chaumont, Magdeleine, 56 Cantique d’amour (Song of Songs; Cherbourg, 39 1933), 71 Chercheurs d’or (Go West; 1940), 139 Cantor, Eddie, 21, 33, 66 Chevalier, Maurice, 26, 76–77, 134, 152; in Capitole cinema, 132 Algiers, 72, 75; as international star, 5, 18, Capra, Frank, 8, 21, 33, 35, 127, 138, 143 60–61, 63–66, 74, 119; and “Frenchness,” Cardinet cinema, 135 71–72; signifying French cinema, Carerefour (newspaper), 127 145–46; voice of, 68–70; during World Carné, Marcel, 56, 131, 135, 140–41, 143 War II, 75, 104, 111 Un carnet de bal (Life Dances On; 1937), 110 La Chevauchée fantastique (Stagecoach; Carpentier, Georges, 113 1939), 141 Carroll, Madeleine, 10 Chez les mangeurs d’hommes (Land of the Carteret, Jean, 50 Man- Eaters; 1928), 81 Casablanca (1942), 148 Chiappe, Jean, 81, 89, 91–92 Casino de Grenelle cinema, 36 Un chien andalou (An Andalusian Dog; Casino de Paris, 111 1929), 64 Cavalcanti, Alberto, 85 Le Chien des Baskerville (The Hound of Cayatte, André, 140 Baskervilles; 1929), 81 Centre Georges Pompidou, 152, 156 La Chienne (The Bitch; 1931), 8, 39, 54 Centre national de la cinématographie Chomette, Henri, 8, 53 (cnc), 11, 149, 151–52 Choux, Jean, 101 Une certaine femme (That Cetain Christian- Jaque, 103 Woman; 1937), 48 Christians, Mady, 9 César (1936), 104, 140 Christie, Agatha, 104 Ce soir (newspaper), 127 Cinéa (magazine), 54, 60–61, 64, 70, C’est arrivé demain (It Happened 72–73, 77 Tomorrow; 1944), 134 Cinéac cinema, 35, 103 Cette sacrée vérité (The Awful Truth; Ciné- Batignolles cinema, 125 1937), 17 Ciné- Bellevue cinema, 101 INDEX 191 Downloaded from by guest on 24 September 2021 Ciné- Club, 141, 144 Ciné Miroir (magazine), 8 ciné- clubs, 19, 128; Amis de Spartacus, 42, Ciné- Mondial (club), 58, 102, 104, 109, 45, 51, 57; bureaucracy, 44–45, 52–53, 111–13, 115, 117–18 141; But ciné- club, 44; Cendrillon, Ciné- Opéra cinema, 17, 103, 128, 139 42, 45–46; Cercle du cinema, 42, 46, Ciné Pour Tous (magazine), 8 48–50, 52; Cercle cinémanie, 142; Ciné- Ciné Revue (magazine), 8 Art, 141; Ciné- Club, 141; ciné- club Air Cinévie (magazine), 130, 132, 134–36, France, 145; Ciné- Club de l’APA, 143; 138, 140 Ciné- Club de la chamber noire, 143; Cinq minutes de cinema pur (Five Minutes Ciné- Club de Chartres, 142; Ciné- Club of Pure Cinema; 1925), 53 46, 143; Ciné- Club D.W. Griffith, 143; Circonstances atténuantes (Attenuating Ciné- Club de France, 41; Ciné- Club Circumstances; 1939), 110 de la Femme, 41, 46, 48–49, 56–57; Citizen Kane (1941), 139 Ciné- Club Jean Vigo, 144; Ciné- Club Clair, René, 9, 36, 67, 81, 129, 145, 152; and Mercredi, 48, 56; Ciné- Club du 11ème, ciné- clubs, 44, 48–49, 141, 143; return 143; Ciné- Club de Paris, 141; Ciné- Club to France, 134–35 de Phare Tournant, 46; Ciné- Club Clément, René, 140, 143 Renault, 141, 143; Ciné- Club du 13ème, Clichy cinema, 13–14 143; Ciné- Club universitaire, 141, 143; Clouzot, Henri- Georges, 141 Ciné- Club Vendredi, 143; Ciné- Club Club cinema, 140 voluntaire, 143; Ciné liberté, 141; Club des Vedettes cinema, 125 Cinéregardo, 44; Cinéum, 143; Le Club Club du Faubourg, 44, 89 32, 52; Club- Boulogne- Billancourt, 141; Cluny Palace cinema, 154 Club cinégraphique, 52; Club Jeanson Cocoanuts (1929), 66 de Sailly, 141; Club Poissy, 141; Congrès Cocorico cinema, 103 des ciné- clubs, 44–45, 53; Des Amis de Cocteau, Jean, 58, 140 Pour Vous, 45–46, 57; throughout Le Coeur magnifique (The Magnificent Eu rope, 142; elsewhere in France, Heart; 1921), 53 142–43; Fédération française des Coeurs brûlés (Morocco; 1930), 33, 70, 73 Ciné- Clubs, 44, 53, 141–42, 144–45; Le Coffret de laque (The Lacquered Box; Fédération nord- africaine des ciné- clubs, 1932), 104 142; Moulin à Images, 141; suburban Cohl, Émile, 50 Paris, 142; La Tribune Libre du Cinéma, Colbert, Claudette, 26 45–46, 48, 50; World War II, 57–59, 127 Colette, 23 Ciné Combat (magazine), 8 Le Collier de la reine (The Queen’s Necklace; Ciné- Comoedia (journal), 85 1929), 78 Cinécran cinema, 134 Columbia Pictures, 101 Ciné France (journal), 8, 125–26 Combat (newspaper), 82, 127 Cinéma des Champs- Élysées, 26, 28, Comité de la liberation de cinema français 104, 128, 154; during World War II, (clcf), 122–23, 125 108–10, 116 Comité d’organisation des industries Ciné Magazine, 8 cinématographique (coic), 102, 117, Cinéma- Royal (Hussein- Dey, Algeria), 18 119, 149 Cinémathèque
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