* 10 CENTS 10 CENTS PER COPY PER--COPY IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMlllllll'IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlii ,%NI) TH E N E PT U N E TIM ES Vol. XC11I, No. 9 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1968 T E N CENTS Named Manager Twp. Voters Reject Area N. J. Bell Salutes Safe Driving Employees Sunday Preachers i Reeled Director Budget, 3-1 For Auditorium Board Must Meet Soon Are Announced With Township Officials * -------- Services This Summer NEPTUNE TWP. — Voters re­ Will Open on June 9 jected the school budget for the And Close September 8 second tim e by a three to one margin, Tuesday night, necessi­ tating the board meeting with OCEAN G.ROVE — Minis­ ters from 10 states, the Dis­ township officials as soon as pos­ sible. trict of Columbia and one for­ eign country are scheduled to A tabulation of the vote is to be found on, P age 8. preach sit the Ocean • Grove ‘ * - Auditorium during the-.season, of 19(58. - " • '• States represented - on .the Fishing Season program are Pennsylvania, New Jersey,' Delaware, New For Striped Bass York, Indiana, Kansas, Mis­ souri, Kentucky, North Caro­ ERIC C. BERTELSEN. of 209 Perrine Avenue, Elbcr- WILLIAM A. HAASE, of TRENTON — Striped bass fish­ lina, arid Tennessee. • Coming West Hill, Rotterdam, N. Y., • on, has been elected as the and summer resident of ing in New Jersey re-opens to­ from overseas will be Dr. A. only new director of the Ocean Grove, has been ap­ -day (Friday), according to Com­ Stanley Ley land, of London, board of the First Merchants pointed manager of market­ missioner Robert A. Hoc of . the who will be one of the “team” National Rank, Asbury- Park. ing communications for the State Department of Conserva­ of campmeeting preachers Mr. Bcrtelsen is a senior vice General Electric Company’s Aug. 25 through Sept. 1. This president of First Merchants large generator and motor tion and Economic Development. and was elccted to succeed department.' Haase will be Due to cold weather conditions, will be Ocean Grove’s 99th an­ Frank F. Allen, who retired "^sponsible for planning, action this weekend may be lim­ niversary-season.. v from active board service scheduling, coordinating and ited, as stripers do - not becomo . Program details were an­ last year and now serves as an honorary director. At the implementing all marketing active until water, temperatures nounced by Dr. Harold D. Flood communications programs of Reading, Pa., program vice meeting Tuesday in the for the department and: the rise above 40, degrees. Legal bank’s new second floor . new medium AC motor de­ mathods for catching stripers president of the Ocean Grove board room, President John partment. Haa.se is presi­ within the three mile limit are Camp Meeting Association. The G. Hewitt reported on the dent of the Schenectady Area angling with hook and line and 99th season will open on Sunday, bank’s activities, stating the Council of Churches and eld­ goggle fishing; An 18-inch size June 9, with sermons by Dr. net earnings .after taxes er and deacon of the!Union minimum and 10 fish creel limit Newton H. Fritchley, pastor of reached an all-time high of Presbyterian Church. He is $998,486 and deposits • sur­ on the Board of Directors of prevail iri all State waters ex-, Allison Methodist Church, Car­ lisle, Pa., and Dr. William F; B. passed the S100 million mark Carver, Community Center, cept. Delaware River and Bay. for the first time. Other di­ and recipient of the 1964 and In the Bay, the size is 10 inches, Rodda, pastor of Morrow Me­ rectors elccted were: J. Wol­ 1965 Schenectady Jaycees and in the Delaware River be­ morial Church, Maplewood, N: J. cott Brown, Thomas r. Dor- distinguished service award. cmus, C. Donald English, He is a member of the Ex­ tween N. J. and Pa., a 12-inch, Dr. Flood gave the program details as follows: • James Forsyth, Lester H. ecutive Board of tlie Sche­ size prevails as minimum. THE GUEST SPEAKER at the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company’s Asbury Park District Safe Driving Grubman, Amory L. Haskell, nectady Boy Scout Council, June 9 — A.M., Dr. Newton II. Jr., John G. Hewitt, Solomon its public relations chairman, Award meeting at the Spring Lake Playhouse is (left) H. W. “Jim” Evans, Public Relations Represent­ Fritchley, pastor, Allison Meth­ ative, Continental Trailways. Welcoming Mr. Evans is District Plant. Manager Albert F. Schneider,. 115 Lautman, A. Elmer Massey, ' ifejghborliood commissioner, Rev. McClelland odist Church, Carlisle, Pa.; P.M., Jr., M. B. McDavitt, William and member, of the Mohawk Green Grove Road, Neptune. Evans spoke to 231 Telephone employees with an accumulate of 3,989 years Dr. William F.'B. Rodda, pastor H. McElwain, Kenneth H. Valley Scout Chapter on ue of safe driving, .y of Morrow. Memorial Methodist McQueen, James S. Parkes, . Stamp International. Haase Church, Maplewood, N. J. June 16 — A.M., Dr. James I. Dr. Eugene S. Rockafeller, is listed in the 1967 ed ition ' David W. Russell, E. Donald of “Outstanding Young Men OCEAN GROVE — The Rev. McCord, president, Princeton Sterner and Harry C. F. of America.” His parents, Wiiliam R. McClelland, pastor Theological Seminary, Prince­ Worden. List Textbooks March of Dimes ton, N. J.; P. M., Rev. Barber L. Mr.' and Mrs. William C. of St. Paul’s Church, was one of Haa.se, are summer residents Howell Works At Waters, pastor of Memorial of Ocean Grove at 8 Heck four “distinguished- friends of Methodist Church, White Plains, Avenue, - Haase, a member Boy’s Camp” who was given spe­ arten 1 Allaire Re*Opffens Goal Nears $1,000 N. Y. .. .. Library Staff ' of the Ocean Grove Audito­ cial: June 23 — A.M., Dr. Ralph W. rium Ushers Association for service at the Fourth Annual Residents and business estab­ Sockman, minister - emeritus, :• WALL TWP. — Historic Church Church - Methodist, New Is Kept Busy over 15 years, is m arried to lishments of Ocean Grove have the former Ruth Goewey, Boy’s Camp Banquet at the First Howell Works ' operated by York City; P.M., Dr. J. Ernest again maintained their record of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Methodist Church in Haddon NEPTUNE TWP. — A “Com­ the D eserted V illage at Air Somerville, pastor, First Presby­ NEPTUNE — Term papers! Contributions to a worthy cause terian Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Galen T. Goewey, 52 Webb Heights last Friday.: ’ ■ ; pilation of Textbooks” has been lairej Inc., in Allaire . State Reports! -Pictures and maps: Avenue, Ocean Grove. The —the March of Dimes Fund June 30 — A.M., Rev. Floyd H. Rev. McClelland was. presented prepared, in the Neptune .Town­ Park, Route: 524, w ill reopen plus more reading by more bor­ couple, with. their two cliil- :■ Drive for 1,968, Only $68.17 is Mitchell, pastor, Church of the with a plaque inscribed “It is ship Public School System.; -The for its 12th season tomorrow Brethren, Martinsburg, Pa.; rowers! These have kept the dren, Paul and Diane, reside needed to be contributed by resi­ at 519 Terrace Road, W est Better to Build Boys Than to •compilation, in a booklet form, (Saturday) March 2. P.M., Dr. Nevin H. Zuck, pastor, staff at the public library on Mend Men”, honoring him for is intended to give a complete dents to meet the set.goal for Church of the Brethren, Eliza­ their toes recently, according' to Hill. ' H owell Works, restored in­ having served as•treasurer for and thorough listing of the text­ Ocean Grove o f - $1,000. Mrs. bethtown, Pa. •librarian Mrs. John Northup.; dustrial community of the Boy’s Camp for the past twenty books that are currently being Francis E . K elly, 82 Main Ave­ July 7 — A.M.,'Rev: Wallace iTopics requested range from early 1800s wheix- bog iron F. Stettler, president, Wyoming years. used in , grades kindergarten nue, reports she has collected “World Health—Problems—Dis­ Pupils Perform At was niined, smelted and cast • Seminary, Kingston, Pa.; P.M., Boy’s Camp is situated among through' nine, This booklet was $22.43 in the. coin containers Dr. Lycurgus M. Starkey, Jr., eases and Nutrition” and como- into various consumer items the pines near Medford. Under­ compiled by Joseph A. Santan.el- placed in the many business and pastor, College Avenue Method­ tography to locksmithing, para­ fiitesville P.T.A. contains m any original privileged boys are given a two lo, special assignments teacher. community : establishments in ist Church, Muncie, Irtdiana. psychology and raising Pekinese buildings all of brick and July 14 — A.M,, Bishop Fred weeks vacation' at the camp The booklet was completed In the Grove’, and to date with mail­ dogs — or tropical fish. 1 many interesting historic ac­ Pierce Corson, Bishop of Phila­ , NEPTUNE — The regular through;the generosity of many November after a month of re­ ers received since the last report When' local resources- fail. a. tivities. Available for pub­ delphia Area of The Methodist meeting of the Whitesville P.T.A. friends. St Paul’s Church con­ search and it is the first , time in the Times, donations now total Church, Philadelphia, Pa.; P.M., request is. sent to our county li­ lic inspection are a Visitor’s was held Monday in the school tributes $500 each year to this that such a booklet has Seen pre­ $931.83, One of the sm allest com-, 14th Annual Choir Festival. brary at Freehold and on to; the; Center r Museum, a Church, auditorium. Mrs. / Doris Sims, worthy cause. -. pared. .;. Tlie booklet is divided munities' in- Monmouth County, July 21 — A.M. and P.M., Dr.
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