Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-28-1992 The BG News February 28, 1992 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 28, 1992" (1992). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5343. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5343 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. G The BG News Triday, February 28,1992 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 74, Issue 106 Weather Tuition caps top USG debate by Julie Tagliaferro The BC News the tuition caps at 7 percent this the concerns to the legislature. able. tive official, he had little support year and will continue to work to "We have to start this summer "People are dropping out," from USG on a bill taking action prevent It from increasing. writing letters to the legislature Jackson said. "This is going to on NPHC. He said the bill was ta- Maintaining tuition caps for Sears said at an OSA meeting so the tuition will not increase" stop with a strong USG and OSA. bled twice before it was passed. University students and improv- earlier this year he made the mo- when the legislature makes its If [the University] has to be the Jackson said if elected, USG ing campus unity wei l major tion to keep the tuition caps at 7 decision in the summer of 1993, leader on this issue, then damn it, will bring recognition to all or- topics discussed at Thursday percent rather than increasing to he said. that's what it's going to be." ganizations and races on campus. night's USG presidential debate 9 percent. OSA approved the Jackson, like Sears, said letter- The candidates also discussed Sears said immediately after Cloudy; mid 40s: co-sponsored by The BG News proposal unanimously and it was writing and telephone campaigns views on improving racial unity the Phi Beta Sigma incident, USG Friday, cloudy with a and Pi Sigma Alpha political sci- presented to the Ohio House are methods of preventing an in- on campus. Jackson said the Phi passed a bill demanding an In- chance of rain or snow. High ence honorary. Finance Committee. crease of the tuition cap. Jackson Beta Sigma dispute and the Black vestigation. He said there are ra- 40 to 45. Winds west 10 to 20 Undergraduate Student Sears said a letter-writing said although recycling and in- Greek Council request to bring cial problems on campus but said mph. Chance of precipita- Government President Mike campaign with support from the creasing the shuttle service are National Pan Hellenic Council to USG is working to deal with tion 40 percent. Friday Sears said USG, because of its University administration and issues he will work on, his pri- campus were issues that USG did them. night, cloudy with a slight involvement in the Ohio Student student organizations is one way mary focus will be to keep a low not handle well. chance of flurries. Low in Association, has managed to keep USG will deal with expressing tuition cap to keep school afford- Jackson said as chief legisla- See Debate, page six. the mld-20s. Chance of snow 30 percent. Saturday, partly sunny. High 30 to 35. Inside The News BGSU red tape A greek milestone: The Pi Kappa Alphas poses new fight celebrate 50 years as the University's oldest frater- nity. □ See page four. for Gulf War vet by Christina Wise versity and could not sign up The BC News for any classes or financial aid. On Campus Also, since he missed prior- Student rape reported: ity registration, he would not An incident of rape was When Mark Neal enlisted in be able to sign up for any reported to city police the Army Reserves, he did it to classes until the beginning of Tuesday by an employee of further his education. But after open registration. The Link representing a vic- serving his country in Opera- When Neal was at last al- tim who wished to remain tion Desert Storm, he said the lowed to register, all the class- anonymous. biggest lesson he has learned is es he needed were closed. Fi- The rape victim went to that sometimes it's tough to get nally able to get into his classes the University Health a break from the University with closed course cards, late Center Tuesday to report adminsl ration. and course add fees totaled she had been raped by an In 1986, Neal joined the more than $50. acquaintance early Satur- reserves to get extra money Neal was also shocked to find day morning. for school. His parents were his bursar account from fall already struggling to put his 1990, which was only $7 at the She then sought assis- two sisters through college, time of his activation, had been tance at The Link. The vic- and he said he believed the turned over to a collection tim did not wish to call extra money he could earn in agency. police herself or give her the reserves would help out. Bursar Joseph Martini said name. "Earning money was the he is not aware of any accounts The case has been re- biggest reason I joined the of students who were called to ferred to Bowling Green reserves," Neal said. "Now I Operation Desert Shield and Police and no further Infor- realize it's been more hassle said he was unsure about what mation is available. than it was worth." may have happened. Scheduling and payment "I don't know If it happened," conflicts with the University Martini said. "It was an acci- Outside campus have caused Neal to lose credit dent If it did because we may hours and money. When he left not have known he was in Git yer shots, pardnen for Germany in November, Desert Storm." CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas 1990 for Operation Desert Neal, however, said his bur- - With one of the worst Shield, he said he never imag- sar bill read "activated for measles outbreaks in the ined the problems he would Desert Shield" right above "to country hitting Corpus face upon his return. be turned over to collection Christi, health officials are Th» BC Ntw^Tlm Normu When Neal returned and agency." urging the thousands of col- After participating in Operation Desert Shield, senior Mark Neal returned to University financial and tried to register for fall class- "It sounds as if we goofed," lege students expected to course registration problems. As a result, he had to pay extra fees, lose army benefits and add two ad- es, he was told he had to reap- arrive for spring break to ditional years to bis college career. ply for admission to the Uni- See Gulf vet, page six. get vaccinated first. Since January, the Corpus Chrlsti-Nueces County Pub- lic Health Department has confirmed 191 measles House approves middle class tax break cases. Dr. William Atkinson Falling by Jim Luther to trickle down for the last ten "I think the Senate will turn it there is not a prayer of their bill of the U.S. Centers for being signed into law," said Rep. Disease Control in Atlanta The Associated Press years, while the rich got richer, around." the poor got poorer and the The Democratic substitute for Newt Gingrich of Georgia, the called the outbreak one of middle class just got squeezed," the Bush bill was accepted on a Republican whip. register the nation's "most vigor- WASHINGTON - The House on said Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, 221-210 vote before the final roll He and other opponents ridi- ous." culed the maximum $400-a-year Meanwhile, 150,000 stu- Thursday approved a temporary D-IU., chairman of the House call was taken. Forty-six Demo- dents are expected to hit the election-year tax cut for 90 mil- Ways and Means Committee. crats voted with the Republicans tax cut that wage earners would leads to collect from the bill this year and Gulf coast beaches around lion wage earners that would be Rep. Mickey Edwards of Okla- in both cases. financed by permanently raising homa, chairman of the Republi- The legislation now goes to the next. Rep. Steny Hoyer of Mary- Corpus Christi in the next land, the Democratic caucus few weeks. taxes on the richest 1 percent of can Policy Committee, countered Senate Finance Committee, lawsuit Americans. that the Democratic bill was de- which next week begins writing chairman, said that represented a 10 percent tax reduction for a Porn star will divorce: The final vote on the bill was signed not to benefit the econ- what likely will be a similar ver- by Chris Hawley omy but to "tax the rich, bust the $30,000-a-year family. NEW YORK - Less than 221-209. Bush's own plan was re- sion. As a result, Republicans in- The BC News nine months after their jected on a near party-line vote budget, raise the deficit and beat sist, there is no chance it will be- The centerpiece of the Demo- weddlng in Hungary, artist of 264-166. the president." come law because Bush will veto cratic bill is a 20 percent credit Jeff Koons is divorcing Cic- "The middle class has been Bush called the House action it. A former University stu- ciolina, the Italian porn star waiting for Republican promises "terrible ..
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