PAGES 6-7 PAGE 9 PAGE 12 FaithWorks Church creates Cricket makes changes lives food hub a comeback TheTHE NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO A A SECTION OF THE ANGnLICAN JOURNAL g l www.tiorontoc.anglican.ca n MAY 2017 Archbishop Terence Finlay volu nteering at the drop-in centre at All Saints, Sherbourne Street, Toronto, in 2008. PHOTO BY MICHAEL HUDSON Farewell to leader, pastor, friend Cathedral packed for Archbishop Terence Finlay’s funeral BY STUART MANN hour service, as his coffin was be - home in Toronto on March 20 at service, which reflected the arch - down the iron power; AS he was planning his funeral, ing carried down the aisle to the the age of 79. He had cancer. bishop’s warmth, faith and pas - Abolish ancient vengeance; Archbishop Terence Finlay told open doors, there was a collective His funeral started with Louis sion for social justice. The first proclaim your people’s hour. his close friend and colleague sense that the church had lost a Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful hymn, sung to the tune “Thaxted” The first and second readings Archbishop Fred Hiltz that he great leader, pastor and friend. World” and Oscar Peterson’s (also the tune for “I Vow to Thee (Micah 6: 6-8 and 1 Corinthians 1: wanted to make sure everything “It was a great celebration of “Hymn to Freedom,” played on My Country”) began with the 26-31) were read by Archbishop was taken care of “so that I could Terry ‘s life and of our faith,” said the piano by the Rev. Canon Tim verses: Finlay’s daughters, Sara-Jane just lie there and enjoy it all.” Archbishop Hiltz, Primate of the Elliott, a former incumbent of Let streams of living justice Finlay and Rebecca Finlay. Arch - He surely wouldn’t have been Anglican Church of Canada. “At Christ Church, Deer Park in flow down upon the earth; bishop Hiltz gave the homily, disappointed. About 800 people, times we were weeping as we let Toronto. That was followed by na - Give freedom’s light to cap - based on the the Gospel reading many of them shedding tears, in - him go but for the most part we tive drumming and singing as the tives, let all the poor have worth. of John 20: 1-9. cluding Archbishop Hiltz, packed were celebrating who he was as a Rev. Canon Andrew Wesley The hungry’s hands are plead - “As Terry embraced and en - St. James Cathedral on March 25 person, as a Christian, and as an smudged the coffin, walking ing, the workers claim their joyed life to the fullest, so he em - for the funeral of the man they Anglican.” around it and using a feather to rights, braced death – with courage and simply and affectionately called Archbishop Finlay, who served bathe it in smoke. The mourners long for laughter, confidence,” he said. “He knew Terry. as the 10th Bishop of Toronto The piano prelude and smudg - the blinded seek for sight. the teaching of the apostles – At the end of the nearly two- from 1989 to 2004, died at his ing ceremony set the tone for the Make liberty a beacon, strike Continued on Page 2 VILLAGE EMBRACES SYRIAN REFUGEES – SEE PAGE 12 2 The Anglican A R C H B I S H O P F I N L A Y May 2017 ‘Terry loved this church’ Primate fights back tears during emotional homily Continued from Page 1 whether we live we live unto the be surrounded by family and Lord, or whether we die we die friends as they listen to the word unto the Lord; whether we live of God, praising God and singing therefore or die, we are the Lord’s. to God with all our hearts and “When he called me to ask if I souls. What a lovely final wish.” would offer a homily, there was in He spoke about how Archbish - his voice a hope, a real hope that op Finlay touched people’s lives the funeral would be a celebra - as a parish priest, archdeacon, tion of our faith in the promises of bishop and archbishop. “Some Christ. ‘I want everything in would know him as the bishop place’, he said, ‘so that I could just who baptized and confirmed lie there and enjoy it all.’” them, some as the archbishop Laughter rippled through the who ordained them, some would congregation, soon followed by si - know him as the liaison bishop to lence as Archbishop Hiltz was the Missions to Seafarers across overcome with emotion remem - Canada, some would know him as bering the conversation. “When I the bishop who created opportu - Archbishop Finlay goes into St. James Cathedral for his final service as diocesan bishop in 2004. PHOTO BY hung up the phone after our con - nities for dialogue across deep MICHAEL HUDSON versation, I thought to myself, differences of theological per - what a lovely final wish – that he spectives, particularly over mat - voy to the Residential Schools the absolutely distinguishing ship and dialogue. Terry stood ters of human sexuality – not only and as the co-chair of the Pri - mark of his character was friend - tall for all the church could be – a in our own church but across the mate’s Commission on Discovery, ship,” he said. “He had a wonder - light that shines in the midst of ѮVSTEBZ UI .BZ BU QN Communion. Some knew him as Reconciliation and Justice. He ful way of befriending people in the world’s darkness, a bread that "TDFOTJPO$PNNVOJPO #$1 the bishop who was humble said he ably represented the the name of Christ. He was kind feeds the hungry, a building shel - QMVTTVQQFSBUBOEUBMLBU enough to be able to say I’m sorry church and advocated for the and gracious. It seems that tering those in need.” that I have offended you – can you poor in places of power such as etched on his very soul were Following the homily, the Rev. "/(-*$"/ embrace my hope that we be rec - governments. those immortal words of the Canon Douglas Graydon, the dio - 035)0%09 onciled?” “No matter the work to which prophet Micah: What does the cese’s coordinator of Chaplaincy He spoke about Archbishop Terry was called, no matter the Lord require of us but to do jus - Services, led the Prayers of the %*"-0(6& Finlay’s role as the Primate’s En - office he held or the title he wore, tice, to love kindness and to walk People. Afterwards, those in atten - 3FW$BOPO1IJMJQ)PCTPO humbly with our Lord.” dance shared the Peace and then SFëFDUT PO SFDFOU EJTDVTTJPOT CFUXFFO He continued: “Terry loved this took communion. Archbishop Col - "OHMJDBOTBOE&BTUFSO0SUIPEPY church. He loved the whole ecu - in Johnson, the current Bishop of BCPVUUIFUIFPMPHJDBMVOEFSTUBOEJOH PGUIFIVNBOQFSTPOBOEUIFNBOZ -ARY''RIFlTH"! -"! *$ menical church. And he served it Toronto, concluded the service FUIJDBMJTTVFTXFGBDFUPEBZ faithfully for 56 years. He happily with the blessing and dismissal . -ACLAREN #ORLETT,,0 gathered us for worship, fellow - )FEFTDSJCFTIJTFYQFSJFODFTBUUIF "ARRISTER3OLICITOR/NTARIO "LOOR3TREET%AST Continued on Page 3 $PNNJTTJPOGPS"OHMJDBO0SUIPEPY !TTORNEY#OUNSELOR AT ,AW.EW9ORK %JBMPHVFTMBUFTUDPOGFSFODFJO 3UITE 3OUTH4OWER "SNBHI /PSUIFSO*SFMBOE 4ORONTO /.-72 7ILLS 4RUSTS%STATES "USINESS 2EAL%STATE 4EL &+$1*,1*&$5((56$1'81&(57$,1" 4U0MBWFT$IVSDI &AX #MPPSBOE8JOEFSNFSF TUPMBWFTDB WWWMACLARENCORLETTCOM% MAILMGRIFlTH MACORLAWCOM #AROLINE#OLE0OWER 0H$ #AREER4RANSITION#OACH #ANADIAN(23OLUTIONS)NC )N PERSONORTELEPHONESESSIONSAVAILABLE E\#ANADA WIDESERVICE\INFO CDNHRCOM ȱ 6W-2+1·6&(0(7(5< $QJOLFDQ3DULVKRI6W-2+1·6&+85&+(DVW2UDQJHYLOOH ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱdzȱ ȱȱȱ ¢ȱ¢ȱ ȱȱȱ ȱȱŗŞŗŘǰȱǯȱ Ȃȱȱȱ¢ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱǰȱǰȱȱȱ ȱȱǯȱ )25,1)250$7,213/($6(&217$&77+(&+85&+ 6W-RKQ·V'L[LH(%!$' "+" 6W-DPHV·(# ' 6W(-%R!K$Q'·V1%R&*UZ,D\ +,*+:$<&$/('2121/.* &H P H#W H(U \&, & &UH P#(%&")#DWRULXP & HP #H WH( U&, &\ &U H#(%&")#PDWRULXP & H P#H W(H U&, &\ &U H#(%&")#PDWRULXP &!8 ANGLICAN BELLNETCAWWWSTJOHNSORANGEVILLECA .(,-+'XQGDV6WUH H W-,-(DVW +&$'3DUOLDPH Q(--+W6WUH H W- $(",-)().LQJVWRQ5RDG ȱ ȱ 0LVVLVVDXJD21/<%$,,$,,." 7)RU+R)Q(W-R)210;5 7)R+U)R(Q-W)R210/6 3KRQH#)( 3#)(KRQH #)(3KRQH (9(1621*,16&$5%2528*+ Z0Z0Z0V,W-M%R)K#Q(V,GL[$1LH$ FRP)' 0Z0Z0Z,V-%WMD'P H,VFDW-#KH GU+DO&R)Q(FD ZZ0Z0V0WMR,K-%Q)V#Q(R,UZ()D+\0FHP2H)W+H"U\FD (YHU\6XQGD\HYHQLQJDWSPWKHFKXUFKRI &&)!).+*+)* +-$ ,)!! + 6W3DXO¶V/¶$PRUHDX[VLWXDWHGDWWKHVRXWKHDVW FRUQHURI)LQFKDQG:DUGHQKROGVWKH WUDGLWLRQDOµ(YHQVRQJ¶ (YHQLQJ3UD\HU VHUYLFH &)("0$-#-# !)&&)0$(", +/$ , DFFRUGLQJWRWKH%RRNRI&RPPRQ3UD\HU (YHU\RQHLV:HOFRPH ,1)250$7,21 May 2017 A R C H B I S H O P F I N L A Y The Anglican 3 Premier attends Continued from Page 2 Among the honorary pall bear - ers were Premier Kathleen Wynne, former senator Hugh Se - gal and Adrienne Clarkson, a for - mer governor-general. Also in at - tendance was the Hon. Elizabeth Dowdeswell, the Lieutenant-Gov - ernor of Ontario. In an interview after the serv - ice, Archbishop Johnson de - scribed Archbishop Finlay as warm and generous. “He really Pall bearers carry Archbishop Fin - lived that sense of warm embrace lay’s coffin out of the cathedral. of everyone, which is what Jesus did. He was modelling the life that he saw in Jesus, who was always inquisitive about people, always Comments Canon Alice Jean Finlay (centre) with daughters, grandchildren, family and friends, watch as Archbishop Fin - welcoming people, drawing them lay’s coffin is lifted into the hearse. PHOTOS BY MICHAEL HUDSON out and calling them to fuller life. That’s exactly who Terry was and on his why so many people were touched by him.” passing Ordained deacon in 1961 and priest in 1962, Archbishop Finlay came to the Diocese of Toronto from the Diocese of Huron in 1982 Thousands of comments were and served as the incumbent of posted on social media after the St.
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