News from the Field Publications A COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY of Mexi- Specialized Science Information Service in can books, published during 1957-60, is avail- the United States: A Directory of Selected able under the title Mexico Bibliografico. It Specialized Information Services in the Physi- lists 4,332 works issued by 212 publishers. cal and Biological Sciences has been issued by Books of all types are covered, including the National Science Foundation (November, translations in science, economics, history, 1961, 528p.). The statements about each political science, children's books, and fiction. service includes the name, scope, user quali- Mexico Bibliografico was compiled by Jose- fications, collection, information services, and fina Berroa with assistance from the Insti- publications. It should be of exceptional help tuto del Libro Mexicano, and financial aid to reference librarians. from the R. R. Bowker Company. Outside THE FIRST ENGLISH EDITION of Punch-Card Mexico and Cuba copies may be obtained Methods in Research and Documentation, from R. R. Bowker Company, 62 West 45th with Special Reference to Biology (based on Street, New York 36, N.Y., at $12 each net the second revised German edition by Martin postpaid. Scheele) has been provided by J. E. Holms- British Technology Index, a cumulative in- trom (New York, Interscience Publishers, dex to British technical journals, began pub- 1961, 274p„ $9.50). Punched-card methods lication in January 1962. Initially 400 titles (machine, needle, visual), general rules and will be analyzed. The publication will ap- experience in applying punched card meth- pear monthly and will be cumulated an- ods, and practical examples of applications nually. The publisher is the Library Associ- are discussed in the volume. Illustrations ac- ation, Chaucer House, Malet Place, London, company the text. W.C. 1; price: 15 guineas ($50). THE SECOND EDITION of Reference Service, Christian Periodical Index, volume 1, by S. R. Ranganathan, has been published 1956-1960, is available from the Buffalo Bible by Asia Publishing House (1961, Taplinger Institute Book Store, 910 Union Road, Buf- Publishing Co., 119 West 57th Street, New falo, N.Y.; list price, $12.50; special offer to York 19, N.Y., 433p., $7.75). previous subscribers, $10.95. The 5-year cum- ulation is produced by the Christian Librari- K. A. LODEWYCKS, librarian of the Univer- ans' Fellowship. sity of Melbourne, has issued Essentials in Library Planning (1961, 136p.). This is a The Farmington Plan Handbook, Revised detailed analysis of the plans, layouts, areas, to 1961 and Abridged, by Edwin E. Williams, needs of various groups, ventilation, light- has been released by the Association of Re- ing, and practically all other aspects of the search Libraries (copies sold by Office of the library building. Mr. Lodewycks spent some Executive Secretary, Association of Research time in the United States and has been Libraries, Cornell University Library, Ith- involved with construction of the new library aca, N.Y.). "This volume does not supplant at the University of Melbourne. the original edition of 1953 for historical purposes," writes Mr. Williams. In general THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY PRESS has the procedure has been to tie this edition to published Research Opportunities in Ameri- the 1953 publication by not repeating cer- can Cultural History, edited by John Francis tain information, but carrying it forward. McDermott (Lexington, Ky., 1961, 205p. The new edition contains a section on the $6.00). Among the contributors are Lester Vosper-Talmadge survey. Part VI of the Cappon, Howard H. Peckham, Thomas D. work is a list of "Countries, Agents, and Ad- Clark, Theodore C. Blegen, Richard M. Dor- visers." There is a bibliographical supple- son, John T. Flanagan, David Kaser, David ment on the plan, covering the years 1953- Mead, E. P. Richardson, and Philip D. Jor- 1961. dan. MARCH 1962 155 The First Century at the University of Michigan. The two are the National Union Washington, 1861-1961, by Charles M. Gates Catalog, 1952 to 1955 Imprints, and the has been issued by the University of Wash- Union List of Microfilms, Cumulation 1949- ington Press (1961, 252p., $7.50). This illus- 1959. trated, attractively printed book contains a The National Union Catalog publication number of references to the library in the de- was sponsored by the ALA Committee on Re- velopment of the educational and research sources of American Libraries, and was com- programs at the University. piled by the Union Catalog Division of the Library of Congress. This catalog is an ex- THE SEVENTEENTH EDITION of the useful A tension of the National Union Catalog, 1952 History of Architecture, by Sir Banister to 1956. It doubles the number of mono- Fletcher (revised by R. A. Cordingley) has graphic titles listed in the Library of Con- been published by Charles Scribner's Sons gress catalogs for this period. The thirty (New York, 1961, 1366p., $16.75). Illustrations volumes have a total of 26,000 pages and are in the volume have been increased from 549 library bound in buckram. The total price to 652, art paper has been used for the for the set is $420.00. whole work, and the chapters on Renais- The Union List of Microfilms, Cumula- sance architecture has been considerably ex- tion 1949 to 1959 is the last such reference panded by fuller treatment of Baroque archi- to be compiled by the Philadelphia Biblio- tecture. Entirely rewritten are chapters on graphical Center and the Union Library Belgian and Dutch, Chinese, Indian, Japa- Catalogue. It lists more than 52,000 micro- nese, and Muslim architecture. films reported by 200 libraries in the United THE 1962 ISSUE of The Bowker Annual of States and Canada. Long runs of scientific Library ancl Book Trade Information has periodicals, as well as music manuscripts and appeared. Formerly the American Library medical monographs are listed for the first ir Book Trade Annual, this volume, like its time. The two volumes totaling over 1400 predecessors, contains a large amount of in- pages are bound in buckram and priced at formation and statistical data of various types $35.00 for the set. of libraries, publishing and the book trade, Who's Who, 1962 edition, will be published librarians, associations, and committees. and distributed in the United States by There are also available an activities index, St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New the 1961 library buying guide, and a general York City. It was previously published in index. (R. R. Bowker, 62 West 45th St., New this country by The Macmillan Co., also of York 36, $6.95). New York. St Martin's has taken over the standing orders from Macmillan, so those PUBLICATION of two major library refer- libraries which have been receiving Who's ence works was announced December 15 by Who need not reorder. The 1962 edition will J. W. Edwards, Publisher, Inc. of Ann Arbor, be published and distributed on March 21. Miscellaneous Two RECENT CRANTS by the Council on Li- transmit interlibrary loans directly from one brary Resources, Inc., were: state academic library to another by special To the Society of American Archivists, courier system. The study will be made by $42,000 for a study of state archival agen- LeMoyne W. Anderson, librarian at Colo- cies and programs, with a view to setting rado State University, Fort Collins. standards and pointing the way to improve- ment. The study, to be completed by June A CONFERENCE, "Information Retrieval in 1963, will be made by Ernest Posner, 1815 Action," sponsored by the Center for Docu- South Arlington Ridge Road, Arlington, Va. mentation and Communication Research of To the Association of State Institutions of the School of Library Science, Western Re- Higher Education in Colorado, $5,000 to de- serve University, will be held in Cleveland, termine whether it is feasible to establish a Ohio, April 18-20, 1962. The purpose will cooperative technical processing program and be to review research development and op- 156 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES erational activities related to machine litera- erature and Librarianship, July 3 to ture searching systems using the GE 225 gen- Aug. 11. eral-purpose computer. Registration fee for Emory University, School of Library Sci- the conference is $10. Further details, and a ence, Atlanta: Medical Librarianship, conference program when available, may be June 18 to July 27. obtained by writing to the Center at West- University of Southern California, School ern Reserve University, 10831 Magnolia of Library Science, Los Angeles: Bib- Drive, Cleveland 6. liography of the Biomedical and Physical Sciences, June 25 to Aug. 3. THE ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART has a new home in New York. The new location of the Archives is in the American Federation of Applications for the scholarships should be Arts Building at 41 East 65th Street, New sent to the dean of the library school in each York 21. case. Dartmouth College Library Bulletin for NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE'S electronic December 1961 is devoted entirely to critical information storage and retrieval system will and biographical materials relating to Wal- be developed by the General Electric Co. lace Stevens. Copies will be sent gratis to under contract with the Public Health Serv- academic and public libraries that ask for ice. The computer-based system will be them. Address the Dartmouth College Li- known as MEDLARS (Medical Literature brary, Hanover, N.H. Analysis and Retrieval System), and will en- THE ILLINOIS COMMITTEE ON HUMAN able the library to broaden and accelerate RIGHTS in Higher Education has issued a re- its services to medical education, research and vised "Statement of Policy Relative to Fair practice. Practices in Higher Education" which is available free, in single copies, from its secre- WASHINGTON, D.C., AREA university librari- tary, Mrs.
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