Shropshire Council Legal and Democratic Services Shirehall Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury SY2 6ND Date: 26 June 2019 Committee: Health and Wellbeing Board Date: Thursday, 4 July 2019 Time: 9.30 am Venue: Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND You are requested to attend the above meeting. The Agenda is attached Claire Porter Director of Legal and Democratic Services (Monitoring Officer) Members of Health and Wellbeing Board VOTING NON-VOTING (Co-opted) Shropshire Council Members Megan Nurse – Non-Executive Director Lee Chapman – PFH Organisational Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Transformation and Digital Infrastructure Trust (Co-Chair) Dean Carroll – PFH ASC and Public Health Interim Chief Executive, Shrewsbury & Ed Potter – PFH Children’s Services Telford Hospital Trust Rachel Robinson - Director of Public Health Ros Preen - Shropshire Community Andy Begley - Director of Adult Services Health Trust Karen Bradshaw - Director of Children’s Services Peter Loose – Chairman, Shropshire Partners in Care (Chief Shropshire CCG Executive Bethphage) Mr David Stout – Accountable Officer Dr Julian Povey – Clinical Chair (Co-Chair) Paul Bennett - Business Board Chair Dr Julie Davies – Director of Performance & Delivery Bev Tabernacle – Director of Nursing, Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Hospital Lynn Cawley – Shropshire Healthwatch Jackie Jeffrey – VCSA Martin Harris – STP Programme Director Laura Fisher – Housing for Shropshire Your Committee Officer is Michelle Dulson Committee Officer Tel: 01743 257719 Email: [email protected] AGENDA 1 Apologies for Absence and Substitutions To receive apologies for absence and any substitutions notified to the clerk before the meeting. 2 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. 3 Minutes To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2019, to follow. Contact: Michelle Dulson Tel 01743 257719. 4 Public Question Time To receive any questions, statements or petitions from the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14. 5 West Midlands Ambulance Service Annual report (Pages 1 - 16) Report attached. Contact: Mark Docherty, Director of Clinical Commissioning and Service Development \ Executive Nurse 6 System Update (Pages 17 - 24) Regular update reports to the Health and Wellbeing Board are attached: Shropshire Care Closer to Home Report attached. Contact: Barrie Reis-Seymour, Shropshire CCG / Lisa Wicks The Sustainability and Transformation Plan for Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin A verbal update will be given. Contact: Martin Harris, Telford and Wrekin CCG Better Care Fund, Performance A verbal update will be given. Contact: Penny Bason, Shropshire Council / Shropshire STP/Tanya Miles Healthy Lives Update Report attached. Contact: Val Cross, Health and Wellbeing Officer 7 Partnership Summit Update (Pages 25 - 28) Report attached. Contact: Stewart Smith 8 Healthwatch Insight Report - Social Prescribing (Pages 29 - 46) Report attached. Contact: Lynn Cawley 9 Suicide Prevention Strategy Update (Pages 47 - 52) Report attached. Contact: Gordon Kochane 10 AOB Correspondence – action for noting. Shropshire Health, Overview and Scrutiny Committee Information Pack OFFICIAL - Business data that is not intended for public consumption. However, this can be shared with external partners, as required. Performance by Postcode 2018/19 Please note, due to the implementation of the Ambulance Response Programme in September 2017, the only full year of reporting under the new standards is 2018/19. Presenting previous periods in the same report may lead to incorrect comparisons. Shropshire CCG Postcode Areas Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 90th 95th 99th 90th 95th 99th 90th 95th 99th 90th 95th 99th Mean Inc Mean Mean Mean Inc centile centile centile centile centile centile Inc Cnt centile centile centile Inc Cnt centile centile centile (mm:ss) Cnt (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) Cnt (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) NHS 10:44 20:26 23:33 31:43 2,639 17:54 33:29 40:00 58:07 22,087 33:33 71:19 98:17 160:46 18,353 46:01 101:36 141:41 232:37 1,116 Shropshire CCG CW3 19:05 25:37 30:39 38:30 39 36:19 84:32 102:59 110:31 39 38:28 73:36 73:36 73:36 7 17:31 19:05 19:05 19:05 3 20:45 35:54 43:46 50:31 66 55:33 122:18 144:34 258:10 54 47:35 77:58 77:58 77:58 5 DY12 15:06 31:43 31:43 31:43 8 27:28 41:16 46:05 59:27 278 48:05 83:03 117:31 171:53 200 65:54 144:04 232:37 232:37 15 DY14 18:19 23:32 25:23 37:36 34 - - - DY7 - 46:47 66:58 71:18 71:18 15 65:15 98:23 98:23 98:23 4 - LD7 44:20 52:19 52:19 52:19 4 20:17 35:35 40:47 50:09 39 27:24 46:09 79:45 83:35 20 - LL14 15:20 26:49 26:49 26:49 4 19:00 34:29 42:00 64:49 214 29:48 58:43 80:44 164:12 183 48:12 96:33 96:33 96:33 4 N/V 12:56 27:37 30:02 36:14 27 20:53 23:50 23:50 23:50 2 25:25 31:52 31:52 31:52 7 - ST19 - 12:26 21:14 28:13 48:08 2,400 27:14 59:38 82:15 159:11 2,166 40:50 101:39 125:11 199:51 117 SY1 7:31 11:46 13:08 18:58 322 21:24 37:13 44:00 64:54 858 38:18 80:38 110:00 154:23 596 48:25 103:40 104:43 119:46 27 SY10 11:41 22:44 25:50 29:16 81 18:40 34:53 41:55 64:14 2,118 34:40 76:51 106:03 180:42 1,591 41:09 109:35 141:48 171:48 98 SY11 10:39 21:49 24:11 27:31 263 25:15 40:43 48:12 71:11 436 43:57 92:05 115:13 210:46 448 62:56 126:55 215:26 258:33 29 SY12 16:28 26:59 29:03 41:22 58 25:11 39:54 46:59 72:49 1,337 39:54 81:19 101:45 150:38 962 60:42 130:43 191:51 215:49 49 SY13 13:21 22:49 27:28 32:42 154 32:53 45:55 54:08 54:08 18 59:09 131:38 150:10 150:10 16 - SY15 17:34 27:37 27:37 27:37 3 11:31 20:34 26:41 43:16 1,189 25:46 56:42 84:43 149:46 1,144 41:25 128:39 156:48 207:30 80 SY2 6:24 9:10 9:51 11:33 156 OFFICIAL - Business data that is not intended for public consumption. However, this can be shared with external partners, as required. SY21 22:53 32:24 32:24 32:24 3 26:49 49:18 75:39 75:39 16 63:14 73:54 73:54 73:54 2 - SY22 13:28 21:17 21:17 21:17 5 26:37 47:27 70:35 143:46 34 39:46 53:26 156:58 156:58 16 - SY3 5:38 9:09 10:44 16:03 338 10:06 20:41 27:11 43:47 2,773 23:11 55:22 79:12 137:09 2,048 36:18 88:36 122:59 200:10 142 SY4 13:42 20:44 22:40 27:19 162 20:40 31:21 37:45 54:13 1,483 37:50 75:15 105:07 170:27 1,322 45:52 80:51 120:10 215:53 107 SY5 11:50 19:19 22:21 31:17 131 17:50 29:33 35:05 57:24 1,095 33:01 69:34 99:14 153:43 913 37:39 67:19 123:30 199:05 58 SY6 14:14 21:50 24:42 25:25 76 20:01 33:20 39:43 68:36 485 32:46 64:03 87:50 166:12 472 58:30 118:55 321:36 324:00 34 SY7 13:11 23:45 26:51 28:37 52 23:09 43:55 52:06 70:49 535 39:10 78:40 114:41 187:43 445 63:03 104:25 220:16 252:59 28 SY8 12:50 20:47 30:17 35:13 157 22:00 41:34 49:51 67:42 1,236 38:20 79:04 104:00 174:42 1,147 49:23 99:18 118:57 305:25 55 SY9 19:29 32:45 34:00 39:59 24 31:34 48:28 58:05 74:23 200 49:19 102:40 122:52 162:24 148 56:07 93:26 93:26 93:26 8 TF10 10:24 12:03 12:03 12:03 2 17:56 26:27 44:28 44:28 17 26:45 39:53 41:16 84:36 21 26:22 26:22 26:22 26:22 1 TF11 8:20 13:05 14:59 17:45 58 13:35 23:55 27:42 39:47 620 29:18 64:50 84:21 151:54 552 39:06 64:30 138:14 298:45 26 TF12 13:13 25:09 28:52 30:35 25 20:26 30:09 36:14 51:30 325 40:34 79:43 107:44 159:01 278 43:58 68:07 107:10 107:10 14 TF13 12:49 26:43 29:09 32:03 29 18:28 26:38 32:26 42:22 211 34:37 64:56 93:42 184:36 221 46:04 159:15 159:15 159:15 8 TF2 - - 15:18 19:25 19:25 19:25 2 - TF6 18:54 18:54 18:54 18:54 1 14:14 22:35 23:33 23:33 11 42:11 66:05 180:19 180:19 14 27:06 27:06 27:06 27:06 1 TF8 12:54 15:38 15:38 15:38 3 18:30 31:56 35:34 55:16 38 35:38 71:53 95:42 134:42 33 17:41 17:41 17:41 17:41 1 TF9 10:51 20:17 22:30 25:43 174 18:06 30:07 35:36 52:22 1,347 32:57 69:45 89:33 147:07 1,194 43:30 84:48 102:52 240:40 62 WR15 17:01 23:06 24:03 25:47 25 24:47 37:12 40:32 61:21 140 42:03 77:44 91:34 193:58 91 31:03 52:19 52:19 52:19 7 WV15 10:35 19:10 20:36 32:54 71 18:12 29:07 33:51 44:41 657 36:32 75:12 98:45 142:39 433 72:26 150:17 171:44 206:00 23 WV16 12:34 23:09 25:58 30:41 135 22:03 36:10 41:56 55:30 1,348 40:13 79:41 103:00 183:53 1,135 50:30 98:15 109:28 247:28 83 WV5 25:54 36:06 36:06 36:06 2 18:54 25:19 34:17 51:03 59 42:36 80:51 106:43 123:21 40 130:21 130:21 130:21 130:21 1 WV6 11:38 14:24 14:24 14:24 3 21:26 32:35 39:06 60:45 25 47:57 89:56 109:14 196:05 23 43:16 58:07 58:07 58:07 3 WV7 11:25 19:02 20:57 26:33 45 16:15 23:14 26:59 38:10 423 32:43 65:17 89:27 179:21 371 50:33 110:22 138:45 167:50 23 WV8 21:30 21:30 21:30 21:30 1 - 44:47 50:51 50:51 50:51 2 - OFFICIAL - Business data that is not intended for public consumption.
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