This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com ' .. -~·:. ; .. <' '·, , ,~ .... ' '· .· JtEPO.R 'L N..Q.. 6-1 o5 a Subject: ---~---------- Prof.A.LFREDO L. PALACIOS, MP, former Federal Senn.tor, former Rector of La Plat~ National University, former diplomat, member of the Executive of the Argentine Socialist Party. Dr<> ALEJANDRO GOMEZ, former Vice-President of ARGENTINA~ Dr. SANTIAGO H. DEL CASTILLO, former Governor of CORDOBA 9 Former Vice-Presidential candidate fronithe People's Radical Civic Uniona \ · Profo CARLO$ SANCHEZ VIAMONTE, professor for international law, former MP. Dro JULIO E. ACOSTA, MP. Miss NELIDA BAIGORRIA, MP. Dro CARLOS ALBERTO BECERRA, MPo D:ro JUAN CARLOS ESPINA MP. Kro HORACIO LUELMO, MP. l!r., ATILIO MARCHINI, MP. Dro AUGUSTIN lWDRIGUEZ .ARAYA, MP.,, President of the Civic Union Party. Dr. EDUARDO ROSENKRANTZ, MP. Dr. RAMON A. MUNIZ, General Secretary of the Argcrttine So~io.list Pa.~ty. Mro RODOLFO GHIOLDI, member of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party., Prof. :BERNARDO CANAL FEIJOO, w-riter, former Dean/ of/ -the La. Plata Faculty of Letters., tJ b b :t.!re EZEQUIEL :M.AR'fiNEZ ESTJtfiDA, writ· ero D:r·. l!OISES POLACK, Honorary Professor at the La. Plata. .N&tional University, member of the Executive Committee o£ the Buenos Aires hledica.l Faculty. 14-00000 ]' '· ... ··, <_6_th.-.Aug-u-a-t,-I-9o{ .... 2 ... Mr. GUILLERMO ESTEVEZ BOERO, President of the Argentine University Federation. Mro AUGUSTIN CUEVAS, MP. Mr. c. DE SIMONE, Secretary of the Central Committee of Socialist youtho Mr. MIGUEL ANGEL ASTURIAS, vriter. Dr .. EDUARDO ALEMAN, lawyer, President of the Argentine Peace Council.) Mr. BERNARDO KLEINER member of the High Council of I. the Buenos Aires National XIniversity., t SERGIO MAGALHAES, President of the Chamber Deputies. BARBOSA LIMA SOBRINHO, GABRIEL PASSOS, JOSUE DE CAST'RO, SALVADOR LOSACCO, LICIO HAllER, JOSE JOFFILY, ARTUR VIRBILIO, BOCAIUVA CONHA, FERNANDO SANT ANA, VASCOCELOS TORRES, ELOI DUTRA, 'JACOB FRANTZ, CLIDENOR FREITAS, ALJI!INO ALFONSO, CELSO BRANT, FRANCISCO JULIAO, SINVAL GUAZZELI and CANDIDO NOUBERTO. - ,SENATOJlS.t. FREITAS CAVALCANTE, HERNAI :MAIU (:Minas Serai~), PAULO VIANA (Pernambuca). JORGE AMADO, writer. OLIVEIRAS GUANAIS, President of the National Union of Students. · · TAXSAN DE CASTRO, Vice-President of the Brazilian Urdon of Secondary School Students~ AMILTON GOMES, President ~~the Paraiba Union ·of Students. BENEDI'l'O CORQUEIRA, President of the Metalvo:kers' Union(Ric CANEDO LOPES, President of the National A~~ Transport Uniot BAYARD BOITEUX, President of the National:Teachers' Uniono ,CHILE SALVADOR ALLENDE, former candi~.ate for the President of the Republic and Socialsit arty Senator HERMES AHUMADA, Radical Party MPo ALFREDO DE ~IESTI, retired colonel, former President of the Peace Movement. Prof. ALBERTO BALTRA, former Minister for the Interior, . ·... -~ '·: ... lawyer and Professor at the University of Chile. ELENA CAFFAP.ENA, lawyer, member of the Council for the Defence of Childreno ARMANDO CARVAJAL, Director and founder of the Symphony Orchestra. / .. 14-00080 .., CRISTIAN CADEliAARTORI, bus in essma.n • GUILLERMO DEL_PEDREGAL, former Minister of the Interior. JOSE FONDEA, National Democr~tic Pa~ty MP. EDUARDO HAMUY, Director of the Institute for Sociology of the Chilean Universityo · GUILLERMO IZgUIERDO ARAYA, National Democratic Party , Sena.toro .ANIIIAL JARA,. journalist, former Ambassador to the United Sta.tes PABLO NERUDA, poet. SERGIO RECABARREN, 1 aTyer, former Minister of tho I,n terior ' COL01JBI.A Dr. JORGE PERIGU CARDENAS JUAN DE LA CRUZ VAHELA, MP. ALFONSO DARBERENA, M~. JORGE ZALAMEA, writero GILBERTO VIEIRA, Secretary of the Col~mbian Communist Part HERNANDO CARAVI'l'O NUNOZ, lawyer, Member of the Cundinamarc Assembly. · .. ~r.<l ~ ANIANO INGLESIAS, Db:·ector of the Barra.nquilla .fuc:..:..~A NAZARETH CRUZ, ieader of a women's organiaationo VENTURA PUENTE VANEGAS, from the Colombian trade union .·.movemento TANCREDO HERRAN, leader o.f the Bogota indus trial zone. HENRY PATINO, member ot Jolima Assembly . · EDUARDO ELINAS :u., leader• of a student organisation .. MARIO ALCALA, of the Libe~al Revolutionary Movemento YIRA CASTRO DE CEPEDA, leader of a student orgunisation .. ALICIA GUERRERO, Union of Democr~tic Womeno JOSE l£ARIA VARVAS, Committee :.for Oil Na.tionalisation RICARDO S.AMPER, journe.lista ARMANDO SUESCUN, Secretary of the. Colombi~n SociGlist Party. CUBA Cap. EMILIO ARJ.GONES, national coordinator cf the 26 July Movement. Dr~ YARTHA FRAYDE, Movement :.for. Peace and Sovereignty of the Peoples. Dr~ CLDIENTE INCLAN, Rector of Havana Universityo Dr~ ENRIQUE GIMENEZ, President of the Board of Governors of Havana University. Mr. ENRIQUE GONZALEZ MANTIC!, Director of the No.tiono.l Symphony Orchestra. 14-00000 . - Dr~ VICENTINA ANTUNA, General Dir•ctor of Cultur~o Dro JOSE SANTIAGO CUBAS~ Procurator of the Supreme Court of Justice.· · · ·. · DR •. JUAN MARINELLO, President df the Popular Socialist Party. Dro EDUARDO CORONA, laYyer, diplomat. Dr. ISABEL MONAL, Director of the Cuban National THeat~e. Co~mander OSCAR FERNANDEZ MEL, President of the National Doctor's Association.· · Mr~ BALDOMERO ALVAREZ RIOS, Dean of ·the National . Journalists' School._ Commander Dr. HUMBERTO CASTELLO, General Secretary of 11 the 11 Directorio Revolucionario 13 de marzo • Mr • NICOLAS GUILLEN, poet • r' Commander ROLANDO BUBELA, President of the Students' Federation. Mro GIRALDO MAZOLA, director of the Cuban Institute for Friendship between the Peoples. Commander GULLERMO JIMENEZ, director of the newspaper 11 Combate 11 o Dr. CARLOS RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ, University Professor, director of the journal "Hoy". Mr. MARIO KUCHILAN~ ~irector of the journal "Prensa Libre 11 ~ · Mr. CARLOS FANQUI, director of the journal "Revolucion 11 Mro ALFREDO CUEVARA, director of the Cuban Institute of Art and the Film Indus try;. Dro ELIAS ENTRALGO, President of the Cuban UNESCO Commissi1 Mr. ENRIQUE DE LA. OSA, director of the journal 11 Bohemia 11 o Mr o ERNES TO VERA, d i rector of the. journal "La Calle no Mrso VILMA ESPIN, Federation of Cuban Womeno Dr. OFELIA DOMINGUEZ, Cuban United Nations Association. : .·."··.·: :·. .H.ONDURAS JULIO c•. RIVERA, TO rkers t 1 ead er ;.· , OSCAR F. ALFARENGO, Member .of the University Reform Front .. MIGUEL YANES RIOS, student leader. SANTIAGO FERNANDEZ TOFFE, theatre director. JUDITH SALGADO, Committee for Solidarity with Cuba. ALFREDO HOFFMAN, leader of the Radio Workers' l.Jnio.rio LETICIA RAUDALES, member of the Libetal Youth Association. HECTOR I. GUTTIERREZ, general •ecretary of the Organisntior Committee of the Honduran De~ocratic Youtho LISANDRO GALVEZ, former rector of the National Autonomous University., ANIDAL DELGADO FIALLO, General Secretary of the University Reform Front o 14~00000 ·•·· ···:·:: . ' . IGNACIO ACOSTA, University graduateo FRANCISCO ARGUELLO, Member of the Federal Parliament. ALONSO AGUILAR, Professor of the National School of Economics~ · · ANABELA AGUIRRE, anthropolcigist. BERTHA AR&~AL, Professor at the National School of Odontologyo _ SOL ARGUEDAS, journalist·~" RAMON BARBOSA c., Member of the Federal Parliament. ALBERtO BREMAUNTZ, Magistrate at the District Federal High ourt of Justice~ ANGEL BALTAZAR BARAJAS, President of the Michoa.can University Professors' ~ederation. RAFAEL BANALES, General Secretary of the Kleinenmar Rolling Mill Workers' Uniono R.AMIRO BERMUDES ALEGRIA, member of theboa. rd of Governors of Lower California University. CLEMENTINA BATALLA DE BASSOLS, University graduate. NARCISO BASSOLS BAT ..\LLA, Chemical engineer<> ALFONSO BARRAZA, SANT.O.S BARCENAS engineer. ROGELIO BLANCO DESDER, FERNANDO BENITEZ, vriter and journalisto CELERINO CANO, teacher, FERNANDO CARMONA, University graduate, EMILIO CARBALLIDO, dr•mtist, CUAUHTEMOC CARDENAS, engineer, AUllELIANO GABALLERO C and LEANDRO CASTILLO Vo, members of the Federal Parliame::nt OSCAR AGUIRRE, MP., ABUNDIO ARAUZO, MP .. ·, FELIZ ARIAS SHEREIBER, university leader~ JACINTE CACERES PIL.ARES, . AfP·e, ..~ . .. : . ' . SXITE COELLO JARA, Senator, specialist for penl lav. LUIS CERENADO VIGIL, M~. CARLOS HALPICA, MP., ;_ ..... ,· .. : ~"ERNANDO MANRIQUE, MP, President of the Jose Carlos Mariategui Institute. ERNESTO MORE, writer, lfPo, President of the Peruvian Peac.e Movemento EFRAIN RUIZ CARO, MP'., journalist. T.A.1!.AYO PEZUA, MP •. , WILBERT SALAS, MP. 14-00000 • ..... ,• .. "'---tb August ,\961..... , "" 6 - .11-.- l?VER!fO RICA . : V .. · O'NILL, President of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party e J., SANTOS RIVERA, President of the Puerto Rican Communist Party F.U.P.I. (the U~iversity. F'ederation for Independence n.: .. MEDINA RAMIREZ, United Patriotic Association. EVARISTO RIBERA CHEVREMONT, poet,. · . 11 11 ··,·. OSVALDO AGUERO, director of the Godo.zos radio pro'gramme and coordinator of the Cuban 26 July Movement in PUERTO RICOo JUJ.~IO DE SAN'fiA.GO, former President, Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. LORENZO PINEIRO RIVERA, lawyer, President of the Society of Friends of Cuba in Puerto Ric~o .. GABUIEL VINCEN'l'B.E M.AUR.A, Secretary for foreign re­ lations of the Puerto Rican Independence Movemento WILLIAM CORDOVA. CHIRINO, director of the radio programme "Native In~ustries 11 o.nd of the 11 El Informador" radio journal o NORMAN PIETRI, former President, University Indppendence Federo.tiono SALVA1l..QJ! ROBERTO CARIAS DELGADO, General Secretary of the April and May Revolutionary Partyo . MARIO SALAZAR VALIENTE, Secretary·or the Relations Committee of the April and May Revolutionary Party. ~RAL ASSOCIATION of University Studen;B of Ss.lva.dor. .
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