}?'} ~1\' ~r;;! t· ::' ... ,\ ... ,' 1" . ~ . ' :~:-:,",~~ •. ' ••••~I Isenhower .CallsComm~nism "Failure" 9.30 a.m.-The 81g Six Program. 10.15 a.m.-Rose Ranch Time. PRESEJI,'rS SIBELIUS 11.30 o.m.-Reddy's Varieties THE DAIL-Y NEWS available at S.OO p.m.-Back to the Bible. Vol. 63. No, 117 ST, JOHN'S, NEWF.I':)UNDLAND, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1956 (Price 5 centsl Charles Hutton & Sons Itch T."y Clean Up Underground • II resi ent ee's • .:. : , ! ,I, nlon ear .{ uropean I 'I WACO, Tex. (AP) - President viding help to the free world's co· It is 3 threat, he said "from whi~h 1 He said such centres should be 5et : i Eisenhower said Friday European operation in the baltic against even this mighty natiGn is not up without trying to "transplant union seems ncarer now tllan in Communism. wholly immune." inlo a new area the attitudes,: I I centuries. He called Communism The president referred to Com. Eisenhower gave no specific de· forms and procedurcs of Amer· ~ " I "a gigantic failure" but saiu evcn munism as "cruel, Intolerant, athe· lails on his suggestion that Ameri· iea," and that they should be staf· ,I the United States "is not wholly istic" and "committed to conquest I can universitics establish world. fed and conducted by the people: . ( immune" from its lhreat. by lure, intimidation and. force." wide science and cultural centres. in each area. l .: , ".":' 1I,'r,' m::de In The president suggested private foundations and lhe universities of 't,.' I', :':o·-"~; .'I\d till' p"lice DISARMAMENT' .. I"r" . the United States join in helping' , , :" .. ; .... ,! :" ~r cllOtinu· J.I ' frce nalions answer their educa· ~ J. ", : \ 1 C:~I.'" \ dr.... ~'1 rl\~":iUIl mounted tional needs by establishing science I, ';;:" '\I"':r:n; in ,\I.:iers anti cultural centres to promote world peace. Americans Invited To "Watch' (:;::-:; ~!J,!t':::" ~I~~ (ll) awaj' .:! ,:;1 r:,;I; and public Delivering a nationally.televised'Th address at Baylor Universitys e t ::':.,: ml,irr~rlJund has commencement, the president said Boys Go Horne " By Soviet , :, ;:. p:l,;:,nda efforts even that where Communism is ! .:!rl\\ ::,,~ thi' resJ~na· dominant, men still dream of the tions with the West. che\' told Stassen: 1::1 ~I ~~rlr'·Fr:lDc~ frnm day when they may walk "fear· In the past Westcrn air attaches "We're readv to reduce OUI ,,! rrcmirr Gr y ~lollet. lessly in the fullness 01 human attached to embass\' stalls in Mos· forces from on~ to a million men,: , rC'I:r.~d in protest freedom." cow have been thc' on Iv technical What are you prepared to do?" '::: :r Ir::r.cd th~ failure experts allowed to attenu the an· I Stassen drew attention tn reduc· t ,.!:~:::rm In r~me forth WOULD BE STRONGER nual display of Russia's latest lions in Western 3rll)ies si.ncc the I ::o::a~l 1:1;;1 wOIiM ral\~' "The whole free 1\'orld Would be achievements in aviation. War and Ihen observed III such 'I:::'~: I~P ,\I;rrian )Io~. stronger If there exlsteu adequate Western informants said Khrush· terms as these: Institutions 01 modern techniques '-1 "'~'i"'" fnlnt~ the and sciences in areas of thc world '::;:~~,:;"l;~~!tr!, l:iilcd in where tbe hunger for knowledge iHololov Denies Knolvledge ,':' ::;~~~ Trbr;;:\ on the and the ability to use knowledge ,i~~I'IJn hnrdrr, Loc~1 arc unsatisfied because educational ;~: 'c:p ,"I i 10 be support, facilities are often not equal to the i Of Reported lJIlilitary Cuts 7! f:(".:~ ,·r:'fJthin , neeu." :·c.~, landrd lI'it11 a :,;:1 honel in Ihr Grand Western European lmion would MOSCOW (AP)-Foreign 1Ilinis· you. But I have not heard of it.', provide "a mig h t y pillar of ~:",.1J:", ;oulhra~t of ter V. ~!. ~Iolotov told newspaper Asked whether the U.S. joint strength In the modern world." I:~ ~!li:'1r<l tn ha\'c dl.;. men Friday he knows nothing of chiefs of stafl will be invited to ;: \•. 1~ he:,,,,' casllalties. reports in Washington that the So· tour Russia and inspect Soviet , :r~(l' were raptured, viet Union is about to announce armed forces, he said: "What! All 01 them?" ~":'!' rn:tne! on the battle· withdrawal of jts troops from Hun· Another reporter asked whether , I~! l~nt I;; 1\ capon! wcre gary and Romania. the U.S. Air Fo(cc had been in. ~l\' ~rrn ,ClINt Molotov dodged yes or no an· vitcd to send observers to the an· r:t~r, <,:.1 Ihrir own swers' to several questions c(Jnccrn· nnly ":; .Imall nllm· nual Soviet air show. ing possible visits to Russia by "Do you think this would be a high U.S. military leaders. The reo I~r Hllbnt ~ol·crn. ALGERIA-Soldiers of the Spah! motorized cavalry unit of the French army good idea?" ~!olotov asked. porters t~lke(L to !I!olotov at are· I l riril rIo ellilert weap. display a rebel flag captured after a'running battle .with-two Inrge- bands of' "Yes, do," a Western reporter ception at the Argentine embassy. said. !-:: b":i t:'r nalil'c popola· Algerian rebels, At least 51 rebels were killed in one of the clashes, and it was Asked about the rumored troop "We will take your opinion into a:l r:rnzh l{'lIlcr~. The l'eportedthat Si.Mustapha, know as the rebel general of the North Sahara, was withdrawals, ~Iolotov replie[l: ,rolltrt ion drh'e ap. kid h account," the foreign minL>tcr :lli::lrd ~t parifying the I __il_e_l_'n_t _e_b_at_tl_e_, _. ..:.<I_.N_, _P_h_ot_o..;.)_, ________. ________ _ "I always get my news from said. ad rrdllcln~ tn a mini· LEADING ROLE hrlllren the local The United Statcs, he said, I~l the French. France Interested In Cea'se - Fire should play a Icading role in pro· I· " , -,I :t \ ' , I: 1 I! , , TIC Girl To' Sing On CRC : I ',. ~-c . Lirr ~rr. of Ottawa, • O\~ h/tE~.n minutes 1~1 ~ilr ,r'~IO station "1 !mg folk songs • !~yCd l,I1u5ic for he~ ',I. 1bc c, wll) he accom. I;~\j~, plano by ~lr. An. Auto Unionists Battle Over. eil! IS th t!CI~O Conly dilllshtcr L C r Carr ond the Job, Preference, 10 Injured II1I! ~~re ~f Grand Bank. cath of her fa. mOl' d , FLINT, Mlch, (AP )-A jurlsdlc. convert~d to' civilian production and The invaders chased workers out. ru.lhtr c to Ottawa tiona\ dispute among craft unions will produce automative body parts side Into the parking lot. Some I third and brother~. She over the right to install machinery The AFL craft unionists involved workers fled in their cars, 'others .11 tir~to;t~r Mudent in In an auto pla"t fiared Friday into In the fight are employees of Darin scaled tall wire fences to get away 11:11) Itun .Colle~e. Ottall'a, .. wild, head·cracklng battle In suo and Armstrong Inc.,' of Detroit, from swinging chaius and bats. PD. III IOn )'In~ Singing. Last if a. scholarship with burban Grand Blanc. general contractor for the conver· lice said many cars were damaged. Ihi\ UUc festival 01 Qt. Eleven men were injured and slon project. Members of the Sheriff Carmichael said trouble two of them were listed In critical Unlled Auto Workers or other em· among the craftsmen, ail Identified \i3 I~e:he w?n a schol· condition. llloyees of Fisher Body were nol wllh lhe AFL and now also with TODAY GmLS will be out selling tag~ for' the Victorian Order of Nurses in lIlted . Kiwanis fes· Before order was reslored, sher· involved. lhe AFL·CIO, has b~en brewing for St. John's. Thi~ service brings trained nursing assistance to the home and helps f~1 til' hrst, second or Iff Don Carmichael put In an em. ARMED WITH CHAINS several monlhs. There have been l ,Hs. to lighten the burden of caring for the sick at hime. It ~Iso gives a service , !r(a Ihort stay In SI. erlency call fOr stale troopers. The brawl started when 200 men, several scuffles but lhis. was the They hurried with riot guns to the Invaded a sectlbn of the plant first serious outbreak. to the young mother and infant child classes in proper child care, and all at a rr recorded the Fisher Body Division plant of Gen· where machinery was being inslal· The sheriff said members of lwo nominal cost to the public. 'The picture shows His \Y0l'ship Mayor H: G. ~. (. 8,~ 0 which wlil be She left here on Friday; with eral Motors Corp. led. They carried chains, pipes and Flint .craft locals - Millwrights Mews buying the first from one of the enthusiastic g1\'!s who are he!pmg tillS tl\ p,~ n ~londilY, May I her molher to spend a shorl holl· Troopers aided sheriff's men In baseball bats. Witnesses said they Local 1102 and tbe Plumbers. cause. Left to right, MI'. H. H. W. C. Ie. president of the Board of ManCl~c­ • ~oOdal;' ~nd the two Iday wilh Ilr. and IIlrs. Chester guarding the entrances, to the plant. stormed through one section of the Steamfitters and Weldel's Lncal ~7n a the lime Harris at MarystowD before reo The plant formerly turned out plant and In a few minutes had -have been feuding wilh the De· ment of V.O.N., Miss Margot Duley selling the Lag to Mayor Mews. , (Daily' turDlne to her home la Ottawa. tanks for the. Army. It 'DOW iI belDg cleared lhe place. I troit riggers.
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