~ .... Allston an shot in Roslindale ousing project ~ 5 ~ ~~ I ? .... .....~ Wo (\I I-*l .... 0 0 (I) ~~ti! 'f ~ ..J~i!e i3 w~ ~ l:t~cta lll'lnmunity Newspaper Company www.allstonbrightontab.com FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2005 Vol. 9, No. 47 Bl 32 Pages iW 3 Sections 75¢ · __.,____ ..;;,_.wi... ..... STAFF PHOTO BY KATE FLOCJ The bankrupt Prov dent Nursing Home at 1501 Commonwealth Ave., which finally found a new home for Its last patients. Nursing home shuts doors By Audltl Guha STArr WRITER ith the owner of the Provident Skilled W Nursing Home in Brighton filing for bankrnptcy in Florida, the place's last pa­ tient was successfully transferred to another nursing home Tuesday ard the building is expected to be va­ cated soon, city officials said. "All patients have been moved," said Meri ta Hop­ kins, the mayor's spokeswoman at City Hall. ''The business is taking 30 to 45 days to move out and STAFF PHOTO BY DAVID GORDON Marcelle Goggins with the hot aJr balloon company Above Earth's Plane tries to hold onto to her balloon Saturday ftemoon. The city was going to will report back progress to the court." celebrate Its 375th anniversary rith free rides at Shea Field, ~ut It had to cancel because of high winds. Owned by R chard Wolfe through the Hillard Development C rp., which filed for bankruptcy in PROVIDENT, page J..5 OME, LOW OL By Auditl Guha was too s ·ong at time . STAFF WRITER I "It sou oded like fun ··one ing about ballooning is that you be­ The wind popped high hopes at St. John's come ve patient," she said. "You have to wait Seminary, where residents gath red Jlurda) and something I always for thew ather, you have to wait for the wind." free halloon rid . ch fiN .: the cil) wanted to do." Not ideal celebrating Boston's 375th nn~' l'NU). Brighton resident Andy Heck said he fou11d Andy Heck llooning conditions would involve a the event listed on WBZ's Web site and was di - low wind 5 mph or less, coming from one or two direction only, she said. appointed he couldn't go up in a balloon. lounged on the gra or slept in the i.hade, enjoy­ By Auditi Guha "It ounded like fun and sorething I always Two b skets lay on the field, and a hopeful au­ STAFF WRITER ing free ice cream and a band. dience aited and watched the balloons being wanted to do," he said on his ay out at about 3 Balloon pilot aid the weather and wind were The Presentation School Foundation has 60 days unfurled rom a bag that looked like a big bean­ p.m. not cooperating to en~ure the public· safety in to firm up its plan for the Oak Square school build­ bag. Vol nteers unzipped the bags and w;llked But the field recently sold tp Boston College the rides. ing with a detailed list of uses and an offer price, by the Bo ton Archdiocese saw a fair crowd be­ A pilot from Middleton, Conn., Penny Christy, off in a traight line, letting the balloons unfurl the Boston Archdiocese said this week. fore the ~ay wa<; out. More ran 200 visitors said the \\-ind wa-; coming from all direction!) or BALLOONS, page 14 After a 35-minute meeting at the chancery Mon- OLP, page 14 SIDE HO Another Bubbles? Yum reason to 1 hateSUVs By Audttl Guha ENTERTAINMENT STAFF WRITER Mollye, an 8-year-old basset hound, was injured when a passing tranger chucked a an of Coke at Publick her as she was fenced in in front of her 25 orth Beacon St. home Friday before e caping in an SUV, according to a police report. display 1 Owner Greg Hoeft, 36, aid it was the first inci­ dent of animal cruelt) they have faced in two years of affection in Allston. ''I'm very di appointed people would be that ~SEE PAGE 17 I cruel," he said. "She i the mo t friendly dog you ever met." Hoeft let hi pet out in the fenced yard at about INSIDE 1: 10 a.m., when a large man in a \\ hite T-shirt and shorts leaned over the fence "as if e was going to Commentary 10 pet her." Then he threw an almo t-fulJ can of Coke that hit Community Notes 29 Mollye squarely in the back, making her groan. PHOTO BY ZARA TZANEV "I was standing right there," Hoeft aid. "When I Julia Wong blows b bbles with his son Thomas, 2, at the Honan-Allston Branch Library's party Friday to kick off Its Crime 13 confronted him, he yelled, 'I didn't do anything."" summer reading pr gram. The day Included Ice cream, bubbles, face painting an sidewalk chalk. Hoeft said the man was pretty intoxicated. Destinations 22 He called 911 immediately and reported the Ubrary Notes 24 HATER, page 15 Obituaries 24 !UAEL Call For a Free People 25 Cllll{OPH \C:TIC ortgage Loans Market Analysis! Political Notebook 11 Local knowledge. Sports erienced answers. All Sizes & Widths Auto Shawmut~21 Properties. 2 7 Many Styles Work Injuries Peoples & Colors 134 Tremont Street• Brighton federal Savings Bank All AMERICAN HOME AID, C. Your Neigl1borhood Realtor® Allston 229 North Harvard StreeL Medical Supplies l 556 Cambridge St., Brighton Brighton 435 Market Street ~ Tel. 617-787-2121 r.. (617) 254-0707 • www.pfsb.com 151 Sutherland Rd. • Brig ton www. CZ I shawffrut.com (617) 787-8700 ~ Manb.-rFDJC 61 J.713-4300 7 98238 60009 2 Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, July 1, 200~ www.allstonbrightontab.com ' ..... ,l. Allston-Brighton History Now ' I • I . ' By Wllllam Marchione organlz d untll 1862, whlle the church building went up In 1864. The Eastburn Street area was BRIGHTON ALLSTON ~ I STORICAL SOCIETY strong! Identified with Eplscopallanlsm owing to two other circumstances: St. Margaret's stood next This week's contest was harder than It seemed, but seven readers knew this was St. Margaret's to the hlldhood home of prominent clergyman, the Rev. Cyrus T. Knight, who In 1889 would be Episcopal Church. The handsome Gothic Revival style St. Margaret's Episcopal Church stood at the electe an Episcopal bishop. In addition, the name Eastburn, which was applied In 1886, memorlallzes southwest corner of Washington and Eastburn streets In Brighton Center from 1864 until the mld- Manto Eastburn, the Eplscopal Bishop of Massachusetts. Of the three buildings that comprised the 1970s, when It was demollshe~ to make way for a commercial block. St. Margaret's parish had St. Ma aret's Church complex, two have survived: a parish center located to the rear of the church merged some years earner with St. Luke's Episcopal Church on Brighton Avenue In Allston. While the urn Street, which has been converted Into a private residence, and the church parsonage, first local Episcopal services Jere held as early as 1854, the congregation was not offlclally ands at the southwest corner of Washington and Foster streats. Winners Next \veeks 1. Barbara Berry 5. Mary Regan contest 2. Barbara Forbes 6. Colleen Salmon Hint: Think you know this handsome, 19th Century landmark where a fire station now 3. Maureen McGrail 7. Richard B. Sullivan stands? Then fax your a_nawer to 781-433- 8202 or e-mall It to allston-brlghton@cnc. 4. Bill Mills com. Good luck. The Allston-Bright~n TAB wants you for a readers network r--·,,,,_.,_.,~°""'"""''<*«=<·Wh>»YA"«<<>X<:<·»<;<»>•~:·<->>x;,,«-»»•<•« ·X.,,X«·0v>X·X·X•»»X·•'gE_t·_·~.•·...; _:· ·.>.>.·: ·v···-·.··. ·;,··_....,'_'_: ~•_.. _·.i "'.. · :.:;.:_'°'_·_ 'f_..::,· _- : _____ m»m>-7 •, .,.<;~;::'1 Have strong opinions? Do you Iyou like to be a part oftheAUston- on the neighborhood's worst pot­ .~, '. - . -- - - :-->!+:rn want your voice heard? Would Brighton TAB? From chiming in holes to picking where to get the -... -.- .... -.................."- ,.. --.. '"-......... -........... ............--- ------. ~. 3 be t lice of pizza, you can help t1u paper become more reader­ .~~'.~~~ ; J : ;;J:; :~i,f Ji~':.-:~ .·:_..-.-~~~~~~=-:~ I Report~ + . :'. -i < -: + ~ ... ..... Auditi Guha (7111) 433-8333 q HAVE A SAFE & FUN oriented. The All ton-Brighton TAB is 4TH OF JUL looking for re idents to be part of The market is hot, the buyers are ou and I am our Readers Advi ory Network. working with many highly motivate buyers Readers who join will be sur­ 'i~~ttt;•· •· . 1t;fS il right now, one of whom may want to buy veyed for opinions about impor­ ..;.'. '.;::J·i·:" YOUR HOME! Call me for a free, no-obliga­ tant i sue·, feedback on the paper - ~~;:··~:~··· '·.;el~~:~~~~~ i~~~~··:~~1 Russian section 'rlveiti$mg . ;GyuriT(lbansJo/ (617) 96&-t~i? ·f' tion market analysis of your home. No Cost. and tory ideas. All we need is ClassiUed.llrelp wimte~ . , . .... L.:., . , ;) , (800) 624-7$~: · No Hassle. No Obligation. your e-mail addres . ine for recieving press Calendarlisllngs. ;, ......... .... .. (781) 433-821j~ Your Neighborh od Realtor® Your e-mail addres will be is Monday, 5 p.m, prior to Newsroom taxnun1ber .: .... ............. (781) 433-8202 NORMAN O'GRADY kept confidential and not shared then xt Friday's i sue. Auditi Gli1a Committed to serving the Real Estate need o with anyone el e, including other ' Re 'dents are invited to call us with story . the Allston/Brighton Community reader · .,.. h11 join the ne ork. We ideas or rea tion to our coverage. Pleas-e call · S:i1~Ljffl!~~1ij!!= ; , promise not to flood your e-mail When you think Real Estate, think Nor111a11 O'Grady Allst n-8 · ,;t>tr n T B &lite .
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