Draft version August 14, 2018 Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj v. 04/17/13 THE 3-DIMENSIONAL ARCHITECTURE OF THE υ ANDROMEDAE PLANETARY SYSTEM Russell Deitrick Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1580, USA Rory Barnes Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1580, USA Barbara McArthur Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, TX 78712, USA Thomas R. Quinn Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1580, USA Rodrigo Luger Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1580, USA Adrienne Antonsen Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1580, USA and G. Fritz Benedict Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, TX 78712, USA (Dated:) Draft version August 14, 2018 ABSTRACT The Upsilon Andromedae system is the first exoplanetary system to have the relative inclination of two planets' orbital planes directly measured, and therefore offers our first window into the 3- dimensional configurations of planetary systems. We present, for the first time, full 3-dimensional, dynamically stable configurations for the 3 planets of the system consistent with all observational constraints. While the outer 2 planets, c and d, are inclined by ∼ 30◦, the inner planet's orbital plane has not been detected. We use N-body simulations to search for stable 3-planet configurations that are consistent with the combined radial velocity and astrometric solution. We find that only 10 trials out of 1000 are robustly stable on 100 Myr timescales, or ∼ 8 billion orbits of planet b. Planet b's orbit must lie near the invariable plane of planets c and d, but can be either prograde or retrograde. These solutions predict b's mass is in the range 2 - 9 MJup and has an inclination angle from the sky plane of less than 25◦. Combined with brightness variations in the combined star/planet light curve (\phase curve"), our results imply that planet b's radius is ∼ 1:8 RJup, relatively large for a planet of its age. However, the eccentricity of b in several of our stable solutions reaches > 0:1, generating upwards of 1019 watts in the interior of the planet via tidal dissipation, possibly inflating the radius to an amount consistent with phase curve observations. Subject headings: planetary systems, planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability, stars: individual (Upsilon Andromedae) arXiv:1411.1059v2 [astro-ph.EP] 6 Nov 2014 1 INTRODUCTION revealed the presence of two additional planets, υ And c and d (Butler et al. 1999). Follow-up by Fran¸coiset al. 1.1 Observations (1999) confirmed that the existence of planets was the The υ Andromedae (υ And) planetary system was the best explanation for the RV variations. Even at the time first discovered multi-exoplanet system around a main of Butler et al. (1999), the semi-major axes of the plan- sequence star and is possibly still the most studied multi- ets (0.059, 0.83, and 2.5 au), the minimum masses (0.71, planet system other than our Solar System. υ And b was 2.11, and 4.61 MJup), and eccentricities (0.034, 0.18, and discovered using the radial velocity (RV) technique by 0.41) made it clear that this system was very unlike our Butler et al. (1997) at Lick observatory. Two years later, Solar System, and it has presented a challenge to planet combined data from Lick and the Advanced Fiber-Optic formation models that explain the Solar System. Stepin- Echelle spectrometer (AFOE) at Whipple Observatory ski et al. (2000) confirmed the presence of these three RV signatures in the existing data using two different fitting [email protected] algorithms, but stressed that the eccentricity of planet c 2 was poorly constrained by the existing data. The infrared phase curve of υ And b was revisited with Thus far, astrometry is one of the few techniques that seven additional short epochs and one continuous ∼ 28 can be used to break the m sin i degeneracy in the RV hour observation by Crossfield et al. (2010). The picture method for non-transiting planets (the other is a rela- presented in Crossfield et al. (2010) was consistent with tively new technique that uses high-resolution spectra Harrington et al. (2006), but they allowed larger radii in to directly observe the radial velocity of the planet; for their model, finding that the inclination must be > 28◦ ◦ example, see Brogi et al. 2012; Rodler et al. 2012). As- for a 1:3 RJup planet and > 14 for a 1:8 RJup. trometry is the process of measuring a star's movement There is marginal evidence for a fourth planet orbiting on the plane of the sky, and hence provides 2-dimensional υ And. McArthur et al. (2010) found an improvement in information which is orthogonal to RV. Because this mea- their fit when a linear trend indicative of a longer period surement is made relative to other objects in the sky, it is planet was included. Later, Curiel et al. (2011) found a extremely difficult to obtain the high precision necessary signal at 3848.9 days using the Lick (Fischer et al. 2003; to detect planets. For small, close-in planets, the nec- Wright et al. 2009) and ELODIE radial velocities (Naef essary precision is in the µas range (Quirrenbach 2010), et al. 2004). These authors have taken this to be a fourth since astrometry is more sensitive to planets with rela- planet in the system, as suggested by McArthur et al. tively large mass, low inclination and large semi-major (2010). The McArthur et al. (2010) analysis used re- axis. Nonetheless, Mazeh et al. (1999) reported a small, reduced Lick data (received by personal communication positive detection in the HIP data of an astrometric sig- from Debra Fischer) for their combined RV and astrom- nal at the period of planet d, and derived an inclination of etry orbital fit. As explained in McArthur et al. (2014, ◦ 156 and a mass of 10:1 MJup. However, Pourbaix (2001) in press), these data include updated γ values (constant demonstrated that astrometric fits to the HIP data for 42 velocity offsets in the RVs) that removed this signal from stars, including υ And, were not significantly improved the Lick data. Later, Tuomi et al. (2011) analyzed the by the inclusion of a planetary orbit, and that the incli- older published RV data sets (Fischer et al. 2003; Wright nations for planets c and d could be statistically rejected. et al. 2009) and also found a period for this fourth planet Reffert & Quirrenbach (2011) re-analyzed the HIP data (that was an artifact of the missing γ) of 2860 days, but and placed an upper mass limit on both planets c and d noted that the data sets seemed inconsistent. Tuomi of 8:3MJup and 14:2MJup, but did not claim true masses. et al. (2011) performed fits and calculated the Bayesian υ And became the first multi-planet system to have a inadequacy criterion for the individual data sets. They positive astrometry detection above 3σ when McArthur found that the Wright et al. (2009) Lick data produced et al. (2010) detected the orbits of planets c and d us- a significantly different period for planet e (3860 days) ing Hubble Space Telescope (HST ). Their orbital fit in- and the Bayesian inadequacy criterion indicates that this cluded all previously obtained RVs (including re-reduced data set has a > 0:999 probability of being inconsistent Lick data), and added RVs from the Hobby-Eberly Tele- with the other data sets. While a longer period planet, scope at McDonald Observatory. The combined astrome- indicated by a small slope in the radial velocities, may try+RV fit did not converge when planet b was included, exist in this system, the 4th planet signal reported by indicating that planet b presents no astrometric signal. Curiel et al. (2011) was a product of the earlier reduction Indeed, using their Equation 8, which relates the RV and of the Lick data, which did not account for an instrument astrometry, planet b would be expected to have a signal change that caused a shift in the γ. For this reason, we of α ∼ 40 µas at an inclination of ∼ 3◦, well below HST 's do not include this planet in our study. detection limit of 0.25 mas. This non-detection puts a The rotation and obliquity of υ And A are also of in- weak upper mass limit on planet b of ∼ 78MJup, as the terest in this study (see section 3.1). Measurements of planet would be astrometrically detectable by HST at v sin i = 9:6 ± 0:5 km s−1 (Valenti & Fischer 2005) and ◦ inclinations below ∼ 0:5 . stellar radius R = 1:64+0:04 R (Takeda et al. 2007) McArthur et al. (2010) found that planets c and d have ? −0:05 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ limit the rotation period to be . 8 days for physical val- inclinations of 7:868 ± 1:003 and 23:758 ± 1:316 , re- ues of i, however the only measured period consistent spectively, relative to the plane of the sky, with corre- +2:3 +0:7 with these data is 7:3 days (Simpson et al. 2010). This sponding masses of 13:98−5:3MJup and 10:25−3:3MJup. period suggests an obliquity i ∼ 60◦ (measured from the The mutual inclination between the two planets is ◦ ◦ sky plane), but the signal at this period is very weak and 29:917 ± 1 . This value is quite unlike any mutual incli- it is impossible to distinguish this obliquity from i ∼ 120◦ nation found amongst the planets of our Solar System.
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