NATURAL VEGETATION ZONES WATERBIRDS AND NEARSHORE BIRDS Dabchick Great Crested Grebe Tachyboptus ruficollis To 30 cm (12 in.) Podiceps cristalUs Also called little grebe. To 50 cm (20 in.) Jackass Penguin Spheniscus demersus To 70 cm (28 in.) Breeds on islands off south and west coast. Red-billed Teal Anas erythrarhyncha Spur-winged To 50 cm (20 in.) Goose The similar cape teal Plectrapterus has a gray head. gambensis To 1 m (40 in.) White-faced Duck Note pinkish knob Dendracygna viduata on forehead. To 50 cm (20 in.) Yellow-billed Duck Anas undulata To 58 cm (23 in.) Broadleaf Forest African Pygmy Note dark saddle on yellow bill. Mediterranean Red-cheeked Goose Nettapus auritus Egyptian Goose Grassland Cordon Bleu To 33 cm (13 in.) Alopochen aegyptiacus Savannah and/or Scrub Woodland To 75 cm (30 in.) Note reddish patch Semi-desert Grasses and Shrubs around orange eye. Desert Grasses and Shrubs Undifferentiated River Valley Vegetation Undifferentiated Mountain Vegetation No Vegetation Great Cormorant There are about 2900 species of birds found in Africa. This guide provides a Phalacrocorax carbo simplified introduction to species that are familiar, widespread and/or unique to To 1 m (40 in.) Africa. Most illustrations show the adult male in breeding coloration. Colors and Reed Cormorant Common in northern Africa. markings may be duller or absent during different seasons. Measurements refer to Phalacrocorax africanus the length from bill to tail tip and are approximate. Illustrations are not to scale. To 50 cm (20 in.) White-breasted Waterford Pressproduces reference guides that introduce novices to travel, Note long tail languages, science and nature. For a catalog, write to Waterford PressLtd., and red eye. Cormorant PO Box 4739, Blaine WA 9B231-4739. Publisher information and hundreds Phalacrocorax carbo To 1 m (40 in.) of free educational games can be downloaded from our website at: Red-billed www.waterfordpress.com Firefinch Text and illustrationscopyright e 2000 by Waterford PressLtd. ISBN 158355033- X $5.95 $7.95 Cdn All rights reserved. To order, call (800) 434-2555 5 0 5 9 5 Sanderling Calidris alba For permissions, or to share comments, To 20 cm (8 in.) e-mail: [email protected] Runs in and out with Ruddy Turnstone waves along shorelines. For information on custom-published Common Snipe products, call (360) 332-7301. Arenaria interpres Gallinago gallinago To 25 cm (10 in.) To 30 cm (12 in.) 9 781583 550335 Printed in China 001279 10 9 8 r 6 5 • 3 2 1 WATERBIRDS AND NEARSHORE BIRDS WATERBIRDS AND NEARSHORE BIRDS WATERBIRDS AND NEARSHORE BIRDS Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocro/alus Caspian Tern To 1.7 m (5.5 ft.) African Black Crake Sterna caspia The similar pink-backed Amaurornis flavirostris To 60 cm (24 in.) pelican is smaller and To 20 cm (8 in.) African Jacana Great Egret Note stout bill and Actophilornis africana Little Egret Greater Flamingo has a pinkish bill. Shoebill Note red legs and Cattle Egret large size. To 30 cm (12 in.) Egretta garzetta Ardea alba Phoenicopterus ruber Balaeniceps rex yellow bill. Bubulcus ibis Long-toed swamp bird To 65 cm (26 in.) To 95 cm (38 in.) To 1.5 m (5 ft.) To 1.2 m (4 ft.) To 60 cm (24 in.) walks on the floating Note black bill Bill is black during Note pink bill. The Inhabits swamps of leaves of waterplants. and yellow feet. breeding season. smaller lesser flamingo east and central Africa. has a dark red bill. Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopica Cape Gannet To 90 cm (3 ft.) Common Moorhen Morus capensis Gal/inula chloropus To 1 m (40 in.) To 35 cm (14 in.) The similar northern Common Tern Gray Heron Hadeda Ibis Note white stripe on flank. gannet occurs along Ardea cinerea Squacco Heron northern coasts. Sterna hirundo African Spoonbill Bostrychia hagedash To 3B cm (15 in.) To 95 cm (38 in.) Ardeola ral/oides To 90 cm (3 ft.) To 40 cm (16 in.) Goliath Heron Platalea alba Note black cap and Ardea goliath To 90 cm (3 ft.) Note red mark on bill and forked tail. Orange White wings are white facial crescent. Call conspicuous in flight. To 1.3 m (52 in.) Bill has a spoon- bill is black-tipped. shaped tip. is a loud - ha-de-dah. African Skimmer Rynchops flavirostris To 38 cm (15 in.) Blue Crane Feeds by flying Anthropoides paradisea with its lower bill To 1.1 m (42 in.) Gray-headed Gull cutting the water's surface. Gray-crowned National bird of Larus cirrocephalus Crane South Africa. To 45 cm (18 in.) Balearica regulorum To 1.1 m (42 in.) QUAIL, OSTRICH, ETC. Black-crowned Black-headed Night-Heron Heron Hammerkop Marabou Stork Nycticorax nycticorax Ardea melanocephala Scopus umbretta Leptoptilas crumeniferus To 70 cm (28 in.) To 1 m (40 in.) To 55 cm (22 in.) To 1.5 m (5 ft.) Head is hammer-shaped. White Stork Scavenging bird Ciconio ciconia competes with To 1.2 m (4 ft.) vultures for carrion. Black-capped African Darter Avocet Anhinga rufa To 90 cm (3 ft.) Blacksmith Plover Recuavosettarvirostra Found on inland 1) Vanel/us armatus To 45 cm (18 in.) JP Helmeted Red-necked Francolin lakes and waterways. To 30 cm (12 in.) Guineafowl Francolinus afer Three-banded To 35 cm (14 in.) Crowned Plover Named for its call - klink, Numida meleagris Note red on Ostrich Vanel/us coronatus Plover klink - which sounds like To 55 cm (22 in.) To 30 cm (12 in.) Charadrius tricol/aris a hammer hitting an anvil. throat and face. Struthio camelus Black cap is encircled To 20 cm (8 in.) To 2.7 m (9 ft.) in height by a white ring. Note red eye ring. Is the largest and heaviest bird on earth. Kori Bustard Choriotis kori Red-knobbed Coot Saddle-billed Stork To 1.3 m (52 in.) Common Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis Fulica cristata One of the world's heaviest Quail Crocodilebird To 1.5 m (5 ft.) To 45 cm (18 in.) flying birds. The smaller Coturnix coturnix Pluvianus aegyptius Bill has a yellow saddle. Two red forehead knobs black bustard has a black To 18 cm (7 in.) To 20 cm (8 in.) are prominent during Black-winged Stilt head, neck and undersides Note streaked Rumored to clean the breeding season. Himantopus himantopus and a white ear patch. pattern on face. teeth of crocodiles. To 38 cm (15 in.) BIRDS OF PREY &: VULTURES BIRDS OF PREY &: VULTURES DOVES, CUCKOOS, ETe. Pied Malachite Kingfisher Striped Kingfisher Tawny Eagle .;I: Bataleur Egyptian Vulture Afcedo cristata Kingfisher Halcyon chelicuti Aquifa rapox Terathopius ecaudatus Martial Eagle Hooded Vulture Neophron percnopterus White-headed To 15 cm (6 in.) Ceryle rudis Ta 18 cm (7 in.) To 75 cm (30 in.) To 60 cm (24 in.) Polemaetus be/ficosus Necrosyrtes monachus To 65 cm (26 in.) Vulture To 25 cm (10 in.) Note short tail. To 80 cm (32 in.) Plumage on legs and To 75 cm (30 in.) Tool-using bird breaks open Aegypius occipitalis The similar giant underparts is is shaggy. Underwings are white ostrich eggs with rocks. To 80 cm (32 in.) kinqtisher is much larger 1'6 with a black trailing Note red and blue bill. and has a rufous breast. edge. Namaqua Dove Oena capensis ~.f To 30 cm (12 in.) Secretarybird Note long tail Rock Dove Crowned Eagle White-backed African Fish-Eagle Sagittarius serpentarius Columba livia Spuaetus coronatus Haliaeetus vocifer To 1.3 m (52 in.) lappet-faced Vulture Vulture To 35 cm (14 in.) To 1.5 m (5 ft.) To 80 cm (32 in.) Hunts along the ground Torgos tracheliotus Gyps africanus The common Black Eagle Note head crest. and often kills prey by To 1 m (40 in.) To 95 cm (38 in.) urban 'pigeon'. Aquila verreauxii stamping it with its feet. Heavy-billed vulture The similar cape vulture To 85 cm (34 in.) dominates other birds inhabits mountainous Rock Pigeon at animal carcasses. regions of southern Africa. Columba guinea To 30 cm (12 in.) Also called speckled DOVES, CUCKOOS, ETC. pigeon. Ring-necked Dove Streptopelia capicola To 30 cm (12 in.) Call is a continuous - African Hawk Eagle laughing Dove Black Kite work-HARD-er. Hieraaetus spilogaster Streptopelia senegalensis Milvus migrans To 65 cm (26 in.) To 25 cm (10 in.) To 55 cm (22 in.) White breast is Note spots on neck. Several variants exist. heavily streaked. Notched tail is key field mark. Great Blue Diederik Cuckoo Turaco Chrysococcyx caprinus Corythaeola cristata To 18 cm (7 in.) To 75 cm (30 in.) Call is a clear - Narina Trogon Inhabits tropical forests Yellow-fronted Speckled dee-dee-deederik. Apoloderma narina in west and central Africa. Tinkerbird To 30 cm (12 in.) Mousebird Pogoniulus chrysoconus Forest bird draws Colinus striotus White-bellied To 13 cm (5 in.) To 35 cm (14 in.) attention to itself The similar red-fronted Alpine Swift GO-Away-Bird with its loud call - Bill is black above, tinkerbird has a red Tachymarptis melba Corythaixoides leucogaster hoot-hoot. ... hoot-hoot. white below. Black-shouldered Kite forehead patch. Call is a To 23 cm (9 in.) To 50 cm (20 in.) Efanus caeruleus clinking - poop-poop. Augur Buzzard To 35 cm (14 in.) Named for it sheep-like Buteo augur Note all-white tail. bleating call - go-wayeer. To 1.3 m (52 in.) Note reddish tail. Giant Eagle-Owl BUDo lacteus To 65 cm Red-billed (26 in.) Wood-Hoopoe Call is a pig- Crested Hoopoe Phoeniculus purpureus Bearded like grunt. Gray Parrot To 38 cm (15 in.) Woodpecker Barn Owl Upupa epops Crested Barbet To 30 cm (12 in.) Psittacus erithacus Travels in small flocks Trachyphonus vaiffantii Thripias namaquus Tyto alba To 33 cm (13 in.) through savanna To 25 cm (10 in.) African Scops Owl To 45 cm (18 in.) Head crest is erect when To 25 cm (10 in.) alarmed.
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