THE WESTFIELD LEADER , THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTf = =ias a=B=s= =iia5:::SB ==s i = TY-FIFTH YEAR—No. op Entered aaiSecondClaB^fattfii^'^^^ ^ ^* ^ ^^ ™ ^ ^ po«t office wMtfleidw"" WESTFIELD NEW JERSEY THURSDAY APRIL 211955 SiSL 36 Page*—6 CMU ick of Primary Contests Bagger Places Superior Court [esults In Light Voting 6th in County Upholds Woman's Administration Of Salk Assembly Race Clubhouse Move Daylight Saving Vaccine To Begin Tuesday Itizens Four Now Holding To Begin Sunday Way Cleared For Office Renominated Conversion of Auxiliary Card To avoid being »n hour Ut< By Republican Voters Euclid Ave. Home First, Second : for church Sunday or milling Democrats Write-in the morning train Monday, Union County's four incumbent Superior Court Judge Richard J. Parties Next Week Graders Eligible Full Council Slate ruidcnti »re reminded tc State Assembly members, Tuesday Hughes Monday in Elizabeth up- turn their clocki AHEAD on« won Republican renominatkm for held the Mayor and Town Council hour before retiring Saturday the three-year posts. The only lo- in authorizing issuance of a club- Benefit Children's Await Arrival andidates for election in the night, in preparation (or th« ember polling were chosen in cal candidate, former Councilman house permit for the Woman's Country Home Of Supply Here unexciting primary election »Urt of Daylight Saving Donald H. Bagger, came in sixth Club to establish a clubhouse at Time, Sunday. in the county, falling behind the 318 South Euclid avenue. A sellout was predicted today Tuesday. Four Republican hard-to-beat quartet of Mrs. Flor- Plans have been completed by icilmen, whose terms expire at The court's decision clears the for the annual Senior Auxiliary the local Board of Health, Bo»ra end of the year, ran for re- ence P. Dwyer, William R. Van- way for the Woman's Club to com- dessert card parties to be held next derbilt, Carlyle W. Crane and G. plete purchase of the 17-room col week at the Hotel Suburban, Sum- of Education, and the WestJIeld tion unopposed and tallied un- Boro Support DR. N. V. PEALE Chapter of the National Founda- ressive totals, Clifford Thomas, all at present onial mansion owned and occupied mit, by Mrs. Alan Bruce Conlln, members of the lower house at by Mrs. Burr A. Towle, widow of party chairman. Almost 500 tables tion for Infantile Paralysis for the hey were Clancy D. Connell, Trenton, and Arthur O. Nelson. administration of Sf.lk polio vte* ward, U3 votes; Robert F. Goes to Komich a former mayor, and her family, have been sold for the five affairs cine to all first and second gradert ibcrt, second ward, 678 votes; Besides polling a close second in Dr.PealeWill Sale of the dwelling for a re- to be held Monday through Friday, whose parents have requested the rard M. Bilden, third, 431 Westfield, Mr. Bagger made his ported $30,000 has been pending for the benefit of the Children's Inoculation. Of the 1,250 eligible Less Than Half Of best showing in the following Country Home. and James P. Mitchell, Address Rotary 13 months. The transaction was children in this group, 1,203 have ., 352. places: Third in Clark and Moun- contingent on the clubhouse per- Care of the young polio patients turned in requests for the viccine. Voters at Polls tainside; fourth in Fanwood, Ken- mit. The club plans to renovate emocratic write-ins for council at the Home includes the use of There will be two shot* riven, ilworth and New Providence. and redecorate the dwelling and the rocking bed, which is being i included, Thomas J. Mc- MOUNTAINSIDE — Voting was Mrs. Dwyer led the field with Tickets Available to establish a parking lot for 60 four weeks apart, The following ry, first ward, three votes; light in the Borough Tuesday, even demonstrated this week in the win- DR. F. E. CHRISTIAN schedule has been get up to take E. Mayham, second, five; 21,612 votes. The others tallied For May 9 Meeting cars. dow of the Elizabethtown Gas Co., in view of the contests for all four unofficial totals of 15,688 for Van- Establishment of the clubhouse care of all Westfield schools, if the i McGowan, third, four, and local offices. Less than half of the East Broad street. This bed, one vaccine arrives in time from a »up. es S. MacFayden, fourth, 12, derbilt; 14,183, Crane; 14,140, Returns already received from has been opposed by a group of of several used at the Home, makes registered voters went to the polls Thomas; 12,288, Nelson; 11,396. neighboring Rotary Clubs, togeth- residents. They voiced their op- Presbytery To ply purchased through March of i the State Assembly race, for- in spite of the continuous calling it possible for the polimyelitis pa- Dimes funds by the National Foun- Conncilman Donald Bagger, Bagger; 7,593, Arthur E. Lloyd er with many reservations made position to the proposal at two tient to leave the respirator (iron on the part of the Republican Jr. and 6,861, Mrs. Jane L. by residents of Westfield and ad- Zoning Board of Adjustment hear- dation for Infantile Paralyili and of eight GOP candidates for County Committee and their work- lung) earlier, and to accustom the given free of charge to all health nominations, polled 1757 Meineke. joining towns, indicate a filled au- ings and at a session of Town patient to normal breathing. The Install Christian ers. Council. officers throughout the country. If s locally, coming in second to The order of finish in the five- ditorium at the Senior High School motion of the bed tends to help in the vaccine does not arrive in time, , Florence P. Dwyer, one of Mayor Joseph A. C. Komich was way Democratic Assembly race fol- Monday evening, May 9 when Dr. Despite the opposition, the the action of the diaphragm, renominated to that office for his Service 3pen To ihe first shots will be given one incumbents. He tallied 595 lows: Dr. Frank J. Slugaski, 10,- 'Norman Vincent Peale presents Board of Adjustment twice recom- the action of the diaphragm. When week later. i In the first ward, 510 in the fourth term by the Republicans by 298; Allen Kaufman, 10,131; Mrs. his address at the golden anniver- mended the clubhouse permit. Tlie the head of the bed migrates up- Public Wednesday 694 votes over 365 received by op- sary meeting of the Rotary Club Columbus, Grant, McKlnley and ' nd, 349 in the third, and 303; Mildred Barry Hughes, 9,990; Wil- recommendation was approved the ward the abdominal organs shift posing Charles A, Jerome. Kom- liam A. Young, 9,889 and Edward in Westfield, a club spokesman second time by the mayor and town downward encouraging the move- The Rev. Dr. '"vedevick E. Chris- Washington schools, Tuesday, first th, as compared with 630, 537, shot; May 24, second shot. and 319 respectively, for Mrs. ich's running mates, Herbert W. J. Belluscio, 3,862. said today. "The remaining sup- council. The original recommenda- ment of the diaphragm, thus draw- Man will be ins oiled by the Pres- Moore and Lyman J. Parrigin, re- ply of tickets is limited but there tion was rejected by former Mayor ing air into the lungs favoring in- bytery of Elina eth as minister of Holy Trinity, Jefferson, Wilson /er. ceived B95 and 599 votes respec- The Republicans in November and St. Christophers schools, Wed- he other Republican candidates will ofer the voters Hatfield and are xtill some available for those Charles P. Bailey on a legal tech- halation. As the foot of the bed the Presbyteria l Church here at tively over opposing Fred Wild- interested." They may be obtain- nicality. He said that all residents elevates the abdominal organs a service to be leld in the church nesday, first shot; May 25, second Assembly were G. Clifford auer Jr. and incumbent William Erinest S. Hickok of Summit and shot (St. Christophers to be taken mas, William R. Vanderbilt and Mayor P. Edward Biertuempfel of ed from any Westfield Rotarian or BlTected by the permit had not move upward against the dia- at 8 o'clock Wei ncsdny evening. A. Stevenson for three-year terms from Herbert L. Vance, 321 South been notified of the hearing. phragm, helping exhalation. The Elmer U. Firaiey, moderator of care of in Wilson and Jefferson ••:• lyle W. Crane, all incumbents on Council. Roland Hall in filing Union for three-year terms; John Hchools clinics.) received 1100, 1579 and 1150 W. Zerega of Plainfield for two avenue. Town Attorney Robert S. Snev- patient is instructed to inhale as the Klizabeth presbytery and a against the Incumbent William A. ily represented the town at Mon- the head of the bed rises and ex- ruling elder In the Crescent Ave- Franklin and Lincoln schools, « respectively; and Arthur O. Heine for the two-year unexplred years, and Mayor Frederick P. "There is a possibility that Mrs. son, 873 votes; Arthur 'E. Andersen of Cranford for one Peale may accompany her famous day's trial. William M. Beard ap- hale as the head falls. The rhyth- nue Presbyterian Church, Plain- April 28, first shot; May 26, second term, lost out with 384 votes peared for the Woman's Club and mic movement of the bed also fn- field, will preaidJi over the installa- shot. 272, and Mrs. Jane L. against Heine's 618. Elmer A. Hof- year. Zerega and Andersen are husband to the meeting. This nekc, 201. the successors to Donald D. Mac- couple, which has appeared on tel- Phidias J.
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