HENPECK. Dry Goods.—6. J. Cliiirloe. JiCgftl. Mn. EoiTOK .'—Never * having seen anything in your columns from our BTATK OP 1-EWI8 A. HOLBEN, PBOKAS- O TBACUEnS.-l'UULIO EXAMINATIONI Thnrsdayi April 84, 1884.- little place hereon earth, situated in E u(l, StHto of MlchlKun, County of liiKlium, will be held as follows: Third grade ox BH. At II 8u.sHioti or tliu pro1)ntu court I'ur Haid Tumintttion will be held at Leslie, Match 11; u the township of Ingham, I, a lone coiiiit.v, lioldiit tlio priilmto nlllco, in tliu elly of Mason, March lU; at Uansvillo, Aiiril 11; and a scribe, take the matter in hand to Miidiin, onthu aist day of March, in the year Wtlllninston, April 'JS, IBM. PLAINFIELD. Olio tlioiiDiind eight hnuilrnd iind oiKlity-four. represent said place in your columns. A|ipllcalion» for llrst nnd second (jrado cortin I'rcHuut, Uuo. P. Ulliuin, Jiideuof )irobutu. cntes will be received nt tho Mason exunilua Jniiiesg Levi Swan ia building an addition LACING KID GLOVES lu lliu mntturof the UHlKto of Lewis A. lloideu, tlons. to ilia already Idrgo house. docciiftud. The hoard holicve that teachers derlvo'area Geo. Mapea ia aellUig lota of plowa Uii roiiilliii; nndlUInK the potitton, duly verillod, heuuttt from attendance upon teachers' Tnatl and wagons. Miaa Alice M. Young ia training the of Mlltnn Itvnii, adinlnistrutor of snid estate, tutes, and will notice auch attendance In tbol: young ideas in Dist. No. Si. lirnyliii! for lloonsu to null roiil oNtato for tho put- estimate of the value of axuinliiniiuu papers. Miss Mittie Oodley, of White Ouk, poau of piiyinRtho dohts of said deccunud, and Third grade studies will bo orthoiiruphy nnu VOL. XXVI.-NO. 17. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1884. WHOLE NO. 1321. la in town for a week or two, Miss Minnie Lamb, of Mason, uxpunsoa ol^ndministuriui; his ostutu. uraintnur, ruadlni;, writing and spellinR, KcoRta teaches in the Swan Dist. this spring. Tliuroupon it is ordered, that Monday, tho 5th pliy, arithmetic, tbuory and art of teaching • Chttiley Cbllard is. so fur recovered day of May next, at ten o'clock in tho foro- United States history and civil Kovernmenl. Tlid from the uttaclc of rlieuiriatlHm u» to be B. F. Siierwood will buy an engine to nuiiii, lie iiHslgned for tho hoarini; of nuid |iotition, second grade studios will hu as above with th< nnd Ihiit the heirs iit law of said deceased, and MnNoii ItrlviiiK €lnli. on the street. and be prepared to thresli the grain addition of algebra, physinlofty and philosophy Mrs. Homer Cornell and Miss Lutle Mrs. .1. Q,. Palmer, nne Mary L. Read Geo. W. Bristol's ud. tirocerles.—E. 0. Hunt. all other pei'snns Intutcsted in said estate, aro Tho following rules will ho observed in tni Woodworth are in the city. Pierce, has our thanks for specimens An association under the above S. E. Bogera has left ua and moved to for the iarmera the coming season. required to appear at a session of snid exninination of teachers: Fred Brooks, of White Oak, appear- court, then to ho huldoii in the prohnto of the tliiest maple sugar and syrup name was formed at a meeting of stock­ Mason, where he haa engaged to go on Almost everyone in our district is 1. The socrotary shall. In no case, grant moti Look out for S. A. Padilock's adver­ Led before Esq. McEnnally yesterday ollice, in the city of Mason, and sliow ennse, if than one special certillcatv to any person. , we ever saw. They were sent from holders held at the Donnelly House the road for E. 6. Hunt, grocer. Joy wondering why we are hot starting i nuy there ho. why tlie priiy of the petitioner PDBLIBHBD EVKBV 'rilDlt-SnAY, BV tisement in the NKW.S iie.\t week. charged by S. W. Taylor with obhiin- S. G. SX7XTT, sliouid not bo granted: And It is further 2. Tho secretary shall not grant special corlint Frederickville, Crawford Co., Micli. last Monday night. The i«tock sub­ be with him. the Sabbath school this spring. We i cates to any person who, upon examination, falll liig goods under false pretrhses. Ho ordered, tliat said petitioner Kive notic V. J. TEFFT. Bariuini's advertising car pas.scd scribed is $1,000, divided inloshares of certainly should have one. the persons IntorcBlei^l ^letitionein snid estater KIV, Oo f iioticthe epoii - ed to secure a ccrllUcatc at the previous publliT A pile of saw-dust was Ibund burn­ waived exaininatinn'and was bound Levi Jacobs, proprietor of the Top­ examination. L through Mason for Lansing last night. $25 each. The following arc the stock­ ping bouse, ia biiilaing a hotel at Mt. The Sunday school in the Swan denc:;y of said petitioletition and tho lienriiiR theruof, by ing biKtk of Bacon's .saloon last .Sun­ holders : L. CWebb, H. .1. Donnelly, over to tho circuit court. It appears il. Each person applying to tho secretory foil Outside of Lansing, so for as we can Tarrier, on tlie Grand Trunk railroad, district is progressing flnely under tlie cansifii K., aI copy of thitl s order to_ h^e publishe_ d_ in examination shall pay to tlio secretary an Instil Oat ywr, tl.SO; Bix monlhi, 75 canli; Ihra* day, having been Igiiileil by the em­ C. G. Pnrkhnrst, H. Frazell, J. ±). tliat some months since, by represent­ Tun iNdHAMCouNTV NKWS,anewsiiuiier printed monlht, 40 emit—in advanea. where he wlil move in June. ninnagement of Martin Crowl. with liUe foe and an exaiuiiiatiou fee, learn, no trees were planted in Ing­ bers of a pipe or cigar. With the Phelps, A. I. Barber, M. .1. Benient, ing that he owned an unencumbered The Uiog Droeer and clrcHiatod In said county, four sitccossivo A. U. IlAnnv, President. Pine Lake, ham county Arbor day. winil blowing a galea disnlroiis tire farm in White Oak, heobt-itlned a bug­ Miss Ida Chapeil secretary and Miss weeks previous to said day of heariiiL'. ADVERTISINQ RATES. .r. P. Hortoii, R. W, Becker, A. O. J. C. Dickinson la better again. It J. 8. HUSTON, Willlaniston, would have resulted but for Ihe timely gy of Mr. Taylor by giving a promis­ Worden chorister. (A true copy.) GKO. F. GILLAM. JAV C41.KINB, Secretary, Leslie. The scheme to establish a plow DuBols, D, P. Whitniore, H. M. Wil­ In Ingham County, has Just received' was a .mistake about a counsel of doc­ M17wl Judiie afl'robato. OuradvertiHlngratcN nindo known atomco. discovery. sory note. He then repaireil to J. D. Board ScbcboolEo Bxaniincrsx . BuBlneBR ciirda SI n line per year. works at Mason is not iiiectiiiH with liams, A. W. Melian, A. B. Campbell, tors ill liis case. It was only'a change MissEfHe Williams, who had the St. Clair's harness shop where he ob­ TESTATE OP ELLA M.,COllA A., EMMA K. - BuHlnesH locala live cento per lino onch nnd tlio encouragement II deserves. 'I'lie Iiiglitiiii county O I'ccnback coii- V. .1. Tein, Henry Peters, H. P. Hen­ from Dr. C. Lnniereux to Dr. Greene. misfortunu to have her arm fractured, OllTQAOE SALB.-WllKUEAB, JAMES •very Inaortlon. tained a harness by similar means. jCH and Omar A. \Vlillln«, minors. iJliito of M. Birnoy, Johanna lllrney, Timothy Bir veiilloii delari'd IVir Butler for Presi­ derson, Andrew Ftirren, F. T. Al­ Considerable building la being done is getting along nicely. She will be Slichluan, county of Ingham, ss. At n M Marriage, blrtb, nnd dentli nntlcea tree. Mrs. ,S. B. Ncely and -Mrs*. Will He then interviewed the Flemings, SEVERAL CAR LOADS aessioii of tlie probate court for said county ney nnd Mary lliriiey.all of the township of Bun, Obituary notlcea, resolntionH of respect, dent and iigiiiiisl licgole for governor. bright, C. .1. Rayner, Carlos Holden. at Mt. Tarrier (Uiiadilia Centre), two ready to ivsiiine her work aa music 1 lierliill, in the County of Ingham and Statu ol Henderson, wlio have lieoii very sick mortgaged the harness and buggy and held at the |irubate olllce, in llic city ot oarda oftfiaukB, etc., tlvo cenU a line. As Hegole lias also declared In favor of The following ollleers were elected: OF GOODS stores, iiotel, dwellings, postofHce, teaclier in a few weeks. Mason, on the .'list day of Mureh, in the year Michigan, on the thirteenth day of April, A. D for many liays, are slightly recovering. procured-a horse, drove out of town 1 1882, executed a luortgago to Thomas Rirkett, o Butler, ibis action will strike him as Pres.—A. J. Barber; Vice-Pres.—H. J. freiglit lioiiHc, etc., and are doing quite "The Poaclier'a Doom" was played at of our Lord one tlioiisand, citilit hundred and with a horse, buggy, harness, u new ciRhty-four. Present. Geo, F. (illlain, Jud^u of BIrkett. Washtenaw tJo. and State of Michigan A. O. Diiliois, A. W. J^ukhurstaiid liotli gratifying anil disgusting; and Donnelly; Sec—L. C. Webb; Treas.— a business in wheat buying and corn Daiisvillo last Friday and Saturday s to secure tho payment ol certain principal am suit of clothes got of W. W. Heald, ZoroseaeOilp probnle. TME NEWS JOB BOOM C. C. Rolfe atteiiiled the greenback likea fellow.who lilttigreeii persimmon, A. O. Dubois; Direclors—V. .L Teflt, selling. evenings. Tlie most wo can say for interest money therein mentioned, which inort which had never co.st him a cent, and In the matter of the estittu of Ella M„ Corn A., gage was recorded In the olllce of the Iteglstor o slate coiivenlion at ICalaniazoo yester­ he will want some iiiipai'llal observer R.
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