w MONDAY, AUOUOT 8^ 1940^ |B fOURTEKM 1 flbmrlirBtnr Ettntbio XmDk A'Veraft Dally Cirealation Far the Meath of Jnly, 1940 The Weather Workmen today were engaged in A special meeting of the Sunday The annual decathlon, spon­ Mambars of S t Margarat’s Cir­ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Stewart R. Ken­ School teachers of the Emanuel sored by the Reorpation Centers, cle, Daughters of Isabslls, ars re­ 1 Foraeaat of 0. S. Wrotbar Boraao nedy and their daughtet*. Barbara, grading the frontage of Center m i T o w n Park on Myrtle atreet Several “no Lutheran church win be held to­ will open at the West Side plsy- minded of the meeting tomorrow 6367 of 80 Lllley. atreet, accompanied morrow night at 7:80 o'clock at the ground tomorrow evening at 6 evening st 7:80 sharp at the homa by Mrs. Margaret Tedford of parking” signs placed along Myr­ HALE'S SELF SERVE Cloudy, rain late^ tonight ar tle street have been damaged m church. o’clock with five events. The of Mrs. Frances McEvltt 81 Wal­ 1I - - - ' |L 4 ‘ M enber e l th a AodM « Hawley atreet, have returned home flnsl half of the program will take nut street, to bo foUowod"hy card The Originri In New England I W edaeaday: oontiawed' oooL > # , > M m« Buahndl and Mr*. after vacationing at Glant’a Neck second time. A week ago some ■areas of OIrealatleas signs were placed and several The Board of Selectmen will place Thursday night gamea. J a n In WaaUngton. D. C. beach. * 1 . .. ^ k , attending the seeslon of were" alm ost Im m ediately dam ­ hold a special session tonight .to i 1 MancheMter~^A City of Village Charm consider the financial condition of The Dairymen's eoftbell team A costume show will bo held at Natioeal Anierican Veterlnar- Mrs. Ben Johnaon of North Ber­ aged. all four local playgrounds this AND HEALTH MARKET t anoclaUoB. the town. Past year reports will will oppose St. John’s st the Buck- AdvarMatag fm Saga gen, N. J., haa returned home af­ land diamond tomorrow night at 6 Wednesday evening, atartlng at 7 VOL. LIX., NO. 280 MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1940 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN rSl Assessor E. L. G. Hohenthal is be made and budgets may be con­ ter apendlng a few dayn with her s id e r^ . o’clock. o’clock. I f n . WUhemlna OlgUo of 19 daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and spending a few days with friends TUESDAY SPECIALS atnet haa returned from a Mrs. Erik Modean of 106 Chestnut In S t Johnsbury, Vt ■ vacation vlelUng points of atreit. U. S. Members Reach Canada for Defense Board Parley interest in New York and the It was reported today that pro­ Doable itiTf Green Stamps Given With Cash Salea ; Wortd'B Fair. Frank Oakes of Hawthorne posals for the Republican nomina­ All Day Tuesday. House Committ^ street waa a member of a fishing tion of Selectmen David Cham­ Heavy Bomber Blows Tha proposal of 8 .‘ Raymond party that brought in ten tima bers, Harold M. Reed and Harold School-Time Again!! Sm ith for ro-nomlnatlon as a ee- Saturday from aboard Malobl 1 of R. Symington 'wlU be filed this ieetman waa filed this morning. Whltey’s Sport Fishing Center at afternoon as all have Indicated an Hale's Bread Accepts Senate’s Smith is completing his first term Nlantlc. Intention to seek re-election. as a member of the Board. Pro- Another waak and theyll be heck to HaVa Sugar Cored Blast Italian Plants; ' bate Judge William S. Hyde will school! Before they go, outfit them hero at stand for re-nomlnatton according school headquarters — at thrifty savings. Figure for Draft to hts proposal, filed late Satur­ EXTRA SPECIAL! ^ M A T I ^ •w»/ We have the essentials they need — all the Sliced Bacon day. Seeking nomination is Con- new, wearable clothes they'll love—sturdily sUble Sedrick Straughan. All of Regular 69c MIRRO tailored to take hard wear and tear. Cffieck P opular BIm Can these candidates are Republicans. til nm t iiMiiiE their needs and then double-check these low Military Group Votes to i I Judge Agrees With Negro Nazis Attack Britain Ironing Board MCVI/M prices! > Friend's Beans Lim it to 9 0 0 ,0 0 0 ; Taking Melon Not Theft The proposals of Leland T. e c m i, Airportff ami Naval Banc Wood and Charles S. House for liumber of Men to Be ! Clarksville, Tenn.. Aug. 27. | "iia the General Assembly were filed Large I^kage Shttrudlk [ — ((P)—A Negro was brought i At PortHmoiith AImo Collect Funds today. Both men have held office Pad and Made for the School Wardrobe! ^Given Training in Any before Judge Ridley R. Good-1 TT/f •! Fk •- Smoking from Effects under the Republican party in Cake Flour Period During Peace pasture on a charge of stealing ' T arget; BritiHh Plane Willie iSritonS Explowives; town. Wood as a selectman for Electric Cover Sweaters a watermelon from a patch. several terms, and House as a MIRRO;^ Time Under Measure. "Judge," said the Negro, "I Set at 7 0 as Ger­ school board member and town Sllp-oni, Cardigans and Coat sweaters, wouldn't call taking a water- ; SCORES 3-Lb. Can mans I^ sc 2 1 ; Dam­ Watch Raids Night - Ivong Germ an court official. Wood refused to run in the new $ 1 ,1 9 *“ $ 1 .9 8 Crisco_ 47e W'ashington, Aug, 27.— melon stealing. Would you?” | for re-election as selectman this C set AGAIN Fall ahades. "No, I wouldn’t,’’ replied the \ age in Raids on Reich Raids and Fighting time, but accepted backing for IV/rw THf .^6oean Spray (AP)—Quickly lining up court. "It couldn’t be more than representative when friends urged 44 with the Senate, the House treapassing. Two dollars and (jilled ^Unimportant’ Spectators at W embly Off N'«*w Daylight Air him to run. Attorney House, now jVfW VACUUM Wool Flannel Skirta An extra special value! q i . Military Committee voted to­ costa for trespassing." deputy Judge of the town court, coffel maker Cocktail Juice15c 29c ,, ...........— .. --- 'r. By High Command. I rged to Take Cover .Attacks liy Nazis. has had previous experience as a Light colored heavy pad with There will be Iota of plaids as well as day to limit to 90b^0 the an elastic rover — reifuires rou vt BEEN plain colors worn this Fall. ♦ | Q fi W hen Warning Given; court and educational officer. 14-Oniioe Bottle Burt OInoy number of men who could be Berlin, Aug. 27.— (AP) — no taeklnp or pinning. Will WAUINO FOB Sizes 8 to 1 6 ........................... «P 1 . 5 7 0 Pay Sixpence to See. I»ndoii, Aug. 27.— (AP)— flt any .‘•tand.Trd size ironing given military training at any Expect Action British troop concentrations I Heavy bomber blows which The adjourned meeting of the board. Precticall Con­ Ketchup Btls. 23c one period during peace time in southern England, airports Republican Town Committee will [ ^ /9 5 I left Italian industrial plants venient! Unbreak- Jackets under the Burke-Wadsworth and the British Naval base of Lonuon, Aug. 27.- J’l It costs be held at the Municipal building ablet Made of extra-thick, sixpence (about 10 cents) to j shattered and smoking from tonight at 8 o'clock with Chairman specially-hardened aluminum. All wool and flannel Jackets in plaids conscription bill. Chairman On Vacancies Portsmouth were bombed by ] the effects of tons of explo­ and plain colors. Sizes 8 to 16. watch an air raid in Wembley, site William S. Hyde presiding. The New ! ! Makes eight S'/i-oz. cups of delicious, Ivory Soap 5 25c May (D., Ky.), announced German air raiders, the high of one of Britain’s biggest football sives were reported by Brit- committee will cnniplete its list of filtered coffee. See this new MIRRO that the vote was “pretty stadium s. recommmendatlona for local office, Vacuum Coffee Maker today I By Roosevelt command reported today. The ain today, harassed herself to,be voted upon at the Republican $2.98 $3.98 one-sided.” He predicted that communique, covering yes­ Air raid precaution wardens . by night-long German raids prim ary in October. the committee would approve urge spectators to take cover Chenille Oxydol 2 pC 3 7 c terday’s air operations, said when a warning sounds, and then and fighting off new daylight £ } Children's Blouses the entire draft legislation President Will Be Ah-! Nazi fliers also returned at take up a sixpence collection from , air attacks. Mrs. Pcrsls E. Cragan and fam­ OverBix* Seal Wld« Mouth later in the day. HolcU Vaouum Ba$j CUaninc Broadcloth and Rayon in white, maize, night and attacked the Ply­ those v.ho prefer to watch. The Fiat airplane, tank and mo­ ily, of Main street, are spending Bath Mat -Shell - Texaco - Tydol - Good Gulf The commlttei* also inserted In sent from Oipital TJ Mayor Florello H, LaGuardIa (left), heading the United States section of the new Canadian- The money goes to buy .Spitfire tor works at Turin and the mag­ the week at Bay View, Maine. Mrs. blue. * 1 I Q the draft hill the reemployment mouth Naval base, Cornwall and Sizes 7 to 16 .......................... O 1 • 1 57 Case of 24 D uvh; T rip to South American joint Defense Board, is greeted on his arrival in Ottawa. Ont., by Canada’s Rear Admiral fighting planes neto Marelli factory which makes Cragin's Ifam and Gift Shop Will provl/iiotm of leglalatlon authoriz­ ■ ' ’ Percy Nelles (righti.
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