10.02.2015 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST SUPPLEMENTARY LIST FOR TODAY IN CONTINUATION OF THE ADVANCE LIST ALREADY CIRCULATED. THE WEBSITE OF DELHI HIGH COURT IS www.delhihighcourt.nic.in INDEX PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS ------------> J- 1 TO 01 REGULAR MATTERS -----------------------> R- 1 TO 52 FINAL MATTERS (ORIGINAL SIDE) ---------> F- 1 TO 12 ADVANCE LIST --------------------------> 1 TO 79 APPELLATE SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY LIST)----> 80 TO 91 (FIRST PART) APPELLATE SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY LIST)----> 92 TO 102 (SECOND PART) COMPANY -------------------------------> 103 TO 105 SECOND SUPPLEMENTARY ------------------> 106 TO 119 ORIGINAL SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY I)--------> 120 TO NOTES 1. Urgent mentioning may be made before Hon'ble DB-II at 10.30 A.M. 1. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Suresh Kait will not be holding Court today. Dates will be given by the Court Master. DELETIONS 1. CM APPL.20480/2014 im FAO(OS)667/2006 listed before Hon'ble DB-III at item No.1 is deleted as the same is listed before Registrar. 2. CONT.CAS(C)31/2005 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sudershan Kumar Misra at item No.2 is deleted as the same is a decided matter. 3. CRL.M.C. 99/2015 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Manmohan Singh at item No.33 is deleted as the same is fixed for 18.02.2015. 4. W.P.(C) 4156/2014 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Valmiki J. Mehta at item No.16 is deleted as the same is fixed for 13.02.2015 before Registrar. 5. W.P.(C) 7053/2014 listed before Sh. Vinod Goel, Registrar General at item No.2 is deleted as the same is fixed for 12.02.2015. N O T I C E Encourged by the smooth functioning of E-filing of cases in the Company and Tax jurisdiction, which commenced on 25th October 2013, Hon'ble the chief Justice has been pleased to order that the E-filing in the Arbitration jurisdiction shall commence with effect from Monday, 2nd February, 2015. All the pleadings and documents in arbitration side matters will be filed electronically at the E-filing Centres, i.e., Room No.4, Ground Floor, Lawyers' chambers Block-I, Delhi High Court and New Original Side Filing Centre, Ground Floor, Lawyers' Chambers Block-I, Delhi High Court. Filing in the arbitration jurisdiction through any other mode will not be accepted after that date. The e-filing Practice Directions, issued on 25.10.2013, available on the website of Delhi High Court, will apply to e- filing of arbitration cases. Hard copies are also availabe at the e-filing Centres. For the purpose of e-filing, a lawyer or a litigant(in person), as the case may be, will need to purchase a digital signature. The list of vendors(Licensed Certifying Authorities) is available on the wesite http://cca.gov.in. A lawyer desirous of acquainting himself or herself with the e-filing procedure can visit the e-filing kiosk at Room No.4, Ground Floor, Lawyers' Chambers Block-I, Delhi High Court. The procedure for filing of soft copies of other original side cases(i.e.other than arbitration cases) will continue to be governed by the notice dated 30th January, 2014. URGENT NOTICE Reg: Destruction of Unclaimed Certified Copies prepared till 30th August 2014 and Applications for Supply of Certified Copies(Under Objection) for the period i.e. From 1st July 2013 to 30th August 2014. Advocate/Litigants are requested to kindly contact Copying Agent at the Certified Copy Filing Counter on any working day to collect the certified copies prepared till 30th August 2014 lying ready for delivery pursuant to the applications made during 1st July 2013 to 30th August 2014. However, the said certified copies, if not collected by 15.02.2015 would be destroyed in the first week of March, 2015, without any further notice and the amount deposited for such attested copy shall stand forfeited in view of Rule 10A added in Chapter5-B, Delhi High Court Rules & Orders Volume, Published in the Delhi Gazette on 01.09.09 and as per the receipt issued for supply of Certified Copy, which contains a note the "in case the attested copy is not collected within 120 days from the date of its preparation, it will be destroyed and the amount deposited for such attested copy shall stand forfeited". The Advocates/Litigants are further requested to contact Administrative Officer(Judicial), Copy 'Applellate' in Hall No.04, Basement, Extension Block of the High Court of Delhi on any working day to collect the applications made for supply of Certified Copies during 1st July 2013 to 30th August 2014 which are lying under objection. However, the said applications, if not collected for removal of objections, by 15.02.15, would also be destroyed in the first week of March, 2015 and the amount deposited for such attested copy shall stand forfeited. A list of such applications is available with the Copying Agent as also on the High Court Website. REGISTRAR(LISTING) 10.02.2015 P-1 ( PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGEMENT APPLT. JURISDICTION ) COURT NO. 10 HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE MUKTA GUPTA AT: 10.30AM 1. RC.REV.307/2011 RAJENDRA KATARIA BHACHAWAT,MAJOJ JOSHI VS BALDESH KUMAR KAUSHIK REETA KAUL & ORS 2. RC.REV. 158/2014 VIMLA DEVI SAURABH CHAUHAN,VARUN VS SUNIL DUA JAIN, RAJEEV SHARMA, GAGAN MINOCHA COURT NO. 28 HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE SUNITA GUPTA AT THE END OF THE BOARD 1. CRL.A. 244/2011 MITHURAI D B YADAV VS STATE FIZANI HUSSAIN 2. CRL.REV.P.31/2013 SARVESH CHATURVEDI & ANR SANGITA BHAYANA VS STATE NCT OF DELHI & ANR FIZANI HUSSAIN, MANISH KUMAR COURT NO.15 HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE DEEPA SHARMA 1. W.P(C) 3705/2000 M/s D.C.M SHRI RAM HARVINDER SINGH CONSOLIDATE LTD RAJIV NANDA VS B.K.GUPTA & ORS HIGH COURT OF DELHI 09TH FEBRUARY, 2015 REGISTRAR (LISTING) 10.02.2015 FOR PRONOUNCMENT OF JUDGMENT (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION) COURT NO. 29 HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE MANMOHAN SINGH 1. CS(OS) 2008/2009 SMT RAMA GOEL UDAYAN JAIN, NALIN KR. JAIN, I.A. 667/2013 Vs. MR. MOTI GUPTA ALOK SINHA, P.OJHA,SAMRAT I.A. 668/2013 NIGAM,SONAL JAIN,DUA ASSOCIATES I.A. 669/2013 ******** COURT NO. 21 (OS-A) HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE INDERMEET KAUR 18. CS(OS) 1848/2009 VIKRAM KAUSHIK AND ANR ARJUN MITRA, SUNIL AGGARWAL Vs. VIVEK KAUSHIK JOYDEEP SHARMA *********** COURT NO. 14 (OS-D) HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE V. KAMESWAR RAO AT 2.15 P.M 18. ARB.P. 132/2012 M/S LION SERVICES LTD SEEMA TIWARI, MEGHNA MISHRA, I.A. 2794/2014 Vs. M/S DLF PROJECTS LTD F.A. KHAN,NIYATI KOHLI *********** 10.02.2015 R- 1 ( Regular Matters) 10.02.2015 REGULAR MATTERS COURT NO. 1 (DIVISION BENCH-I) HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE RAJIV SAHAI ENDLAW REGULAR MATTERS 1 . LPA 716/2012---------| JALPAC INDIA LTD RAJIV TYAGI,ABHISHEK KUMAR WITH LPA 722/2012 Vs. UNITED INDIA INSURANCE IST 10 CASES | COMPANY LTD 2 . LPA 722/2012---------| UNITED INDIA INSURANCE ABHISHEK KUMAR IST 10 CASES COMPANY LTD. Vs. JALPAC INDIA LIMITED 3 . LPA 1220/2007---------| S.K.N.ASSOCIATES P. LTD. AND TARU GUPTA,GAURAV DUGGAL,B.K. CM APPL. 12715/2007 | ANR. SOOD,YOGESH KUMAR BHATT, WITH W.P.(C) 14682/2006 Vs. UOI AND ANR. NEELIMA TRIPATHI,ANAND | MISHRA,DEEPTI RAJPAL,VIKAS | SINGH,RAJESH KUMAR | 4 . W.P.(C) 14682/2006----| S.K.N.ASSOCIATES PVT LTD AND NEELIMA TRIPATHI,TARU CM APPL. 11621/2006 ANR GUPTA,SNEHASISH MUKHERJEE, CM APPL. 13689/2007 Vs. UNION OF INDIA AND ORS AARTI GUPTA,SANDEEP,PHAGAT, PETER,P.SINHA,SANGRAM,MM KALRA,GAURAV DUGGAL, MICHAEL,RAVINDER AGARWAL 5 . W.P.(C) 1717/2007 TELELCOM WATCHDOG PRASHANT BHUSHAN,RAJEEV CM APPL. 3162/2007 Vs. UOI AND ORS. MEHRA,B.K. ROY,SANJEEV CM APPL. 6876/2007 PURI,ROHIT PURI,ANKUR CM APPL. 7778/2007 CHAWLA,NITI DIXIT CM APPL. 5619/2008 6 . W.P.(C) 5684/2007 SUSHIL KUMAR VIVEK B.SAHARYA,AJAY VERMA Vs. D.D.A. AND ANR 7 . W.P.(C) 6875/2007-----| AIR INDIA CABIN CREW SANJOY GHOSE,MANEESHA CM APPL. 13043/2007 | ASSOCIATION DHIR,PREETI DALAL,H.S. | Vs. UOI AND ORS. CHANDHIOKE | 8 . W.P.(C) 10330/2009----| TRADE UNION JOINT ACTION SANJAY SINGHAVI,MANEESHA COMMITTEE AND ORS. DHIR,H.S.CHANDIOKE Vs. UOI AND ORS. 9 . W.P.(C) 8933/2007 MATER DEI SCHOOL REP. BY THE ROMY CHACKO,AVNISH AHLAWAT PRINCIPAL AND ORS Vs. DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION AND ANR 10. LPA 712/2008 NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR TEACHER AMITESH KUMAR,C.S. ASHRI EDUCATION Vs. KESHAV COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 11. LPA 793/2008 NDPL K.DATTA,SANDEEP THAKUR Vs. JAMILA KHATOON AND ANR 12. W.P.(C) 3355/2008-----| THE STATESMAN LTD. ARJUN HARKAULI,VIKRAM CM APPL. 7157/2008 | Vs. UOI DHOKALIA,N.M.VARGHESE,PRADEEP CM APPL. 12744/2008 | K. BAKSHI CM APPL. 12745/2008 | | | 13. W.P.(C) 3692/2008-----| UNITED NEWS OF INDIA ARJUN HARKAULI,MONIKA CM APPL. 14526/2008 Vs. UNION OF INDIA GARG,PRADEEP K. CM APPL. 17025/2008 GARG,SAQIB,KARAN BINDRA 14. W.P.(C) 4121/2008-----| DR. SERA ABRAHAM AND ORS. NAVEEN R.NATH,A.K. | Vs. UOI AND ANR. SHARMA,MANINDER SINGH 15. W.P.(C) 8981/2008-----| DR. ROHIT FERNANDEZ AND ORS. ANITA,MANINDER SINGH Vs. UNION OF INDIA AND ANR. 10.02.2015 R- 2 ( Regular Matters) 16. LPA 94/2009 GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI AND VIVEK KUMAR CM APPL. 2917/2009 ANR TANDON,J.S.BAKSHI,S.K. Vs. JAI GOPAL SRIVASTAVA CHASWAL,M.M. KALRA 17. LPA 283/2009 INDERJEET SINGH RITESH KUMAR,AMITA GUPTA Vs.
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