7090 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 18 JULY, 1916. Blumenthal, Simon R., (of Zimmerman & Magenheimer, A., 68, Broad Street, New Forshay). York. Botzow, Herman (of 0. C. Kanzow & Com- Maier, Marx, 200, Fifth Avenue, New York. pany). Merchants Colonial Corporation, 45, William- Brasch & Rothenstein, Inc., 32, Broadway, Street, New York. New York. Muller, Carl, (of Muller, Schall & Company). Bunge, Mauricio, (of Maclaren & Gentles, Muller, Ernest, (of Schuchardt & Schutte). Inc.). Muller, Schall & Company, 45, William. Burin, Alf., (of Brasch & Rothenstein, Inc.). Street, New York. Carlowitz & Company, 82, Beaver Street and Muller-Schall, Frederick, (of Muller, Schall &. 35, West Houston Street, New York. Company). Cullen, Charles, Ocala, Florida. Nachod, Maris, 15, William Street, New York. Czech, Armin, (of International Import & National Zinc Corporation, New York. Export Company). Neuhaus, Richard, (of the Electro Bleaching; Dietzgen, Eugene, Company, 166 W. Monroe Gas Company). Street, Chicago; and 218 E. 23rd Street, Neumond, K. and E., 25, Broad Street, New- New York. York. Electro Bleaching Gas Company, The, Buffalo Newton, Rollin C., 15, William Street, New- Avenue and Union Street, Niagara Falls; York. and 25, Madison Avenue, New York City. Norfolk Refining and Smelting Company, Vir- Erlanger, E. H., 60, Wall Street, New York. ginia. Falk, Carlos, (of Maclaren & Gentles, Inc.). Orenstein and Koppel, Pennsylvania. Goldschnridt Chemical Company, 60, Wall Pavenstedt, Edmund, (of Muller, Schall & Street, New York. Company). Goldschmidt Detlnning Company, 60, Wall Perutz, Leopold, 17, Battery Place, New York.. Street, New York. Petroleum Products Company of California,, Goldschmidt Thermit Company, 90, West Inc., San Francisco, California. Street, New York. Rees, Louis J., (of Zimmerman & Forshay). Gravenhorst & Company, 96, Wall Street, New Reuter Broeckelman &• Company, 59, PearE York. Street, New York. Grubnau, Carl, & Son, 144, Arch Street, Phila- Richter, Alfred, (of Reuter Broeckelman <fe delphia, Pa.; 74, Wall Street, New York; Company). and Boston, Mass. Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Company, 100,. Gubelman, Oscar L., (of Knauth, Nachod & William Street, and 14, Jay Street, New Kuhne). York. Hardy, Charles, 50, Church Street, New York. Rubber & Guayule Agency Inc., 108, Walter- Hasenclever & Company, 24, State Street, New Street, New York. York. Rushmore, Townsend, 82, Beaver Street, New Hasenclever, Joh. Bernhardt & Soehne, 21, York. State Street, New York. Schall, William, Junior, (of Muller, Schall & Hauser, Morgan H., (of Zimmerman & Company). Forshay). Schenker & Company, 17, Battery Place, New- Hirsch, Alfredo, (of Maclaren & Gentles, Inc.). York. Hirschland, Franz H., (of Goldschmidt Schloetelborg, G. F., 318, Globe Buildings* Thermit Company). Seattle, Washington. Howe, Robert W., (of Brasch & Rothenstein, Schmidt, Paul, (of Rubber and Guayul© Inc.). - Agency, Inc.). Humburg, William E., 25, Beaver Street, New Schuchardt & Schutte, 90, West Street, New York. York. International Hide <fe Skin Company, 59, Schutte, Bxinemann & Company, 15, William Frankfort Street, New York. Street, New York. International Import & Export Company, 136, Scully, John S., (of Zimmerman & Forshay). South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Siemssen & Company, 82, Beaver Street, New Isaacs, J., (of John Simon & Brothers). York. Jaffe, Max, 15, William Street, New York. Simon, John, & Brothers, Cotton Exchange K-ahl, J. A., 82, Beaver Street, New York. Building, 15, William Street, New York. Kanzow, O. C., & Company, 11, Broadway, Sonneborn, L., Sons Inc., 262, Pearl Street, New York. and 206, Water Street, New York. Kanzow, Otto C., (of O. C. Kanzow & Com- Southern Products Trading Company, Cotton- pany). Exchange Building, 15, William Street,. Kempner, H., Cotton Exchange, Galveston, New York. Texas. Stegemann, Edward, Junior, (of Brasch & Knautih, Nachod & Kuhne, 15, William Street, Rothenstein, Inc.). New York. Superior Export Company Inc., 90, Wesfc Knauth, Mary I., (of Knauth, Nachod & Street, New York. Kuhne). Texas Export & Import Company, Galveston. Knauth, Wilhelm, (of Knauth, Nachod & Ulrich, Ernst, 15, William Street, New York. Kuhne). Weber, Edward, (of Rubber & Guayule Kupper, Hermann C., 52, Murray Street and Agency, Inc.). 536, West lllth Street, New York. Wehrenberg, Otto, (of Phillipp Bauer & Com- Maclaren & Gentles, Inc., 222, Produce Ex- pany). change, New York. Weingardt, Arend H., 15, William Street,. McNear, George W., Inc., Insurance Exchange and 120 Broadway, New York. Building, 433, California Street, San Fran- Zimmerman & Forshay, 9, Wall Street, New- cisco, California. York..
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