Perek II Daf 26 Amud a NOTES -and removed the reeds, as he maintained that they were unneces שַׁלְ׳ִינְהוּד אֲזַל רַ ב ַּ׳ּ׳ָא וְרַ ב הוּנָא According to : אֵ י תִ י בֵ י ּה רָ בִ י ָ נ א – sary; he regarded the entire orchard as having been enclosed for the Ravina raised an objection Rabbeinu Ĥananel’s reading of the text, Ravina’s argument ְבּ רֵ י ּה ּ רַד ְ ב י ה ְ ֹו שׁ ֻ עַ ָנ ְ טִ י ְ נ ה ּו מִ ַבּ תְ רֵ י ּה ד purpose of residence, owing to the banqueting pavilion. Rav Pappa constitutes an objection against Rava, rather than support, and Rav Huna, son of Rav Yehoshua, went after him and collected as claimed by Rashi in his first explanation. Rav Pappa and the reeds, so as to prevent Rav Huna bar Ĥinnana from restoring the Rav Huna, son of Rabbi Yehoshua, attempt to answer the . כו .partitions, as they were Rava’s students and wanted to enforce his objection מְ חִ י ּצָה הָ עֲ שׂ וּיָה – [ruling. A partition made for resting [naĥat Some commentaries explain that a partition made for : לְ נַ חַ ת N On the following day, on Shabbat, Ravina raised an objection to resting is referring to a partition on which people generally לְמָחָ ר אֵ יתִ ּיבֵיה רָבִינָא לְרָבָ א: עִיר Rava’s opinion from a baraita which states: In the case of a new town, walk; its status as a partition is then nullified (Ra’avad). Other ָ החֲדָשׁ מֹודְדִ ין לָ ּה מִ ישׁ ִ יבָתָ ּה, וִ ישׁ ָ נָה we measure the Shabbat limit from its settledarea, from where it is authorities read: A partition that is not made for naĥat, and ח מֵ ֹו מָ תָ ּה ד actually inhabited; and in the case of an old town, we measure the state that it is referring to a partition that was intended to H be moved, rather than one made to be fixed in one spot Shabbat limit from its wall, even if it is not inhabited up to its wall. (Rambam and others). The Arukh explains that this : ּ ִ ׳ירָ א ְ ּ ד בֵ י ּת ֹו רֵ י – What is a new town, and what is an old town? A new town is one Cattle ditches אֵ יזֹו הִ יא חֲדָשָׁ ה וְאֵ יזֹו הִ יא יְשָׁנָה? that was first surrounded by a wall, and only afterward settled, is a pit in which oxen rest. According to the explanation that a partition made for naĥat is referring to a partition on חֲדָשָׁ ה – שֶׁ הוּ ְּ ָה׳ וּלְבַסּ ֹוב יָשְׁבָ ה, meaning that the town’s residents arrived after the wall had already which people walk, the reference in this context is to a pit ָ יְשׁ נָה – יָשׁ הְבָ וּלְבַסּ ֹוב הוּ ְּ ָ ׳הד וְהַ אי been erected; an old town is one that was first settled, and only af- that does not have real partitions. Rather, it is partitioned off נַמִ י, ְ ּכהוּ ְּ ָ ה׳ וּלְבַסּ ֹוב יָשׁ ְבָ ה דָּמֵ יד terward surrounded by a wall. Ravina raised his objection: And this by being lower than its surroundings. However, the people orchard should also be considered like a town that was first sur- tending the animals continually walk on this partition and rounded by a wall and only afterward settled, as it had not been trample it down (see Me’iri). enclosed from the outset for the purpose of residence. Even if a dwelling was later erected there, this should not turn it into a place HALAKHA In the case of a : ִ ע י ר ֲ ח דָ שׁ ָ ה ִ ו י שׁ ָ ָ נ ה – that had been enclosed for the purpose of residence. New and old towns new town, one that was first surrounded by a wall and only Seeing that an additional objection could be raised against his teach- afterward settled, the Shabbat limit is measured from its אָמַ ר לֵ ּיה רַ ב ַּ׳ ָּ ׳א לְרָבָ א; וְהָאָמַ ר רַ ב er’s position, Rav Pappa said to Rava: Didn’t Rav Asi say that the settled area, rather than from its wall. However, in the case of an old town, which was first settled and only afterward אַסִי: ּמְחִיצֹות אַדְרְכָלִין לֹא שְׁמָ ּה temporary screens erected by architectsH to serve as protection ,surrounded by a wall, the limit is measured from the wall מְחִ ָ ּיצהד אַלְמָ א: ּכֵיוָ ן דְּ לִצְנִיעוּתָ א against the sun and the like are not deemed valid partitions? Ap- as stated in the baraita (Shulĥan Arukh, Oraĥ Ĥayyim 398:11). parently, since it was erected only for privacy, and not for the עֲבִ ידָ א לָ ּה – לָ א הָ וְ יָא מְחִ ָ ּיצהד הָכָ א A partition that : מְ חִ י ּצ ֹו ת אַ דְ רְ כָ לִ י ן – purpose of permanent dwelling, it is not considered a valid parti- Screens of architects נַמִ י, ּכֵיוָן דְּלִצְנִיעוּתָ א עֲבִ ידָ א – לָא was constructed for a purpose other than to establish an tion. Here too, then, with regard to the fence around the orchard, enclosure for residence, such as a partition erected by a הָ וְ ָ י א מְ חִ י ָ ּצה ד since it was erected only for privacy, it should not be considered builder to rest objects against it, serves as a partition to a valid partition. permit one to carry, but does not render a place enclosed for the purpose of residence (based on the Rosh; Shulĥan .(And Rav Huna, son of Rav Yehoshua, said to Rava: Didn’t Rav Arukh, Oraĥ Ĥayyim 362:1 וְאָמַ ר רַ ב הוּנָא בְּרֵ ּ יה בדְּרַ יְהֹושֻׁעַ N Huna say that a partition made for resting objects alongside it and לְרָבָא, וְהָאָמַר רַב הוּנָא: ּמְחִיצָה thereby providing them with protection is not considered a valid BACKGROUND הָעֲשׂ וּיָה לְ נַחַ ת – לֹא שׁ ְמָ ּה מְחִ ָ ּיצה, -Rows of houses sepa :עֵ ירוּב מְ חֹוזָא – partition? The eiruv of Meĥoza rated by cattle ditches require a separate joining of court- .This is as Rabba bar Avuh did, when he constructed an eiruv sepa- yards [eiruv] for each row דְּ הָ א רַ בָּ ה בַּ ר אֲ ּבוּה מְעָרֵ ב לָ ּה לְ ָ ּכוּל ּה rately for each row of houses in the whole town of Meĥoza, due to ח מְ ֹו ָ ז א עַ רְ סִ ָ י י תָ א עַ רְ סִ ָ י י תָ א מִ ׁ ּש ּ ו ם the ditches from which the cattlewould feed that separated the rows ִּ ׳ירָ א דְּבֵ י ּתֹורֵ י; וְהָ א ִּ ׳ירָ א דְּבֵ י ּתֹורֵ י of houses from one another.B Shouldn’t such cattle ditchesN be ?considered like a partition made for resting objects alongside it ּכִמְחִ ָ ּיצה הָעֲשׂ וּיָה לְנַחַ ת דָּמְ יָא! Such a partition is invalid. All these proofs indicate that Rava was wrong to remove the reed fences erected by Rav Huna bar Ĥinnana, for those fences were indeed necessary. With regard to the resolution of this incident, the Exilarch recited ָרֵי עֲלַיְיהוּ רֵישׁ ּגָלוּתָא: ״חֲכָמִים ,the following verse about these Rabbis: “They are wise to do evil הֵ ָּ מה לְהָרַ ע וּלְהֵ יטִ יב לֹא יָדָ עוּ״ד but to do good they have no knowledge” (Jeremiah 4:22), as on Friday they ruined the arrangement that Rav Huna bar Ĥinnana had made to permit carrying from the house to the pavilion, and the next day all they could do was prove that they had acted improperly the day before and that it was prohibited to carry in the orchard. We learned in the mishna: Rabbi Elai said: I heard from Rabbi Rows of houses separated by cattle ditches אָמַר רַבִּי אֶלְעַאי: ּשָׁמַעְתִי מֵרַבִּי Eliezer that one is permitted to carry in a garden or karpef, even if אֱלִיעֶ זֶר וַאֲ ִ ׳ ּילוּ בֵּ ית ּכֹור״ד מַתְ נִיתִ ין the garden is the size of a beit kor, thirty times larger than a beit se’a. דְּ לָ א ַ ּכחֲ נַ נְ יָ ה ד דְּ תַ נְ יָ א , חֲ נַ נְ יָ ה The Gemara notes that all agree that what the mishna taught wasnot in accordance with the opinion of Ĥananya, as it was taught in a אֹומֵ ר: וַאֲ ׳ ִּילוּ הִ יא אַרְבָּעִים סְאָ ה baraita that Ĥananya says: One is permitted to carryeven if it is the ְ ּכאִ סְ טְ רַ טִ יָ א שׁ ֶ ל מֶ לֶ ךְ ד size of of forty beit se’a, like the court of a king. Perek II . 26a 137 . ׳ר קרפ .וכ ףד Rabbi Yoĥanan said: Both Rabbi Elai and Ĥananya derived their ראָמַ ירַבִּ יֹוחָ נָן: וּשׁ ְ נֵיהֶ ם מִ ְרָ א אֶחָ ד N ,opinion from the same verse, as it is stated: “And it came to pass דָּרְשׁ וּ, שׁ ֶ ּנֶאֱמַ ר: ״וַ יְהִ י יְשׁ ַ עְ יָהוּ לֹא יָצָ א Rows of houses separated by cattle :עֵ ירוּב מְ חֹוזָא – how it is read. In addition, the way the word is read does not come The eiruv of Meĥoza to correct the way it is written; both the written version and the way ditches require a separate joining of courtyards [eiruv] for each row. before Isaiah was gone out into the middle courtyard, that the אֶ ל חָצֵר הַ ִ ּתיכֹונָה״, ּכְתִ יב ״הָעִיר״ NOTES the word is read teach a particular idea, and each teaches something word of the Lord came to him, saying” (ii Kings 20:4).
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