E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1996 No. 128 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was We still have a lot of work to do. The The Democrats in Congress are also called to order by the Speaker pro tem- President vetoed our balanced budget. making plans to repeal the welfare re- pore [Mr. HANCOCK]. He vetoed tax cuts for working fami- form bill signed by the President, and f lies. And he has consistently pushed for they have not given up on the idea of more wasteful, Washington spending. having the Government take over our DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Democrats in Congress are leading health care system. The Democrat TEMPORE the reaction against common sense. I agenda remains, as always, to put the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- respect many Members of this body for Government first. They want more fore the House the following commu- standing up for their liberal philoso- Government spending, more Govern- nication from the Speaker: phy. For instance, the gentleman from ment control, more Government influ- WASHINGTON, DC, New York [Mr. RANGEL], who is poised ence over the lives of the American September 17, 1996. to become the chairman of the com- people. I hereby designate the Honorable MEL HAN- mittee that oversees taxes in the Con- COCK to act as Speaker pro tempore on this gress should the Democrats regain con- Mr. Speaker, if the Democrats regain day. trol of the House, has become the chief control of the Congress, they will re- NEWT GINGRICH, defender of the Internal Revenue Serv- verse the great progress we made over Speaker of the House of Representatives. the last 2 years to make the Federal f ice. He says, and I quote: ``We have the best and fairest tax collection system Government work better for working MORNING BUSINESS in the world.'' Americans. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- In other words, if Democrats regain I urge my colleagues and the Amer- ant to the order of the House of May 12, control of the Congress, we can just ican people to take notice. When they 1995, the Chair will now recognize forget about tax relief for working vote this November, they have a choice Members from lists submitted by the families. of moving forward with an agenda of majority and minority leaders for Liberals are also thinking of ways to commonsense change or moving back- morning hour debates. The Chair will cut defense spending to pay for social ward to the old days of higher taxes, alternate recognition between the par- welfare programs. The gentleman from more wasteful Washington spending, ties, with each party limited to not to California, Mr. GEORGE MILLER, has and a bigger, more intrusive Federal exceed 30 minutes, and each Member asked and I quote: ``Do we really have Government. except the majority and minority lead- to be prepared to fight two wars simul- Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, will ers limited to not to exceed 5 minutes. taneously,'' rather than pay for social The Chair recognizes the gentleman welfare spending? the gentleman yield? from Texas [Mr. DELAY] for 5 minutes. In other words, if Democrats regain Mr. DELAY. I yield to the gentle- f control, we can count on them to slash woman from Colorado. defense spending to pay for wasteful THE CHOICE THIS NOVEMBER Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, does Washington spending. the gentleman think the Democrats Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, as the No- It is no secret that Democrats in the have a chance of taking over? I find vember elections edge ever closer, the Congress will repeal our efforts at tort this exciting. American people will be presented with reform. They will work with their a historic choice: They can choose to friends, the trial lawyers, as they have Mr. DELAY. Not at all. move forward with commonsense over the years, to try to repeal tort re- Mrs. SCHROEDER. I am sitting on change or they can fall back to the old form. And according to the Washington this side of the aisle saying, wow, this ways of doing business in the Congress. Post, if the gentleman from Michigan, is wonderful. The Republican Congress has worked Mr. JOHN DINGELL, becomes chairman very hard to enact commonsense of the Committee on Commerce, he Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, reclaiming change. It has passed the first balanced will, ``reexamine GOP legislation cap- my time, not at all. I am just reporting budget in a generation, while cutting ping awards in civil damage suits and what has been reported by those that taxes for working families. It has cut limiting investor suits.'' wish that they could take over. But, wasteful Washington spending, passed In other words, if Democrats get con- no, worse case scenario we will gain 8 historic health care reform, brought trol of Congress again, we can just for- to 10 seats. commonsense changes to our legal sys- get about any commonsense legal re- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance tem, and reformed the welfare state. form. of my time. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10431 H10432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 17, 1996 GUAM'S ROLE IN OPERATIONS IN given additional consideration rather grown in Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia. THE MIDDLE EAST than less consideration and Guam We know its transit points, and we can The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under should be treated according to its con- stop it inexpensively at its source. Yet, the Speaker's announced policy of May tribution rather than utilized on the he dismantled, he gutted this program. 12, 1995, the gentleman from Guam [Mr. basis of its value. Then finally the ultimate insult to UNDERWOOD] is recognized during Mr. Speaker, we have some legisla- the American people and to the Con- morning business for 5 minutes. tion on the return of land to the Gov- gress and to the high office of the Pres- Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, yes- ernment of Guam once the military no idency, the White House, which is sup- terday on Guam, the first of some 2,500 longer needs it and declares it excess. posed to set the standard for Ameri- Kurdish refugees arrived as part of Op- The lands in question have been identi- cans, to set the highest level of per- eration Pacific Haven. The movement fied as potentially releasable. The formance of acceptability in our soci- of these Kurdish refugees who have lands in question were condemned by ety and our Government. What did been associated with United States military officials and adjudicated in they do? Things got so bad in the folks Government activities is timely and military courts on Guam in the period that they were employing, and I sat on necessary and makes good on an im- from 1945 to 1949, before civil govern- the committee that heard this testi- plicit American commitment to their ment was re-established. mony and was appalled. The Secret safety. The legislation which we seek simply Service was so alarmed that folks were As was the case 2 weeks ago with the puts Guam at the head of the line over being hired with recent and past drug B±52 strikes on Iraq, the role of Guam other Federal agencies when the De- use histories, and we are not talking in the events unfolding in the Middle partment of Defense decides that they about marijuana here folks, we are East is of enormous importance and no longer need the land. We are not talking about hallucinogenic drugs. We consequence to our country's actions. asking the DOD to release land they are talking about crack, about cocaine. Although any map will clearly show need to conduct these operations; we We are talking about hard drugs being that the utilization of Guam might not are asking them to release land which acceptable, used in the past, recent make geographic sense for Operation their own planners have indicated they past in some cases for employment in Pacific Haven, any understanding of no longer need. We are not asking to go the White House. today's world shows that Guam is one beyond Federal laws in how the land is Mr. Speaker, this is not acceptable. of the few reliable places which this to be handled; we are only asking that And this is what has been done by this country can use in a moment's notice. given Guam's unique history and given administration, what has been done by Without Guam, a reliable United Guam's unique contribution, that this President, and this is the result. States base, American military flexi- Guam be placed at the head of the line This is the result in my community. bility is reduced. For the military for releasable property. Look at this headline: Long Out of planners managing the Mideast crisis, This is a good deal for Guam, but it Sight, Heroin Is Back Killing Teens. In Guam is between Iraq and a hard place. is more than that. It is a fair deal for the past year central Florida has had Given the cumbersome need for fly- all concerned. I urge the members of more teenage heroin deaths than all over rights as well as the need to seek this institution to support this legisla- the rest of the State.
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