_20 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday. Sept. 1, 1989 I APARTMENTS APARTMENTS (STORE AND MUSICAL I q ^ cars FOR RENT IFOR RENT (OFFICE SPACE g JJC A R S ITEMS FOR SALE FOR SALE Thirty Locust Street. 4 SpecioM^ LIKE private home. 3'/2 MANCHESTER - Main PIANO Spinet, Cherry room heated apart­ rooms. Lease. Secur­ Street location. Lease D A TS U N 310 1982 - Tw o ment 1st floor. Secur­ wood, restorable or ity. Working single entire second floor or door hatchback, 4- ity . No pets. $650 creative furniture. $50. male preferred. 643- Individual offices. Heat speed. Good condition, C A R D iN A L ’ : I monthly. 646-2426. 9om- 649-1819. 2880. Included. Off street with sun root, A M /FM D < f f t ! 5pm weekdays._______ casette. $1800. 62,800 BUICK, INC. MANCHESTER - Three parking available. $11 I PETS AND 1888 Dodge Dakota PAJ $8860 VERNON. For limited miles. 644-6870.________ 1988 BuIck Skylark $8990 room aportment. Heat per sQ.ft. Sentry Real time only enlov tree SUPPLIES 1988 Buick Century $11990 a and hot water. $475 Estate, 643-4060._______ HONDA Civic Wagon 1981 color television with 1988 Chav S-10 P/U $«490 monthly. Lease and Four olr conditioned otfl- - Good condition. $650 signed lease. Modern AKC Register Brittany or best otter. 647-1260 1987 Honda CRX $7380 references. 649-4820- ces ore available In Spaniel. Excellent hun­ 1987 Buick Century Wag $8880 LAWN CARE spacious 1 bedroom 646- 4412. evenings._____________ PAINTING/PAPERING apartment. Eat-In kit­ Manchester. The sQ.ft, ter. Must sell. Call 1987 Buick Regal Cpa. *9480 chen, large bedroom, MANCHESTER - Three measurements are 600, 645-1547 after 4:30pm. OPEL Monta 1973 - Good 1888 LaSabrs LTD Cpa $ a m 500,350 and 240. Offices running condition. private balcony, stor­ bedroom duplex. Com­ FREE Kittens Black 1986 Olds Calala $«9ao YARD MASTERS GEORGE N. age, large pool, heat pletely remodeled. are centrally located $300. 646-1768._________ 1686 Chav Monta Carlo $8495 with ample parking. with white markings. 1986 Toyota Camry $9180 Trees cut, Yards cleaned. and hot water Included. Spotless. Appliances 649-4864.______________ A U D I 4000S 1986 - Five CONVERSE Included. Fenced In Ideally suited forattor- speed, olr condition, 1666 Buick Elecira 380 $10250 Lawns, Truck & Backhoe Starting at $495. Call Painting and Decorating 870-9665. yard. No smokers or nev and accountant. power steerlng- 18M El Camino loaded $7980 work available. Paper Hanging 649-2891. MISCELLANEOUS 1985 Buick Riviera $9480 M A N C H E S T E R - One pets. $775 per month. /brokes. All options. 647- 7576. FOR SALE Excellent condition. 1985 Cadi Sed. Dev $8995 CALL 643-2804 bedroom apartment, 1965 Buick Regal Cpa. $6860 643-9996 Original owner. $9,^. heat, hot water and MANCHESTER - Three 1685 Chav Cavalier $5490 R o l VACATION 649-2210 otter 6pm. appliances Included. room apartment. $500 ■ ^ R E N T A LS 1985 Olda Clara $5895 CLEANING SERVICES $475 per month. 649- monthly. One month END ROLLS BUICK Electro Estate .1984 ddamoblla Fkama $4990 CARPENTRY/ 8365. security deposit. No 27'/i" width — 25C Wagon 1982 - Good 1983 LaSabre Sedan $5495 MARTHA'S Vineyard - 81 Adams St„ Manchtster REMODELING EAST HARTFORD - One pets! C a ll645-1547after 13” width — 2 for 25C condition. $2900. 646- COUNTRY CLEANERS 4:30pm._______________ Oak Bluffs. Clean and 2005, leave message. bedroom, heat and hot private. Three bed­ Newsprint end rolls can be 649-4571 Commercial and reeldentlal. water Included. Wall- Two rooms for rent In room ranch. Walk to pickrt up at the Manchester CHEVROLET 1987 IROC- GCF HOM E Expertenoed end dependable. to-woll. Near park. house In North M an­ Herald O NLY before 11 a m. Z28 - Fully loaded. Lagoon Pond. Availa­ Monday through Thursday. Call for a free estimate. Coll 528-2914.__________ chester. Females pre­ ble weekly $850, bi­ Many extras. Looks SERVICES ferred. House privi­ and runs mint. $10,000 SCHALLER Remodeling, repair, docks, Card Green MANCHESTER-One and weekly, $800, nightly ACURA QUALITY two room apartments. leges. $70 per room per $125. Call 646-3455. TAG w ith w a rra n ty . 659- PRE-OWNED AUTOS trim work, small jobs. 649-0778 Main Street. 529-7858 or week. 646-0454. 2753.___________________ Senior Citizen Discount SALES 63 NIasan SUrua *2999 563-4438._______________ MANCHESTER - Six R q I ROOMMATE SUBARU B ra t 1979 - 6 8pd.. A/C 645- 6559 room, 3 bedroom du­ arCellceQTS *11495 JACKIE'S HELPING MANCHESTER - Imme­ [ ^ W A N T E D "Parts" Best otter. 643- 5 8pd.. Loadad, Rad HANDS diate occupancy. plex with attic and MANCHESTER - 77 Deer 4526. _______________ 83 Pontiac 6000 LE *3996 Waa CissbsctlM ft Mssetwilsf basement. References Run Trail, off Lydall, V9. Auto. Loadad Large 4 rooms, heat, ROOM Mate wanted to PONTIAC Flero 1985 - 64 Chev Cepric# Claaalc *4995 AddMont. ranm M kis worn) iMIno. I would like to help you and security. $700 plus near Lake Street. Sep- with your cleaning needs. hot woter and applian­ Automatic, v-6, low VI. Loadad moling, ooiwnlt wotli. utilities. 646-0576. share country home. tember 2, until 3pm. 96 Acura Integra 3 Or. M149S Rudomy S •• plwiM or oonMnMIoa Reasonable rates. ces. Security reQuired. Mature professional mileage, silver with Auto. A/C. Low Mllaa. Rad tt you'n Hot or eontrtelon not No pets! 646-2970. PLEASANT, Quiet 4 room female preferred. 15 f a l l Flea Market - Man­ black spoiler, mags, 66 Eaoon 8/W •2996 rttumma mu eolk — eon utl Call 647-1990 apartment. Mature chester Grange, 205 01- a/c, am/tm cassette, 6 8pd.. 8tarao Fuly Inourod • Frao Eotimotoo MANCHESTER - Occu­ minutes to Manches­ 67 Dodga Colt *3996 a49-17M pancy September 1st. working lady pre­ ter. 25 minutes to Hart­ cott Street, September tilt wheel, tinted win­ 4 Dr.. Auto. Econo Car ________ poll lof Mofti ferred. Non-smoker. 9th. Rain date Sep­ dows. $5,495 or best 87 Jeep Wrangler *8995 Four rooms, 1st floor, ford. $400 monthly. Call 5 8pd.. V-5. Soft Top HONEST No pets. 649-5897. tember 16th. Space otter. 742-1398 hardworking couple heat, hot water and 742-5527._______________ 86 BuloN Century *4995 FARIUND REMODEUNG appliances. No pets! MANCHESTER - Two available. 649-9295. evenings._____________ Auto. A/C Boom oddltiono. docko rooTIng. will dean your home 83 Honda Accord LX *4395 •Idlng, window! and guttara. All Security reQuired. 646- bedroom apartments. MISCELLANEOUS MANCHESTER - 93 5 8pd„ A/C typaa of ramodaling and rapalra. for you. Call 643-8215 2970. Immediate occupancy. Sunny Brook Drive, 83 Otda Clere *3995 | D J SERVICES BOB RILEY V6. Auto. A/C Call Bob Farrand. Jr. ask for Michelle or Close to bus lines. For September 2, 10am- 96 NIaaan Sentra *1995 Manrh^Htfr Urralft Azadph. Information call Phil 3pm. Queen Ann Chair, OLDSMOBILE 9 8pd.. 8tarao But. 647-8509 GSL Building Mainte­ MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM or Suzonne 646-1218. nance Co. Commercl- light fixtures, toys and 259 Adams St, Manch. Res. 645-6849 NO miscellaneous.________ 345 CENTER ST„ 118 Main Street, 3 room al/ResIdentlal building 649-1749 MANCHESTER ISLAND ELECTRICAL apartment Including repairs and home Im­ M ULTI - Manchester, 279 647-7077 DOWN heat/hot water. $560 provements. Interior Bldwell Street. Mov­ Saturday, Sept. 2, 1989 CONSTRUCTION per month. Security. ing. Everything most New 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm DUMAS ELECTRIC and exterior painting, Newsstand Price: 35 Cents All types of home PAYMENT? No pets. 646-2426, 9am- light carpentry. Com­ go. Make me an otter. Cutlass Ciera Improvements from Service changes, 5pm weekdays._______ plete lanitorlal ser­ September 1st, 2nd, CARTER concrete floors, steps, additional wiring and vice. Experienced, rel­ 9am-4pm._____________ 4 Dr. Sedan CHEVROLET — GEO patios, etc. to complete C H A R M IN G 5 room hls- repairs on existing $ 134,900 torlc Colonial. Coven­ iable, tree estimates. M ULTI Family Tag Sale- stock #9410 1229 Main St., Manchester remodeling. Also decks U S E D C A R S homes. Quality work at 643-0304.______________ n it lot wipa™, AC a 3aaeoa and window and door Owner will assist try Village. Secured Monchester, 128 Au- 87 Buick L*6abr* EP. W*g. •11,786 DIv, Bench Seat, raw Dafoggar, replacement. Tiling affordable prices. qualified buyer parking. $630 monthly. tumn Street, 88 Clwv Citation 4 Door • 4,296 Interlor/exterlor. Entirely owner operated. No pets. 742-6715 or COMPUTER September 1st, 2nd, P188/75R14 WW nraa, Z5 LNar 88 Clwv Calabrtty SU Wag • 8,986 Landscape and Interior with down pay­ 456-0064._____________ tnftructlon, analytlx. program! 9am-4pm. Children EFI L4 (Tech IV), AT, CompoaNa 84 Clwv Cavallar H/B Cp* • 3,495 27 years exp. Call writtan. Halogen Heedtampa, Bumper »»'* Ford Eaoon LX 2 Or • 6.885 design services ment financing on 449 Main Street, 5 room O P. profaaalonal with 25 yaara of toys and clothes, 86 Clwv Camaro Cp* • 5,998 available. Joseph Dumas household, etcetera. Molding Front a Rear. PB Front this six room C o lo ­ apartment. $600 per axparlanca In computar ayatama Dtac Rear Drum, Body Side 88 Chav Baratt* Cp* • 9.498 646-5253. from micro'a to mainframaa la 87 Clwv Nov* 4 Dr 8,295 BASEBALL BOSS IS DEAD t!all Barry at month plus utilities. • nial located in avallaWa for part Uma/avanlr>g Mowing, Front Wheal Drive, 88 Bulok RagN SonwraM 2 Or Security. No pets. 646- • 8798 646- 2411 arorh. Individuallzad inatructlon br Smart shoppers shop Rear SWa Mirror. 88 Ply Sundano* 2 Dr 7.495 Manchester.
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