twcriatii. p*m rwi. WEDNESDAY ■oBBCftimoH ph.cb, ELLSWORTH, MAINE, AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 23, 1901. No. 43. ■/»JJ “• — ~Vol▼ Xivir )| ip paid advancb. 91.00. _____ )"TJS^S5T?SiSM^I Whittemore will I abbcrtiBEmmtB. flhbtrtuumtnta. LOCAL AFFAIRS. accompany her to Mass- achusetts, where she will spend the NEW ADVKRTIHKMENT8 THIS WEEK. winter. Ellsworth high school football team 0. 0. BURRILL & Dennis K Soper—Notice of foreclosure. SON, Mabel N Joy—Dressmaking. will play Brewer high school at Brewer M A Clark—Greenhouse. and at W R Parker Clothing Co—Clothing. Saturday, Ellsworth the following K J Walsh—Shoe store. week. Tiie team is also in correspond- AGENTS, .1 A Cunningham—Confectioner. ence with general INSURANCE t he Y. M. C. A. team of C F Davis—Market. Bar ME. 8 E Harbor. is ROYAL Burrill Bank Bldo., ELLSWORTH. Chapman—Confectionery. Why Boston : A. W. Curtis Is critically ill from stran- Dana Estes Co—Geoffrey 8trong. W* HKPRRHKIVT TH» gulated hernia. This he under- New York: morning went a delicate surgical operation. The Powder bet- Home and The International News Co—Sherlock Holmee. Baking Moat Reliable Foreign Companies. itself was Miscellaneous : operation successful, but the Longest Rates Compatible with Safety. The Century Co—The Helmet of Navarre. result cannot be foretold. His physicians consider the case very serious. ter than otKer? retl “t,te *n<, any MOVTilY TO T.O A N ln t0 »»*t on improve<‘ SCHEDULE OF MAILS City Treasurer N. H. Higgins is seri- collateral.— AT ELLSWORTH POST OFFICE. ously ill. Mr. Higgins has not been well sinces a severe Illness of In effect Oct 14, 1901. typhoid fever in mammoth works a last spring. He was too ambitious to get Because its Going East—7.18 a. m., 8.03 p. m. around, and it is believed overexerted GOING West—11-56 a. m., 5.26 p. m. himself. His condition now is serious, of chemical is con- MAIL CLOSES AT POST-OFFICE. corps experts but his physicians hope an operation will Going East—640 a. m.( 5 30 p. m. be successful. to test Going West—11.90 a. mM 5 and 9.30 p. m. stantly employed every ingre- Arthur Whittaker was called to Bangor SUNDAY. yesterday by the critical condition of his dient and of Train from the west arrives at 7.18 a. m.. de- supervise every process ten-year-old son, Roscoe, whose skull parts for the west at 6.01 p. in. Mall closes for was fractured by a fall from a horse a few the west at 5.30 p. m. manufacture to insure a ab- days ago. Yesterday it was reported that product W. L. be could not live through the day, but C. & F. MASON, Mrs. Lorenzo D. Poster Is visiting wholesome and last night Mr. Whittaker that solutely pure, perfect friends to Machlas. telephoned GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, he was better. H. E. Davis and wife returned Monday in The Ellsworth festival chorus will meet every respect. Ellsworth. from a trip to Boston. First National Bank Building, to-morrow evening at Manning hall for P. has from a two wholesome food Mrs. B. Day returned reorganization and election of officers. The most and weeks’ visit In Bluehlll. The indications are that the membership noon food are made SECURE YOURSELF Miss Grace 8mIth left this for a this season will be largely augmented. the most digestible plait of two weeks in Boston. A. general invitation is extended to all against loss by FIRE. Take out a F. W. Stone has moved from the Davis who are interested in the chorus to be with Powder. at this Royal Baking house on court street to Bayside. present meeting. policy in out agency and he free from Austin M. Poster is a Donaqua lodge, K. of P. will have a building large worry. suDDer at Odd Fellows hall this evening. barn for George Stafford on his Trenton farm. The building is 40x104 feet, 26 foot ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 8T., NEW YORK. Gen. George Moore Smith, of New York PAYrtENTS on losses are posts. There are sixty stalls in the barn. city, is visitiug his brother, M. S. Smith, The building is being thoroughly built Death at East Bluehlll. Castine Normals Football. LIBERAL, PROMPT and SURE. in this city. Sudden Play with heavy timbers. Mr. Stafford will East Bluehill, Oct. 21 The Castine normal school football There will be a social dance at Odd (special)— use it for winter quarters for his large Hiram Black died suddenly evening, team is developing quite a speedy game Feilowa’ ball Saturday evening, given by lqst stable of horses. The Stafford farm is of heart disease, from which he had euf- this season. The team is captained by Write us for furthur particulars. Monaghan. of the Dr. Parcher and composed Sparling fered some years. Chester Maddocks, an Ellsworth higle Albert F. Stock bridge is in employed farms. Mr. Black was around as usual Sunday. boy, and Herman Perkins, who was the the Western Union office at telegraph At the annual meeting of the woman’s He called on his sister at Morgans bay in star of the Ellsworth high two years agOf Burnham Junction. alliance of the Unitarian church last the afternoon, returning home in the is in the line-up. Frank Echnegucia has gonejto Auburn, Wednesday afternoon, officers were early evening. He went to the house of The Normals met the Rockland higks I! WOOL-FLEECED UNDERWEAR. where be has employment In the Foss & elected as follows: Mrs. A. F. Greely, a neighbor on an errand, and was c|n his school team last Saturday. The first hall j Packard shoe factory. president; Mrs. A. M. Hopkins, first vice- way back across the fields when he died. was fifteen minutes; the second, twenty a suit. This is the best *! Only $1.00 thing $ second the of the minutes. The score at the end of the Curtis R. Foster will attend a meeting president; Mrs. S. J. Morrison, It is supposed from position on the market for the X he felt the attack first half was 5-0 in favor of the Normals* J | price. of the Maine undertakers’ association in vice-president; Mrs. Thomas H. Campbell, body when fouud that on a low was close to be Waterville tomorrow. secretary; Miss Abbie E. Joy, treasurer. coming on and seated himself That enongh interesting* NEW FALL and WINTER The various committees were chosen at wall, or the foundation of an old house. No one looked for the walkover of the i: CLOTHING, f A number of Ellsworth people weut on the same meeting. He was dead when found. Normals in the second half. When they the excursion to Calais today over the Mr. Black was about sixty-six years of got the ball they started it witu a whirl MEN’S from $3.50 up. I railroad. Mrs. W. G. Jordan has gone to Bangor ;; SUITS, Washington County He had worked in the that made the visitors to live. Mr. who for many years age.: principally dizzy. will a Jordan, YOUTHS’ SUITS, $3.00 up, Lojok lodge, 1. O. O. F., give until health When the dust settled at the end of the j was with J. T. is now quarries, failing prevented. 12 to from their hall to-morrow Crippen, employed !! HOYS’ SUITS, 3 pieces, from 17, $3.00 up. « sociable at evening. He leaves a five sons and an half t«r*nr« rand 38-0 in favor of the by M. H. Andrews. Until her marriage wife, adop- from up. Music by Monaghans’ orchestra. A brother aDd sister sur- Normals. ;; OVERCOATS, $3.50 J Mrs. Jordan was for several years a ted daughter. «« from $4.00 up. Ayer, of Toledo, Ohio, accom- in vive him. ULSTERS, | Henry competent and faithful compositor bis wife, spent a day last week panied by The American office, and since that Lawson Island at SoinesvIIIe. COMING EVENTS received this morning. « Buys !! New line of Fall and Winter Headgear with bis sister, Mrs. J. P. Eldridge, in at event she has spent considerable time Somesville, Oct 17 (special)—Thomas this city. removal Wednesday, Oct. 23, at Methodist vestry “the case.” Their permanent W. Lawson has purchased of T. S. Somes, of Ellsworth Falls —Harvest OWEN BYRN. Rev. G. H. Hefflon, from Ellsworth is to be regretted. of Somesville, Wade island or Sheep sapper. Is attending the at Free vea- | Congregational church. The high school football team went to island, at the head of Somes sound. Mi6s Thursday, Oct. 24, Baptist celebration of Yale refresh-* bi-centeunial college Bar Harbor last Saturday to give the Lawson, Bister of Mr. Lawson, has a try—Sociable and entertainment; week. this heavy Bar Harbor team a practice game. handsome cottage at Somesville. ments. HOT WATER HEATING AND PLUMBING. Mrs. George E. Parsons and two chil- The little fellows from Ellsworth went On the island is an old moss and vine- Thursday, Oct. 24, at Odd Fellows hall—* dren, of Castine, are visiting Mr. Par- down with the expectation that Bar Har- covered one-story bouse that at one time Sociable by Lejok lodge, I. 0.0 F. sons’ Mr. and Mrs. James E. bor was to a defensive game, stood near where the Somesville church in both parents, practice Thursday, Oct. 24, at Unitarian vestry—* Latest improvements systems. hauled across Parsons, in this city. the Ellsworth team the ball most now stands, and which was and sale. as giving Harvest supper food Supper^ First-class workmanship. Prices ice. M. of Waterville, will of the time.
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