Worcester Cathedral Muniments C Class obedientiary and manorial rolls ClassNo Document Year C 1 Accounts of John Redyng, Anniversarius. A Winchester Roll 1464-5 C 10 Accounts of Robert de Clyftone, Camerarius 1346-47 C 100 Accounts of Roger Kingeslond, Cellerarius [1481-82] C 101 Accounts of Roger Kingeslond, Cellerarius [1483-84] C 102 Accounts of Roger Kingeslond, Cellerarius [1484-85] C 103 Accounts of John Stratforde, Cellerarius [1491-92] C 104 Accounts of John Stratford, Cellerarius [1492-93] C 105 Accounts of John Stratford, Cellerarius [1495-96] C 109 Accounts of Robert de Morton, Coquinarius. [1330-31] C 109a Accounts of Robert de Morton, Coquinarius [1330-31] C 11 Accounts of John de Glouc(estre) (l l), Camerarius 1351-52 C 110 Accounts of William de Clyve, Coquinarius [1333-34] C 111 Accounts of [John de Hod]yntone, Coquinarius [1340-41] C 112 Accounts of Nicholas Clanefeld, Coquinarius [1346-47] C 113 Accounts of Richard de Wenlak, Coquinarius [1352-53] C 114 Accounts of Thomas de Roddeleye, Coquinarius [1356-57] C 115 Accounts of Walter de Frouc[estre], Coquinarius 1361 C 116 Accounts of Nicholas de Hodyntone, Coquinarius 1361-62 C 117 Accounts of Walter de froucester, Coquinarius 1363 C 118 Accounts of Walter de Froucestre, Coquinarius. 1363-64 C 119 Accouts of [illegible;given by Harvey-Bloom and J.M.Wilson as William Merston] Coquinarius. C 12 Accounts of John Malverne (I), Camerarius 1379 C 120 Accounts of Thomas Hertlebury, Coquinarius. 1384-85 C 121 Accounts of Thomas Hertelbury, Coquinarius. 1386-87 C 122 Accounts of Thomas Hertelbury, Coquinarius. 1390-91 C 123 Thomas Hertelbury, Coquinarius 1391-92 C 124 Accounts of Thomas Hertelbury, Coquinarius 1393-94 C 125 Accounts of Thomas Hertelbury, Coquinarius 1394-95 C 126 Accounts of William Ouston, Coquinarius. 1395-96 C 127 Accounts of Richard Duddeleye, Coquinarius 1398-99 C 127a Accounts of Richard Dudley, Coquinarius 1399-1400 C 128 Accounts of Thomas Ruydnyg (sic), Coquinarius. 1400-01 C 129 Accounts of Thomas Ruydyng, Coquinarius. 1401 C 13 Accounts of John de Malverne (I), Camerarius 1380-1 C 130 Accounts of William Ouston, Coquinarius. 1402-03 C 131 Accounts of Thomas Hertelbury, Coquinarius. 1404-05 C 132 Accounts of Thomas Hertelbury, Coquinarius. 1405-06 C 133 Accounts of Thomas Hertulbury, Coquinarius. 1406-07 C 134 Accounts of Thomas Alderton, Coquinarius. 1420 C 135 Accounts of Thomas Broctone, Coquinarius. 1408-09 C 135a Accounts of Thomas Broctone, Coquinarius. 1409-10 C 136 Accouts of John Coulesdon, Coquinarius 1412-13 C 137 Accounts of Thomas Hertelbury and Thomas Ruydyng, Coquinarii 1414 C 138 Accounts of Thomas Ruydyng, Coquinarius. 1415-16 C 139 Accounts of Thomas Ruydynge, Coquinarius. 1416-17 C 14 Accounts of John de Malverne (I), Camerarius 1381-82 C 140 Accounts of Thomas Alderton, Coquinarius. 1420-21 C 141 Accounts of Thomas Alderton, Coquinarius [1421-22] C 142 Accounts of Thomas Alderton, Coquinarius [1422-23] C 143 Accounts of Thomas Colwell and Richard Cowarn, Coquinarii [1428-29] C 144 Accounts of William Browghton ( sic ), Coquinarius [1430-31] C 145 Accounts of William Hodynton ( l ), Coquinarius [1432-33] C 146 Accounts of John Suddebury, Coquinarius [1438-39] C 147 Accounts of William Hodynton ( l ), Coquinarius [1443-44] C 148 Accounts of John Clyfton, Coquinarius [1453-54] C 149 Accounts of John Mortun, Coquinarius [1459-60] C 15 Accounts of Thomas Dene, Camerarius. 1388-89 C 154 Accounts of William Hodyngton [1468-69] C 155 Accounts of William Clyfford, Coquinarius [1471-72] C 156 Accounts of Richard Clyfforde, Coquinarius [1472-73] C 157 Accounts of Richard Clyfford, Coquinarius [1473-74] C 158 Accounts of Richard Upton, Coquinarius [1476-77] C 159 Accounts of Richard Upton, Coquinarius [1477-78] C 16 Accounts of William Power, Camerarius [1389] C 160 Accounts of John Stratford, Coquinarius [1479-80] C 160a Accounts of John Stratford, Coquinarius [1479-80] C 161 Accounts of William Hodynton ( l l ), Coquinarius [1487-88] C 161a Accounts of William Hodynton ( l l ), Coquinarius [1487-88] C 162 Accounts of William Hodynton ( l l ), Coquinarius [1488-89] C 163 Accounts of Thomas Cropp[e]thorn, Coquinarius [1490-91] C 164 Accounts of Thomas Cropp[e]thorn, Coquinarius [1491-92] C 165 Accounts of Henry Chestur, Coquinarius [1495-96] C 165a Accounts of Humphrey Grafton, Coquinarius [1495-96] C 166 Accounts of Humphrey Grafton, Coquinarius 1498-99 C 167 Accounts of William More, Coquinarius 1501-2 C 168 Accounts of William More, Coquinarius 1503-4 C 168a Accountsof William More, Coquinarius 1503-04 C 169 Accounts of John de Hodyntone, Coquinarius 1340-41 C 17 Accounts of William Power, Camerarius [1389-90] C 170 Accounts of John de Muchelneye, Elemosinarius 1341-42 C 171 Accounts of John de Muchelneie, Elemosiniarius 1345-46 C 172 Accounts of Roger de Minstreworth, Elemosinarius 1355-56 C 173 Accounts of John Glouc[estre] (1), Elemosinarius 1374-75 C 174 Accounts of John Glouc[estre] (1), Elemosinarius 1377-78 C 175 Accounts of Robert Hambury, Elemosinarius 1380 C 176 Accounts of Robert Hambury,Elemosinarius `380-81 C 177 Accounts of Robert Hambury, Elemosinarius 1382-83 C 178 Accounts of John Wyrcestre (I), Elemosinarius 1383-84 C 179 Accounts of Robert Hambury, Elemosinarius 1387-88 C 18 Accounts of William Power, Camerarius [1391-92] C 180 Accounts of R[obert Hambury], Elemosinarius 1389-90 C 181 Accounts of Robert Hambury, Elemosinarius 1391-92 C 182 Accounts of Thomas Dene, Elemosinarius 1395-96 C 184 Accounts of John Fordam, Elemosinarius 1398 C 185 Accounts of John Fordam, Elemosinarius 1399-1400 C 186 Accounts of John Fordam, Elemosinarius 1400-01 C 187 Accountsof John Hatfeld, Elemosinarius 1404-05 C 188 Accounts of John Hatfeld, Elemosinarius 1406-07 C 189 Accounts of John Hatfeld, Elemosinarius 1409-10 C 19 Accounts of Thomas Dene, Camerarius [1392] C 190 Accounts of John Hatfeld, Elemosinarius 1413-14 C 191 Accounts of Thomas Musard, Elemosinarius 1421-22 C 192 Accounts of Thomas Musard, Elemosinarius 422-23 C 193 Accounts of Thomas Musard, Elemosinarius 1427-28 C 193a Accounts of Thomas Musard, Elemosinarius 1427-28 C 194 Accounts of William Hertylbury, Elemosinarius] 1431-32 C 195 Accounts of [William Hert]ylbury, Elemosinarius 1432-1433 C 196 Accounts of William Hertylbury, Elemosinarius 1433-34 C 197 Accounts ofWilliam Hertylbury, Elemosinarius 1434-35 C 198 Accounts of William Hertylbury, Elemosinarius 1436-37 C 199 Accounts of Thomas Collewell, Elwmosinarius 1441-1442 C 2 Accounts of John Dorset, Anniversarius 1476 C 20 Accounts of Thomas Dene, Camerarius [1392-93] C 200 Accounts of John Lawarne, Elemosinarius 1448-49 C 200a Accounts of [Roger Kingeslond], Cellerarius 1485-86 C 200b Rental for office of Almoner 1449-50 C 200c Accounts of John lawarne, Elemosinarius 1452-53 C 201 Accounts of William Hodynton, (I) Elemosinarius 1463-63 C 201a Accounts of William [Hodynton] (I), Elemosinarius 1462-63 C 202 Accounts of John Sudbury, Elemosinarius [1468-69] C 203 Accounts of John Sudbury, Elemosinarius [1473-74] C 204 Accounts of Robert Multon, Elemosinarius [1478-79] C 205 Accounts of Robert Multon, Elemosinarius [1481-82] C 206 Accounts of Robert Multon, Elemosinarius [1482-83] C 207 Accounts of Robert Multon, Elemosinarius [1486-87] C 208 Accounts of John Newtowne, Elemosinarius [1489-90] C 209 Accounts of John Stratford, Elemosinarius [1498-99] C 209a Rental of John Stratford, Elemosinarius [1497-98] C 21 Accounts of Robert Hambury, Camerarius [1395-96] C 210 Accounts of John Lychefeld, Elemosinarius [1500-01] C 211 Account of [name missing], Elemosinarius [1504-05] C 212 Accounts of Robert Lynsey, Elemosinarius [1506-07] C 213 Accounts of John Hatfeld, Hostillarius [1386-87] C 214 Accounts of Walter Kyrkeby, Hostillarius [1388-89] C 215 Accounts of Walter Kyrkeby, Hostillarius [1391-92] C 216 Accounts of Walter Kyrkeby, Hostillarius [1400-01] C 217 Accounts of Walter Kyrkeby, Hostillarius [1403-04] C 218 Accounts of T[homas] Ruydynge, Hostillarius [1408-09] C 219 Accounts of John Clyve, Hostillarius [1409-10] C 22 Accounts of Thomas More ( 1 ) Camerarius [1396-97] C 220 Accounts of John Clyve, Hostillarius [1410-11] C 220a Accounts of John Clyve, Hostillarius [1411] C 221 Accounts of John Clyve, Hostillarius [1411-12] C 222 Accounts of John Clyve, Hostillarius [1412-13] C 223 Accounts of John Clyve, Hostillarius [1413-14] C 224 Accounts of John Clyve, Hostillarius [1414-15] C 224a Accounts of Thomas Hertelbury, Hostillarius [1417-18] C 225 Accounts of Roger Evesham, Hostillarius [1420-21] C 226 Accounts of Roger Evesham [1421-22] C 226a Accounts of Roger Evesham, Hostillarius [1422-23] C 227 Accounts of Richard Cowarn, Hostillarius [1424-25] C 228 Accounts of Richard Cowarn, Hostillarius [1425-26] C 229 Accounts of Richard Cowarn, Hostillarius [1426-27] C 23 Accounts of Thomas More ( l ), Camerarius [1397-98] C 230 Accounts of Richard Cowarn, Hostillarius [1427-28] C 231 Accounts of Richard Cowarn, Hostillarius [1429-30] C 232 Accounts of Richard Cowarn, Hostillarius [1430-31] C 233 Accounts of John Malverne ( l l ), Hostillarius [1456-57] C 234 Accounts of John Malverne ( l l ), Hostillarius [1457-58] C 235 Accounts of John Mortun, Hostillarius [1462] C 236 Accounts of Robert Cleve, Hostillarius [1473-74] C 237 Accounts of Richard Upton, Hostillarius [1474-75] C 238 Accounts of Thomas Cropthorn, Hostillarius [1498-99] C 239 Accounts of John Halys, Hostillarius [1503-04] C 24 Accounts of Thomas More ( l ), Camerarius [1398-99] C 240 Accounts of Humfrey Grafton, Hostillarius [1507-08] C 241 Accounts of
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