Bibliography of British Columbia1 Compiled by EVE SZABO, Senior Librarian, Social Sciences Division, W. A. C. Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University. Books ADAS KIN, Harry. A fiddler's choice: memoirs ig^8-ig8o. Vancouver, No­ vember House, 1982. $24.95. Advanced company law: the edited transcript of proceedings of a Continu­ ing Legal Education seminar held at the mid-winter meeting of the legal profession in British Columbia on February j3 ig8i. Course co­ ordinators, David S. M. Huberman and John O. E. Lundell. Vancou­ ver, Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982. 1 v. $35.00. ALLEN, Harold T. Forty years journey: the temperance movement in Brit­ ish Columbia to igoo. Victoria, [the author], 1982. 138 p. $8.00. ALLEN, Richard Edward. A pictorial history of Vancouver. Book 1 : Origin of street and place names. Winnipeg, Josten's Publications, 1982. 128 p. $10.95. Bankruptcy: materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Education seminar held in Vancouver, B.C. on September o and io, ig82. Course co­ ordinator, G. Sidney Cross. Vancouver, Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982. 1 v. $50.00. BIDGOOD (Monk), Judy. Tea-time Victoria. Illustrated by Carolyn Cooney (Monk). Victoria, Monk Publications, 1983. 48 p. $3.95. BOURGEOIS, Pierre. Le guide de VAlbêrta et de la Colombie-Britannique. (Montreal, La Presse, 1982. 196 p. $8.95. BOWEN, Lynne. Boss whistle: the coal miners of Vancouver Island remem­ ber. Lantzville, B.C., Oolichan Books, 1982. 280 p. $19.95. BOYLE, T. Patrick. Elections British Columbia: the unique guide for pro­ vincial election participants and spectators. Vancouver, Lions Gate Press, 1982. 191 p. $8.95. CALLAHAN, Marilyn and Marjorie Martin. Welfare rights and GAIN. 6th ed. Vancouver, People's Law School, 1982. 37 p. $1.50. 1 1 May 1983. 80 BG STUDIES, no. 58, Summer 1983 Bibliography 81 Closely held corporations: materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Edu­ cation seminar presented at the mid-winter meeting of the legal profes­ sion in British Columbia, February, 1982. Course co-ordinator, Martin Donner. Vancouver, Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982. 1 v. $40.00. COCHRANE, Jean. The one-room school in Canada. [Don Mills], Fitzhenry & Whiteside, c.1981. 168 p. $12.95. CON, Harry and others. From China to Canada: a history of the Chinese communities in Canada. Edited by Edgar Wickberg. Generations: a history of Canada's people. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1982. 369 P. $9-95- Costs and fees in family law cases: materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Education seminar held in Vancouver, B.C. on September 11, 1982. Course coordinators, Peter Brown and Barbara Nelson. Van­ couver, Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982. 1 v. $35.00. DIAMOND, Sara. Chambermaids and whistle punks: an aural history of women in B.C. labour 1930-55. Vancouver, Press Gang Publishers, 1982. 224 p. $8.95. EVANS, Chad. Frontier theatre: a history of nineteenth-century theatrical entertainment in the Canadian Far West and Alaska. Victoria, Sono Nis Press, 1983. 366 p. $16.95. FRANCIS, Daniel. [Battle for the West: fur traders and the birth of Western Canada. Edmonton, Hurtig, 1982. 191p. $18.95. Fraud in commercial transactions: materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Education seminar held in Vancouver, B.C., October 1, 1982. Course co-ordinator, A. G. Henderson. Vancouver, Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982. 1 v. $50.00. GALLAGHER, Tony and Mike Gasher. Towels, triumph and tears: the Vancouver Canucks and their amazing drive to the 1982 Stanley Cup. Madeira Park, B.C., Harbour Publishing, 1982. 155 p. $6.95. GRAY, Earle. Wildcatters: the story of Pacific Petroleums and Westcoast Transmission. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1982. 306 p. $24.95. HARRIS, Lorraine. British Columbia's own railroad. Surrey, B.C., Hancock House, 1982. 64 p. $5.95. JOHNSTON, Patrick. Native children and the child welfare system. Toronto, Canadian Council on Social Development in association with James Lorimer and Company, 1983. 150 p. $9.95. JONES, Joan Megan. The art and style of western Indian basketry. Surrey, B.C., Hancock House, 1982. 56 p. $6.95. 82 BG STUDIES KEENLEYSIDE, Hugh L. Memoirs of Hugh L. Keenleyside. Vol. 2: On the bridge of time. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1982. 647 p. $29.95. LEVENS, Bruce R. and Jennifer Gleathero. Low income basic family bud­ gets: the cost of essential goods and services in the Lower Mainland area in January 1982. Vancouver, United Way of the Lower Mainland, 11982. 38 p. $3.00. Libel and contempt: the law and the media, materials prepared for a Con­ tinuing Legal Education seminar held in Vancouver, B.C., November 27, 1982. Course co-ordinator, Bryan G. Baynham. Vancouver, Con­ tinuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982. 1 v. $60.00. LIDDELL, Peter G. A bibliography of the Germans in British Columbia. Vancouver, CAUTG, 1982. $8.50. LocKHARTV, Marguerite. Legal solutions to racism. Vancouver, People's Law School, 1982. 16 p. $1.50. LOGGINS, Olive Spencer. Tenderfoot trail: greenhorns in the Cariboo. Vic­ toria, Sono Nis Press, 1983. 171p. $9.95. LUPUL, Manoly R., ed. A heritage in transition: essays in the history of Ukrainians in Canada. Generations: a history of Canada's peoples. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1982. 344 p. $9.95. MACAREE, Mary and David Macaree. \109 walks in British Columbia's lower mainland. 2nd ed. Vancouver, Douglas & Mclntyre, 1983. 240 p. $10.95. MAGDONALD, Ervin Austin. The rainbow chasers. Vancouver, Douglas & Mclntyre, 1982. 272 p. $16.95. MACDONALD, George. H aida monumental art: villages of the Queen Char­ lotte Islands. Foreword and graphics by Bill Reid. Vancouver, Univer­ sity of British Columbia Press, 1983. 218 p. $140.00. MACLEAN, Allan. Unemployment insurance. Revised by Jim Russell. 4th ed. Vancouver, People's Law School, 1982. 47 p. $1.50. MAUD, Ralph. A guide to B.C. Indian myth and legend: a short history of myth-collecting and a survey of published texts. Vancouver, Talon- books, 1982. 218 p. $8.95. MGELLIGOTT, Thomas J. Adventures in high endeavour: people under­ standing people, the story of Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific. Toronto, Brownstone Press, 1982. 63 p. $9.95. MCNEILL, Patricia and Marcia Hoffart. Consumer law. 2d ed. Vancouver, People's Law School, 1982. 55 p. $1.50. Negotiation techniques: materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Educa­ tion seminar held in Vancouver, B.C. on September 16 and 17, 1982. Bibliography 83 Course co-ordinators, Norbert S. Jacker and Donald J. MacDougall. Vancouver, Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982. 1 v. $35.00. NUYTTEN, Phil. The totem carvers: Charlie James, Ellen Neel, and Mungo Martin. Vancouver, B.C. Panorama Publications, 1982. 132 p. $29.95. PARKER, Haidee. Historic Armstrong and its street names. Penticton, Skoo- kum Publications, 1982. 100 p. $9.45. PATENAUDE, Branwen C. Because of gold ... Quesnel, B.C., [the author], 11982.88 p. $9.95. PERSKY, Stan. Bennett II: the decline and stumbling of Social Credit Government in British Columbia 1979-83. Vancouver, New Star Books, 1983. 272 p. $3.95. PÉTRIE, Ann. A guidebook to ethnic Vancouver: walking, shopping and eating tours of the ethnic neighbourhoods of Vancouver. Illustrations by Barb Wood. Surrey, B.C., Hancock House, 1982. 176 p. $9.95. Practice and procedure in the Supreme Court of British Columbia: materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Education seminar held in Vancouver, B.C. on May 8, 1982. Course co-ordinator, Bruce I. Cohen. Vancouver, Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982. 1 v. $45.00. Real property assessment: materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Educa­ tion seminar held in Vancouver, B.C. on June 17, 1982. Course co­ ordinator, Brian J. Wallace. Vancouver, Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982. 1 v. $45.00. SHEPHERD, Michael and others. The disabled and the law. 2d ed. Van­ couver, People's Law School, 1982. 208 p. SKOGAN, Joan. Skeena: a river remembered. Vancouver, British Columbia Packers Limited, c. 1983. 100 p. $12.95. SOCIAL PLANNING AND REVIEW COUNCIL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Senior citizen's guide to services in British Columbia. 4th ed. Vancouver, 1982. 44 p. $1.00. Tales from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Book 2. Masset, B.C., Senior Citi­ zens of the Queen Charlotte Islands, 1982. 128 p. $10.95. Tax aspects of litigation: materials prepared for a Continuing Legal Educa­ tion seminar held in Vancouver, B.C., October 2, 1982. Course co­ ordinator, Craig Sturrock. Vancouver, Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 1982. 1 v. $40.00. TAYLOR, G. W. Builders of British Columbia: an industrial history. Vic­ toria, Morriss Publishing Ltd., 1982. 231 p. $15.95. 84 BG STUDIES WEBSTER, Peter. As far as I know: reminiscences of an Ahousat chief. Campbell River, B.C., Campell River Museums and Archives Society, 1982. $5.00. Government Publications2'3 BRITISH COLUMBIA, AUDITOR GENERAL. Special report on expenditures of the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs from 6 January ig8i to j 1 March 1982. Victoria, 1982. CABINET COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. The new fron­ tier: a policy approach to economic development in north west British Columbia. Victoria, Ministry of Intergovernmental Relations, 1982. ii6 p. INTERMINISTRY WORKING GROUP ON NORTHWEST BRITISH COLUM­ BIA. The Northwest region: a British Columbia regional economic study, ig82. Victoria, 1982. LANDS AND HOUSING REGIONAL OPERATIONS DIVISION. Blind Bay crown foreshore plan. Kamloops, 1982. LAW REFORM COMMISSION. Report on arbitration. LRC, 55. Vic­ toria, 1982. 149 p. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON CROWN CORPORATIONS. Traffic safety in British Columbia: an interim report on the Committee's inquiry into the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. [Victoria], 1982. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD. British Columbia agricul­ ture aid to developing countries, ig8i-ig82.
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