Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church Iglesia Católica San Juan el Evangelista December 11, 2016 — Third Sunday of Advent 11 de diciembre de 2016 — Tercer Domingo de adviento LITURGY SCHEDULE HORARIO LITURGICO Saturday ................................................... …...5:30 p.m Domingo…………………………………….12:15 p.m (Español) Sunday........................................................... 9:00 a.m. Misa Diaria: ...Jueves ………. .….. 8:30 a.m (Ingles) Daily Masses: ..Thursday …….. 8:30 a.m ..Miércoles y Viernes ……… 12:00 del medio día ..Wednesday and Friday …….. 12 noon CONFESSIONS (Saturday)………. 4:30 p.m. or by appointment CONFESIONES (Sábado) ............. 4:30 p.m. o por cita HORARIO DE OFICINAS OFFICE HOURS LUNES—JUEVES: 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Monday—Thursday: 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. VIERNES: 9:00 a.m. - 12 del medio dia Friday: 9:00 a.m.—12 NOON 813 W Nine Mile Road, Highland Springs VA 23075 *Website—Página electrónica: www.stjohnscatholicchurch.org *Email– Correo Electrónico [email protected] 804-737-8028 • Fax: 804-328-4683 Pastor - Párroco .. Rev. Gino Rossi., [email protected] Parochial Vicar—Vicario Parroquial .. Rev. Frank Wiggins, [email protected] Parochial Vicar—Vicario Parroquial .. Rev. Ernest Livasia Bulinda, [email protected] Dir. Religious Education - Dir. de Educación Religiosa… Paulita Matheny… [email protected] Bookkeeper —Contador… David Stull…. [email protected] Music Coordinator ….. Coordinador del Coro…..Angela Pometto…. [email protected] Emergency contact number / Número en caso de emergencia 804-402-1221 St John Parish Calendar The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, SATURDAY December 10, 2016 4:30 PM Reconciliation Mary, for you have 5:30 PM Mass for the soul of Frances Leary found favor with God. Behold, you will con- SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, 2016 ceive in your womb 9:00 AM Mass soul of Paul Johnson and bear a son, and 10:00 AM Rosary you shall name him 12:15 PM Misa Jesus." - Lk 1:30-31 7:00 PM Misa Señora de Guadalupe Readings for the Week of December 11, 2016 WEDNESDAY DECMBER 14, 2016 Sunday: Is 35:1-6a, 10/Ps 146/Jas 5:7-10/Mt 12:00 Noon Mass for the soul of Melissa Prestosa 11:2-11 Monday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, THURSDAY DECEMBER 15, 2016 10ab/ Jdt 13/Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 8:30 AM Mass soul Nathan David Daniesl 1:39-47 Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13/Ps 34/Mt 21:28-32 FRIDAY DECEMBER 16, 2016 Wednesday: Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21b-25/Ps 85/Lk 12:00 Noon Mass 7:18b-23 SATURDAY DECEMBER 17, 2016 Thursday: Is 54:1-10/Ps 30/Lk 7:24-30 4:30 PM Reconciliation Friday: Is 56:1-3a, 6-8/Ps 67/Jn 5:33-36 5:30 PM Mass souls Zusima & Bienaventurada Flores Saturday: Gn 49:2, 8-10/Ps 72/Mt 1:1-17 SUNDAY DECEMBER 18, 2016 Next Sunday: Is 7:10-14/Ps 24/Rom 1:1-7/Mt 1:18- 9:00 AM Mass soul of Benjamin Young 24 10:00 AM Rosary 12:15 PM Misa Jose Guadalupe Garcia y Maria del Carmen Guerrero DECEMBER 3 & 4, 2016 ST PETER’S OFFERS MASS DAILY AT NOON Weekly Actual $4,591.02 REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS/ Budgeted $5,170.00 RECUERDE EN SUS ORACIONES: Difference ($578.98) Keith Pinney, Doug Stanley, Rudy Calo’oy, John Kolakoski, Ron Price, Jr., Year to Date Rev. Mr. Bill Blatnik, Carmen Molina, Actual $102,344.16 Ginny Ducar, Red and Nancy Goodman, Steve Garrett, Bob & Budgeted $118,910.00 Lucy Strutton, Pat & Jerry Nolte, Sonya Calo’oy, Tom Yates, Richard Painter, Martha Livingston, Hallett Harrison, Deborah Difference ($16,565.84) Shorter, Elena Chavez, Isaias Fuentes, Virginia Saunders, Maxine DiMarino, Marion Pastore and Isaias Fuentes. Monthly Debt Expense $1,860.00 Monthly Debt Collection $1,702.76 Prayers for members of the Armed Forces; Daniel Gau- dette, David Licciardello, Josh Drumheller, Lee Balderson, JD Difference ($157.24) Painter and Daniel Johnson. Remaining Balance on Debt $66,757.34 The item being collected for FISH for December MASS ATTENDANCE Complete meal kit 5:30 9:00 12:15 En el mes de diciembre 88 185 220 Set completo de alimentos Good day to all! A little History about Our Lady of Guadalupe Happy Guadete Sunday! Through the centuries, many Popes have recognized the signifi- If you know latin, you know ‘Gaudete’ means ‘rejoice’. Today cance of the story of and image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. is ‘rejoice’ Sunday. Today is ‘joy’ Sunday. Among the most important papal recognitions are the following: The word “guadete” is taken from the first word of the introit . Pope Benedict XIV, in the Papal Bull Non Est Equidem, date of the Mass today. You might be asking, what’s an ‘introit?’ May 25, 1754, declared Our Lady of Guadalupe patron of The introit is the introductory phrase of the Mass that you “New Spain.” will hear if you go to a Mass without music, in which case the .Pope Leo XIII authorized Canonical Coronation of the image, priest will recite the introit before saying ‘in the name of the which occurred on October 12, 1895. Father….’ G Pope Pius X proclaimed Our Lady of Guadalupe the patron of Or some Churches chant the introit before the opening Latin America in 1910. G Pope Pius XII entitled Our Lady of Guadalupe as “Queen of hymn, which is preferable. We are going to work towards Mexico and Empress of the Americas” in 1945, and “Patroness doing that. of the Americas” in 1946. In any respect, it is ‘rejoice’ or ‘joy’ Sunday. I love this Sun- G Pope John XXIII entitled Our Lady of Guadalupe as “Mother day. of the Americas” in 1961. Why? Because if we’re going to be joyful at least one day of GPope Paul VI sent a Golden Rose to the shrine on March 20, the year, we’ve got to be joyful this Sunday. We ‘rejoice’ this 1966, as a token of reverence. Sunday because we are sooooooo cloooooooose to the G Pope John Paul II visited the shrine on January 26, 1979, greatest day in the history of humanity. We are sooooo and beatified Juan Diego there on May 6, 1990. cloooooose to Christmas, so we rejoice and are joyful, as the G Pope Francis made an apostolic visit to the shrine on Febru- introit says. ary 13, 2016, granting the shrine a gold-plated silver crown Did you know the Christian life is a life of joy? I am a Chris- with the inscription “Mater Mea, Spes Mea” (“My Mother and tian because I want to be happy in life. The Christian life is a My Hope”). life of J – O – Y. Did you know that? J – O – Y stands for Jesus, Others, Yourself. The Christian Source: Eduardo Chavez, Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego: The Historical Evidence (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Pub- life is for Jesus first, Others second, and yourself last. lishers, Inc., 2006), xv n.2. But wait a minute. I thought the Christian life was about joy. “Our Lady of Guadalupe: A Chronology of Events Related to the Miracle,” How can it be about joy if all I am focused on is Jesus and accessed November 29, 2016, http://www.sancta.org/table.html. others and I don’t have any time to focus on myself? Exactly!!! The Filipino Commission for the Diocese of Richmond in The reason the Christian life is a life of joy is precisely be- coordination with the parish' Council of Women and Knights of cause the Christian life is about focusing on Jesus first (God), Columbus cordially invite you to the Saturday Vigil Mass at and others second…before focusing on ourselves. 5:30pm, December 17, at St John's second year Simbang Gabi We are happy when we are not focused on ourselves and (Mass at dusk). A reception at the Social Hall will follow for a worrying about ourselves. When we spend ourselves in ser- light fare and featuring Sayaw Diversity Group to perform a vice to God and in service to others, we experience joy and collection of Philippine dances. happiness. Alternatively, when we focus on ourselves, we are not. Plain and simple. Human experience bears witness to this. Tis the Giving Season’ Your generosity has been a blessing to our Saint John’s church I think of children in third world countries, who have nothing throughout this past year. Your continued support allows us to but their faith in God and the other children they live with in help our church family and spread God's Word throughout the very close quarters (they don’t have separate homes to keep world. At this holy & joyous time of year we thank you and them apart) and all I see are smiles on their faces. They ask that you remember Saint John’s again with special tax- have nothing but God and each other, and they are happy. exempt donations via E-Giving or whatever method you wish. Then in think of children with every toy and game system Blessings! and cell phone known to man, and I see sadness, depres- sion, loneliness, and anxiety. It seems backwards. But it makes perfect sense. The more we have time to focus A big thank you – Muchisimas Gracias on ourselves, the more toys we have that cause us to be self This past week we had another successful Breakfast with St -absorbed, the less fulfilled we will be. Nicholas. Thank you to all who came and had a great time and Alternatively, the less we have to worry about personally, the also to those who came and helped.
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