CAFP NEWS Special invitation to the Cafp Victoria Regional Meeting September 24-25, 2017 Victoria harbourfront. Photo courtesy of Destination B.C. ll former parliamentarians and tion followed by lunch. The bus will de- • Queen $189, Twin or King $219, their guests are invited to this part from the Hotel Grand Pacific at 9:15 King Suite $269 and Harbour Suite Ayear’s CAFP Regional Meeting, am and return at 2 p.m. $289 (plus tax) which will take place in Victoria, B.C. That afternoon, at your leisure, you • Includes a full breakfast from Sunday, September 24 to Monday, can explore Victoria by taking a walking • In order to qualify for the special September 25, 2017. This is an opportu- tour of historic Chinatown, getting out rate, you must ask for the special: Cana- nity to experience some of the exciting on the water for a cruise, or visiting one dian Association of Former Parliamen- developments in this province at the per- of the many museums such as the Royal tarians fect time of year. B.C. Museum, the Robert Bateman Cen- • Please contact the Union Club at: Located on the southern most tip of tre or the Emily Carr House. Toll Free: 1-800-808-2218 (ext. 0) Vancouver Island, and the capital of Brit- From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. we will enjoy a Email: [email protected] ish Columbia, Victoria is a beautiful and reception and light buffet at Government Registration fees for the Regional historic city with much to see and do. House. Meeting are $125.00 per person and ap- Thanks to the local organizing commit- Her Honour, Judith Guichon, Lieu- plies for spouses and guests. It includes tee made up of the Hon. Tony Abbott, tenant Governor will welcome and join ground transportation in Victoria, along the Hon David Anderson, the Hon Judd us. with receptions, lunch and buffet on Buchanan, the Hon Mary Collins and Hotel options in Victoria Monday. Please be advised that former Lynn Hunter for putting a great pro- For those needing overnight accom- parliamentarians must have paid their gram together. modations, a favourable rate (based on 2017-18 membership fees to participate. Our program begins at 2 p.m. on Sun- availability) has been secured with both You may pay your membership dues on- day afternoon at the Legislative Assem- the Hotel Grand Pacific and the Union line at www.exparl.ca, by sending us a bly of British Columbia where we will Club of British Columbia. cheque, or by calling our office at 1-888- hold our official welcome, business meet- Hotel Grand Pacific – $185.00 (plus 567-4764. ing and hear from guest speakers. The tax). If you are looking for information to details are being finalized. That evening 463 Belleville Street, Victoria (located extend your stay, you can consult web- from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. we will enjoy a re- beside the Legislature) sites such as www.tourismvictoria.com ception at the home of David and Sandra • In order to qualify for the special or www.hellobc/victoria.com. Anderson. Taxis and carpooling will be rate, you must ask for the SEP17PAR- If you wish to attend this year’s re- arranged. LIAMENTARIAN rate. gional meeting, please advise the CAFP The next morning, Monday, Septem- • Please contact the hotel directly at: office as soon as possible. To register on- ber 25, guests are invited to join us for Toll free: 1-800-663-7550 line, visit www.exparl.ca. You may also a bus trip and tour of the Hatley Park Direct: (250) 386-0450 contact our offices if you have questions National Historic Site, at Royal Roads Email: [email protected] or encounter difficulties. University. While there, we will also be The Union Club of British Colum- We hope to see many of you in Vic- treated to an informative panel presenta- bia, 805 Gordon Street, Victoria toria. Page 2 Beyond the Hill • Summer 2017 Beyond the Hill • Summer 2017 Page 3 Beyond the Hill Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians Volume 13, Issue No. 2 Summer 2017 CONTENTS Special invitation to the Cafp Victoria Regional Joe Clark speaks to rise of anti-globalization 21 Meeting in September 2 By Scott Hitchcox Photos courtesy of Library and Archives Canada CAFP News 4 Changin’ the Château Laurier 23 How the President sees it 5 By Harrison Lowman By Hon. Andy Mitchell Rolling Rampage on the Hill 26 By Hayley Chazan Executive Director’s report 6 Photos courtesy of the Canadian Foundation By Francis LeBlanc for Physically Disabled Persons CAFP celebrates 12th annual Douglas It seems to me 28 C. Frith Dinner 7 By Dorothy Dobbie By Scott Hitchcox How it works 29 Photos by Neil Valois Photography By Hon. John Reid Halifax Regional Meeting 11 Sound and Light Show on Parliament Hill 30 Photos by Sara Daniels, Susan Simms Where are they now? 31 and Francis LeBlanc By Hayley Chazan and Scott Hitchcox A former ambassador on how Trump could Bookshelf: Canada always: The defining speeches of Sir Wilfrid Laurier 34 impact Canada 14 By Hayley Chazan By Hayley Chazan Bookshelf: Worth fighting for: Canada’s tradition Canada kicks off 150th celebrations 15 of war resistance from 1812 to the war By Scott Hitchcox on terror 35 Photos courtesy Ottawa 2017 By Scott Hitchcox Bookshelf: Lady Franklin’s revenge: A true story Marking 100 years of voting for Canadian of ambition, obsession and the remaking women 18 of Arctic history 36 By Hayley Chazan By Hon. Peter Adams Inter-Parliamentary Union: widespread sexism, Political passages 38 harassment and violence faced by the By Harrison Lowman world’s female parliamentarians 20 Geoff @ 30 46 By Harrison Lowman By Geoff Scott Page 2 Beyond the Hill • Summer 2017 Beyond the Hill • Summer 2017 Page 3 CAFP NEWS BTH Intern Departs eyond the Hill Magazine would like to thank our editorial intern Bof 3 years Scott Hitchcox for his immense contributions to the Associa- tion. This will be the last time Scott is fea- tured in this publication. He will soon The Sound and Light Show on Parliament be leaving his position at CAFP and Hill, from May 26, 2015. Photo courtesy of Canadian Heritage/ seeking new challenges. We wish Scott Patrimoine Canada. the best of luck in his future endeavors. Harrison Lowman, Assistant Editor Editor-in-Chief Dorothy Dobbie Associate Editor Geoff Scott Letters Scott Hitchcox. Assistant Editor Harrison Lowman Dear CAFP: Dear CA FP, I would like to thank you for award- I want to thank you for putting me in Editorial Interns ing me a Jack Ellis Bursary which touch with Ms. Mylène Freeman as part Hayley Chazan, Scott Hitchcox helped me attend the Teachers Insti- of the “Parliament to Campus” pro- Editorial Board tute on Canadian Parliamentary De- gram. Ms. Freeman’s presentation in my Dorothy Dobbie, Hon. David Kilgour, mocracy this month. Your generosity is POL1001 Initiation à la science politique Derrek Konrad, Hon. John Reid, truly appreciated. I gained an immense course was very informative and inter- Geoff Scott amount of knowledge at the Teach- esting. The students certainly enjoyed it Editorial Board Emeriti ers Institute and have shared this new and so did I. Hon. Jim Fleming, Claudy Lynch, knowledge with my students and col- Sincerely, Keith Penner, Doug Rowland leagues. Julián Durazo Herrmann Contributors Thank you again, Président de l’Association canadienne Hon. Peter Adams, Dorothy Dobbie, Alexandra Kindrat d’études latino-américaines et des Francis LeBlanc, Hon. Andy Mitchell, Montreal, Quebec Caraïbes Hon. John Reid, Geoff Scott, Codirecteur de l’Observatoire des Neil Valois • • • Amériques Production Assistants Professeur de politique comparée Céline Brazeau Fraser, Dear Mr. Chisu and Mr. Scott, Susan Simms, Karl Thomsen I would like to thank you for your presence in my class yesterday at the ISSN 1920-8561 University of Toronto. This was very CAFP Regional generous of you. Judging by the partic- Our Mission Statement ipation and the positive feedback I’ve Meeting Beyond the Hill, a magazine for former received from students after the class, parliamentarians, is designed to engage, the event was a real success. Sharing CAFP Victoria Regional Meeting enlighten and inform its readers about your experiences may have a lasting im- Sunday, Sept. 24 to Monday, Sept. each other, their Association and its Edu- pact on these students, and have a posi- 25, 2017 cational Foundation. Its aim is to encour- tive influence on their career decisions. All former parliamentarians and their age participation in the Association and I very much appreciated your partici- guests are invited to this year’s CAFP to promote democracy. The views of the pation in the event. Regional Meeting, which will take place contributors to this publication do not in Victoria, B.C. from Sunday, Septem- necessarily represent those of CAFP nor Warm regards, its Educational Foundation. Beyond the Hill Ludovic Rheault ber 24 to Monday, September 25, 2017. welcomes letters to the editor, submis- Assistant Professor This is an opportunity to experience sions and suggestions. P.O. Box 1, 131 Department of Political Science some of the exciting developments in Queen St., House of Commons Ottawa, University of Toronto this province at a perfect time of year. ON, Canada, K1A 0A6. Telephone 1-888- For more information check us out on- 567-4764, Fax: 613-947-1764 E-mail: ex- • • • line at http://www.exparl.ca/ [email protected]. Website: www.exparl.ca. Page 4 Beyond the Hill • Summer 2017 Beyond the Hill • Summer 2017 Page 5 YOUR ORGANIZATION How the President sees it Hon. Andy Mitchell. want to start my comments for this edition with a big shout out to staff that did such a great job in organizing this year’s Douglas C.
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