III IIII US005.554361A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,554.361 Dixon (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 10, 1996 (54) PROCESSED PRODUCT FOR SKN AND Primary Examiner-S. Mark Clardy HAIR TREATMENT Attorney, Agent, or Firm-M. Alex Brown 76) Inventor: Gary W. Dixon, P.O. Box 5835, 57) ABSTRACT Kingsport, Tenn. 37663-0835 A processed product for hair and skin treatment, having binary and tertiary fluid phase levels prior to remixing and 21 Appl. No. 377,501 therapeutic use is disclosed. The invention discloses defined 22) Filed: Jan. 24, 1995 amounts of admixed components including an Iodine com plex having tincture of iodine solution and povidone-iodine Related U.S. Application Data compound, a diluting fluid complex having a water and mineral oil constituent, and a cod liver oil component, 63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 184,839, Jan. 21, 1994, which, after admixing, are ambiently exposed to a photon abandoned. light-energy component from sunlight or substantially (51) Int. Cl. ...................... A61K 7/42; A61K 7/48; equivalent artificial light to produce a processed product having at least binary product reaction fluid levels and A61K 33/18; A61K 35/60 containing a nucleophically iodinated cod liver oil com 52 U.S. C. ......................... 424/70.15; 424/59: 424/672; pound. The composition is mixed prior to therapeutic appli 424/523: 514/410 cation of targeted hair, skin, mucosal or internal areas of a (58) Field of Search ............................... 514/410; 424/59, human or animal, mixing the fluid levels to provide syner 424/70, 70.15,672, 523 gistic properties and enhanced delivery of the remaining iodine-reaction components and the iodinated cod liver oil (56) References Cited compound contained in the product, enhancing the effect and U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS delivery to targeted areas of vitamins A and D and other constituents in the processed reaction product. 4,478,853 10/1984 Chaussee ................................ 424/358 5,023,235 6/1991 N'Guyen et al. ......................... 514/18 5,075,113 12/1991 DuBois ................................... 424/450 16 Claims, No Drawings 5,554.361 1. 2 PROCESSED PRODUCT FOR SKN AND diverse and mysterious diet and digestive system have raised HAIR TREATMENT many questions as to possible values of cod-liver oil. This substance is a yellow, fishy smelling oil obtained RELATED APPLICATION from the livers of codfish. The liver in cod functions somewhat similar to the human organ, its manifold functions This application is a continuation-in-part of the parent including the storage and filtration of blood, secretion of bile application U.S. Ser. No. 184,839, filed Jan. 21, 1994, now for digestion, excretion of diverse substances formed else abandoned, and entitled Binary And Tertiary Phase Multi where in the organism and numerous metabolic functions. component, Health, Skin And Hair Treatment Systems And Cod-liver oil has been found to contain large amounts of Process For Making And Methods Of Use Thereof, the 10 vitamins A and D, and at one time many people ingested this entire disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by refer oil to protect against vitamin A and D deficiencies. However, enCe. over the last number of years, cod-liver oil itself has been found to be rarely used, or, when so used, to be taken in the BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION form of capsules, which have been found to possibly limit 15 the positive effects of this oil. Therefore, the question has 1. Field of the Invention been raised, as to how to package deliver, or combine this valuable oil in such a way as to deliver older as well as This invention relates to skin and hair treatment admix newly-discovered, possible benefits to humans and other tures and compositions having the capacity to promote animals. protection and healing of skin surfaces and the healthy growth of hair on skin surfaces. 20 Additionally of the many benefits, some of which may be yet undiscovered, which are attributed to vitamins A and D, 2. Background of the Invention each of which is found in cod-liver oil; it has been noted that: Researchers in the prior art have indicated at least for the Vitamin A (retinol): helps maintain skin, eyes, urinary last several years that fish oils have been contain certain tract; and lining of the nervous, respiratory and diges components, including vitamins A and D and others not 25 tive systems; and is needed for healthy bones and teeth; clearly identified themselves, which can significantly reduce and that blood clotting, and make platelets formed internally less likely to stick together to themselves and to blood vessels in Vitamin D: is essential for calcium and phosphorous the body; thereby lessening the chance of heart attack due to metabolism; that it helps prevent 'rickets' in humans, coronary artery clot. It has also been indicated that fish oil that the D form occurs in the tissues of animals might also prevent hardening of the arteries, in that it 30 including humans, and is called the 'sunshine vitamin' appeared to indicate in testing that it might be more effective because it forms in the skin when the body is exposed than polyunsaturated vegetable oils in lowering triglyceride to sunlight; and is converted by the body into an active levels in the blood. Researchers have speculated that this form which is unique in functioning not only as a was why Eskimos and the Japanese, whose diets have been vitamin, but as a "chemical messenger' or "hormone'. found to include very large amounts of fatty fish, have often 35 Additionally, it has been found that vitamin A can aid in been found to have a lower incidence of cardiovascular treatment of many eye disorders (including prevention of disease. What has often been expressed in the prior art as nightblindness and formation of visual purple in the eye), in being uncertain, is whether fish oil by itself provided all the helping form and maintain healthy mucous membranes (as health benefits of fish, or whether other elements in the fish, well as healthy skin and hair), in building resistance to or the human ingesting the fish or its oil (fatty acid) 40 respiratory infections, and in treating acne, impetigo, boils, component, worked in some combination to bring about carbuncles, and open ulcers when applied externally. Ques positive health benefits. tions have also been raised and some evidence suggested that other benefits of vitamin A could include controlling One such specific study of the health of Eskimos in glaucoma, buffering against cancer, guarding as a part of a Greenland, who consume large amounts of fat yet have 45 bodily, internal defense mechanism against effects of smog extremely low death rates from heart disease, indicated that and pollution or other environmental toxicity, cushioning at least one reason for such general health reports was the against stress, enhancing and speeding healing, helping in fact that the Eskimo diet included consumption of large removing age spots, fighting infections, fighting skin dis amounts of fish of several diverse species which were rich eases and shortening the duration of some illnesses. in omega-3 fatty acids. It was found in this study that if large 50 Vitamin A has also been found to be essential for normal amounts of fish were consumed for a long period, that the function of the retina, in combining with red pigment of fish oils appeared to thin the blood, lower cholesterol, reduce retina (opsin) to form rhodopsin (necessary for sight in inflammatory reactions, lessen the risk of arteriosclerosis partial darkness), in acting as a co-factor in enzyme systems; and protect against colon cancer. and (as in part indicated earlier) its necessity for growth of Cod have been found to be one of the most important food 55 bone, testicular functions, ovarian function, embryonic fishes for human beings. These fish live in the northern development, regulation of growth and differentiation of waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. They produce eggs tissues. in the depth of the ocean in the late winter and early spring. It has, therefore, become an important concern to find new The eggs of most species of cod fish rise to the surface to and better ways and systems for better delivery and enhance become part of the plankton, the mass of small, drifting plant ment of vitamins A and D in the body, utilizing its discov and animal life of the sea. Mature cod eat small fish, squid ered benefits more effectively and finding new uses and and shellfish (crabs and shrimp). Atlantic cod have been benefits for these vitamins and related delivery means or found to eat almost anything else it finds, including rocks substances carrying these vitamins, for use in the body and and shells. The physiology of the Cod's gastrointestinal on skin and mucosal surfaces. system reveals that powerful juices in the stomach of the fish 65 Additionally, it has been found that aging reduces the digest food or sea life that may be growing on an object; the skin's ability to synthesize vitamin D, the elderly tend to go cod then expel what is found to be undigestible. The Cod's in the sun less (losing this potential source of vitamin D 5,554.361 3 4 activation), and they absorb less of the vitamin D they effects of iodinated products, the rapidity of bacterial consume. As indicated in part earlier, vitamin D deficiency destruction being found proportional to the concentration of can lead to poor calcium absorption and increased bone loss, free iodine. and some studies have suggested that 30–40% of elderly Polyvinylpyrrolidone has been found to be a high-mo people who sustain hip fractures or bad recurrent bruising lecular weight flexible polymer, having no inherent antibac are deficient in vitamin D.
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