Bucket Is Kicked Hard The Want Ad Page Of This Paper Is The Mode; Dope Aladdin’s Lamp--Consult It For Whatever You Ne< WALKER SOCKED 5CHAAF PROVES Eli Shell Thoroughly District BTATB or CONNECTICUT, of Waterbury, ss. Probats Court, SOFT FOR FISTS June 17th, im. LOAMS ‘S HARD BY R1SKO, Outclassed Crimson K8TATB or Hubert Verrler, late \o/o By »f St David, P. Q.. Canada, leavln* •state In waterbury district, de- $5 to ISiMO OF ON WHO WON EASILY Ths Court of Probate for the Dis- In Four Mile Race DIAMONDS AND SJUREDA trict of Waterbury, hath limited Wert New York. N. J, June It allowed six months from the June 26—(UP)-— and Clmlud, —(UP)—Stanley Pored*, Jersey date hereof for the creditors of said a trail-horse of tho HENRY SUPER Johnny Klako, By surprised the •state to exhibit thslr claims for LOAM DEPT. OP “washed- City heavyweight, ring considered virtually boxing fraternity lart night by settlement. Those who neglect to a boxing up- at- up”, provided major New powerful winning an eaay 10 round decision present their accounts properly M. A. set last night when he gave Mick- Londoi^'cMiTTune^B-^jT^T—^Harvard's touted tested within said time, will be de- season and over Ernie Hchaaf, highly 7S GRAND ST. a 12-round be- crew the big of the rowing1 barred a recovery. All persons In- ey Walker beating varsity provided upset of champion Jack Bharkey. fans at sta- honors protege debted to said estate are requested fore 20,000 Municipal established itself as a strong contender for Olympic Hchaaf, Hated a few months ago to to make Immediate payment K dium. on the Thames as America's third ranking heavy- VICTOR VANA88E, six rounds to the defeating the highly touted Yale eidght * Rlsko took gain by was completely outclassed 6-23-St Administrator c.t.a. considered weight, PHONE 'decision, while Walker, yesterday. by Pordea. Hchaaf won only one | seriously a a heavyweight title five and four DISTRICT OF WATKRBTJRY, ■*. Swinging along with a smooth round; Poreda took D. challenger, barely gained four. Probate Court, June 23rd A. YOUR beat, the Crimeon oarsmen caat off were even. 1932. Two were even. a mas- early aeaaon disappointments, row- The Jersey City boy gave ESTATE OP Fannie Mlnkevlea, Tho Rumson bulldog, who had com- ed the Yale men out of their aeats, terly exhibition of boxing, late of the Town of Waterbury In WANTS : held Jack to a draw, was the Boston Ad- Bharkey and acrmoaa the four-mile pletely bewildering ■aid Dlatrlct, deceaaed. The In the second round when awept the Mul- exhibited hie floored more than Ajdonls who had posed for ministrator, having on finish line winner by thl« Rlsko landed a hard right hook doon trophy. He kept Hchaaf off account with said estate to TO with- three lengths. It la his Jaw. Mickey Jumped up balance with a stabbing left Jab Court for allowance, Bad! That the 28th day of out a count but he was slightly Vq» him wllth rights to ORDERED, and hammered Juno A. D. 1982 at 8:15 o'clock. In Yale had been undefeated this MISS the body and head. Ernie's only the atandard time, at the -98 Walker as the forenoon, ^iflsko weighed 1-2; season and was regarded worth while blows were a few right Probate Office In Waterbury, be and contender for Ameri- a ADTAKER I 171 outstanding hooks to the body. the name la, aaalftned for hearing 1-2._ ca's Olympic berth against the Poreda weighed 201' pounds; on the allowance of aald account, DISH Adminis- Ooldcn Bears of California, vic- U)ASWER,( J Hchaaf 208. and the Court directa the tors at Poughkeepsie. trator to give notice thereof, by U»AWlfeO publishing this order In some news- Most observers believe now that FOXXJVWANER having a circulation In aald It will be Harvard vs California Eaper'(strict, a copy of this order, all at In the Olympic trials at Worcester, WHEELER, DIXON least 3 days before aald day of hear- HOLD LEADS IN Mass, next month, when the lead- ing and return to this Court. crews of the United States com- Attest: ing JOHN J. HOWARD, pete for the right to carry the HARFD LOSERS, Clerk. RACES Stars and Stripes at the Los An- BAITING geles games. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, Dlatrlct This victory for the first time of Waterbury, ss. Probate Court, BELL1N0 WINS June 1932. Now York, June 25—(UP)— In 19 Harvard the ver- 24th, years gave ESTATE OP Catherine Wrcnn, Paul Wancr of the Pittsburg pi- Thames dict over Yale on the two late of the Town of Waterbury, In Dial Foxx of the rates and Jimmy years In succession. The Crimson Hartford, Juno 25—At Futter, to aald District, deceaaed. Philadelphia Athletics continue shell contained six men of the of New Britain, gained a close de- The Court of Probate for the Dis- the National fellow lead tho batemen of eight which gave the Bulldogs a cision over Wally Banola, a* trict of Waterbury, hath limited and American leagues, respectively. last townsman, In what turned out to and allowed six months from the beating year. of said Waner has averaged .376 and the Odds bo tho best fight of the amateur date hereof for the creditors 4-2121 Fooled their claims for according to records re- IdftA HOWMI show last at Capitol estate to exhibit Foxx .382, Yale had been the 2-to-l favorite boxing night who to which Include games settlement. Those neglect leased today, before the starting gun. park arena. their accounts at- Foxx retains his FSboK»* mb, the present properly played Thursday. The time for the race was not Futter, although gaining tested within aald time, will be de- In the American of be- 4-2121 home run lead fast. Farvard was clocked for the l'U SCReAM.i decision, showed more signs barred a recovery. All persons In- Easy isn't it? Just Dial Klein circuit with 28, and Chuck four miles in 21 minutes and 29 ing In a battle than Balola, who debted to aald estate are requested to of tho Phillies heads tho National seconds; Yale, in 21:42. The rec- due to his eagerness for a knock- to inako Immediate payment PINTON J. PHELAN, and Miss Adtaker will gladly as- list with 21 home runs. ord for the downstream course was ©nea thanks To Bwtr weeuEtl out punch, left himself open In York 41 31 Administrator. Lefty Gomez of the New set Harvard at 20:02 In 1916. the latter of the second third by V MMtVNjeteS. J part Yankees tops the American league unfavorable conditions round for Futter to shoot hard sist in the of a Althuogh DISTRICT OF WATERBURY, as. you wording with 13 victories and one blows to the ear that pitchers had prevailed most of the day, right hand Probato Juno 23rd At D. Walter Betts of tho Bos- Futter Court, defeat. twilight found the wind vanished, shook Banola several times. 1932. Modern Braves has risen Into a tie U AND I RALLY TO the first Want-Ad that will insure quick ton and smooth water along most of was on the losing end of ESTATE OF Ignats Mlnkevlcx, wrmW1 Pirates Equipment with Steve Hwetonlc of the the course. two rounds, having his mouth ate of the Town of Waterbury In |C/ PHI PI The Adniln- ■ tij ~a for honors In National pitching. It was strictly a Harvard race, DEFEAT BETA binding and his right eye partly laid District, deceased. realization of your every want. Expert wins nad ono loss. final having exhibited hla ac- Bach has eight with the blue shell offering a threat closed, only to rally in the atrator, j MoversTV hitters In each to count with aald estate to this Court The 10 leading once during the entire dis- Scoring four runs in the last In- round with several hard rights only tor allowance, It Is the U and I club eked out a ear which caused It league; tance. “Killer" Gerry Cassedy, the ninK Banola's left ORDERED, That the 28th day of Harvard stroke, fairly Jumped his 10 to 7 win over the Phi Beta PI to swell. D 1932 at 8 o'clock, In the NATIONAL LGAOIJE. Tune A. DIAL 3-3121 heavyweight crews off the start- nine last night at Brassco park in Frankie Nichols of Hartford, rorenoon. atandard time, at the THE DEMOCRAT Club g. ah. r. h. p.c. Player mark with 40 beats to the min- a Y. M. C. A. Intcrclub National making his first appearance at tho Probate Office In Waterbury, bo and CO. 56 229 40 88 .376 ing THE BUKESLEE P Wancr, Pittsburg Into a tilt. “Red” Morgan hurled this a hard- the same Is assigned for a hearing 66 269 60 97 .375 ute. After forging lead, league park season, gained STREET Hurst, Philadelphia over on the allowance of aald account, 1»J MEADOW 28 60 .368 Harvard swung Into a 34-beat. A for the winners and Ray Lee for fought three round decision I.ombardi, Clncln’tl 45 163 and the Court directs the Adminis- enabled Yale to catch the the losers. Vltello of Now Haven. Jlafey, Cincinnati 37 142 24 51 .359 sprint Johnny trator to give notice thereof, by 99 .354 bout served Klein, Philadelphia 06 380 76 Crimson shell at the half-mile flag, This and the previous publishing this order In some news- 67 269 42 92 .342 bouts of last said Herman, Cincinnati nosing a fraction ahead.
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