FROGS KICK BEVO BUTT - PAGE 9 TCU Daily Skiff TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1996 TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 93RD YEAR, NO. 100 Campus issues top Town Hall Officials discuss parking, dorm life B\ \i ISM \ I .\l<<« Mini Fisher said he will suhmii a report about the lit DAILY SKIFI future needs of the residence balls to the chan- cellor and \ ice chancellors today Parking, recycling and residence ball Fisher said the report is a result of surveys oi improvements were the focus of the House of students, parents and various interest groups Representatives' Town Hall meeting Tuesday. Fisher said he hopes all 16 buildings can be Administrators taking part in the discussion renovated over an eight- to 10-yeai period Ken- were Don Mills, vice chancellor for student ovations could include anything from refur- affairs; Will Stallworth, director of the physical nishing rooms to knocking down walls or plant; Roger Fisher, directorofresidenii.il ser creating alternative types ofliving, he said. vices; Richard Villarreal. director of football "The buildings have served us well, hut it's operations; and Michael Scott, director of time to give them some updating so we can con- scholarships and financial aid. tinue to use them into the future," Fisher said House Parliamentarian Will Pryor asked the The status of the university visitation policy administration what is being done about the was also addressed bv administrators at the "perceived parking problem" at TCI I, meeting Stallworth said he is meeting with an engi- Mills said students tend to believe the visita- neering firm today to start planning the new tion policv is in place to encourage moral parking lots, which will provide 200 additional behavior. He said the policy is really meant to Victor Morales, a U.S. Senate candidate, fights a media mob with Tony Romero, a Lambda Kappa Kappa parking spaces. create a sate em ironmcnt tor students member, and Renny Rosas, Fort Worth director of Morales' campaign at a campus speech Thursday. "The parking problem at TO has n^ easy He said currently tome students lei people solution." Mills said. "We are try ing to encour- they don't know into the building al nighl He age on-campus students to be pedestrians." said he thinks this problem would be even more Mills said parking at TCU is relatively good prevalent if there were no visitation policv. Senate hopeful visits campus in comparison to the parking at other universi- "Until we can find a balance between respon- ties. sible behavior among all residents, visitation "It is not reasonable io suspect there will policv adjustments can'I be made," Mills said BY ANDREA D.M'M U.S. Senate. that he was going to run." Cannaday said. always be a convenient place to p.nk," Mills Mills said the administration is looking into TCU Ihui SKIM Morales said that he became interested "We didn't always believe him. but here said. more co-ed housing options, but the arch in politics by urging his students to get he is." The parking project will begin this summer ture of the existing residence halls is not suited U.S. Senate candidate Victor Morales, involved. Cannaday said Morales was always and could be completed before students return for co-ed living. speaking at a rally in front of Frog Foun- "I am tired of the current political sys- one of the most popular and well-liked for the fall semester. Mills said. He said surveys report thai 75 percent of stu- tain Thursday, told students that his can- tem," he said. "1 feel that I can make a dif- teachers at the school. Jennifer Bedell. House dining services chair- dents surveyed were interested in co-ed hous- didacy was legitimate despite the ference. 1 am running against Phil And Morales said one of his top prior- woman, asked the panel to discuss steps being ing, while 90 percent of parents surveyed were prevailing view that he is a political out- Gramm because Phil Gramm is for Phil ities is education. taken to improve recycling on campus. opposed to it. sider with inadequate credentials. Gramm, not the people he represents." "1 am a teacher," Morales said. "I Fisher said a recycling experiment is cur- Financial aid also seemed to be a concern tor "Why not me?" Morales said. "Why Morales acknowledges that he doesn't believe in the system. 1 believe in finan- rently being conducted in BrachOMB and Shel- several students .mending the meetin not a schoolteacher? I have heard the know all the rules of politics and that he cial aid and Pell grants and federal grants. ley halls. Fisher said there arc two trash Curtis Norwood, a junior engineering major, excuses: no money, no experience, no isn't a member of the political "boys I believe knowledge is the key." containers on each floor. One is for regular asked the panel if there was an) possibility of clout. I am proving them wrong." club." He refuses to be deterred, how- Morales said the Headstart program garbage and the other is for recyclable materi- financial aid for summer school Students. Morales, a darkhorse in the Senatorial ever. and AmeriCorps were also very impor- als, be said Scott said the administration is looking foi race who has been driving his pickup Zach Cannaday, a freshman biology tant and should not be cut by Congress Students in these residence halls are asked to w ay s to prov ide aid for summer school students, truck all over Texas to rally support, is a major and one of Morales' former stu- The student job programs have been on sort their garbage, he said. but funds are a problem, lie said the budget for high school teacher. He earned more dents, said he wasn't surprised at the congressional chopping block since Stallworth said for a recycling program to be scholarships is exhausted every yeai votes than other veteran candidates to Morales' candidacy. a success, students have, to cooperate. Programs must be cut or funds must be raised win a spot in the Democratic runoff for "He used to tell us all the time in class sir Morales, page 2 Concern about the residence halls was also expressed by Pryor at the meeting. Hal], page 2 Social work textbooks $220,000 come to life for senior budget on House list don't tit into a regular school system. BY KHISTA TATSCHL TCU DAILY SKIFF "The students are successful here because they can see the light at the for tonight After four years of studying and end of the tunnel a little more solving the case studies of "Mr. O," closely," Nixon said. "Mrs. G" and the "blended H family" The interns work only with the 1(1 I ) MM SMI I in social work textbooks, senior Erin teen program and deal with the Trujillo was thrown into a world immediate needs of the students The House of Student Representa- where not all problems could be through different groups, she said. tives will vote on .i $220,000 budget solved at the end of a chapter. She said the center invests and tor the l'lOo-O" fiscal \ ear during its Trujillo. a social work major, is at spends a great deal of time with its meeting tonight the end of a yearlong internship at the interns. The budget is $20,000 larger this Shannon Learning Center. She said Trujillo said she was required to year, increasing Programming ( oun at the job's beginning she was not meet and get to know the students in til's funding by Si:.ooo sure if she could handle being a her group the first day on the job. She group facilitator for troubled teen- said, though the students were open and the agers. with her, she did not feel at ease. "I didn't understand anything "Dianne said, 'Let's go meet one when I first came. My first thought of them,' and I was thinking, 'Oh my was, 'Am 1 prepared for this?'" she gosh. I'm meeting a live person,'" l; said. "1 was clueless." Trujillo said. Dianne Nixon, one of the supervi- "I remember seeing these high sors of Trujillo's internship, said the school students and 1 didn't feel old £5tL&L^> learning center is an alternative high enough to be a faculty-type person," II i tMII\ skiii Dena Rains school for students who have she said. "It was a whirlwind of Julie Larson, a freshman special education major, soaks up the ra>s while opening her dropped out of school and want to things to notice, ways to act and peo- The additional fund return, are pregnant, have economic mail Monday. difficulties or are students who just see Trujillo, page 8 House, page News Dlgesi Thurmond, 93, to seek 8th term Brando's comments offend Jews Suicide not linked to plane crash Freed molestor seeks castration Actor Johnson dead at 77 AIK.EN, S.C. (AP) — Strom Thurmond. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Marlon Brando DUBROVNIK. Croatia (AP) - A U.S. HOUSTON (AP) — A self-professed MESA, Ariz. (AP) Ben Johnson, a at 93 the oldest person ever to serve in the has come under attack from Jewish leaders team investigating the plane crash that killed "child-molesting demon" who threatened to champion rodeo performer who appeared in Senate, kicked off his bid for an eighth term for saying in an interview that Jews "own" Commerce Secretary Ron Brown focused on kill his next victims was released from prison numerous Westerns and won an Oscar toi Monday, saying he has "unfinished busi- Hollywood.
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