Charlie Chaplin Birth Name:Charles Spencer Chaplin Bo

Charlie Chaplin Birth Name:Charles Spencer Chaplin Bo

C h a r l i e C h a p l i n (April 16, 1889 - December 25, 1977) Name: Charlie Chaplin Birth name:Charles Spencer Chaplin Born: 16 April 1889, "al#!rth, $!n%!n, En'lan%, (K *arents: Charles an% +anah Chaplin Nic,name: -he $ittle -ramp Charlie Chaplin -he en%earin' .'/re !0 his $ittle -ramp #as instantl1 rec!'ni2able aro/n% the 'l!be an% br!/'ht la/'hter t! milli!ns3 Als! ,n!#n: Ch3 Chaplin Charlie Chaplin Sir Charles Chaplin A#ar%s: Kni'hte% in 1975 Die%: 25 December 1977, 4e5e1, #it2erlan% Ca/se !0 %eath: Nat/ral ca/ses Sp!/se: 6!na Chaplin (16 7/ne 1989 - 25 December 1977) (his %eath) 8 chil%ren *a/lette :!%%ar% (J/ne 1996 - 7/ne 1982) (di5!rce%) $ita :re1 (26 N!5ember 1928 - 1926) (di5!rce%) 2 chil%ren ;il%re% +arris (29 6ct!ber 1918 - 192<) (di5!rce%) 1 chil% A'es: Chaplin #as 29 1ears !l% #hen he #e% ;il%re% +arris= she #as 16 +e #as 95 1ears !l% #hen he #e% $ita :re1= $ita #as 16 +e #as 87 1ears !l% #hen he #e% *a/lette :!%%ard= *a/lette #as 25 +e #as 58 1ears !l% #hen he #e% 6!na 6>Neill (O!na Chaplin); 6!na #as 17 "ithin a 1ear !r s!, h!#e5er, his parents separate%3 Charlie Chaplin, #h! bro/'ht la/'hter t! milli!ns #!rl%#i%e as the silent ?$ittle -ramp? cl!#n, ha% the t1pe !0 %epri5e% chil%h!!% that !ne #!/l% e@pect t! .n% in a Dic,ens n!5el3 Charlie Chaplin>s m!ther +annah #as the bri'htest sp!t in Charlie>s chil%h!!%= 0!rmerl1 an actress !n sta'e, she ha% l!st her abilit1 t! per0!rm, an% mana'e% t! earn a s/bsistence li5in' 0!r hersel0, Charlie, an% Charlie>s !l%er hal0- brother Si%ne1 b1 se#in'3 She #as an inte'ral part !0 Charlie>s 1!/n' li0e, an% he cre%ite% her #ith m/ch !0 his s/ccess3 Desirin' e5en m!re creati5e c!ntrol, Charlie Chaplin be'an b/il%in' his !#n st/%i! in the 0all !0 1917, an% si'ne% #ith 1et an!ther st/%i!, Airst Nati!nal3 A!r the .rst time, Charlie Chaplin ha% c!mplete c!ntr!l !5er e5er1 step !0 his .lms3 Sa%l1, Eric Campbell %ie% in a car acci%ent, ca/sin' Charlie Chaplin>s st1le !0 c!me%1 t! chan'e, bein' centere% m!re aro/n% Charlie Chaplin himsel03 A!r Airst Nati!nal, Charlie Chaplin c!ntin/e% t! create classic sh!rts: A D!'>s $i0e, Sh!/l%er Arms, an% -heBon%3 Bn 1918, he als! marries 0!r the .rst (b/t n!t the last) time, t! ;il%re% +arris3 Bn December !0 1919, A Da1>s Pleas/re #as release%, %ealin' #ith a happ1 0amil1 tr1in' t! enC!1 a D/iet %a1 at the beach -- s!me#hat ironicall1, c!nsi%erin' the state !0 Charlie Chaplin>s pers!nal li0e at that sta'e3 But s!methin' ne# #as !n the h!ri2!n -- Charlie Chaplin ha% be'/n pro%/cti!n !0 -he Ki%3 -he Ki% #as Charlie Chaplin>s .rst 0/ll-len'th m!5ie3 Bt, m!re than an1thin' else t! that %ate, ma%e Charlie Chaplin a li5in' le'en%3 Bt t!!, !5er a 1ear t! pr!%/ce, an% #as an incre%ible s/ccess0!r Charlie Chaplin, b!th .nanciall1 an% artisticall13 Bn 1925 -he :!l% E/sh #as release% t! critical acclaim an% 'reat .nancial s/ccess3 !me belie5e it is Charlie Chaplin>s .nest .lm3 -he :!l% E/sh is the st!r1 !0 the $ittle -ramp '!in' n!rth t! the Alas,an '!l% rush, an% b1 m!re l/c, than s,ill b!th 'ettin' the 'irl an% bec!min' rich3 Bt is t!/chin', p!i'nant, an% hilari!/s, c!ntainin' s!me !0 Charlie Chaplin>s m!st 0am!/s ro/tines3 -he :!l% E/sh - 1925 -he ne@t 1ear, Charlie Chaplin be'an #!rk !n his ne@t .lm, -he Circ/s3 As 7!hn ;cCabe n!te% in his e@cellent bi!'raph1 !0 Charlie Chaplin, -he Circ/s #as n!t the eD/al !0 -he :!l% E/sh, b/t #as a '!!% .lm in its> !#n ri'ht - an%, 'i5en the circ/mstances /n%er #hich it #as .lme%, it #as a miracle that it #as e5en palatable3 -he Circ/s - 1928 Bn 1928, Charlie Chaplin release% -he Circ/s t! p!p/lar acclaim, an% als! recei5e% a special 6scar 0!r his #!rk !n the .lm as %irect!r, act!r, pro%/cer3 Sa%l1, this p!siti5e 1ear #as als! crushin'l1 ne'ati5e, as Charlie>s bel!5e% m!ther %ie%3 Charlie Chaplin>s li0e c!ntin/e% t! be centere% aro/n% his #!rk, e5en in his 'rie0, as he be'an #!rk !n his ne@t .lm t!#ar%s the en% !0 that 1ear: Cit1 $i'hts3 Cit1 $i'hts, release% in 1991, #as Charlie Chaplin>s .rst n!n-silent .lm3 But it still #as n!t a >tal,in'> pict/re3 Charlie Chaplin incl/%e% the m/sical s!/n%trac,, an% /se% s!/n% eFects, b/t n!b!%1 sp!,e in the pict/re 1et3 -his #as a maC!r 'amble 0!r Charlie Chaplin, since s!/n% pict/res ha% n!# bec!me the stan%ar%3 But it #as a 'amble that pai% !F han%s!mel13 -he m!5ie #as b!th a .nancial an% critical s/ccess, an% man1 belie5e it t! be !ne !0 Charlie Chaplin>s .nest .lms, i0 n!t his best3 A0ter Cit1 $i'hts, Charlie Chaplin %i% s!methin' t!tall1 !/t !0 character= he t!!, a 5acati!n3 Act/all1, Charlie Chaplin t!!, 5acati!ns D/ite 0reD/entl1, b!th t! re0resh himsel0 an% t! .n% ne# i%eas 0!r his .lms3 But this #as his .rst e@ten%e% 5acati!n, a#a1 0rom creatin' a ne# m!5ie 0!r nearl1 t#! 1ears3 Cit1 $i'hts, pr!%/ce% & %irecte% b1 Charlie Chaplin 1991 After the release !0 ;!%ern -imes, Charlie Chaplin an% *a/lette :!%%ar% #ere marrie% in secret, #hile !n 5acati!n in the 6rient3 (p!n his ret/rn, Charlie Chaplin be'an his m!st a/%aci!/s c!me%1 1et - -he :reat Dictat!r, ma,in' 0/n !0 A%!lph +itler himsel03 +itler, in man1 #a1s, #as a nat/ral s/bCect 0!r Charlie Chaplin t! satiri2e3 +itler, it is sai%, a%!pte% his m/stache in imitati!n !0 Charlie Chaplin3 B!th #ere smaller men, !0 sli'ht b/il%3 An% Chaplin sa# the i%eas that +itler #as champi!nin' as h!rrible, e5il= an% Charlie Chaplin #as %etermine% t! sh!# the #!rl% #hat he sa#3 ;!%ern -imes - 1996 -he :reat Dictat!r #as Charlie Chaplin>s .rst trul1 tal,in' pict/re, an% #hen it #as .nall1 release% in 198<, it #as a #!rl%#i%e sensati!n3 ;an1 pe!ple mista,enl1 thin, that the character !0 the 7e#ish Barber in the .lm is the -ramp, b/t Charlie Chaplin #as a%amant that the1 are %iFerent characters3 Alth!/'h the barber /ses man1 !0 the -ramp>s mannerisms, he is als! clearl1 an in%i5i%/al in his !#n ri'ht3 An% the barber is 0ar m!re l!n'-#in%e%, as the 0am!/s ?$!!, (p, +annah? speech at the en% !0 the m!5ie remin%s /s3 -he :reat Dictat!r - 198< Bn the same 1ear that Charlie Chaplin be'an #!rkin' !n -he :reat Dictat!r, the +!/se (n-American C!mmittee be'ins in5esti'atin' Charlie Chaplin3 At .rst 'lance, there seems t! be n! reas!n 0!r this -- /ntil the sec!n% 'lance3 Earlier Charlie Chaplin ha% %!ne his patri!tic part in raisin' m!ne1 0!r the #ar eF!rt, al!n'si%e his l!n' time 0rien%s D!/'las Aairban,s an% ;ar1 Pic,0!rd - raisin' lar'e am!/nts !0 m!ne1 0!r the #ar3 Charlie Chaplin #as a li0el!n', b/t he #as als! a realist #h! sa# that the a''ressi!n !0 the A@is p!#ers ha% t! be st!ppe%3 Bn man1 #a1s, Charlie Chaplin #as p!liticall1 nai5e - s/ch as spea,in' at 0/n% raisers 0!r the C!mm/nist ( E, #h!m Charlie Chaplin simpl1 sa# as !/r allies in the .'ht3 An% b1 s/''estin' that America imme%iatel1 !pen a t#! 0ront #ar t! help !/r ?0rien%s? in the !5iet (ni!n3 -hese #ere s!me !0 the reas!ns that the '!5ernment be'an ,eepin' tabs !n the immi'rant .lm ma,er (alth!/'h he #!r,e% 0!r all !0 these 1ears in America, he maintaine% his British citi2enship, an% ha% n! intenti!n !0 bec!min' an American citi2en). Chaplin t!'ether #ith the American s!cialist ;a@ Eastman in +!ll1#!!% -19193 Charlie ChaplinHs .nal .lms I ;!nsie/r 4er%!/@ - 1986 I $imeli'ht J 1951 I A C!/ntess in +!n' )!n' J 1966 K/!tes b1 Charlie Chaplin I ?-! trul1 la/'h, 1!/ m/st be able t! ta,e 1!/r pain, an% pla1 #ith itL? I ?B remain C/st !ne thin', an% !ne thin' !nl1 - an% that is a cl!#n3 Bt places me !n a 0ar hi'her plane than an1 p!litician3? I MB ha5e n! 0/rther /se 0!r America3 B #!/l%n>t '! bac, there i0 7es/s Christ #as *resi%ent3N -hatHs -he En% L -han, 1!/ O.

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