lM ~ 2003 University Pg.2 Feature Pg.4 Classifieds Pg.5 Happenings Pg.6 Sports Pg.8 Lifestyle · Pg.10 Professor Brings Service Widener Take Back the Night Learning into Classroom Another Success vironment than the detention center Koestner is a rape survivor who and each branch of the program is has spoken at over 700 colleges, Nevvs and high schools and military academies Nevvs and tailored to better serve each institu­ tions needs. One thing held in com­ Widener's alJlJU'U worldwide. Twelve Years after she Professor Nancy mon by both programs is the effort Take Back The Night culminated was raped on a college campus, she has started a mentoring program to increase the youth's self esteem with a speech by Katie Koestner, travels around in hopes of educating involving delinquent youth and and academic success. a speakout, a self-defense dem­ to prevent violence and abuse. She Widener students in order to bring The goal of the program is to pro­ onstration and a candlelit march has been on numerous television hands-on learning and real life ex­ vide students with field experience through the campus on Thursday, shows, has written two books and periences into her classrooms. Stu­ that illustrates concel?ts taught from March 10. Take Back the Night is lobbies Congress for more educa­ dents who participate in the pro­ textbooks. As Hirschinger states, "It an annual event held throughout tion on rape. Koestner is part of a gram meet with the troubled youth provides Widener students with a the world in order to rally against program called Campus Outreach once a week, outside of class. The perspective that reaches beyond the violence towards women, men and Services, which works on college program deals with youth from two pages of a textbook." She stresses children and serves to educate as campuses to prevent rape and has mstitutions-the Delaware County the importance of breaking down well as highlight issues of rape and showed to reduce rape when used Detention Center located in Media violence which pervade modem annually as part of orientation. and Delaware County Probation, continued on page 3 .. society. Koestner spoke about her own as­ located in Chester just minutes sault, the reality of the effect it has from the Widener campus. had on her and provided statistics There are cUlTently about twenty in order to put the occurrence of students working in the program, rape in perspective. Her soft-spoken the majority of which mentor story and sadness brought many au­ youths at the detention center. dience members to tears. Koestner This group of students are paired works to tum her negative experi­ up with same sex adolescents and ence into a positive one by advocat­ work with them one on one. They ing changes in society to prevent serve as positive role models for such occurrences. the youth by helping thein fill out Following Koestner's speech, a job or college applications. The speakout was held outside of the students begin mentoring sessions University Center where members by playing board games or cards; of the Take Back The Night com­ it is a relaxed atmosphere with mittee read letters from survivors no structured activitles so that the and victims of abuse. An open student can listen to the youth and mic was set up so that audience provide support and encourage­ members could talk about their ment. experiences. After this emotionally Six students tutor youth in proba­ charged event, candles were given tion in lieu of going to the deten­ out and the candlelit march through tion center. They are paired up with campus began. Students carried youths on probation and work in picket signs displaying statistics of a group atmosphere. The proba­ abuse while others marched sol­ tion program is mostly centered emnly behind. around academics so students work Once the march was complete, on math and English exercises a Krav Maga Self Defense dem­ with the adolescents. Hirschinger onstration was shown. A Krav attends probation with the students Maga instructor and police officer and holds a spelling bee at the end performed moves that can be used of each session. The probation continued on page 2 ... is a more structured en- Ridley High School Students Help Produce an Issue what was doing what, we began to knew how we were chosen and we how it was going to be set up. Co­ Kelly Irelan_~~ choose what we would do, and got had any idea how we were chosen. rey and Natalie left early because Ridel HS S~"a ;;;"'WIi O'C--,re-~-~ - "-- -~ y ...d ..:;,,:: .. ~ ..~ to know the people we were going We informed him that we were just they were coming back that night ~-..... ... ....... Five high school students""----- drove to to be working WIth for the next called down to the office and asked for the concert. I stayed so I could Widener University on April 21, week. Eric chose to write an article whether we wanted to do this or find out how to actually write my 2003, not having a clue on why about the "Kick Butts" program, not, we all just thought, "Why article. Dr. Bonk got me informa­ they were chosen to be there or which is something Widener held not?" . tion about the grant that they were what they're job was going to be to try to help people quit smok­ The meeting ended there, my given and I began reading that. I once they arrived. Eric Gunlefin­ ing. Corey and Natalie got the group and I hung around for pizza, told them how I was not looking ger, Corey Brown, Natalie Good­ opportunity to go to a 52 Pick-Up and we just talked about what it forward to writing this at all. They win, Amanda Hinkle and I walked show and write a review on that. I was like in college. It was very just kept telling me to write what into "The Dome's" newspaper volunteered myself to write an ar­ interesting to see how different life I know, how it felt. I left an hour room and found some students ticle about the meetings and what was in college from high school. early that day, I did not stay for sitting at a table, others at comput­ the experience was like. And the We got a chance to look through dinner, so the van just drove me ers; we just stood there and stared. minute after I raised my hand I re­ their older newspapers and see home. Finally, they began introducing gretted it completely, "What did I a book they have out that was Sunday came, and it was time to themselves and telling us what roll Just get myself into," was the only printed for poets and storywriters. write the paper. I tried getting in each had for the paper. thing that was running through my After pizza, we got back on a van touch with Corey and Natalie, but I We were told that we were going head at that moment. and were driven back to Ridley got no reply to the e-mail I sent out to be teaming up with a college After everything was situated, High School. and no one picked up the phone, student and write about specific Dr. Bonk entered the room to make Thursday, April 24, 2003, anoth­ and I had not way of contact- topics. Jobs were being passed sure everything was ok and to er Dome meetmg was held. Only ing Amanda or Eric. Then I tried out each student was picking what see how things we coming along. Corey, Natalie, and I were able to e-mail Dan, who is the college article each would wnte, all of us He began to talk to us about a make it This meeting was more student who is editing my paper. just sat there and kind of watched. grant that Widener University had hectic than the first. They began Of course, the e-mail address I had When they started wrapping up . received, which allowed us to be printing out pages for the next is­ there. Dr. Bonk asked us if we sue, seeing where things would fit, . continued on pag~"3.. Widener University May 2,.2003 Editor-in -Chief Amy Gatto (~.1'.11. (~()Nl~I~SSI()NS Asst. Layout Editor Erin Maurer variety of songs; everything from own "guitar strap song", and third Cat Stevens, to Limp Bizkit. Frog­ place went to Melissa Tuttle, who News & Univ. Editor Alexandra Kenyon gystyle is a local band that is con­ sang "Let Him Fly" by the Dixie stantly featured at local bars and Chicks and another song by JewL Lifestyle Editor Dan Cronin nightclubs. They will be playing at Open Mic Night will return again Sports Editor Stephen Porn ella This past week has been a busy Spring Carnival this year, also. Be in Fall 2003. Thank you to all the one for us campus activity board .sure to come to the next Widener talented people who participated. Advisors Tim Scepansky Unplugged this Thursday featuring 'Club W took place in the Uni­ Robert Bonk members_ While working with SGA to plan Spring Carnival, we Barley Juice, a Celtic/Irish band. versity Center Lobby last Friday have been busy planning the 2003 Adam Richman, a popular coffee night. It was sponsored by WDNR Online Editor TBA Widener University Charity Bas­ house performer, hosted the Open and hosted by 806XXXpressions. ketball Marathon. This marathon Mic NIght Finals in Java City last Attendance was so high that the week. Winners from the entire dance floor was constantly packed Online Asst.
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