Republic of the Philippines Philippine Statistics Authority Compostela Valley QUICK STATISTICS (Monthly Update of Most Requested Statistics) March 2017 Issue INDICATOR REFERENCE PERIOD and DATA PRICE INDICES (2006=100) 2016 Feb 2017 Jan 2017 Feb 2016 Consumer Price Index (All Items) 153.8 158.6 157.2 152.0 Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages 167.3 172.1 170.2 165.7 Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 180.2 184.4 182.4 178.9 Clothing and Footwear 154.7 160.6 160.1 148.0 Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels 134.2 145.1 142.3 132.0 Fursnihing, Household Equipt and Maintenance 142.4 145.5 145.3 141.7 Health 160.5 163.6 163.5 159.7 Transport 128.7 130.2 130.3 127.5 Communication 96.9 97.8 97.8 95.1 Recreation and Culture 122.8 123.2 123.2 122.3 Education 171.7 174.3 174.3 168.1 Restaurant and Miscellaneous Goods and Services 135.2 137.0 136.9 133.6 Inflation rate 2.5 4.3 3.7 1.5 Purchasing Power of Peso 0.65 0.63 0.64 0.66 GEOGRAPHY (Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority) 2016 2015 2014 2013 Number of cities - - - - Number of municipalities 11 11 11 11 Number of barangays by municipality 237 237 237 237 Compostelala 16 16 16 16 Laak 40 40 40 40 Mabini 11 11 11 11 Maco 37 37 37 37 Maragusan 24 24 24 24 Mawab 11 11 11 11 Monkayo 21 21 21 21 Montevista 20 20 20 20 Nabunturan 28 28 28 28 New Bataan 16 16 16 16 Pantukan 13 13 13 13 TOTAL POPULATION, NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS & ANNUAL POPULATION GROWTH RATES (Source: 2000 and 2010 Census of Population and Housing 2015 2010 2007 2000 (CPH), 2007 and 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN)) Compostela Valley Total Population 736,107 687,195 637,366 580,244 Number of Households 169,477 151,821 134,942 120,766 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 1.32 1.71 2.77 1.30 Compostelala Total Population 87,474 81,934 69,849 61,667 Number of Households 19,104 17,986 14,602 12,151 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 1.25 2.88 5.97 1.73 Laak Total Population 73,874 70,856 66,607 59,450 Number of Households 17,537 15,348 13,870 11,904 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 0.80 1.77 2.27 1.58 Mabini Total Population 41,102 36,807 35,308 32,058 Number of Households 9,654 8,335 7,376 6,524 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 2.12 1.39 1.52 1.34 Maco Total Population 81,277 72,235 70,906 65,181 Number of Households 19,175 16,182 14,654 13,090 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 2.27 1.03 0.68 1.17 Page 1 of 5 COMPOSTELA VALLEY QUICKSTAT (March 2017 Issue) TOTAL POPULATION, NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS & ANNUAL POPULATION GROWTH RATES (Source: 2000 and 2010 Census of Population and Housing 2015 2010 2007 2000 (CPH), 2007 and 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN)) Maragusan Total Population 60,842 55,503 51,547 45,937 Number of Households 14,349 11,828 10,529 8,762 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 1.76 1.91 2.72 1.60 Mawab Total Population 37,065 35,698 34,656 32,003 Number of Households 8,334 7,607 7,468 6,694 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 0.72 1.10 1.08 1.10 Monkayo Total Population 94,908 94,827 90,971 85,830 Number of Households 21,451 21,472 19,872 20,238 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 0.02 1.00 1.52 0.81 Montevista Total Population 43,706 39,602 35,192 33,225 Number of Households 10,067 8,424 7,540 6,570 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 1.89 1.77 4.39 0.80 Nabunturan Total Population 82,234 73,196 67,365 60,543 Number of Households 18,894 16,474 14,602 12,930 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 2.24 1.91 3.06 1.48 New Bataan Total Population 47,726 47,470 45,309 42,549 Number of Households 11,637 10,305 8,814 8,592 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 0.10 1.10 1.71 0.87 Pantukan Total Population 85,899 79,067 69,656 61,801 Number of Households 19,275 17,860 15,615 13,311 Annual Population Growth Rate (2010-2015; 2000-2010; 2007-2010; 2000-2007) 1.59 2.49 4.71 1.66 VITAL STATISTICS (Source: Vital Statistics Report) 2013 2012 2011 Births (based on civil registration; not adjusted for underregistration) 10,285 10,807 10,661 Male 5,433 5,503 5,679 Female 4,852 5,304 4,982 Marriages (based on civil registration; not adjusted for underregistration) 3,313 3,312 3,768 Deaths (based on civil registration; not adjusted for underregistration) 2,835 3,036 2,749 Male 1,770 1,886 1,739 Female 1,065 1,150 1,010 2010-2015 2005-2010 2000-2005 Crude birtha (per thousand population) 23.75 24.15 23.98 Crude deatha (per thousand population) 6.22 6.55 7.10 Crude rate of natural increase (per thousand population) 17.53 17.60 16.88 Total fertility ratea (number of children per woman) 2.75 2.96 3.17 Life expectancy at birtha (in years; medium assumption) Male 65.46 63.46 61.16 Female 70.86 68.86 66.56 CIVIL REGISTRY DOCUMENTS (Source: Local Civil Registrars) P 2016 Feb 2017 Jan 2017 Feb 2016 Total Number of Civil Registry Documents (Birth, Marriage & Death Certificates)) 23,879 1,627 1,734 1,770 Number of Municipal LGUs with Reports 11 11 11 11 Total Number of Birth Certificates 17,286 1,204 1,160 1,275 Compostela 1,490 79 100 110 Laak 1,691 114 147 117 Mabini 611 52 51 50 Maco 1,002 39 52 71 Maragusan 1,368 85 99 99 Mawab 480 21 27 34 Monkayo 1,190 238 64 82 Montevista 3,882 234 256 345 Nabunturan 1,400 62 113 88 New Bataan 532 20 26 34 Pantukan 3,640 260 225 245 Page 2 of 5 COMPOSTELA VALLEY QUICKSTAT (March 2017 Issue) CIVIL REGISTRY DOCUMENTS (Source: Local Civil Registrars) P 2016 Feb 2017 Jan 2017 Feb 2016 Total Number of Marriage Certificates 3,432 180 289 249 Compostela 482 16 22 21 Laak 313 13 31 16 Mabini 202 6 14 9 Maco 375 35 31 47 Maragusan 274 16 16 28 Mawab 201 11 12 52 Monkayo 322 23 25 14 Montevista 137 8 22 3 Nabunturan 489 16 55 18 New Bataan 259 12 16 4 Pantukan 378 24 45 37 Total Number of Death Certificates 3,161 243 285 246 Compostela 338 18 33 21 Laak 253 10 28 28 Mabini 154 13 16 18 Maco 280 30 24 30 Maragusan 238 24 23 8 Mawab 210 17 23 14 Monkayo 322 26 33 16 Montevista 353 29 28 28 Nabunturan 427 29 31 29 New Bataan 193 20 19 17 Pantukan 393 27 27 37 PRIVATE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (Floor area in square meter; value in P1,000) 2015 3rd Qtr 2016 2nd Qtr 2016 3rd Qtr 2015 Total number of buildings 1,605 531 454 370 Total floor area 60,669 24,152 23,219 13,672 Value 339,234 148,431 139,246 65,344 Residential (number) 1,322 488 423 310 Total floor area 41,081 17,092 12,058 8,930 Value 160,914 76,473 50,170 31,200 Nonresidential (number) 194 43 31 53 Total floor area 19,469 7,060 11,161 4,631 Value 163,963 71,958 89,076 33,403 P APPROVED BUILDING PERMITS (Source: Local Building Officials) 2016 Feb 2017 Jan 2017 Feb 2016 Approved Building Permits (Number of Applications for Building Bermits) 2,289 196 140 135 Number of Municipalities with Reports on Approved Building Permits 11 11 11 11 CRASM APPLICATIONS (Number of Solmenizing Officer Applicants) 2016 Feb 2017 Jan 2017 Feb 2016 Total Number of Solemnizing Officer Applicants 91 8 11 8 New Applicants 50 8 11 8 Renewal (expired and not expired applicants) 41 0 0 0 OTHER DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS (Source: 2000 and 2010 Census 2015 2010 2007 2000 of Population and Housing (CPH), 2007 and 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN)) Urban/Rural and Male/Female Population 736,107 687,195 637,366 580,244 Urban … 296,432 208,714 - Rural … 390,763 428,652 - Male … 361,632 334,570 303,633 Female … 325,563 302,796 276,611 Sex ratio (number of males for every 100 females) … 111.1 110.5 109.8 Average household size 4.3 4.52 4.72 4.80 Population density (square kilometer) 161 153 142 130 Total 527,917 484,389 427,649 Single 227,513 216,471 192,666 Married 241,257 218,438 191,668 Widowed 19,672 17,636 14,353 Divorced/Separated 4,515 4,103 3,302 Common-Law/Live-in 34,679 2,460 22,232 Unknown/Not Stated 281 3,140 3,428 Elderly population (60 years old and over) 2010 2007 2000 Both sexes 42,106 36,180 29,364 Male 21,126 18,547 15,539 Female 20,980 17,633 13,825 Page 3 of 5 COMPOSTELA VALLEY QUICKSTAT (March 2017 Issue) OTHER DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS (Source: 2000 and 2010 Census of Population and Housing (CPH), 2007 and 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN)) With at least one type of functional disability 2010 Both Sexes Male Female (Household population five years old and over) 14,040 7,303 6,737 Difficulty in seeing, even if wearing eyeglasses 8,479 4,162 4,317 Difficulty in hearing, even if using a hearing aid 2,942 1,586 1,356 Difficulty in walking or climbing steps 3,638 2,013 1,625 Difficulty in remembering or concentrating 2,713 1,412 1,301 Difficulty in self-caring (bathing or dressing) 1,971 1,067 904 Difficulty in communicating 2,437 1,367 1,070 Highest educational attainment (Household population by 5 years old and over) 2010 2007 2000 Both sexes 607,368 560,849 506,917 No grade completed 26,397 35,996 34,131 Pre-school 21,424 17,116 10,981 Elementary 276,907 259,328 271,077 Undergraduate 171,331 271,077 Graduate - 88,027 - High school 200,060 178,012 132,337 Undergraduate - 98,198 89,907 Graduate - 79,094 42,430 Post-secondary 13,153 9,977 6,139 Undergraduate - 1,878 1,962 Graduate - 8,099 4,177 College undergraduate 38,856 29,350 30,311 Academic degree holder 29,096 23,373 10,361 Post-baccalaureate 838 263 460 Not stated 637 7,434 11,120 Overseas workers (Highest educational attainment 10 years old and over) Both sexes 3,914 3,442 2,854 No
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