Jurnal Biologi Indonesia 12(2): 307-312 (2016) SHORT CO0081,&$7,21 New Records of the Spider Fauna from Sarawak, Malaysia (Catatan Baru Fauna Laba-Laba dari Sarawak, Malaysia) Dzulhelmi Muhammad 1asir*1, Wong Chun Xing2, Nur-Syahirah Mamat3, Yong Min Pui4, & Badiozaman Sulaiman5 1Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYS,A 2School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MALAYSIA 3School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti .HEangsaan 0alaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, MALAYS,A 4Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, MALAYS,A 5Department of Zoology, Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 .Rta Samarahan, Sarawak, MALAYS,A *E-mail: [email protected] Received: 1ovember 2015, Accepted: December 2015 Spiders are one of the most diverse orders cies including 46 newly recorded species for Sara- worldwide and ranN seventh in total species diversity waN (.oh et al. 2013). However, other species such among all other group of organisms (Cardoso 0o- as Gasteracantha arcuata, G. hasselti and 3hryna- rano 2010). They are highly adaptaEle, widespread in rachne ceylonica which had also Eeen recorded almost all terrestrial ecosystems, and constitute one of (Grinang 2004) were not listed. Recently, several the most important components of gloEal Eiodiversity newly descriEed species such as -erzego corticicola (0cDonald 2007; Archana 2011). These predators (0addison 3iasciN 2014), Heteropoda parva are good indicators for environmental changes in the (-ager 2014), Aposphragisma Erunomanseri, A. con- ecosystems, potential Eiological invasion, Eiological fluens, A. Nolleri, A. retifer, A. rimEa (Thoma et al. pest control and act as natural prey and predators 2014), TisaniEa EiMiEiMan, T. diN, T. NuEah, T. mulu, T. (Greenstone Sunderland 1999). Till date, there are selan, T. selasi (Zhang 0addison 2014) and more than 40,000 recognized spider species from 100 2padometa Nuchingensis and 2. sarawaNensis families (Foelix 2011; 3latnicN 2014). Spiders repre- (Dzulhelmi et al. 2015) shown the impression that sents Eetween 5-10% among the canopy arthropods SarawaN provides a high species richness. Some col- (Floren Reinhold 2005), and represent aEout 4.5% lected specimens for identification are still pending of living creatures (Grinang 2004). 8nfortunately, due to the lacN of taxonomist in this country. Some compared to the spider diversity documentation in species such as Friula wallacii which was discovered temperate region, very little attention had Eeen given dated EacN in 1896 was never found again in Sara- to the tropical region including 0alaysia which is waN or elsewhere (.oh et al. 2013). Compared to the Nnown as mega diverse country. numEer of spider fauna recorded in peninsular 0a- SarawaN, the largest state in 0alaysia is located laysia (1orma-Rashid /i 2009; Dzulhelmi et al. in Borneo, the third largest island in the world. /ocat- 2014a), and SaEah state (Dzulhelmi et al. 2014E), the ed on one of the richest treasure houses, immense spider fauna in this large state is still poorly investi- with a variety of wild animal and plants, SarawaN gated, with very limited puElished references. This accommodate several protected areas such as 0ulu present study aims to document the spider species 1ational 3arN and /amEir Hills 1ational 3arN, that that had not previously Eeen recorded for SarawaN. are known as one of the ”biodiversity Spider specimens were collected Eetween April hotspots‘ (HazeEroeN AEang-0orshidi 2000). The 2014 and 2ctoEer 2014 Ey hand-picNing and stored first checNlist on SarawaN spiders recorded at least in 75% ethanol during fieldtrips in selected localities 307 morpho-species, with 194 recognized spider spe- at .uching division in SarawaN. Genitalia were dis- 307 Nasir et al. sected from the specimens and studies either under 18.04.2014, S0Z-8 stereo microscope (1iNon, -apan) or under 1otes: This spider does not build orE-weEs. A dis- 50x dissecting microscope (AmScope, 8SA). Spe- tinct thicN cone-shaped silN structure is visiEle in cies identification was performed using the following its weE resemEling liNe a tent. literatures and references therein where applicaEle: 7. Gasteracantha diardi (/ucas, 1835) Barrion /itsinger (1995), Song et al. (1999), 0ur- 0aterial examined: .uEah 1ational 3arN, phy 0urphy (2000), SeEastian 3eter (2009), 18.04.2014, ; Gunung Gading 1ational 3arN, Anonymous (2011), .oh 0ing (2013) and :orld 23.04.2014, Spider Catalog (2015). The names used in this pre- 1otes: This species is distinguished from other sent study followings 3latnicN (2014). Additional Gasteracantha species Ey their long darN aEdo- notes were Eased on field oEservations during the men. ,ts weE is decorated with white specNs of sampling period. silN. A total of 35 spider species from 30 genera and 8. 1eoscona nautica (.och, 1875) 10 families were identified as new records for the 0aterial examined: .uEah 1ational 3arN, state of SarawaN. These new records are inclusive of 18.04.2014, Araneidae (10 species), Corinnidae (2 species), 3se- 1otes: They are often found snuggling under chridae (1 species), Salticidae (8 species), Sparassi- leaves during the day. dae (1 species), Tetragnathidae (7 species), Theridi- 9. 3arawixia dehaani (Doleschall, 1859) idae (2 species), Thomisidae (2 species), 8loEoridae 0aterial examined: Gunung Gading 1ational (1 species) and Zodariidae 1 species). 3arN, 23.04.2014, 1otes: The aEdominal patterns of this nocturnal 1ew records of spiders in SarawaN species are variaEle. Family: Araneidae 10. Zygiella calyptrata (:orNman, 1894) 1. Araneus mitificus (Simon, 1886) 0aterial examined: .uEah 1ational 3arN, 0aterial examined: BDC .uching 3arN, 18.04.2014, 10.07.2014, ; .uEah 1ational 3arN, 18.04.2014, 1otes: The spider usually hides in a curled leaf nearEy its orE-weE during the daytime. 1otes: Builds an orE-weE to trap insects and a silN- en retreat nearEy to rest in. Family: Corinnidae 2. Argiope catenulata (Doleschall 1859) 11. Echinax oxyopoides (Deeleman-Reinhold, 1995) 0aterial examined: Semenggoh 1ature Reserve, 0aterial examined: .uEah 1ational 3arN, 28.10.2014, 19.04.2014, 1otes: Builds an orE-weE during the daytime. 1otes: This species hunts during the night time. 3. Argiope pulchella Thorell, 1881 12. 0edmassa insignis Thorell, 1890 0aterial examined: 0atang :ildlife Centre, 0aterial examined: BaNo 1ational 3arN, 14.04.2014, 26.04.2014, 1otes: Builds an orE-weE aEove undergrowth 1otes: This species can Ee found wandering on shruEs at pitcher trail. tree EarNs. 4. Caerostris sumatrana Strand, 1915 0aterial examined: Borneo Highlands Resort, Family: 3sechridae 21.10.2014, 13. 3sechrus Eorneo /evi, 1982 1otes: 2utside its weE, the spider can camouflage 0aterial examined: .uEah 1ational 3arN, very well on wooden stems. 18.04.2014, 5. Cyrtophora cylindroides (:alcNenaer, 1841) 1otes: This species Euild weEs in undergrowth 0aterial examined: .uEah 1ational 3arN, shruEs and at the Ease of the tree root. 18.04.2014, 1otes: The spider can Ee found at Araucaria trees Family: Salticidae in the forest up to 1000m elevation. 14. Bavia sexpunctata (Doleschall, 1859) 6. Cyrtophora moluccensis (Doleschall, 1857) 0aterial examined: BaNo 1ational 3arN, 0aterial examined: .uEah 1ational 3arN, 26.04.2014, 308 New Records of The Spider Fauna From Sarawak, Malaysia 1otes: This Mumping spider hunts other spiders in on tree trunNs and on leaves of undergrowth foli- which do not Euild weEs. They rely more on agil- age. ity and precision to capture prey. 15. Cosmophasis umEratica Simon, 1903 Family: Tetragnathidae 0aterial examined: BDC .uching 3arN, 23. /eucauge argentina (Hasselt, 1882) 10.07.2014, 0aterial examined: .uEah 1ational 3arN, 1otes: The male of this species have iridescent 20.04.2014, ; Gunung Gading 1ational 3arN, marNings all over its Eody that can reflect 89 22.04.2014, ; 3ermai Rainforest Resort, light. 25.10.2014, 16. Hyllus semicupreus (Simon, 1885) 1otes: Found solitary on undergrowth shruEs, or 0aterial examined: .enyalang 3arN, sometimes aggregate their weEs with conspecific 06.07.2014, at large tree roots. 1otes: This species sneaNs up very slowly when 24. /eucauge celeEesiana (:alcNenaer, 1841) in hunting-mode. Commonly found among foli- 0aterial examined: .uEah 1ational 3arN, age and tree trunNs. Construct oval, thicN silNen 18.04.2014, ; Borneo Highlands Resort, retreat under the leaves surface. 21.10.2014, ; 3ermai Rainforest Resort, 17. 0enemerus fulvus (.och, 1877) 25.10.2014, 0aterial examined: .enyalang 3arN, 06.07.2014, 1otes: Aggregate their weEs with conspecific at windy areas in garden, residential area and also at 1otes: Associated with man-made structures. waterfall area. 8sually found crawling on the walls outside 25. /eucauge saEahan Dzulhelmi, in review houses. 0aterial examined: .uEah 1ational 3arN, 18. 3haeacius malayensis :anless, 1981 18.04.2014, ; Gunung Gading 1ational 3arN, 0aterial examined: BDC .uching 3arN, 22.04.2014, 10.07.2014, 1otes: The presence of dense Erush of hairs on 1otes: /ives on the tree trunNs of Cyrtostachys tiEia ,9 resemEles the 2padometa species. This renda palm trees where it camouflages perfectly. species is usually found in disturEed area within 19. 3lexippus petersi (.arsch, 1878) the forest reserve. 0aterial examined:
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