Aa, River: 93 Aachen, City: 15, 30, 69, 77, 91, 94–95, 110, 115, 122–23, 151, 175, 189, 195, 210, 214, 216, 223 Agimont

Aa, River: 93 Aachen, City: 15, 30, 69, 77, 91, 94–95, 110, 115, 122–23, 151, 175, 189, 195, 210, 214, 216, 223 Agimont

INDEX fox(es), horse(s), hunt(er)/ hunting, insects, livestock, mice, owl(s), Aa, river: 93 peafowl, pigeon(s), rabbit(s), Aachen, city: 15, 30, 69, 77, 91, 94–95, 110, raptor(s), rat(s), seal(s), species, Agimont,115, 122–23,fortress: 151,77 175, 189, 195, 210, swan(s), wolves See214, also 216, 223 Antoine, duke of Brabant: 190 Givet agriculture: 34, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 56, Antwerp, city: 39, 143 61–62, 72, 101, 107, 113–15, 117, 129, Ardennes: 11, 27–31, 34, 36, 68, 121, 124, 131, 136–37, 144, 148, 160, 167–69, 127, 136–37, 169–170, 179, 205, 219, 228 229–30 and frontiers, 34, 41, 43, 45, 47, 56, départementgeographical: area:179 11, 27–31, 34, 36, 68, and horse supply: 167–69 121, 124, 127, 136–37, 205, 229–30 effects of warfare on: 39, 107, 113–15, See also129, garden(s), 131, 136–37 grass, hedge(s), land, horses: 169–70 protectionlivestock, of: 148wilderness Argenteau, fortress: 110, 175, 198 Albert of Bavaria, count of Holland: 110, Argonne, geographical area: 11, 30–31, 124, 127, 198, 229 Arlon, city: 117, 128 216–17. arms:ownership: 47, 64–65, 170–72 138–141, 144; 147, Altena,Alden Biesen, fortress: commandery: 122, 217 74, 130 170–72, 219, 228–30. alder(s): 90, 232 Seeproduction: also artillery, 64–65, bow(s), 138–41, forge(s), 144, 228, Ammerzoyen, fortress: 134 gunpowder230 Andenne, town: 32, 47 Andrist, Michael, soldier: 152–53, 223 See also military, soldier(s) animal(s): 1, 7, 9, 16–18, 28, 35, 44, 46, army, definition of: 5–7 61, 74–76, 96–97, 99–102, 105, 107, 108, 113–17, 122–31, 144, 145, artillery (men): 15–16, 32, 33, 38, 40, 151, 153–55, 165–70, 190, 192–93, 44, 45, 49–51, 60, 61, 63, 65, 69, 74, 195–96, 198, 200, 202, 204–8, 212, 77–80, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 94, 214–15, 217, 223–30 96, 110, 122, 134, 140–41, 149, 151, agency: 17, 100, 126–27, 144, 193, 155, 169, 170–172, 185, 189, 198, 227–28 199–200, 203, 207 215, 229–30, 232 bodies: 123, 190, 193, 195, 198, 200, gun(ner)(s): 15–16, 32, 33, 35, 40, 44, 204–6 49–51, 61, 65, 69, 74, 77, 78, 80, 84, bones: 44, 75, 212, 215 87, 89, 91, 94, 110, 122, 140, 141, extinction: 99, 117, 124, 230 149, 151, 155, 170–72, 185, 189, in fortifications: 74–76, 97, 100, 151, See also198, gunpowder 199–200, 207, 230 153–55, 214 trebuchet(s): 60, 91 introduction(s): 16 Seeknowledge also bat(s), about: black 223–25 grouse, Aymeries,ash, tree: 44, military 90, 112 camp: 50 nuisance animals: 75, 100, 128–29 aspen: 78, 232 epizootic(s), deer, dog(s), fish, 296 Index Baesweiler:village:115 115, 176 crossbow(s): 43, 50–51, 60, 65, 112n26, battle: 176 139–40, 147, 149, 151, 170 English: 51, 139, 147 Bar: 207,12, 15n41, 212 31, 70, 85, 120, 129, 130, production: 139–40. 135, 136, 142, 148, 151, 197, 205, Boxmeer, village: 66 Brabant: 66, 69, 87, 110, 120, 126, 130, count of: 31 205,161–62, 212, 221 167, 168, 175, 176, 179, 190, county of: 12, 15n41, 31 192, 198, 200, duchy of: 85, 120, 129, 130, 135, 142, See also148, Henry 197, 207 III duchy of: 87, 120, 126, 130, 161–62, duke of: 70, 136, 151, 205, 212 167, 176, 179 duchess of, 168, 192, 205 Bartholomaeus219, 220 Macharii, clergyman: 129 Seeduke also of: Antoine,66, 69, 110, Jan 161–62,I, Jan III, 166,Jan IV, 175, barrack(s): 45, 136, 154, 196, 208–9, 213, Johanna,190, 192, Wenceslaus 198, 200, 212 bastion(s): 66, 77, 78, 215 bat(s):Bastogne, 11, government 59, 97 of: 116, 128, 131 Breda:city: 15,50 16, 50, 191 Batenburg:barbastelle: fortress: 97 33 lordship:castle: 16 15, 191 geoffroy’s: 97 trouvère Bree, town: 62–63 battle(s): 5–6, 15, 29, 33, 47, 48, 50, 84, Bretel, Jacques: : 47 117, 120, 124, 128, 144, 176, 183, 195, Breust, village: 172–73 198, 218 Brialmont: 63, 86 ecological effects of: 47, 117, 120, 144, 218 Henri­Alexis, engineer: 63 beech: 62, 71, 90 forts: 86 Belgium: kingdom: 3, 15, 147, 185, 194, 196 bridge(s):See also 38,road(s) 50, 65, 68, 125 Bergeijk, village: 35 fortified: 68 Beverlo, military camp: 55–56, 188, 194 Biercée, village: 118–19, 121 LaDen Buissière, Briel, city: fortress: 40, 84 91 Binche,Biesme, city:river: 109 31 Brussels, city: 48, 82, 148–49, 168–69, 185 biologicalBilzen, town: warfare 124, 127see warfare birch(es): 90, 111 bulwark(s): 49, 64, 66, 77 Bleijenbeek, castle: 201 burning: 35, 56, 64, 68, 72, 83, 91, 105, blokhuizen 113, 114, 118–19, 121–22, 124, 151, bolwerk(en) see bulwark(s) 153, 173, 185, 198–200, 223, 228 : 37, 49n104, 65–66 and extortions: 83, 115 219 asafter a defensive execution: measure: 173 91 von Bonstetten, August, captain: 152–53, aromatic herbs: 223 Bossenoven, fortress: 43 buildings: 64, 68, 72, 105, 107, 118–19, Bouillon: 37, 84–85, 164–65, 199 121–22, 124, 185, 198–200, 228 duchy: 141, 164 Burtscheid,fire prevention: town: 195151, 155, 214 duke: 164–65 plants: 56, 107, 108, 110, 114 boulevardfortress:(s) 37, see 84–85, bulwark(s) 199 regiment: 164–65 camphor: 200 Caesarius of Heisterbach: 122–23 bow(s): 43, 50–51, 60, 65, 91, 110, 112n26, 139–40, 147, 149, 151, 170 Campine, geographical area: 11, 30, 35, 39, 297 index 55–56, 62, 83, 126–27, 130, 135–37, Les Quatre Fils Aymon: 28 155, 158, 165, 194, 211, 225, 229 Roman de Perceforest: 64 canal(s):See also 39–40, Canal 43,du Nord,54, 56, Fossa 80–81, Eugeniana, 93, 194, Roman de la Rose: 64 229, 232, 234 church(es), 12, 23, 29, 61, 64, 69, 70–71, 77, 83–84, 98, 110, 121, 126, 161, 188 Meuse, water, Zuid­Willemsvaart as fortifications:29,ee 61,herald(s) 64, 70–71, 77, Canal du Nord: 39 83–84, 98, 121 CarselisCapitulary de ofEupen, Quierzy: forester: 124 110, 175 Claes Heynenzoon s Carolingian, dynasty: 23, 28, 30–31, 124, 126 climate: 5, 30, 71, 99, 137–38, 185, 188, Ice198, Ages: 228 99 cartography: 26–27, 35–36, 42, 43, 50, change(s): 99, 137–38, 188, 228 52–53, 80, 92, 112, 141, 145, 160 castle(s): 12, 16, 23, 38, 43, 48–49, 53, SeeLittle also Ice weather Age: 99, 137–38, 188 190–91,59–60, 65–67, 200, 201, 71, 72,212, 74, 215, 84, 217 97, 101, microclimate(s): 98–99 See107, also 110, blokhuizen 122n61, 131, 139, 150, 175, See also mining fortress(es), siege(s) coal: 11, 16, 44, 95, 140–41 , fortification(s), Cologne, city: 38, 91, 168, 210 cattle: 116, 196, 210 Colombier, Jean, doctor: 204, 206, 208, Champagne, county: 12, 15n41, 22, 31, conifer(s):210, 222–23 112 See130, also 143 wood Commercy, city: 15, 33, 70, 224 charcoal: 140–41, 218 coups de main: 150–51 217 Conscience,See also guard(s) Hendrik, soldier: 185, 211 Charlemagne, emperor: 28, 30–31, 126, See also Charlemont, fortress: 77, 86, 97–99, 213, Couvin, town: 23–24, 111, 168, 195–96 Givet crusade(s): 131, 192 Charleroi, city: 12, 16, 34, 39, 64, 85, 109, Cuijk, lordship: 32, 66, 113, 140 121, 163, 194 daffodils:Cuvier, George, 99–100 zoologist: 1 Charles I Gonzague: 92 Charles V: emperor: 48, Charles VII, king of France: 31 dam(s): 32–33, 81, 93, 94–95, 137, 225 Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy: 26, Danube, river: 10, 194 32–33, 73, 124, 126, 129, 156, 159 Daussois, village: 148 Charleville, city: 65, 92, 140 deer: 44, 177, 124, 128 Chatelineau, lordship: 39 defence(s): 17–18, 26–27, 34–40, 42, Chauvency, fortress: 47, 207–08 59–102, 109–10, 125, 145, 147, 149, Chiers, river: 9n33, 47 151, 153, 159, 171, 184, 188, 194, 229 children: 6–7, 43, 123, 153, 163, 201, 204 system(s): 36, 67–71, 149, 151, 159 in armed forces: 6–7, 163, 201, 204 demography: 12, 107–08, 117, 120, 135, in fortifications: 43, 153 164 Chimay: 44, 76, 176 desertion: 88, 153–54, 157–58, 162–64, lordship of: 76 174, 179, 206, 208 cityprince wall(s) of: s 44,ee wall(s) 176 Devos, André, botanist: 98–99, 134 Chiny, county: 12, 141, 189 Dietrich von Heinsberg, count of Loon: 166 Dieze, river: 9n33, 93 de Chauliac: Guy: 223 dike(s): 16n47, 41, 81, 83, 95, 99, 132–35, chivalric romance: 28–29, 64, 196 185n12, 186–87, 225 Heinric and Margriete van Limborch: 196 breaching: 132–35, 185n12 298 Index Dinant,207 city: 32–33, 35, 38, 51, 82, 84, 85, engineer(s): 25, 27, 32–33, 36, 41–44, 49, Dirk 93,van 95, Valkenburg, 99, 120, 143, knight 168–69, banneret: 170–71, 63, 74, 77, 78, 80–83, 87–89, 93, 96, See99, also 112, Brialmont, 153, 176, de 185, Ferraris, 200, 208, Specklin, 214, 229,Vauban 230 166n93 disease: 5, 7, 9, 18, 116, 120, 184–226 Seeprevention: also 9, 18, 213–26 epidemic(s): 120, 156, 183–98, 211–14, venereal:hygiene, 193 miasma(s), pharmacist(s), 218, 219, 221, 222, 226, 230 epidemic(s,) epizootic(s), dysentery: 193, 196, 198, 211, 222 surgeon(s), waste malaria: 193–94 physician(s), quarantine, plague: 193, 195n49, 196, 214, 218, See also battle(s), burning, foraging, scurvy: 212–13 disturbance,hunt(er)/hunting, definition of: siege(s), 105–7 tree(s), trachoma: 193, 195 vine(s), water, wood Seetyphoid: also disease, 193, 212 miasma(s), hygiene typhus: 193–96 ditch(es): 23, 38, 51, 54, 62, 65, 71–74, 80, epizootic(s): 192, 193, 196 82, 91, 97–98, 105, 111, 197, 217–19, falcon(s)Eustache sDeschamps,ee raptor(s) poet: 30, 185, 205 227–28, 234–36 animals and plants in: 51, 72, 97, 98, See also horse(s), livestock 234–36 farrier(s): 189,ee 224–25, Valkenburg 226 drainage: 54, 217–18 as a defensive measure: 38, 62, 65, 80, Fauquemont s 82, 227 fear: 124, 127, 128, 130–31, 190, 193, 197, maintenance: 70–74, 105, 228 198, 211 as 190–91a security risk: 54, 91 ecology of: 128 dog(s): 75, 89, 116n43, 124, 126, 127, 154, Ferdinand of Bavaria, Bishop of Liège: 84 de Ferraris,ee burning engineer: 27, 35, 52–53, 112, Dommel: river: 93–94 141 Dordrecht, city: 40, 112, 135, 139, 143, fire s Dudelange,151, 175, fortress: 188, 190–92, 212 214, 224–25 Fish(ing): 42–44, 73, 74, 88, 89, 94, 107, drift sands: 55–57, 68, 188 116–17, 126, 129–30, 138, 143, 144, as 151,food: 153–55, 210, 212 173, 175, 199, 210, 212, Dumoulin, L.

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