University of Texas at El Paso ScholarWorks@UTEP The Prospector Special Collections Department 10-8-1965 The Prospector, October 08, 1965 UTEP Student Publications Follow this and additional works at: Comments: This file is atherr large, with many images, so it may take a few minutes to download. Please be patient. ROTC Students THE ., WWinm Scholarships l'llOll'ECTII Page 5 PR'SPECT'RII " AAssayerssayer 01 Of Student Opinion" VOL.XXXTIVOL. XXXII EL PASO, 'TEXAS, OCTOBER 8, 8,1965 1965 No.No.4 4 HOMECOMINGHOMECOMING EVEN EVENTSTS B BEGINEGIN InsuranceInsurance Protection WesternWestern Folklore ProgramProgram, Available Highlights Plans In the belief that a student's coveredcovered)) and they are listed as Official Homecoming activities, hold a dance at the Sheraton Inn academic career should not be followsfollows:: air t travel,ravel, except as a centering around the theme of until 1 a.m.a ..m. endangered by serious expense fare paying passenger on a reg­ reg- FolkloreFolkIore of the West, begin at HOMECOMING SCHEDULE due to illness or injury, TW has 66:30:30 tonighttonigbt with the TWC Exes due to illness or injury,, TW has ularly scheduled flight of a com­ com- FRIDAY-6:30 p.m. Honors Honors Banquet in the SUB din-din· FBIDA.Y~:30 p.m.. Honors undertaken an insurance pro-pro­ mercial airline airline, . Banquet, SUB Dining Room. ing room, honoring H. Brooks Banquet, SUB Dining Boom. gram. The policy does not cover the 8 p.m. Homecoming Dance, Travis, class of 1935. Homecomlng Dance, The insurance program cover­ cover- expenseexpense of eye glas glasses,ses, or eye SUB BaIIroom.Ballroom. ing students and sponsored by examinations or prescriptions The annual Homecoming dance SATURDAY - 10 a. m • the College is still available un-un­ thereof; not for electric treat-treat­ begins at 8 p.m. in the SUB Ball­Ball- SATURDAY - 10 a. m. Homecoming Parade, down­ down- til October 15 in the SA office. ment, or elective surgery, pre­ pre- room. Johnny Vana's orctiestraorchestra town. 11:30 a;m.a.m, Homecoming W. Cole Holderman is agent for ventive medicine, s serumserums or vac­ vac- will play for the semi-formal af­af- W. Cole Holderman is agent Barbeque, KiddKldd Field. 8 p.m. the insurance plan and isis avail- cines,cines, shots or injections; or fair, which is SA free. Dr. John the insurance plan and avail­ TWC vs. Colorado Staie, State, Sun able in the SA office on Thurs­ Thurs- moles or warts. O. West of the English depart­ depart- ment will crown the Homecoming Bowl. 10:8010:30 p.m. ExesEie., Dance, days from 1l p. m. to 4 p. rnm.. Not included is any loss due Sheraton l:nn.Inn. to war or any act of war war,, or Queen during er m i s s i on. PLAN TO SUPPLEMENT Chairman of the dance decora­ decora- (Continued<Contlnned on Page 5) The insurance plan was devel­ devel- tions committee is Tom Webb. oped in . order to supplement the existing health service available BANDS AND FLOATS in~ the dispensary.dispe_nsary. The _College's College's LettermeLettermenn.· DOBBS RECEIVES PRO-p RO _ TWC Marchi Marching n g Cavalcade, 19351935 Grad dispensary ists not equipped to · _ CLAMATION-CoaA:hCLAMATION-Coaeh BobbyBobb,- Golddiggers, and floats of varied handle serious illness or acci- accl- Dobbs receive,receive:; the Home- hue and design will enlive:qenliven the dentsdents.. TTA A com Ii D g Proclamationla.mati. fromannual Homecoming parade to- Is Chosen The insurance plan ,covers stu- 0 pppear,pea1r comMayor n Judson g Proc Williams.- on fromMa-. morrow at 10 a.m. Featured Featured. injn dents at home, at school, , or yor Williams signed the pro-the parade this year will be Ex- while trav traveling,,eling, 24 hours a day clam.ationclamation printed on a foot- Homecoming Queens, the out- Outstandin~ through the year anywhere in On Oct Oct. 16 baU.baH. standingsRtandinM·gEX'JPdresidewntilli~osePhMd' Ex, President Joseph M. Outstan din~ the world. _- · 1 • • ____________ Ray,ay. Mayor ayor Judson u son Williams, ams, and an AUAll students attending TWC r------------- ththisis year's Homecoming court. A Brooks Travis, 1935 graduate of are e}j..-ible eligible.... for _partici participation.pation in The Lettermen, one of today's z',D.· ,. D general· 1I d entries d b bik."section "k which l I willd Texas Western, was selected the this plan. most popular singing groups, will PPpp·• Zications,cations uue I melDC u e ogs, l es, peop e, an The cost of the plan is $19 for appear on Campus Saturday, Qc- Oc- , decorated cars has been planned. Outstanding Ex-Student of TWC single students, $50 for student tober ~6, from 8 to 10 p.m. in or Who's Who Pershing Rifles will furnish the by a committee of alumni and and wife, $70 for student, wife Me~orlalMeI?orial Gym. color gua guard..rd· . faculty. He will be presented and children and is available on Tickets TIckets for the show are 50 _Also.Also featured in1D thethe parade with a citation today at the an- a 12 month basis. cents each with an SA card and Juniors,.Juniors, seniors, and grad- ' WIllwill be the bands from Burges, ' nualDUal Homecoming banquet banquet. becomes effective may be purchased pur h d in! SUB 302 or uate stu students.dents wisbing wishing to ap- Bowie and JeffersonJ e f fer son High . ·. Coverage becomes effective SUB 306 case m or ply for the Who's Who Schools. The drum cadences used Mr. TravisTra~is served as president either before September 12 12, or SUB.- 306..-· Among Students in Ameri- by the bands have been com- of the SA in m 1934 when TWCTWe was at the latest by 12:01 a. m. Sep- T~is TI:Ustrio trio has mad~ top s~g s~ng can Universities and Col- posed by the band members known as College of Mines and tember 12 12,, and continues through Capitol Albums besides making J leges mustt hahave theirth · appli-I themselves.themsel.ves., Metallurgy. He was one of the the Pen period.od for .which,wh.i"ch the · pre-1 SRO concert thr . happear appearancesh,ances at col- cations eges mus in the-- veDean Dean. - e1r of appMen's .i- - Ex-Students Assn.'s founders and mium is paid. The effective date legeseges throughoutoug out thet e country. office by October '20. PARADPARADE.E BOUIE ROUTE served as that organization's first of the policy includes travel T~eT~. e Letterm Lettermen.en have stt attractedracted The par parade--ade will" · start at the president. He is al.soalso a founder . ., audiences eve~here everywhere and of all Students of J·unio junior_r or sen- th Fir t · t C · di t I . · -J •• . ' of the First Savm· gs and Loan time too Campusa~~st'mune immediately a e Y pre- agages with ith their th . own style t 1 off sismg- ior classification and gradu- cornex corner of San Antonio, Virginia, of e . st Savings and Loan ~ reaistration. es WI . ell" own s yeo sm.g- Oli and St V am' tr ts Aft Assn. and a chairman of the cedingc g r~gis.o. a ion. - ... In their shows they combine combme ate students may apply if I Oliveve,, and St. Vrain r streets. s ee. Afterer :;s1;. fir ' bband da d fchairman dir of the •.',~rotectlOn ~rotect1on m allall:_ athathleticl eti~ a a.cti-_ct1- standardstandard! ballads with the mod- they have a high scholastic . proceeding through town on Kan- ms m s oar of a directors ectors.. vifiesvities ~ther than inter-collegiatemter-colleg1ate ern music of today. achievement and participa,- participa-1 sas, Overland., Overland, Yandell, Yandell. Mesa and Mr. Travis is the manager of sportssports tsIS covered. They have appeared in night tionti.on in campus extracurricu- extracurrieu-Campbell streets, it will break up the El Paso office of the Pruden- OTHER EXPENSES INCLUDED clubs throughout the country and larJar activities. AllAU studentsstudebts near th thee Campus on Coffin or tial Insuranc Insurance,e Co., a member o off The coverage also includes $15 on the Ed Sullivan, Red Skelton, who are Interestedinterest-ed are asked Savage streets. the board of the Southwest Na- a day towards room and board Bob Newhart, J"ohnny Johnny. Carson, Car.;;o~, to go to the Dean of Men's First a andnd secondsecoDd! prizes for ~e the tional Bank and of the advisory in the hospital hospital.. Miscellaneous Steve Allen and Dobie Doble Gillis office for more information. l Independentndepelld!ent and Greek entries board of Mountain States Tele- hospital expenses include for use shows. ...._ ___________...J ofof_ floats and house decorations phone and Telegraph Co. Will.will be awarded at the t~e Home- is a fo former•rmer City ald alderman of operating room,room, anesthesia (in- comingcommg B.arbequeB_arbeque at Kidd Field. and has served 25 as a Rotary~~ Rotary Club eluding administration thereof), D M M4~ ◄ ~ l I Wi- There w~lw?1l be no sweepstakes dil'ector, director, president of the Cham~ Cham- x-ray examination (not treat- r. --. , . ,C . nnu·u tyt_y .· ff1:,·, III-,- award this year. ber of Commerce, Yucca Coun- ment),ment) , laboratory tests, drugs, • ' medicines, therapeutic services W 4 BARBEQUE cilcll of Boy Scouts, SCouts, Touchdown or supplies when hospital con- ffJ17""7 k o0· Af4M4 Following the parade everyone Clu~. Clu~, and Life Underwriters,underwriters, is finedfined,, up to $150. wW Oorr 'lln I a •'-'"''S StuSt ddy" is invited to the big barbeque to a director of Radford School, a Also included in the coverage .
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