MONDAY, AUGUST 80, 1966, fUGHTEfif. ATtrafs DRiIrNBt Pr«ss Run ^Tht WMthM jntmd]i?Bt»r lEttfnittQ Ifm tGt Y m thaW aHi Dndad roncaal •« V. B. Wi Angwl n , 18BB Olendjr, not ao Manoheater Emblem Club will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. Moriarty Spokesman Four from Town 13,806 85-BOt warmer, bniniA About Town at the Elk's Home. A poUuck _r --------- Attend Institute of tba Audit lEumtttg mxvXh wiU be held at «;80. }lkncli«rt«r WATBB will of OltcnlatleB mMt tomorrow at W>e Italtan Three Manchester men, all Constitutional Curb Asked ]Uanehs$ter . 4 Ci^ of ViUago Charm Aibfrtoan Club, RIdtidfa oU Prank Oontl, Inspector In the 19U graduates of Manchester town's building department, 1s change to Walffhlnr In wlU be from 7 to High School, are airmen third 8 p.m. Mr*. Felix Cremmo, class In the Air Force and have On Spending Road Revenue attending a four-day Institute VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 282 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 81, 1966 (Claeitflei Adverttataig on Page 14) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ohauman of the way* and recently completed basic mill* at the University of Connecti­ IN EFFECT meana committee, wOl be In tary training at Lackland AFB, Manchester's Matt Moriarty,< 'Other states which have seen fit cut, conducted for the municipal charge of prorram/'CIainee win Tex. Randal C. BWckson, son of building officials of New Eng­ be played a f^ T the regular chairman of a group of 31 or­ to take this action," Mr. and Mrs. Alvin T. Quimby, ganisations concerned with land. mMttng. 6 Radding St., and Robert A. He said that 38 states. Includ­ MONDAY, State News highway uses, today appealed ing Maine, Massachusetts and The Institute, which will run Gore, son of Mrs. Jayne L. Gore from today through Thursday, Joseph I* tovett Jr., eon to Constitutional Convention New Hampshire, nave adopted of M Pearl St., will take their delegates to support "a con­ will cover advanced programs, of Mr.. andmd'^Mrs. Mrs. Joee^ Lovett technical training at Keesler "good road amendments" In motth dealing with building materials Pressure Stays On of 48^ Auburn Rd. Is home on stitutional protection for all their constitutions. SUPER FOOD MARKETS AUG. 30th AFB. Miss. Craig L. Smith son and techniques; code adr.iln- P riso n ers from Darmstatt. West of Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. highway use revenues, to pro­ "Because these are special New Avalanche Threat hibit the spending of these ipe- Istratlon, Including building, vnx^.jany. where he Is attached Smith, 70 Whitney Rd.. will con­ purpose monies which motor ve­ housing, plumbing and electrical To the 3rd BattaUon of the «0th tinue his technical training at cial-purpose taxes and fees for hicle users pgy solely as a con­ non-highway and non-related codes; sonlng; and legal stand­ thru SAT., Artillery. Lackland. sequence, of motor vehicle own­ ards for enforcement of regula­ save the W ill Soon purposes.” ership and operation,” Moriarty For Steel Agreemen t tions. Manchester Chapter of The group, called ‘The Com­ eontlni^, ‘It la the opinion of Participating as Institute staff SPBBSQSA will meet tonight mittee to Permit a Public Vote our committee that such rev­ SEPT. 4th meiVtbers are three local men; change .Able Just across a private street9acc«ptlng Johnson’s idea for at 8 at Bunce School, Olcott St. on the Protection of Highway enues’ should be used only for Chibf ' Building Inspector WASHING'TON (AP) Seek Jobs User Revenues," Includes auto­ highway^ purposea." from the White■■ ■ "House. continued talks, but a settle' Imperils Alps Rescue Thom AS C. Monahan, Deputy President Johnson, who LECLERC mobile clubs, automotive trades­ "Management and labor ment is what Oemgress wants, DANBURY (A P)—Car- Advertisement— In emphasising the need for Building Inspector Bernard A. won an eight-day post­ should stay in Washington until Mansfield said, "It li reoog men, motel associations, farm the adoption of a constitutional Dion, aijd Beldon H. Schaffer, tain inmates of the Dan­ FUNERAL HOME organizations, petroleum as­ ponement of the steel this matter Is settled," said Sen­ nlzed that a steel strike at this SMOKY THE CAR. Does your amendment, Moriarty said, "Sad director of UConn's Institute of ate Democratic Leader Mike time would deal a damaging bury Federal Correctional car . send smoke .signals out sociations, and others, all of experience has taught highway Public Service, co-sponsor of the strike threat Monday Institution will soon be FUNERAL which are directly involved in Mansfield of Montana. blow to our prosperity and to the oil flitre pipe?, breathe too users In this and other states course. night, kept up the pres­ And, echoing sentiments stat­ the defense of the dollar." able to seek employment 99 T rapped heavy out the breather pipe, daily highway uses. that a provision in the state's Monahan will conduct a work­ CHASES SANBORN, BEECH-NUT or Both McCormack and Mans­ SERVICE Moriarty, speaking at a pub­ sure for a settlement to­ ed by House Speaker John Mc­ outside the prison. send motor rapors inside your constitution Is the only way of shop on "Plan Ex.amlnatlon"; day in his weekly meeting Cormack, Mansfield expressed field said any strike would af­ WALTER N. car? — or tailpipe smoke too lic hearing at the State Capitol, a.ssuring full protection of high­ Dion will preside at a seminar hope that steel mills will remain fect not only the domestic econ­ Warden Frank F. Kenton said Under Ice; much? If so Motor Ald-R will told the convention delegates. way funds." on "The Legal Basis of Build­ MAXWELL HOUSE (OEFK with Democratic congres­ today the outside employment LECLERC •esiwu oupon good at In operation even If a settlement omy, but to some extent, the Director cure all these problems. See "In all fhimess. our committee ing Regulation"; and Schaffer, sional leaders. Is not reached before the expi­ war In Viet Nam. program and other changes ars the man who services your car. believes there can be no vallil Cooked pork sausage meat hi addition to delivering the T T iL if* ANY MOTT'8 lU P ** AAANKiT The party chiefs from the ration of the eight-day grace McCormack noted thst eteel part pf the Prisoner Rehabilita­ ^No H ope’ 23 Main Street, Manchester Distributed by Manchester Auto objection to our State of Con­ (bulk style) makes a flavorsome opening remarks, will award T H IS COUPON LIMIT—ONE PER FAMILY Capitol came out of the break­ period. Industry profits In the first six tion Act of 1966. Parts, 270 Broad St. Tel. 649- necticut Joining the distin­ addition to a com bread stuffing completion certificates at Thurs­ f n i J P O N Coupon redeemed only on purchase fast ses.sion reporting that the Both at home and abroad, months of 1966 exceeded by 86 Kenton said the new programs 3 Call 649-5869 guished company of the many for roast chicken or turkey. day's closing session. SAAS FEE, Switzerland 4028. M - .if ol lt«'’> Usted. steel situation was discussed Mansfield said, "there is too per cent the level record^ a will be started at Danbury in CeupOR Va!w 20C coupon expires Sat. night. Sept. 4, 1065 extensively, and urging that the much at stake which the coun­ year earlier. the near future, after oonsulta- (AP) — Helicopters drop, MH AUUI.T8 ONLY negotiators stay In session as try will have to pay for If there In response to a question, Mc;; Uons with community leaders. ped explosives on the Alla* long as necessary to reach is one" — a strike. CormacK said this was not a He said only a small, percent­ agreement. lin Glacier today after res­ Like Mansfield, McCormack veiled suggeetlon that manage­ age of inmates would be al­ cuers, imperiled b y a new They made their remarks to said the negotiators, summoned ment Increase Us pay offer. lowed to seek work In the com­ MOTk-S titfV-Y iNSP. FRESH MiUki* newsmen shortly after repre­ to Washington by Johnson, McCormack said a strike munity. ice fall, halted operations sentatives of the AFL-CIO Unit­ "ought to remain in session un­ would amount to "admission of Certain prisoners will alsoTe at the site of the Matt- ed Steelworkers Union and 10 til a setUement is reached." failure of leadership on both mark avalan^e disaster. PAM-READY-WINC TAGGED He said members of Congress given furloughs under the new major firms that produce 80 per sides." law. Sirens walledf over the valley cent of America's steel had could compliment management where one of the largest Ice HOUSE HALE and labor representatives for (See Page Eight) Main St, Manchester •' OPEN 6 DAYS! gone back to the bargaining ta,- 11 Charges fields in the Alps tumbled down on a hydroelectric constructloti CANAAN (AP)—Raymond J. Schooner, 18, of Amenia, N.Y., site Monday niglit, trapping 99 faces four motor vehicle charges worker*. Closeup of a President from Coimectlcut state police, Rescuer* feared the glader three from New York state po­ threatened a new fall and BACK TO SCHOOL FASHIONS FRYERS decided to blast away Us most lice and four from the Dutchess County, N.Y., sheriff's office In dangerous parts. WHOU According to the latest re­ ... full of young excitement the wake of an early morning ports, six bodies have been re­ chase back and forth across the covered from under a thick lay­ LBJ One-Man Gang state line. er of ice blocks. Missing are M STYLED FOR ACTION Connecticut state mlice said more workers—mainly Italian.
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