Tails in Context: Implica2ons for Laterality in the Colombian Spider Monkey E.R. Boeving, G.A. Kendall and E.L. Nelson Department of Psychology, Florida International University, Miami, FL N = 13 INTRODUCTION METHOD AND ANALYSIS • The Atelinae tail has a dense accumulaon of receptors at the pad, and its • Observaonal tail use data were collected by trained observers on a group of 14 adult Colombian spider monkeys sensi-vity is dis-nc-ve among primates. (Ateles fusciceps rufiventris) at Monkey Jungle in Miami, FL. One observaon was taken per day un-l 30 data points • Spider monkeys use their fully prehensile tail across a variety of contexts were obtained for each monkey. Data were recorded while at rest as tail wrapped to the leH or right of the body. including postural support, social interac-on, and object manipulaon. • Experimental tail use data were collected on a subset of 5 monkeys who spontaneously use the tail to manipulate • Previous studies have emphasized laterality of paired organs (e.g., hands). objects on a baery of four complex tasks: bowl, peanut, bar, and container (Table 1). Monkeys complete no more However, unpaired organs may provide a unique test of laterality. than 10 trials per day on each task un-l 30 data points are obtained. Data collec-on is in progress for 1 of the tasks. • We hypothesized that tail use is affected by context. We predicted tail use • A Laterality Index was calculated for each monkey on each measure using the formula LI = (R-L)/(R+L), where R is the preferences when monkeys engaged in complex object manipulaon, but number of right tail responses and L is the number of leH tail responses. Negave values indicate a leH bias, and not when monkeys were at rest. posi-ve values a right bias. We also computed absolute values of LI scores to facilitate comparisons across tasks. Table 1. Experimental tail tasks. Figure 1. Average strength of tail use preference by task. Task Descripon 1 Bowl Task Tail used to obtain a grape from inside a suspended bowl 0.9 placed outside enclosure out of reach of the hands. 0.8 Peanut Task Tail used to obtain a peanut placed on a table at floor 0.7 level outside enclosure out of reach of the hands. 0.6 Bar Task Tail used to obtain a baited PVC tube placed on bookends 0.5 outside enclosure out of reach of the hands. 0.4 0.3 Container Task Tail used to obtain a grape from inside a container 0.2 inclined at a 22.5° angle placed on a table at floor level Average Abs LI Score 0.1 outside enclosure out of reach of the hands. 0 *Data collec-on s-ll in progress* Res-ng Bowl Bar Peanut Container RESULTS DISCUSSION • A one-sample t-test on tail wrapping LI scores found no populaon-level bias, • Our results confirm our predic-on that the complexity of object manipulaon elicits a lateralized response in tail use, t(13)=-1.83, p=.09 (M=-0.05, SD=0.10). whereas there was no tail preference at rest. N = 25 11 N = 14 • On the experimental tasks, there was no variability in tail use. Monkeys were • We build upon previous work in unpaired organs where subjects were 100% lateralized in the use of the prehensile 100% lateralized. Four monkeys had LI scores of -1.00 on the bowl, peanut tail (Ateles geoffroyi) during manipulaon3 , and during skillful feeding movements in trunk use (Elephas maximus)2,4. and bar tasks, indicang exclusive leH tail use. One monkey had LI scores of • While the mechanics of the elephant trunk are commonly replicated in the robo-cs field1, the spider monkey tail is 1.00 on the bowl, peanut, and bar tasks, indic-ng exclusive right tail use. not currently u-lized as a model. However, the elephant trunk consists of soH -ssue muscles and lacks the skeletal Although the container task is s-ll in progress, data collected so far match the structure of the spider monkey tail that is oHen built into robots. paern found on the other experimental tasks. • Further examining the precision, structure, and capacity of the spider monkey tail through experimental tasks may • Group level data comparing the average strength of tail use preference for advance mul-ple disciplines currently u-lizing biological models for con-nuum style robots. res-ng versus object manipulaon is given in Figure 1. • Understanding why some monkeys do not use the tail for manipulaon is also a goal of future work. REFERENCES 1Cowan, L.S., & Walker, I.D. (2008) “SoH” con-nuum robots: the interac-on of con-nuous and discrete elements. Ar@cifical Life XI, (pp. 126-133). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONTACT INFO: 2Keerthipriya, P., Tewari, R., & Vidya, T.N.C. (2015). Lateralizaon in trunk and forefoot movements in a populaon of free-ranging asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Compara@ve Psychology, We thank Monkey Jungle and the Emily R. Boeving 129(4), 377. 3Laska, M. (1998). Laterality in the use of the prehensile tail in the spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi). Cortex, 34, 123-130. DuMond Conservancy for their eboev001@fiu.edu 4Mar-n, F., & Niemitz, C. (2003). “Right-trunkers” and “leH-trunkers”: Side preferences of trunk movement in wild asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Comparave Psychology, 117(4), 371-379. support, especially Sharon DuMond 5Organ, J.M., Muchlinski, M.N., & Deane, A.S. (2011). Mechanorecep-vity of prehensile tail skin varies between ateline and cebine primates. The Anatomical Record, 294, 2064-2072. and Carlos Fernandez. 6Onodera, S., & Hicks T.P. (1999). Evolu-on of the motor system: Why the elephant’s trunk works like a human’s hand. Neuroscien@st, 5(4), 217-226. .
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