T11N R10W T11N R9W T11N R11W T11N R16W T11N R15W T11N R14W T11N R13W T11N R12W Central Pacific Railroad Grade ACEC T10N R16W T10N R15W T10N R14W T10N R13W T10N R12W T10N R11W 1 2 T9N R12W T9N R16W T9N R15W T9N R14W T9N R13W T9N R11W 3 T8N R16W T8N R15W T8N R14W T8N R13W T8N R12W T8N R11W T8N R10W T7N R10W BOX ELDER 4 T7N R11W T7N R16W T7N R15W T7N R14W T7N R13W T7N R12W T6N R16W T6N R12W 5 T6N R15W T6N R14W T6N R13W T6N R11W T6N R9W T6N R10W 104 101 105M 102 T5N R16W T5N R15W T5N R14W T5N R13W T5N R12W T5N R11W T5N R10W T5N R9W 108 109 106M 107 103 114 T4N R16W T4N R15W T4N R14.5W T4N R14W T4N R13W T4N R12W T4N R11W T4N R10W T4N R9W 115 116 113 111 112 110 118 117 T3N R16W T3N R15W 120 T3N R14.5W T3N R14W T3N R13W T3N R12W T3N R11W T3N R10W T3N R9W TOOELE 121 T2N R16W T2N R15W T2N R14.5W T2N R14W T2N R13W T2N R12W T2N R11W T2N R10W T2N R9W BLM Utah Legend Land Exchanges and Valuation Lands Special RMA BLM Acquires All State Acquires All ACECs BLM Acquires Minerals Only State Acquires Surface Only Valuation Lands ÆR Campground Land Status Other Federal ÆQ Campsite BLM Wilderness Area Private Bureau of Land Management (BLM) State UTTR Land Exchange Wilderness Study Areas Bankhead-Jones Land Use Lands State Parks and Recreation California Trail Recreation Bureau of Reclamation State Wildlife Reserve/Management Area CaliforniaTrail 5 mile Buffer and Indian Reservation (IR) US Fish & Wildlife (USFW) National Wildlife Refuge Pony Express Military Reservations and Corps of Engineers US Forest Service (USFS) Special Management Pony Express 5 mile Buffer National Park Service (NPS) USFS Wilderness Area Map 1 of 11 0 1.25 2.5 5 No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual Miles use or aggregate use with other data. ² Data compiled in NAD 1983 UTM Zone 12 North T5N R16W T5N R15W T5N R14W T5N R13W 108 109 107 114 T4N R16W T4N R15W T4N R14.5W T4N R14W T4N R13W T4N R19W T4N R18W T4N R17W Donner Creek/Bettridge Creek ACEC 115 116 BOX ELDER 113 111 112 110 T3N R16W T3N R15W T3N R14.5W T3N R14W T3N R18W T3N R17W T3N R13W T3N R19W T2N R18W T2N R17W T2N R16W T2N R15W T2N R19W T2N R14.5W T2N R14W T2N R13W 132 128 137 T1N R19W T1N R18W T1N R17W T1N R16W T1N R15W 133 129 Bonneville Salt Flats ACEC T1N R14.5W T1N R14W T1N R13W Bonneville Salt Flats SRMA 139 138 136 134 135 130 157 152 147 158 T1S R19W T1S R18W T1S R17W 80 ¦¨§ T1S R16W T1S R15W 153_154M 148_149M T1S R14W T1S R13W 160 161 150 162 T1.5S R15W 163 155 156 Knolls ORV SRMA 171 169 TOOELE T2S R19W T2S R18W T2S R17W T2S R16W 172 170 168 T2S R15W T2S R14W T2S R13W T3S R19W T3S R18W T3S R17W T3S R16W T3S R15W T3S R14W T3S R13W T4S R19W T4S R18W T4S R17W T4S R16W T4S R15W T4S R14W T4S R13W 190 186 187 T5S R19W T5S R18W T5S R17W T5S R16W T5S R15W T5S R14W T5S R13W 188 189 T6S R19W T6S R18W 196 T6S R17W 192 T6S R16W T6S R15W T6S R14W T6S R13WBLM Utah Legend Land Exchanges and Valuation Lands Special RMA BLM Acquires All State Acquires All ACECs BLM Acquires Minerals Only State Acquires Surface Only Valuation Lands ÆR Campground Land Status Other Federal ÆQ Campsite BLM Wilderness Area Private Bureau of Land Management (BLM) State UTTR Land Exchange Wilderness Study Areas Bankhead-Jones Land Use Lands State Parks and Recreation California Trail Recreation Bureau of Reclamation State Wildlife Reserve/Management Area CaliforniaTrail 5 mile Buffer and Indian Reservation (IR) US Fish & Wildlife (USFW) National Wildlife Refuge Pony Express Military Reservations and Corps of Engineers US Forest Service (USFS) Special Management Pony Express 5 mile Buffer National Park Service (NPS) USFS Wilderness Area Map 2 of 11 0 1.25 2.5 5 No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual Miles use or aggregate use with other data. ² Data compiled in NAD 1983 UTM Zone 12 North T4N R13W T4N R12W T4N R11W T4N R10W T4N R9W 110 BOX ELDER 117 118 120 T3N R13W T3N R12W T3N R11W T3N R10W T3N R9W T3N R8W 121 T2N R11W T2N R10W T2N R9W T2N R13W T2N R12W T2N R8W T2N R7W 128 124 6 129 125M T1N R13W T1N R12W T1N R11W T1N R10W T1N R9W T1N R8W 7 8 T1N R7W ¦¨§80 130 131 126 127 123M 122M 147 143 9 142 148_149M 144 144_145M 140M T1S R13W T1S R12W T1S R11W T1S R10W T1S R9W T1S R8W T1S R7W 150 151 146 141M Knolls ORV SRMA 165 10S 167 11 168 166 TOOELE 164M T2S R13W T2S R12W T2S R11W T2S R10W T2S R9W T2S R8W T2S R7W Horseshoe Springs ACEC 174 Cedar Mountain Wilderness Area 175 T3S R13W T3S R12W T3S R11W T3S R10W T3S R9W T3S R8W T3S R7W 176 177 173M 180 181 T4S R13W T4S R12W T4S R11W T4S R10W T4S R9W T4S R8W T4S R7W Wasatch-Cache National Forest (Deseret Peak Wilderness Area) 182 183 179M 184 T5S R13W T5S R12W T5S R11W T5S R10W T5S R9W T5S R8W T5S R7W 185 191 T6S R13W T6S R12W T6S R11W T6S R10W T6S R9W T6S R8W T6S R7W BLM Utah Legend Land Exchanges and Valuation Lands Special RMA BLM Acquires All State Acquires All ACECs BLM Acquires Minerals Only State Acquires Surface Only Valuation Lands ÆR Campground Land Status Other Federal ÆQ Campsite BLM Wilderness Area Private Bureau of Land Management (BLM) State UTTR Land Exchange Wilderness Study Areas Bankhead-Jones Land Use Lands State Parks and Recreation California Trail Recreation Bureau of Reclamation State Wildlife Reserve/Management Area CaliforniaTrail 5 mile Buffer and Indian Reservation (IR) US Fish & Wildlife (USFW) National Wildlife Refuge Pony Express Military Reservations and Corps of Engineers US Forest Service (USFS) Special Management Pony Express 5 mile Buffer National Park Service (NPS) USFS Wilderness Area Map 3 of 11 0 1.25 2.5 5 No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual Miles use or aggregate use with other data. ² Data compiled in NAD 1983 UTM Zone 12 North T3N R1W T3N R1E T3N R4W T3N R3W T2N R4W DAVIS T2N R3W T2N R1E T2N R6W T2N R1W T2N R2W T1N R2W T1N R1W T1N R1E T1N R6W T1N R3W Salt Lake City ! T1S R2W T1S R1W T1S R1E T1S R7W T1S R6W T1S R3W T1S R5W ¦¨§80 215 T1S R4W ¦¨§ SALT LAKE T2S R1E T2S R3W T2S R2W T2S R1W T2S R7W T2S R6W T2S R4W T2S R5W Sandy 12 ! TOOELE T3S R1W T3S R1E 13 T3S R4W T3S R3W T3S R2W T3S R6W T3S R5W 14 ¦¨§15 T4S R1W T4S R1E T4S R5W T4S R4W T4S R3W T4S R2W T4S R7W T4S R6W 15 16 17 Wasatch-Cache National Forest (Deseret Peak Wilderness Area) 18 T5S R1E 18_19M T5S R1W T5S R5W T5S R4W T5S R3W T5S R2W T5S R7W T5S R6W UTAH T6S R1W T6S R5W T6S R4W T6S R3W T6S R2W T6S R7W T6S R6W T6S R1E Pony Express Route SRMA T7S R1W T7S R1E T7S R7W T7S R6W T7S R5W T7S R4W T7S R3W T7S R2W BLM Utah Legend Land Exchanges and Valuation Lands Special RMA BLM Acquires All State Acquires All ACECs BLM Acquires Minerals Only State Acquires Surface Only Valuation Lands ÆR Campground Land Status Other Federal ÆQ Campsite BLM Wilderness Area Private Bureau of Land Management (BLM) State UTTR Land Exchange Wilderness Study Areas Bankhead-Jones Land Use Lands State Parks and Recreation California Trail Recreation Bureau of Reclamation State Wildlife Reserve/Management Area CaliforniaTrail 5 mile Buffer and Indian Reservation (IR) US Fish & Wildlife (USFW) National Wildlife Refuge Pony Express Military Reservations and Corps of Engineers US Forest Service (USFS) Special Management Pony Express 5 m ile Buffer Na t iona l Park Serv ice (NPS) USFS Wilderness Area Map 4 of 11 0 1.25 2.5 5 No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual Miles use or aggregate use with other data. ² Data compiled i n NAD 1983 UTM Zone 12 Nor th T5S R19W 188 T5S R18W 189 T5S R17W T5S R16W T5S R15W T5S R14W T5S R13W 196 192 193 T6S R19W T6S R18W T6S R17W T6S R16W T6S R15W T6S R14W T6S R13W 197 194 195 206 202M 207 T7S R19W T7S R18W 203M T7S R17W T7S R16W T7S R15W T7S R14W T7S R13W 208 204M 211 TOOELE T8S R19W T8S R18W T8S R17W T8S R16W T8S R15W T8S R14W T8S R13W 212 20 218 Pony Express Route SRMA T9S R19W T9S R18W T9S R17W T9S R16W T9S R15W T9S R14W T9S R13W Deep Creek Mountains WSA North Deep Creek Mountains SRMA T10S R19W T10S R18W T10S R17W T10S R16W T10S R15W T10S R14W T10S R13W 226 222 Scott's Basin WSA T11S R19W 227 223 T11S R18W T11S R17W T11S R16W T11S R15W T11S R14W T11S R13W inholding WSA 228 229 224 225 233 230 Deep Creek Mountains SRMA Fish Springs WSA 234 231 T12S R19W T12S R18W T12S R17W T12S R16W T12S R15W T12S R14W T12S R13W JUAB 235 236 232 240 241 237 T13S R19W T13S R18W T13S R17W T13S R16W T13S R15W T13S R14W T13S R13W 242 243 238 239 T14S R19W T14S R18W T14S R17W T14S R16W T14S R15W T14S R14W T14S R13W BLM Utah Legend Land Exchanges and Valuation Lands Special RMA BLM Acquires All State Acquires All ACECs BLM Acquires Minerals Only State Acquires Surface Only Valuation Lands ÆR Campground Land Status Other Federal ÆQ Campsite BLM Wilderness Area Private Bureau of Land Management (BLM) State UTTR Land Exchange Wilderness Study Areas Bankhead-Jones Land Use Lands State Parks and Recreation California Trail Recreation Bureau of Reclamation State Wildlife Reserve/Management Area CaliforniaTrail 5 mile Buffer and Indian Reservation (IR) US Fish & Wildlife (USFW) National Wildlife Refuge Pony Express Military Reservations and Corps of Engineers US Forest Service (USFS) Special Management Pony Express 5 mile Buffer National Park Service (NPS) USFS Wilderness Area Map 5 of 11 0 1.25 2.5 5 No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual Miles use or aggregate use with other data.
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