Kericho County AlternativeAlternative Budget BudgetBudget MemoMemo Memo on Sanitation 2018 November 2018 By Institute of Economic Affairs 2.0 Why focus on sanitation and why does cover- age matter? 1.0 Introduction Sanitation is a devolved function of the county The Institute of Economic Affairs-Kenya together government and it is a constitutional right in Kenya. with Kericho sub county Civil Society Organization The National Government has the responsibility of (CSOs) are pleased to present a Budget memo on ensuring that it develops the requisite policies on sanitation for the fiscal year 2019/2020. sanitation which are then integrated and implemented by the county government. Further, universal access The budget memo contains budget proposals from to improved sanitation yields maximum health, social the public sub-county stakeholders who attended the and economic benefits. Kericho County loses Kshs IEA pre-budget hearings that took place on Thursday, 409 million each year due to poor sanitation. This 16th August, 2018 at Kericho Sunshine Hotel. The includes losses due to access time, premature death, proposals submitted were consolidated and synthesized health care costs and productivity. This estimate does by the IEA according to the various Medium Terms not include some costs that could be significant (such Expenditure Framework (MTEF) sectors largely based as water pollution and tourism) and is therefore likely on their feasibility, whether they make economic sense to under-estimate the true cost of poor sanitation1. and whether they are in line with the county priorities of the government. A Study entitled “The Effects of Poor Sanitation on Environment, Public Health and Well-Being The Budget Memo seeks to influence county commissioned by SNV Netherlands Development government decisions and help civil society develop Organization as part of the Voice for Change viable alternatives to government policy. Equally, Partnership (V4CP) Programme advocates for it provides a complementary avenue for deepening county governments to address water, sanitation and participatory budgeting given the legal basis for public hygiene (WASH) issues affecting their communities. participation in government planning and budgeting The V4CP Programme is implemented by SNV in processes. Since the country transited to devolved collaboration with the Institute of Economic Affairs system of government, it is envisaged that through the (IEA). The research was conducted by the Centre IEA pre-budget hearings and Budget memo, there is for Population Health Research and Management likelihood of increased civil society engagement with (CPHRM). Key findings suggest that Sanitation- county government planning and budgeting. related diseases are common in Kericho County, 1http://devolutionhub.or.ke/file/e75e464be3144cd0173d173623492768.pd 1 Research, Informed Debate & Policy Innovation Poor disposal of faecal matter and open defecation The county plans shall consist of the following; contribute to environmental contamination, Infant feeding practices and caregiver’s personal hygiene • The County Integrated Development Plan habits are poor and local sources of drinking water (CIDP) is a 5 year plan that shall inform the appear to be contaminated. county’s annual budget; • County Sectoral Plan (10 year plan); There is need to address the high level of contamination • County Spatial Plan is a 10 year plan using the and improve access to safe water in the county, address Geographic Information System (GIS) based infant feeding practices in the community, conduct system and will be reviewed every 5 years; public education campaigns that address sanitation • City and municipal plans and hygiene and take action to discourage open defecation. These plans are drawn from the five year County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) that each 3.0 Is there any need to understand the priority county has developed. setting in the budget process? As the basis of county budgeting and expenditure process, county governments make efforts towards A planning process precedes the process of priority aligning these plans to Vision 2030 and its Second setting in whatever sector at the county government Medium Term Plan. However, this is constrained by level. This entails preparation of annual county the fact that available statistics are segregated by the development plans that identify strategic priorities for former districts, division and location and not the the medium term. current planning and service delivery units of the devolved system (county, sub counties and wards)2. The planning process is an integral part of the Equally, although majority of counties involved the development process. It is the first critical stage of public in the formulation of these plans, this has not the budget process (PFM 35 and PFM 126). The been done consistently coupled with the fact that most PFM 126 provides that every county shall prepare a counties engaged consultants to develop the CIDPs. development plan in accordance with Article 220(2) of Given the limited time and the foregoing issues, a the Constitution of Kenya for approval by the county number of counties are currently reviewing their assembly. The county executive committee member CIDPs for the period 2017-2022. responsible for planning shall submit the development plan before the county assembly by 1st September. The Counties through the County Executive Committee development plan will inform the budget priorities for member for Finance are supposed to submit their the coming year. annual County Development Plan to the County Assembly not later than 1st September for their The CIDP reflects the strategic midterm priorities approval and a copy sent to the National Treasury of the county governments. It contains specific goals and to the Commission on Revenue Allocation. and objectives, a coasted implementation plan, As a critical entry point for public engagement, the provisions for monitoring and evaluation and a clear County Executive Committee member for Finance is reporting mechanism. It also contains information on legally required to publish and publicize the annual investments, projects, development initiatives, maps, development plan within 7 days for public access. statistics, and a resource mobilization framework. To implement these priorities, detailed programmes The County Governments Act, 2012 (CGA), 104 will be developed with complete financial implications obligates a county to develop an integrated plan, and performance indicators. In addition, these plans designate planning units’ at all county administrative also provide details on how county governments will levels and promote public participation and respond to changes in financial and environmental engagement by non state actors in the planning context. process. 2Council of Governors Conference Report 2014 via www.cog.go.ke Research,Research, Informed Informed Debate Debate & & Policy Policy Innovation Innovation 2 4.0 Basis for Resource Envelope and stakeholders their fiscal framework in case of a significant or views in the budget cycle an unexpected change in the County economic growth and/or due to induced policy changes The basis for deciding the size of resource envelope emanating from the change of government. or the macro fiscal policy making process involves county governments making projections of resources 5.0 Did the previous (2013-2017) County they anticipate to raise or mobilize. These resources integrated Development Plan for Kericho County are to finance priority and expenditure plans over the contain programmes on Sanitation? medium term. To achieve the goal for the sanitation sector, the The process starts with the issuance of circulars to guide previous CIDP highlighted the following issues to be all county government entities in their preparation implemented at the county for the period 2013- 2017. of the budget. Consequently, each county prepares 3 Budget Review and Outlook Papers (BROP) that • Waste management and pollution control – New are submitted to the County Executive Committee dumping sites for Kericho and other neighboring (CEC). Further in February, the County Treasury in towns be identified, sewerage system for Litein, consultation with the various stakeholders prepares Kapkatet urban areas be established, provision and submits County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) of litter bins at the designated sites in major to the CEC which captures details of broad strategic centers and purchase of trucks for solid waste priorities and policy goals to guide budget preparation. transportation. The CFSP is consequently submitted to the County Assembly for their approval by 28th February. Some of the sanitation priority areas contained in the CIDP are in the following sectors; The CFSP shall contain4 the following: a. Environment Protection Water and Housing • How the projections on economic growth of Kenya and other macroeconomic indicators as The key priority programmes include the following; contained in the Budget Policy Statement (BPS) will impact on the economic environment for the • Create awareness on the need to manage solid county for the following budget year and in the waste from domestic and industrial areas targeting medium term. light industries, homes, hotels and shops. This • Anticipated size of county budget based on include; fencing off dumping sites; create suitable expected growth of the county, revenue, dump site; recycle solid waste expenditure and public debt projection over • Connect sewer lines to main trunk sewer
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