Howard & Musical RideRide $ 2525 Mimi RCMP offi cer off to Ottawa.Ottawa. 1(incl.((in(iincclcl.ll.. GST)GSGST)T March 12-14 only. PAGEAGE B7B7 A nnivers arary PAGE B3 1960-2010 GULF ISLANDS Wednesday, March 10, 2010 — YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1960 50TH YEAR ISSUE 10 ISLANDS TRUST Kings Lane nnivers ary clinic to proceed Facility boosts island’s medical services BY SEAN MCINTYRE DRIFTWOOD STAFF The island’s healthcare ser- vices received a much-need- ed dose of relief last Thurs- day as the Salt Spring Local Trust Committee approved a temporary use permit for a Kings Lane medical clinic. “I’m ecstatic,” said Dr. Shane Barclay, one of the property’s five prospective tenants. “The bottom line is that this new building has already attracted three phy- sicians.” Barclay said the absence of such a complex, where administration costs can be PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY shared among tenants, has DAFFODIL CHILD: Davina Burton’s muddy (but sweet) fi ngers tell us she was exploring more than the pretty fl owers at Centennial Park last week. discouraged many island doctors from operating offi c- es on the island. He added that there are no HEALTH AND SAFETY plans to operate a walk-in clinic on the site. The two-year permit increases the maximum Listeria fi nd prompts Camembert recall allowable number of physi- cian offi ces in the 164 Kings Salt Spring’s Moonstruck Cheese subject of alert they may have a contaminated item to discard Lane building from two to or return the product immediately. fi ve. BY SEAN MCINTYRE been affected by the recall, 56 packages dis- “The BCCDC is concerned that this cheese The building’s top floor DRIFTWOOD tributed throughout southwestern B.C. are still can be stored and consumed well beyond the contains two suites, one of The British Columbia Centre for Disease Con- unaccounted for. product’s best-before date,” reads the agency’s which has already been rent- trol warns consumers to avoid eating Cam- “Essentially this recall focuses on those 56 March 8 news release. “Listeria, if present, will ed to the Vancouver Island embert manufactured by Moonstruck Organic cheeses,” Grace said on Tuesday morning. “We grow to high numbers even if the cheese has Health Authority for any Cheese after the agency detected Listeria mono- are asking people to return or discard them, but been stored in the refrigerator.” VIHA employee who needs cytogenes bacteria in a routine test. defi nitely not to eat them.” Food contaminated with Listeria monocyto- accommodation. Company owner Julia Grace said she has sus- According to the BCCDC, consumption of food genes may not look or smell spoiled, adds the That move alone, said pended production of the White Moon, Savory contaminated with Listeria can cause listeriosis, BCCDC. property co-owner Myles Moon and Ash-Ripened varieties after traces an uncommon but potentially fatal disease. Grace said that despite the recall’s relatively Wilson, will save the health of the bacteria were discovered in a wheel of Short-term symptoms of the disease include modest scale, she and health authorities have authority approximately cheese made at the company’s facility on Salt high fever, severe headaches, stiffness, nau- begun a thorough investigation of the com- $8,000 per year in B&B Spring. sea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. People with pany’s Beddis Road farm facility. accommodation costs. Positive samples from a February test were weakened immune systems, pregnant women “We’ve been working hard for a week now to “The ability to keep these confi rmed last week. and the elderly are especially susceptible. Of the estimated 209 units believed to have The BCCDC encourages people who suspect RECALL continued on A2 CLINIC continued on A2 Grow INSERTS INDEX North End SANDRA your • Thrifty Foods Arts ................................................................ B1 Horoscope..........................................A15 Fitness SMITH • Ganges Pharmasave 250-537-5217 Bus Schedule ...................................... A4 Letters ....................................................... A7 WEALTH • Country Grocer • Home Hardware • Variety Classifieds .......................................... A12 Sports ...................................................... B14 • Sears •Buckerfield’s Editorial ....................................................A6 What’s On.............................................. B6 • Home Depot • Rona Ferry Schedule ............................... B14 You Asked .......................................... B11 Joni Ganderton • Island Tractor • Uncle Alberts saltspringhomefi nder.com Investment www.northendfitness.ca 250-537-1201 Advisor 250-537-1654 email: [email protected] 250.537.9933 website: www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com BEDDIS islanders FREE! AIRPORT BUS NEW SCHEDULE VALID FROM MAR. 4 TO APRIL 30, 2010 the airline SHUTTLE SERVICE Direct Ganges to Downtown: 7:40am Mon-Sat, 10:30am & 4:10 pm Daily ............................................................................................................... ROAD To and from Vancouver (YVR) Direct Ganges to Van Airport: 7:40am Mon-Sat, 10:30am & 4:10pm Daily main terminal. ............................................................................................................... GARAGE International or Domestic Direct Van Airport to Ganges: 8:45am Mon-Sat, 11:20pm & 5:00pm Daily Repairs to all ............................................................................................................... makes & models Direct Downtown to Ganges: 8:30am Mon-Sat, 12:00pm & 4:25 Daily 181A BEDDIS ROAD 250.537.98802 saltspringair.com CALENDARS NOW IN! 250-537-4122 A2 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 2010 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD CALL GAIL, SEAN OR AMY IF YOU DID YOU KNOW... NEWSBEAT SEE NEWS HAPPENING 2505379933 ...Sawyer’s sells TRUST NOTES Industrial Machines! Sew leather, upholstery, Trustees reject after-fact variance permit boat cover fabrics & more. Carport places homeowner in meeting, the carport was added on to an take the island’s land-use bylaw and use it ~Jarret Sawyer existing building without an appropriate to light the fi re,” Ehring said. contravention of bylaw building permit. Adjacent property owners had not A variance permit was required after voiced any concerns about the carport, SAWYER SEWING CENTRE A Salt Spring Island property owner a site survey conducted for the Capital though staff indicate that the proper- fi nds himself between local bylaws and Regional District revealed the 4.24-metre ty is large enough to accommodate the SAWYER1-888-229-2266 SEWING CENTRE a hard place after trustees denied his siting violation. structure without infringing on setback 3400 Douglas St.,Victoria request for a development variance per- Trustee George Ehring’s decision to requirements. mit. vote against the permit was partly based According to Trust planner Brodie Por- 1-888-229-2266 Applicant Brian Little sought a devel- on a Trust planner’s suggestion that “the ter, the decision places the applicant in opment variance permit from the Trust granting of a variance permit can poten- contravention of the land-use bylaw. to reduce the minimum setback from a tially create an expectation in the com- 3400 Douglas St.,Victoria property line on a Castillou Way property munity with regard to future applica- from 7.5 metres (24 feet) to 3.26 metres tions.” Post your comment to this story (10.6 feet) to accommodate a carport. “If we were to issue development vari- online at According to a staff report present- ance permits on the grounds that the www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com ed at Thursday’s local Trust committee building is already there, we may as well Camembert will use test-and-release plan " RECALL Aff ected products include: “We are a company that "" continued from A2 people care about and that’s Code 240110 with best before dates of important.” fi gure out where the crack in 03/03/10, 10/03/10, and 24/03/10 She said all Camembert $#!'#"#! $"##"# the system happened to allow products will undergo a test- # !" ('$"#!# this to take place,” she said. Code 200110 with best before date 03/03/10 and-release procedure when !&#!"$ !" #" "#!#% Moonstruck’s hard cheeses production resumes. "#!#""#!#"!# are not affected by the recall. Code 290110 with best before dates This is the fi rst such recall $#"!"#$!#" !"$#"* &# $!" Grace thanks islanders and Moonstruck Organic Cheese loyal customers for their sup- 10/03/10, 17/03/10 and 23/03/10 has experienced in its 12-year "! port. Responses she’s received Code 050210 with best before dates history. by email and telephone, she Listeria monocytogenes said, have been encouraging. 17/03/10, 23/03/10 and 02/04/10 made national headlines after ) ) She doesn’t anticipate the bacteria were discovered in &&&! ! recall will have a major long- Code 120210 with best before dates 23/03/10 facilities operated by Maple term impact on the future of Leaf Foods in June 2008. her internationally acclaimed and 02/04/10 For more information and cheese business. Code 190210 with best before date 02/04/10 updates about the recalled “The people who choose cheese products, visit the Honda Generator Moonstruck are making clear buying because it’s well made . care of our animals and that’s a BCCDC website at www. choices,” she said. “They’re . and because of the way we take pretty loyal foundation.” bccdc.ca. ONE-MONTH SPECIAL Doctors’ clinic set to open doors on March 29 EU2000ic CLINIC modation, job-sharing posi- which was destroyed by fi re in Property owners have the continued from A1 tions and locums for
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