Open Agenda Cabinet Tuesday 29 October 2019 4.00 pm Ground Floor Meeting Room GO2C, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH Membership Portfolio Councillor Peter John OBE (Chair) Leader of the Council Councillor Rebecca Lury Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Equalities and Communities Councillor Evelyn Akoto Community Safety and Public Health Councillor Jasmine Ali Children, Schools and Adult Care Councillor Stephanie Cryan Jobs, Business and Innovation Councillor Richard Livingstone Environment, Transport and the Climate Emergency Councillor Victoria Mills Finance, Performance and Brexit Councillor Leo Pollak Social Regeneration, Great Estates and New Council Homes Councillor Johnson Situ Growth, Development and Planning Councillor Kieron Williams Housing Management and Modernisation INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Access to information You have the right to request to inspect copies of minutes and reports on this agenda as well as the background documents used in the preparation of these reports. Babysitting/Carers allowances If you are a resident of the borough and have paid someone to look after your children, an elderly dependant or a dependant with disabilities so that you could attend this meeting, you may claim an allowance from the council. Please collect a claim form at the meeting. Access The council is committed to making its meetings accessible. Further details on building access, translation, provision of signers etc for this meeting are on the council’s web site: www.southwark.gov.uk or please contact the person below. Contact Paula Thornton 020 7525 4395 or email: [email protected] Members of the committee are summoned to attend this meeting Councillor Peter John Leader of the Council Date: 21 October 2019 Cabinet Tuesday 29 October 2019 4.00 pm Ground Floor Meeting Room GO2C, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH Order of Business Item No. Title Page No. MOBILE PHONES Mobile phones should be turned off or put on silent during the course of the meeting. PART A - OPEN BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. 2. NOTIFICATION OF ANY ITEMS OF BUSINESS WHICH THE CHAIR DEEMS URGENT In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting. 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN A CLOSED MEETING, AND ANY REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED To note the items specified which will be considered in a closed meeting. 4. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATIONS Members to declare any interests and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting. Item No. Title Page No. 5. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules. The deadline for the receipt of a public question is midnight Wednesday 23 October 2019. 6. MINUTES 1 - 19 To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 17 September 2019. 7. DEPUTATION REQUESTS To consider any deputation requests. The deadline for the receipt of a deputation request is midnight Wednesday 23 October 2019. 8. DELIVERING A CLIMATE STRATEGY FOR SOUTHWARK 20 - 73 To note and support the proposals set out in the report for developing a Southwark Climate Strategy 2020-2030 and other actions in response to the council’s emergency declaration in March 2019. A report is also included at Appendix 3 from the environment scrutiny commission with recommendations and a request that the relevant cabinet member report back on these to cabinet within eight weeks. 9. RESPONSE TO HOUSING & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION'S 74 - 81 COMMUNITY ENERGY SCRUTINY REVIEW REPORT To note responses to the housing and environment scrutiny commission recommendations relating to the community energy scrutiny review report. 10. RESPONSE TO RECOMMENDATIONS FROM COMMUNITY SAFETY 82 - 87 SCRUTINY COMMISSION REPORT, MODERN DAY SLAVERY AND TRAFFICKING SCRUTINY REVIEW To note the response to the community safety scrutiny commission recommendations relating to the modern day slavery and trafficking scrutiny review report. 11. CYCLE HIRE EXPANSION AND SUBMISSION OF TRANSPORT FOR 88 - 103 LONDON (TFL) GRANT APPLICATION (LIP PROGRAMME) To agree the content of the council’s proposed LIP submission to Transport for London (TfL) that identifies transport projects to be delivered using this funding in 2020-21 and is submitted to TfL before 1 November 2019. Item No. Title Page No. 12. THE SOUTHWARK PUBLIC HEALTH APPROACH TO SERIOUS 104 - 111 YOUTH VIOLENCE PREVENTION To note the overview of serious youth violence in Southwark and accept the recommendations of the joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA). 13. GATEWAY 1 PROCUREMENT STRATEGY APPROVAL - 112 - 135 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES FRAMEWORK To approve the procurement strategy for establishing an Architectural Design Services Framework, which is to be delivered by London Housing Consortium (LHC) in partnership with Southwark Council for a contract period of 4 years. 14. HEALTHIER HIGH STREETS FRAMEWORK AND INDICATORS 136 - 156 To agree the Healthier High Street Framework as Southwark’s approach to making our high streets healthier places and embed the healthier high street (HSS) principles in the relevant programmes and agree the borough-wide indicators as the high-level indicators that will be used to monitor the progress of selected high streets. 15. PUPIL PLACE PLANNING 157 - 205 To note the updated forecasts of primary and secondary school places from 2019-2020, the existing supply of primary and secondary places across the council area, and actions to continually monitor to ensure supply matches demand. 16. ANNUAL HOME CARE REPORT 2018-2019 206 - 220 To note the mobilisation of contracts to providers who are compliant with the Southwark Ethical Care Charter (SECC) and that providers and the council continue to work closely together to support improvement. 17. GATEWAY 1 - PROCUREMENT STRATEGY APPROVAL: ADDITIONAL 221 - 237 CARE AT HOME PROVISION FOR ADULTS To agree the procurement strategy outlined in the report. 18. APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES 2019-20 - POTTERS FIELDS 238 - 239 PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST To agree to the appointment of the council’s strategic director of environment and leisure to the Potters Field Park Management Trust for 2019-20. DISCUSSION OF ANY OTHER OPEN ITEMS AS NOTIFIED AT THE START OF THE MEETING Item No. Title Page No. OTHER ITEMS The following item is also scheduled for consideration at this meeting. 19. GATEWAY 3 - VARIATION DECISION: EXTENSION OF CONTRACT: ADULT INTEGRATED DRUG AND ALCOHOL TREATMENT SYSTEM EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The following motion should be moved, seconded and approved if the cabinet wishes to exclude the press and public to deal with reports revealing exempt information: “That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1-7, Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Constitution.“ PART B - CLOSED BUSINESS 20. MINUTES To approve as a correct record the closed minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2019. DISCUSSION OF ANY OTHER CLOSED ITEMS AS NOTIFIED AT THE START OF THE MEETING AND ACCEPTED BY THE CHAIR AS URGENT Date: 21 October 2019 1 Agenda Item 6 Cabinet MINUTES of the OPEN section of the Cabinet held on Tuesday 17 September 2019 at 4.00 pm at Ground Floor Meeting Room GO2C, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH PRESENT: Councillor Peter John OBE (Chair) Councillor Rebecca Lury Councillor Evelyn Akoto Councillor Jasmine Ali Councillor Stephanie Cryan Councillor Richard Livingstone Councillor Victoria Mills Councillor Leo Pollak Councillor Johnson Situ Councillor Kieron Williams 1. APOLOGIES There were none. 2. NOTIFICATION OF ANY ITEMS OF BUSINESS WHICH THE CHAIR DEEMS URGENT The chair gave notice of the following late items: Item 7: Deputation requests Item 10: Policy and Resources Strategy 2020-21 to 2022-23 update Reasons for urgency and lateness will be specified in the relevant minutes. 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN A CLOSED MEETING, AND ANY REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED No representations were received in respect of the items listed as closed business for the meeting. 4. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATIONS Councillor Evelyn Akoto and Councillor Kieron Williams declared a disclosable pecuniary 1 Cabinet - Tuesday 17 September 2019 2 interest in respect of Item 13 (New Council Homes Rooftop Development Principles and Programme Update) as they are council leaseholders. Councillors Akoto and Williams confirmed their intention to withdraw from the meeting and leave the meeting room while item 13 was being discussed. 5. MINUTES RESOLVED: That the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 16 July 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. 6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) 1. Public Question from Jerry Flynn The council agreed with the Local Government Ombudsman in 2016 that there be an annual audit into compliance with conditions for provision of social housing through S106 agreements. As the Ombudsman decision was delivered three years ago, can the leader say when the results of these audits will be published? Response by Councillor Johnson Situ, Cabinet Member for Growth, Development and Planning Southwark Council is committed to responding to the housing crisis and we are working to deliver as much genuinely affordable housing as possible. An audit was carried out in 2016 where the council wrote to all the Registered Providers (RPs) requesting details of units held. There are 11,999 units managed by RPs in Southwark and there have been 4,320 affordable units secured by S106 legal agreements since 2001. The audit can be found at: https://www.southwark.gov.uk/assets/attach/10526/Southwark-S106-AH-Audit.xlsx. The audit contains planning permissions since 2001 and shows the Registered Provider/Registered Social Landlord for each social rent and intermediate unit identified.
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