Federal Communications Commission 29th Annual Report For the Fiscal Year 1963 With summary and notation of sUbsequent important developments UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. WASHINGTON. 1963 For lale by the Superintendent of Documenll, U.S. Government Printing Office W(l$hington, D.C., 20402 - Price SO centl COMMISSIONERS Members of the Federal Communicotions Commission (As of June 30, 1963) E. WILLIAM Hr!NRY, Ohai'NlUl1/. (Term expires June 30, 1969) ROSEL H. HYDE (T~rm expires June 30, 1966) ROBERT T. BARTLEY (Term expires June SQ, 1965) RoBERf E. LEE (Term expires June 30, 1967) FREDERICK tV. FORD (Term expires June 30, 1964) KENNETH A. Cox (Term expires June 30, 1970) LEE LOEVINGER (Term expires June 30, 1968) A list ot present and past Commissioners appears on page n. n LmER OF TRANSMInAL FEDERAL CoM1>IDIDCATIONS COMMISSION, W Il8hington, D.O., f!(}oo.li To the Oongress of the United States, Transmitted herewith is the 29th Annual Report of the Federal CommWlications Commission. The report furnishes information required by section 4(k) of the CommWlications Act of 1934, as amended, with respect to the fiscal year 1963 and notes subsequent important happenings up to the time of going to press. This updating is essential for more current appraisal of the rapid developments in space and national defense communication; progress in assisting UHF television generally and educational TV in par­ ticular; problems of AM broadcast congestion and growing pains of FM; continued stress by the Commission on public-service obligations of broadcasters; unceasing growth and attendant complications in the many nonbroadcast radio services; automation and other mod­ ernization of telegraph and telephone facilities; and the never-ending search for additional space and frequency-usage economies to ac­ commodate new and expanding radio services. Particular mention is made of the Commission's reorganization and other steps taken to improve and expedite its procedures; and, pur­ suant to general Federal directive, its establishment of fees for the filing of most types of applications. Respectfully, E. WIlLIAM HENRY, OhaVrma:n. m PAST AND PRESENT COMMISSIONERS Commi,dont,. Politfc~ Sta~ Term! Of urtlice -Eugene Q. Sykes••••• • • •• •• Darn._•• Miss•• _._ •• Chairman••__ ._. ._••__ p_._. ._ July lI,19M-Apr. 5, 1939 ·Thad H. Brown. ._ July 11,1934-Mar. 8,1935 July 11,1934-1uoe 30,1940 Wlllker~. Rep:::::::: ohio::::::: Paul A. •• ••_ Uem__ •__ ._ Okla._. __ ._ July 11,1934--Jnne 30,1953 Acting Chairman •• ._._ Nov. 3,1947-Dec. 28, 1947 Chairman•••_. _. ••• •• ._ Feb. 28, 19.'i2-Apr. 17,1953 -Norman S. Case. • _ R~C::::::: Irvin Stewart. ••__ •__ ._._ Rep:::::::: July 11,I934-June 30,194.5 Dem. ••_ Tex. • _ July 1l,193f-June 30,1937 '-George Henry Payne•• ._. Rep__••_. __ N.Y__ • • July I1,I934-June 30, 1943 -Hampson GBry.•_. • ". A _._ Dern••__ .__ Tex.. ._. ".Anning S. PralL. _ July 11,1934-Jan. 1,1935 Dem ••_. N.y_•.• _ Jan. 17, 1935-July 23, 1937 Ohairman. _• A. _. __ •• _• • • __ • Mar. 9, 193~July 23,1937 "T. A. M. Craven • _ Dam::::::: D~(C:::::: Aug. 25,1937-June 30,1944 ··Frank R. McNinch. • Dern __ •• N.O__ • ._ Oct. 1,1937-Aug. 31,1939 Chalrman•• , ••__ ••• • _. _ Oct. 1,1937-Aug. 31,1939 -Frederick I. 'l'hom~on-----------------.------. Dem::::::: Ala_-::::::: Apr. 13,193!1-June 30,1941 James Lawrence F y _•• • • •••__ Dem_______ Tex_.__.... Sept. 1,1939-Nov. 13, 1944 Chairman. •• •_. • •__ •_ Sept. 1,I939--Nov. 13,1944 -RaY C. \Vakefield•••_•• •• __ •• _ Rep.::::::: Cant::::::: Mar. 22, UI41-June 30,1947 ClilIord J. Durr. ._••••• ._ Dem. Ala • __ ._ Nov. 1,1941-June 30,1948 Ewell K. Jett_. • _ Ind_. __ ••__ Md••_. _ Feb. Hi,IIl44--Dec. 31,1947 InteriIn Chairman. ._. •__ PaNl A. Porwr•• • __ • •••• _ Nov. 16, 1944--Dcc. 20,1944 Chairman_• • • •• _ Dem::::::: KY·_:::::::: Dec. 21,I914-Feb. 25,1946 Dec. 21,19«--Feb. 25,1946 Charles R. Denny •••• •__ • __ • Dem::::::: D~C:::::::: Mar. 3O,1945--0ct. 31,1947 Acting Chairman__ • •_ Feb. 26,I9i6-Dec. 3,1946 Chairman • •••• •_ Dec. 4, 1946-0ct. 31, 1947 -William H. Wills__ ._.__ • ._. •__ • • July 23, 19i5--Mar. 6,1946 Bosel H. Hyde._••••• • __ • • _ Apr. 17,1946- Chairman. ••_._ • ._._. _ Apr. 18,1953-Apr. 18,1954 Acting Chairman•• •• • _•• _ Apr. 19, 19M-Oct. 3, J9M Edward M. Webster. ._. • ._.__ Apr. 10, 1947-June 30,1956 Robert F. Jones • __ •••• • ._. • Sept. 5, 1947-43ept. 19,1952 -Wayne Coy__ • _. ._. • ••_ Dec. 29, 19H-Feb. 21, 1952 Chairman ••• •••• _ Dec. 29,194.7-Feb. 21,1952 George E. Sk\rllng • ._••_._._. Jan. 2, 1918-Sept. 30,1954 -Frieda B. Hennoek__ • ._. ._~ • July 6,1948--June 30,1955 Rooort T. Bartley •__ • •• _ Mar. 6, 1952- Eugene H. MerrilL • • • • ~_. Oct. 14,1952-Apr. 14,1968 John C. Doerfer.• ••• • ~ _ Apr. 15, 1953-:\1ar. 10, 1960 Chairman_• • • __ ••__ ~ _ July 1,1957-Mar. 10,1900 Robert E. L~e ._. ._. ._. _ Rep:::::::: lie:::::::: Oct. 6, 191)3- George O. McOonnaughey ._•• ._.__ Rep..__ ._.. Ohio . __ Oct. 4,1954--June 30,1957 Chalrtnan • • ••_ Oct. 4. 1954--June 30,1967 "Rlcbard A. Mack. • • __ ••_. • • _ Dem.::::::: "Fii:_-_:::::: July 7,1955-Mar. 3,1958 T. A., l\I. Or3ven • ••• • Dem_______ Va_•. _ July 2,I956-Mar. 25,1963 Frederick W. Ford__ . •__ .~._._. _ Rep_. • W. Va_._._ Aug. 29,1957- Chairlnan_. __ ••__ • • • Mar. 15,I960-Mar. 2,1961 John S. Cross_. • •• ._ Dern::::::: Ark:::::::: May 23,1958-Sept. 30,1962 Charles H. Klng_•••• •••_. •_ Rep. ._._ Mich__ ••••• July 19,1960-Mar. 2,1961 Newton N. Mlnow •• • ••• ••__ Dem ._ IlL. ._. Mar. 2,1961-June 1,1963 Chairman_• • •••• • _ ::\1ar. 2,1961-June 1,1003 E. William Renry. • _ Dern::::::: Tenn-_-.~~::: Oct. 2,1962- ChIDrman __ ._. • •__ JNne 2,19ro- Kenneth A. Cox__ ._•• • _ Dem~:::::: ,,~iS'h:::==: Mar. 26,1963- Lee Loevtnger•• •••_. ••• •• Dern Minn. _ June 11,1963- -Deceased, IV Table of Contents Pa.. REPORT SUMMARY. ...................................... 1 COMMISSION.. ........................................... 13 Organization chart ,...... .. ...... 12 Regulation. .................................................. 13 Reorganization ' , .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 13 Commissioners. ............................................ 15 PersonneL.. ............. ,.. 16 Appropriations and expenditures. ....................... 16 Employee awards program.. 17 Electronic data processing system. .............................. 17 Application filing fees. ...................................... 17 Hearing examiners.. .......... .. .................. .. ........... 20 Dockets , ........................ 21 .o\uthorizations , ,... 24 .o\pplications. ...... ........................... 24 Correspondence. ......................................... 24 Releases and publications. ...................................... 24 Technical Assistance Division. .................................. 25 LAW AND ENFORCEMENT............................... 26 Legislation. ................•.................................. 26 Major legislative activity. .................................. 26 Other enacted laws ..... ,........... .. ...... .. .. .. .. ....... 26 FCC legislative program '...... .. ............... 27 Other bills affecting the FCC. .............................• 28 Congressional hearings. .................................... 28 Litigation. ................................................ 28 Important cases. ....................................... 29 Statistics ,.................................. 30 Enforcement.. ................. .. .................. .. ......... 31 NATIONAL DEFENSE. .................................... 33 (leneral. ..................................................... 33 Executive Order 11092 ,,............................. 33 Office of Emergency Communications ,,.. 33 Emergency Broadcast System. .................................. 34 State Defense Networks (FM). .............................. .. 36 Industry advisory committees.. ................................. 36 Overall defense program participation ,.. 36 Emergency relocation site ,,... 36 Family rendezvous points.... .............................. .. ... 37 FCC Executive Reserve unit. ................................... 37 National Resource Evaluation Center , ,. 37 Cuban crisis ,.................................. 3S Vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SPACE COMMUNiCATION . 39 General ...•.................................................. 39 Technical developments....•................................... 39 HTelstar I" . 39 "Telstar II" . 40 "Relay"........................•... , ". 40 llTelstar" and "Relay" achievements . 40 USyncom" _................•••. 41 International cooperation . 41 Organizational developments . 42 Communications Satellite Corporation . 42 Commission activity . 42 Carriers authorized to own stock . 43 Financing of the corporation . 43 Procurement policies ". 43 Other Commission responsibilities . 44 Space frequency considerations.. " '" , . 44 Relation with other agencies . 46 BROADCAST SERViCES . 47 Enforcement ". 47 Expressions of public opinion . 47 Compliance . 47 Sanctions . 48 Revocation proceedings . 48 IJicense renewal proceedings , . 48 Forfeiture proceedings . ..•.....................•........... 49­ Short-term licenses . 50 License renewals deferred . 51 Public response to renewal applications . 51 Political broadcasts . 51 Broadcast of controversial public issues . 55 TV network programing inquiry . 59 Local TV programing inquiries . 60 Broadcast ratings . 61 Broadcast advertising . 62 Excessive advertising . 62 Loud commercials . 63 Combination advertising rates . 63 General broadcast matters " . 63 Multiple ownership . 63 Transfers
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