0\LPoLY REPORT California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 93407 Vol. 50, No.7 October 25, 1996 Search begins for vice members to travel to professional Strickmeier joins conferences and for research mini­ provost for planning grants. Departments are also given Cal Poly Plan committee Recruitment has begun for vice funds to hire temporary replacement Mathematics professor Bernard provost for institutional planning, the faculty members. Strickmeier has joined the Cal Poly position in which Linda Dalton is Program guidelines and applica­ Plan Steering Committee as Labor serving on an interim basis. tions are available in the Affirmative Council representative. The vice provost for institutional Action Office, Adm. 401. For more The Academic Senate, Staff Coun­ planning will be responsible for coor­ information, call the office at ext. 2062. cil, ASI, and university administration dinating universitywide strategic have three committee representatives planning, engaging all divisions of the each. The panel is chaired by Presi­ university in planning issues and ef­ dent Baker. forts, and providing analysis for all In its meeting last week, the com­ elements of the strategic plan and re­ Emeritus Ken Schwartz mittee discussed setting an agenda for lated projects, including the Cal Poly receives planning award the coming months that will include Plan. Ken Schwartz, retired College of refining the process used to solicit funding proposals from the campus Provost Paul Zingg hopes to have Architecture and Environmental De­ community. the position filled by the end of win­ sign associate director and founder ter quarter. and chair of the City and Regional In addition, the committee will Finalists for the position of vice Planning Department, received a help the university determine ways to provost for information technology statewide award from the American measure increases in productivity and educational quality brought about by will likely be invited to campus by the Planning Association. end of fall quarter. David Walch is The award recognizes Schwartz' Cal Poly Plan initiatives. serving as interim vice provost for in­ more than 40 years of dedication to formation technology and is chair of the Cal Poly architecture college and the consultative committee for that the city of San Luis Obispo. recruitment. Called a visionary for San Luis Glenn Irvin's title has been changed Obispo, he is known for his work in to vice provost and associate vice rejuvenating the San Luis Obispo Dairy center president for academic affairs to re­ downtown area, particularly Mission flect his universitywide assignments, Plaza. helps make including those associated with the (Continued on page 2) Performing Arts Center, and his re­ fat substitute sponsibilities in academic affairs. The Dairy Products Technology The three vice provosts will report Center has helped an industry partner to Zingg. Garing, 75 produce an ingredient that can be Helen Garing, a retired Crop Sci­ used to make fat-free baked goods, ence Department clerical assistant, desserts, sauces, salad dressings, and died recently. She worked at Cal Poly other foods. from 1966 until 1983. San Francisco-based yogurtesse Funds available inc. funded the research that contrib­ Irvine, 70 uted to the development of the new for faculty development Robert Irvine, a retired electrician dairy-based fat substitute. The deadline to submit applications in Facility Services, recently died. He The product, named yogurtesse, for Affirmative Action Faculty Devel­ came to Cal Poly in 1974 and retired has one-tenth the calories of ordinary opment Grants is Friday, Nov. 8. in 1991. fat, contains no fat or cholesterol, and The program is designed to help functions well in place of fat. probationary or tenured faculty mem­ Butts,72 Yogurtesse and Mid-America bers and librarians qualify for reten­ William Butts, a retired custodian, Dairymen Inc. are marketing the pro­ tion, tenure and promotion. died in an Arroyo Grande hospital duct to large food companies. Foods The program provides funding to Sept. 24. Butts worked at Cal Poly containing the ingredient could be on Cal Poly underrepresented faculty from 1965 to 1980. supermarket shelves within the year. 0\LPOLY REPORT October 25, 1996 Page2 Screenwriter, producer Purcell Room, and Vienna's Brahmssaal. tlarketing students to read tonight Mayer, also known for bringing win 1st in Gtl contest Writer, film producer, and writing­ classic American jazz to a worldwide A group of business students has process expert Kenneth Atchity will audience, champions the music of Art won first place and $1,000 for their give a reading at 7 tonight (Oct. 25) Tatum, "Fats" Waller, Jelly Roll department in the General Motors in Philips recital hall in the Perform­ Morton, and Charles Ives. Marketing Internship program's na­ ing Arts Center. The recital is sponsored by the tional Scholastic Achievement Award Atchity's book, "A Writer's Time: College of Liberal Arts and Music competition for excellence in research. A Guide to the Creative Process," has Department. For more information, The 15 students won in the Most been hailed by The New York Times call the Music Department at ext. 2406. Effective Research Category for a as "the best recent book on writing." study analyzing the local competition Atchity has written 13 books and faced by their "client," Kimball Mo­ produced 20 films for video, televi­ tors of San Luis Obispo. sion and the theater, including More than 100 schools in eight Cinemax-HBO's "Champagne for CSU Fullerton provides states competed for awards in the in­ Two," NBC's "Amityville: The Evil materials in Braille ternship program. Escapes" and "Shadow of Obses­ The students are all business ad­ sion," and Mort Ranson's feature ro­ A new transcription service of­ fered by CSU Fullerton gives faculty ministration majors and most gradu­ mantic comedy "Falling Over ated in 1996. They are Alexis Backwards." members a quick and easy way to provide course material in Braille to Bookman, Shannon Collins, Eric A regular contributor to the Los blind students. Dasso, Deanna Gornik, Sorotana Angeles Times Book Review, Atchity Students, faculty members and (Pete) Khiev, Son Kim, Keri Knight, founded and co-edited the publica­ staff members can mail, fax, or e­ Tina Kwan, Molly Leonard, Maureen tions Dreamworks and Contemporary mail course syllabi, class handouts, O'Sullivan, James Robles, Kim Tran, Quarterly. Sau-Lai (Sally) Yiu, Ashley The WriterSpeak event is spon­ overheads, and examinations to the Braille Transcription Center. Be­ Turbeville, Leona Wong, sored by Cal Poly Arts, the English cause of limited resources, textbooks All the students, except Bookman, Department and the College of Lib­ and readings cannot be transcribed. have a concentration in marketing. eral Arts. The student interns were advised by For more information, call English The service is being offered at no cost to the 11 CSU Southern Califor­ marketing professors Terri Swartz professor Kevin Clark at ext. 2506. nia campuses, including Cal Poly. and Norm Borin. For more information write the The team researched six San Luis Braille Transcription Center EC-379, Obispo car dealerships, generating Cal State Fullerton, P. 0. Box 34080, information on franchises, target Fullerton, CA 92634-9480, or call markets, promotional activities, and (714) 449-7686, fax (714) 449-7687, advertising strategies, and recom­ or e-mail [email protected]. mended ways Kimball Motors might improve its business. Pianist Steven tlayer to give recital •••Ken Schwartz Award-winning pianist Steven While teaching, Schwartz also Mayer will give a mini-recital from served five terms as mayor of San 3:10 to 4 pm Thursday, Oct. 31, in Luis Obispo from 1969 to 1979. He Room 218 in the Davidson Music was later appointed to the County Center. Planning Commission. CPR Schedule Winner of the 1992 Grand Prix du He retired from Cal Poly in 1988. The Cal Poly Report will be pub­ Disque Liszt and the 1985 Carnegie lished every Friday through fall Quar­ Hall International American Music ter. Copy is due by 1 pm a week Competition, Mayer has performed before the publications date. with orchestras throughout the world, Please double-space all articles and including the New York Chamber Clarification send them to Jo Ann Lloyd, Commu­ Symphony. The political satire group Capitol nications Office, Heron Hall. Last­ He has played in such concert halls Steps will perform Tuesday, Oct. 29. minute items can be faxed to as Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher Hall, Ticket prices are $10 to $18. For ext. 6533 ore-mailed to polynews@ The Kennedy Center, London's more information, call ext. 2787. oboe.aix.calpoly.edu. 0\LPoLY REPORT October 25, 1996 Page 3 Relations with students Architecture, who received a $25 Eating disorders talk Campus Express gift certificate; topic of llov. 4 seminar Stuart Goldenberg, Mathematics, and to focus on recovery A panel of faculty members and Fred Stultz, Psychology and Human A specialist on eating disorders students will hold a seminar, "The Development, who won gift certifi­ will present "The Journey to Recov­ Proposed Policy on Amorous Rela­ cates from Apple Farm. ery: A Client and Therapist's Perspec­ tionships," at 12:10 pm Monday, Other employees who won Cal tive" from 7 to 8 pm Wednesday, Nov. 4, in the Staff Dining Room. Poly prizes are Stephen Hughes, Col­ Nov. 6, in UU 216. The group will consider the Status lege of Business; Deborah LeCompte Heidi Lewin-Miller, a registered of Women Committee's Policy on Souza, Student Affairs; Yolanda dietitian and marriage, family and Amorous Relationships Between Stu­ Tiscareno, Ethnic Studies; Martin child counselor intern, will address dents and Faculty or Instructional Shibata, Carreer Services; Ben such issues as: Staff Who Evaluate or Supervise Them. Vahedy, Academic Records; Robert • Recovering from an eating The policy states, in part: "It is the Flores, Agricultural Education; Lisa disorder. policy of Cal Poly that faculty mem­ Rockwell, Foundation Business Of­ • Typical bumps along the way.
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