PAGE BIT THE BANTORD HERALD, SANFORD. FLORIDA WEDNESDAY FEB. 21, 195 -1- - - ......... ‘ 11 : Korean War ; bucked strong shore batteries to Implant In the world. v R .F .C . Atomic liomb around Woman on the sea of Ja­ President Truman With Mr. Truman at tha break- m . ^ ______ Officials Confer pan coaet for tha 8ev*nth straight DR C. L. PERSONS ICh Um H Fran Faa* Oee, fa il wart almoat all hla cabinet U M lIia U !•»•■» Fas* Oa*» tleattaue* From Faga Oat I dey. Optometrist north of Chlpyong where a (Ceattaaet near Faa* Oiel officers, Justice* of tha supreme influence which hava reached tha have at thr pieient time li the With FHA In Jax court and congressional laadara. subcommittee I* E. Merl Young.** straleglr bomber.” I.eMay replied. French-Amerlcen force last week The U. fl. cruiser SC Paul elood to understand what a serious si­ * EYES EXAMINED smashed a massive Red counter­ off Inchon Port on the Yellow Sea tuation the government Is In. He Young, a spare man with thin- Wherry wanted to know If the On Building Loan t i t 8- Palmetto Ava. tilng hair, read a prepared state- potentialities of the A met Iran loiu: attack. and pouted heavy fir# Into Red eUed it up this way: "Tha most Colored News nieiit to the subcommittee when range ‘ Immliei program luid been 1'rrllmiriary steps which may Scattered In an srr north of the concentrations north of the thaw- tremendous emergency that any GLAHHEM PITTED fully developed. Wonlu salient were Hl.tHMl Com­ lor Hon River around Red-held government has ever been faced he look the stand after tielng lead to the construction here Seoul. sworn. I.eMay said he didn't Ihink so of a r.o unit apartment house munist troops who Imd pulled hack with. In the history of the coun­ The Church of God prayer banJ He reviewed tiln rareer, aalil the but added tlust the |itr*rnl pin- project by Oxier-Weller Inc., were from the attack to lick their In their first big lunge slnro try." will meet at the home of Mrs. newspaper* hud hern having "a gram was going along mi fail a» taken yesterday by Mervin Osier, wound*. (Jeni-rnl MnrArthur ordered his lie added he knew what he was Willie Brown. 612 Locust Avenue Roman holiday” in connection with It eouhl he put together. City Manager Clifford McKiobln U. H. Fifth Air Force planes troop* to readme the Initiative, A l­ talking about because he has stud­ Friday napn. DR. H. K. RING the rhargi'H against li1 and said l,eMay lei mi d the strategic and rtty Commission Andrew roared out again Wednesday in lied iroopa swept northward 10 ied history. “ I know we are going bombers the greateal deterelil In aupport nf ground troops. miles and captured Cnunrhon town. VieltoiT are always welcome. CHIROPRACTOR there had l»een “ false Implleatlona” Carrnway who conferred with through some of the things that Rev. R. V. Hestle, paetorj Mrs. \ ARTJIRiTlS that Ids Income had risen '•pheno­ Russian aggies,Inn al the pre­ F1IA officials In Jacksonville re­ Big Naval guns rocked Imth rtiunchon la 10 miles north of were gone through In 1800, 1918,* Nora Jones, president; Mr*. An­ menally” and without Jutllflrn- sent time. garding the project. coasts of Korea. Chechen, objective of a f'nmmun- and 1041,” he said. • NEURITfe ” 1 think we know mole nlmiil na Henderson, reporter. • 8INUBITIB tlon. They were Joined in Jackson­ The battleship Missouri 1mm- lit alnsh a few days ago on the* long range bombing Ilian any of "W e have to understand," Mr. Atlantic Bank Hldg. • Any progress he has made, ville, said Mr. MeKIbbin this harded the Tanchon area in far cn»l central front. The area has Truman sold, "that we are faced our Allien and it seem* seasonable Phone 1762-1746 Young asserted, has l»e*n due to morning, by Finley Knljrht of the northeastern Korea all day Tues­ been a no-mnn’s-lanil. with an unmoral force which docs Legal Notice hard work. that should he our major rontrl- day. Other Allied Naval forcea The U. 8. Eighth Army rom- hutloii,” (to defense nf Europe) htnkernge firm of Knlght-Orr, not keep Its agreement*, which lie referred to n recent state­ end Infotmed Richard Stanley of iiiiinupie Wednesday said the A l­ does not believe In the things for IN C'UI'NTV JI'IMIKT * he said. stsniNuLH r o t a r y . Fi.oniiiA. ment hv Rep. Sul tori (D-Tenn) the FHA of the local tax situ­ adoptd hy the I.eagur, he said. lied troops had encountered no which this government stands and that a "beautiful white mink or This was In line with ttie think enemy troops In the northward KHTATt: UF t.KNWKt.t, A OI.INB, Ing of Wherry and smile other Itr ation a* it will apply to the pro- This Include* sending an execu­ for which the other free govern­ ermine roal” belonging to Mrs. j.ci, which It Is planned to lo­ tive secretary and legislative t brunt. ments of the world do stand." NMIVM*OV KINAl. HKFUNT ANU pilhliraiis, imludiiu: Kunatoi Taft APF1H ATIOV rOW IIIStMAMOM Young was part of a fee to Voting cale on (he site nf tha present rounael to Tallahassee during Eirlil dispatches said the Reds Stan ley-R oger h from a furrier seeking an RFC (It-Ohlu) and for iiic-t president Mr. Truman said that for fW f All psrsuns if* fi*i-»<r notified llerheil Hoover, Hist the United softball diamond on the lakefront. the 1051 session to urge all legis­ were pulling hark so fast that they years ho had been endeavoring dial Ilia under.I*ned m Admlnlutra- loan. ................... .States should fruit* its efforts Information developed on the lators to resist any efforts hy veil, leaving equipment and their to moblllwa the moral foreee of the lure uf euld relate, have completed Hardware Co. Young »ald he Imught his wife iiioject will lie considered by the "other groups” to take rlgarette dead In thr snow. the udmlntitratlon thereof and neve a fur coal la-cnner lie felt lie roiilrl on supplying nlr and iea |mwei world, lie desert bed those forces flted In eald court their final report for the North Atlnntlr defense FHA In connection with the ap­ taa money from cities. A H. 8. 10th Corps spokesman "which believe In the 8*rmon on and application for dlechara*. Ob­ 214 SANFORD AVE. afford it. lie "aid hr had checked plication to lie submitted by the jections thereto. It any, should be and found that the furiler waa not forees. Another project was to secure raid there was evidence of a hasty the Mount, those forces which be­ Overnight, the Renal.' gimip Osier-Weller firm In seeklfig «n a general art to enable cities to enemy nticat on thu irnliul lieve In a God, those forces which duly filed. After flllnrt pr"«» «f an RFC tan rower, hut had onre FHA guarantee of a loan to fin­ publication ehowlnn thl enotlce ban Phone 1361 applied for all RFC loan which which has Imtii seeking some lim­ acquire, construct and flnanrn off- fronts. believe In the welfare of the In­ been published once a week for four itation on the number of American ance the S.'I60,000 project, Mr. dividual, who believe that the gov* consecutive weeks, the matter nf street parking facilities. The Thr lost heavy Communist re­ COURTEOUS SERVICE he did not git. troops which can In- sent to Eu­ M' KIhliln (minted out. ernment Is formed for the welfare approval of eald report end the or- group approved also the securing sistance ended late Tuesday north- define *>f distribution of eald eatnte rope lost one inippurler. Henatoi He stated that on Hundey he nf a Social Security enabling act mat of Chechon, n road huh 20 of the Individual and not that the will come before the court. PRICKS RIGHT taffa! Notice Douglas Ill-Ill) i,nit the fight. Imd attended a meeting of the to permit municipalities and their miles southeast of Wonju. individual la formed to he a elave I.enwell A Cline, Jr. Florida league of Municipalities employers to particlpato under American patrols ranged as to tha government. Maraaret Cline llrllllenl QUALITY MERCHANDISE newiw provisionsprovh of Social Security, As Admlnletratore nf said Water furnished liy the tl. H. at the (ifnrge Washington Hotel much as III inlles noithweast and "That la what we are faced •atste. smith r. rn t e r m s ___ Id Mr. McKIhhln. four miles north nf Wonju. with. That la what wa are trying Klret publication nn Kab. ft. 19.11 TMK HTATIi (>K Kt/flllHA TO: Reclamation Service inlgnlrd 6,- where ilfi cities were represented. WII.I.IAM TIHIMAH TtJlINHII. OfMl.limi acres in IttfiO. A four point program was svlmse plaea of reslifenea la on- knnwni Y » » ll IS r r lirfptliyr f t o t ir iP f l •»»!%• M «uM tiNw i.sfii hrMtiMlit mknIiiuI you In th» I'lmill •••mis «»f Mm Ninth Jn- rtlclal r-lreoll of Ilia Nlaln of Kbit- Ida. in ami for Heotlnole ConnlV. Flnrlda. In i-lieneerf, liy JlfANITA SVIl.t.l A MM THIINK......... I'll, said eull be. Ins >'•> divorce am, »ivieu j i ■ nn- ITA WII.I.IAMM THIINKH. I'lalnllff. versus WII.I.IAM TIHIMAH THR NMII, lirranilaiil. and you are hereby MORE THAN EVER Olllred In Hie wllli lha elerh nf lit Court al Ida offlen In Ilia Court iio’iiae of Hemlnoia Counly »•*),,Florida.
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