No. 31,041 TUESDAY, JULY 8, 2014 www.bdtruth.com.au PRICE $1.30* WED: THU: FRI: FULL REPORT: BROKEN HILL TODAY: 18° 15° 15° 15° PAGE 12 MP’s bad He said he had just By Andrewcall Robertson been informed about a decision Ms Parker’s MP under siege department had made - John Williams says which affected a farmer sexist remarks he in his electorate - and made about a Liberal was angry. MP in April were He said the outburst “totally out of char- was “totally out of acter”. character” and that he The comments, supported women in directed at Maitland politics. MP Robyn Parker and “I think women in revealed in a Fairfax politics in our party Media report on the MP Robyn Parker - and all the women weekend, have created - do a pretty magnifi- a furore and prompted she had “never had a cent job of representing calls for Mr Williams real man”. Ms Parker their electorates.” to be expelled. was environment min- The comments put The MP doesn’t deny ister at the time. paid to Mr Williams’ he made the slurs about According to the bid to secure an upper Ms Parker in front of article, Ms Parker was house seat after he was about 100 Nationals raped as a teenager and placed in fourth posi- members at a preselec- had spoken about her tion on the Nationals’ tion meeting for the ordeal in parliament in ticket. Bishop Columba Macbeth-Green has been welcomed by the upper house in early 2004. “That was a big fac- Wilcannia Forbes Diocese, after being installed as its sev- April. Yesterday the tor in where I ended up The media report Member for Murray- on the ticket,” he told enth Bishop. The Bishop’s position had sat vacant for the said Mr Williams had Darling said he regret- the BDT. past five years. FULL STORY PAGE 3 PICTURE: Nick Gibbs threatened to “tear her ted making the “stupid a new orifice” and that comments”. Continued Page 5 Back In 2002, BH resident Merry Pedergnana was named as a Life Member of the National Servicemen’s Association of South then Australia. Broken Hill to Beverly Hills Former local Stephen although there is a sense of Rowe is taking his art to the imposed calm, each piece tells world after his work was its own story. selected to be displayed in The recognition is another Beverly Hills. chapter in Rowe’s storied life, Rowe has been exhibiting which began in Broken Hill work at the bi-annual Beverly where he was born and raised. Hills Art Show for the past As a young boy he showed eight years, and has been rec- an early talent for drawing, ognized with two Honorable painting and other artistic Mentions and third prize for endeavours, but this energy painting. and passion for the graphic However this past May, Rowe arts was temporarily put on received a special recognition - the back burner as he pursued the Mayor’s Purchase Prize. sporting interests. At each Show, the resid- ing Mayor of Beverly Hills Rowe actively participated selects one artist whose work in boxing to keep in shape will be purchased by the City for competitive motocross rac- of Beverly Hills and housed ing, before embarking on a within one of the civic build- 15-year international career as ings in the City. a professional classical ballet Mayor Lili Bosse bestowed dancer. the award to Rowe for two He studied art in school and of his works: ‘I Love You was inspired and learned from Sunshine’ and ‘Out of the some of the most renowned Silence of Blue’. artists in Australia and around The Mayor selected the the world, including Pro-Hart. pieces to be housed in the In addition, during his bal- Roxbury Community Center, let career, he was fortunate a new building which had its enough to work with Lindsay ribbon-cutting on June 8. Kemp, an admired choreogra- The works selected by the Mayor are part of Rowe’s series pher, director, and artist. ‘Abstract Pointillism’. These individuals and others In this series, Rowe builds certainly had a marked impres- raw emotions in layers of sion on Rowe’s aesthetic out- expansive primary tones, look. shielding the intensity with a Upon his retirement from the lattice-work veil of exacting ballet world, he went back to dots that does its best to clothe his family’s professional trade the bared soul. as a finish carpenter. At the It aims to convey the intensi- same time, Rowe continued to ty of the highs and lows, expe- pursue his passion for art as riencing the entire spectrum another creative outlet. of humanity and our inherent As a native of Australia, desire to make order and per- Rowe’s work is partly influ- fection from the chaos. enced by dot art, leavened by Hidden written messages hide behind the dots, sublimi- the impression of the work- nally persuading the viewer ing class culture from Broken that everything is going to be Hill. okay. He combines pointillism Every piece is both a with abstract backgrounds, self-portrait and an abstrac- using media such as acrylic Broken Hill local Stephen Rowe’s painting ‘Out of the Silence of Blue’. tion about life and love, and paint on wood and canvas. INSET: Rowe with Beverly Hills Mayor Lili Bosse. 2 — Barrier Daily Truth, Tuesday July 8, 2014 Back In 2002, veteran softballer Cheryl Meuret took home gold at the World Masters Games after her team won their division’s then premiership. Solar plant construction set to begin By Nick Gibbs A number of local firms have won contracts for work on the city’s new $150 million solar plant with construction due to begin next Tuesday. AGL Broken Hill Solar Project Manager Adam Mackett said some initial site preparation had already begun with civil and earth works due to begin shortly. Employment will peak at about 150 positions during the construction BH Solar Plant project manager phase of the build with the majority Adam Mackett focused on panel installation. sense both from a logistical and com- Solcon owner operator Gary munity orientated sense. Milnes, whose local company will “We always aim to engage with the undertake start up earth works on the local community,” he said. plant, said that although it was not After completion it is estimated ongoing, he was pleased to secure three ongoing roles will be available the work. at the BH Plant in an operational and “We’ll have four or five blokes maintenance capacity. out there for a couple of months,” Mr Mackett said he was hopeful he said. the relationships formed with local Mr Milnes predicted the project contractors during the construction located 5km from Broken Hill would phases would lead to ongoing work be a welcome change for some of his from trades when needed. employees who are typically based up A follow-up public information to 400km away of the city for weeks session will be held by AGL on at a time. Monday after an initial consultation According to Mr Mackett, local in May of this year. Bishop Columba Macbeth-Green has been installed as the seventh Bishop of the employment provider West State There are still opportunities availa- Wilcannia Forbes Diocese. PICTURE: Nick Gibbs Training would also be subcontracted ble for interested residents to join the to provide workers for panel manu- Solar Plant Community Consolation facturer First Solar. Committee and advise the public of Diocese welcomes Bishop Operators of graders, rollers and updates while relaying any issues that water trucks were highlighted as may manifest back to AGL. icated to the Church and it’s central in the Vatican determin- needed during the initial construction The commitment will involve By Nick Gibbs people I felt if this is what God ing him as a suitable fit for his phase. around two hours every few months, wants me to do, this is what I new role. He said providing jobs locally made according to Mr Mackett. The Catholic Diocese of will do.” “As a chaplain, building Wilcannia Forbes has wel- The NSW native was born those relationships was the comed a former police chap- and bred west of Forbes and main thing,” he said. www.democlub.com.au | 218 Argent St, Broken Hill has fostered a relationship with NSW 2880 | ph: (08) 8088 4477 lain as its seventh Bishop During the five year period spirituality from an early age. while the Bishop’s position sat and the first for the region After attending Catholic in five years. vacant, there was speculation school, he joined the Army the local diocese would fold Bishop Columba Macbeth- Reserves before entering a and a possibility the Church Green was installed at a mass monastery where he continues may be run from Sydney. held at the Catholic Cathedral to be a member of the order. Bishop Macbeth-Green felt on Saturday night following his Since 2000, Bishop Macbeth- maintaining an accessible foot- ordination ceremony in Parkes Green has worked as a Police print in the local communi- last Thursday. Chaplain throughout NSW and Bishop Macbeth-Green said QLD, most recently in an often ty was a positive step for the his appointment by his Holiness taxing position on the Gold Catholic Church. Pope Francis had come as a Coast. “I think in rural communi- surprise, but one he welcomed “You might get called out ties especially, it’s got a wider as part of his commitment to at 2am in the morning to a car importance for the whole com- the Church.
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