BLENNERHASSETT Family of DEVENISH, VICTORIA, Australia and MARBLEHEAD, MASSACHUSETTS, USA Who Probably Descend from the Blennerhassett Family of Lissataggle

BLENNERHASSETT Family of DEVENISH, VICTORIA, Australia and MARBLEHEAD, MASSACHUSETTS, USA Who Probably Descend from the Blennerhassett Family of Lissataggle

BLENNERHASSETT family of DEVENISH, VICTORIA, Australia and MARBLEHEAD, MASSACHUSETTS, USA who probably descend from the Blennerhassett family of Lissataggle. Currans Parish, Co.Kerry also MARTIN families of Dromavalla, Killorglin, Co.Kerry; of Curracullenagh, near Camp, Kilgobban, Co.Kerry; and of Foilatrising (Foil), near Camp, Kilgobban, Co.Kerry NOTES: Camp is near Castlegregory and is sometimes described as "Camp, Castlegregory"; Kilgobban parish is also known as Kilgobbin; THIS PAGE CONTINUES FROM page L 03 at: LISSATAGGLE, Currans, Co.Kerry (p.L 03) Blennerhassett Family Tree (BH18_Devenish_D.xlsx) revised January 2012, copyright © Bill Jehan 1968-2012 Thanks to all who have contributed to these pages - please send additions & corrections to email: [email protected] D 01 from page L 03 >|>>>John Blennerhassett >>>>>>|>>>Avis Blennerhassett >>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>Mary T. O'Brien >>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>William Henry White Jr. >>>>>>>|>>> Blennerhassett b.est.c1805 (C.o.I.) | b.c1836/8 Ireland | b.15.1.1861 Massachusetts | b.3.6.1884 | of Lissataggle, Co.Kerry, Ireland; | / | of Marblehead, Mass. | Clerk in the electrical | Currans parish, Farmer; | came to USA from Ireland | / | industry | Co.Kerry probably of Lissataggle, | 1854; said to have been | m.14.4.1883 | d.?.8.1951; bur.27.8.1951 | Currans parish, Kerry | visiting a cousin who lived | William Henry White | / | / | at Peabody (near Lynn, | b.25.7.1860 | m.1907 Sarah E. Beckwith |>>> / | Massachusetts) and | Shoemaker; Barber | b.1886 d.1963 | m. Mary Martin | there met her husband; | d.?.3.1935; bur.1.4.1935 | | b.est.c1805 | She was Anglican, her | | | Co.Kerry, Ireland | husband RC, and | | | / | "…her parents had nothing | MARBLEHEAD | | Mary Martin perhaps(?) | to do with her after the | Massachusetts | |>>> identical with: | marriage…" | USA | | Mary Martin | / | | | b.5.2.1807 Killorglin; | In 1855 living at Lynn, | | | bapt.5.2.1807 Killorglin | Essex Co., Massachusetts | | | (C.o.I.) - see D 12 below | / | | | / | d.9.3.1911 Marblehead; | | | / | Massachusetts, USA | | | One source has Mary | / | | | Martin's home being | m.3.11.1860 Salem | | | on Windmill Street, | (or Marblehead?), | | | Blennerville, nr Tralee, | Massachusetts (RC); | | | Co.Kerry, but this is | Patrick J. O'Brien | | |>>> unverified | / | | | | b.26.1.1838 Rathmore, | | | | Co.Kerry, Ireland; | | | NOTE: For other Blennerhassett/Martin | Cordwainer; | | | marriages see pages:- | son of Timothy O'Brien | | | D 05, D 06, CAN 32, G 73, LL 02 | (O'Brian) & Mary Hussey | | |>>> | / | | | emig. 1860 to | | | Marblehead, Essex Co., | | | Massachusetts, USA; | | | d.18.10.1910 | | | Marblehead | |>>>Jeremiah D. White >>>>>>>>>>>|>>> | | | b.25.5.1886 | | NOTE: This Marblehead, | | Foreman in a shoe factory | | Massachusetts family has | | / | | been researched by | | m. Catherine A. White |>>> | their descendants | | b.c1888 | | Bob & Pat Hutchins, of | | | | Alta Loma, California, USA | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | |???Sarah Blennerhassett | | | | / | | |>>> | m.?.2.1864 | | | | at Marblehead, Mass.; | | | | Massachusetts; | | | | Robert Hill | | | | / | | | | Who is she? Is she | | |>>> | a sister of Avis BH? | | | | | | | | | | | D 01 | | | D 02 | | | | | |>>>Avis L. White >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>> | | | / | | | | m. <???> Merry | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>>Edward B. White >>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>> | | | b.17.2.1890 | | | | Foreman in shoe factory |>>> | | | / | | | | m. Mary A. <???> b.c1891 |>>> | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>>Elizabeth A. White >>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>> | | | b.15.12.1891 (twin) | | | | d.28.4.1984 | | | | / | | | | m.1936 Joseph Anthony | | | | McManus b.1888 d.1959 | | | | | | | |>>>Mary Louise White | | | | b.15.12.1891 (twin) | | | | d.24.3.1893 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>>Grace White b.1893 | | | | |>>> | | |>>>James White | | | b.23.11.1894 d.26.11.1894 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>>Mildred T. White >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>> | | b.?.9.1893 | | d.?.1.1943 bur.13.1.1943 | | / | | m. Woodbury | | | | | | D 02 | | D 03 | | | |>>>Timothy O'Brien >>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>Elizabeth O'Brien b.1874 | | b.c1862 Massachusetts | / | | (not b.c1881) | m. <???> Starr | | / | | | m. Mary Dolan |>>>Avis O'Brien b.1887 | | | | | |>>>Patrick O'Brien; b.1889 >>>>>>>>|>>> | | | / | | | | m. <???> Merry |>>> | | | | | |>>>John O'Brien |>>>Mary O'Brien b.1891 |>>> | | b.c1863/4 Massachusetts | | | d.1934 |>>>Edward T. O'Brien b.1892 >>>>>>>>>|>>> | | | / | | | | m. <???> Merry |>>> | |>>>Elizabeth "Lizzie" | | | | O'Brien |>>>Susan A. O'Brien; b.1894 | | | b.1865/6 Massachusetts | / | | | | m. <???> Hay |>>> | | | | | | |>>>Gertrude O'Brien b.1896 (twin) |>>> | | | | | |>>>Theodore O'Brien b.1896 (twin) | | | | | |>>>Grace O'Brien b.1900 | | / | | m. <???> Maguire | | | |>>>James O'Brien b.1867 >>>>>>>|>>>Carrie O'Brien >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>> | | / | b.1890 | | | m. Carrie Hawkes | / | | | | m. Fred W. Russell | | | | | | | | |>>> | | |>>>Jennie O'Brien b.1898 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NOTE: |>>> | | | a Blennerhassett family | | | | of Greensborough, Victoria | | | | c2000 fits here somewhere(?) | | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | D 03 | | | | D 04 | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |>>>Martha Mary O'Brien >>>>>>>>|>>> | | | b.1893 | | | | / |>>> | | | m. James A. Reed | | | | | |>>>James F. O'Brien b.1894 >>>>>>>|>>> | | | / | | | | m. <???> Merry |>>> | | | | | | | |>>> | | | | | |>>>Ellen Christine O'Brien >>>>>>>>>>|>>> | | b.1901 | | m. Joseph H. Doane | | | |>>>Edward B. O'Brien >>>>>>>>>|>>>Gertrude O'Brien b.1908 | | b.1867 d.1939 | | | / |>>>Grace O'Brien >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>> | | m. Elsie G. Hennessy | b.1911 | | | | / |>>> | | | m. James Charles Roy | | | | |>>> | | | | | |>>>Anna "Ann" Margaret >>>>>>>>|>>> | | O'Brien |>>> | | b.1915; |>>> | | m.c1940s John J. Quigley |>>> | | | |>>>Annie O'Brien >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>William Finch Jr b.1894 | | b.1868 | | | / |>>>Ruth Finch b.1897 | | m. William Finch | | | |>>>George W. Finch b.1898 >>>>>>>>|>>> | | | m. Mary E. Florence | | |>>>Edwin O'Brien | |>>> | | b.28.11.1869 |>>>Mary Elizabeth Finch b.1903 | | | | |>>> | | |>>>Mildred Finch b.1905 | | |>>>Julia O'Brien | |>>> | | b.31.1.1872 d.1950 |>>>Grace Finch b.1906 | | | | |>>> | | |>>>Avis Blennerhassett | | | Finch b.1910 |>>> | | | | |>>>Patrick O'Brien Jr. >>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>Avis O'Brien b.1897 (?) | | | b.17.11.1874 d.1894; / | | | m. Joanne Sullivan m. Day |>>> | | | |>>>William F. O'Brien >>>>>>>>>>>|>>>Frances O'Brien | | b.12.8.1876 d.1940 | | | m. <???> |>>>Edwin O'Brien | | | |>>>Grace D. O'Brien; b.4.8.1879 (twin); d.1932 | | D 04 | |>>>Catherine Avis O'Brien; b.4.8.1879 (twin) D 05 | DEVENISH, Victoria, Australia |>>>James Blennerhassett >>>>>>>>>>>|>>>John Blennerhassett b.17.6.1866; of Devenish; Farmer; | (alias B. Hassett, | d.8.6.1934 (not 14.12.1932) at Wangaratta NOTE: | alias Hassett) | / For brothers James & John Blennerhassett, see: | b.c1839/41 Co.Kerry, | m.c1920s Theresa Mary Spriggs; b.c1872; of Benalla; ["Victoria & it's Metropolis, Past and Present" | Ireland (probably Tralee) | d.14.6.1950 (not 16.4.1950) Devenish Vol.II "The Colony and its People in 1888"; | b.c1839 (passenger list | "The Lower Goulbourn District", p.303] | and headstone) |>>>Isabella "Isobel" Avice (not Annie or Alice) Blennerhassett | b.c1841 (marriage) | b.1.7.1869 Myrniong, Pentland Hills, Victoria; | / | She kept a birthday book; d.31.12.1948 NOTE: For other Blennerhassett/Martin | labourer in Ireland 1865 | / marriages see pages:- | / | m.1912 Victoria; Horace Edwin Hooper; b.c1870 d.5.8.1942 D 01, D 07, CAN 32, G 73, LL 02 | emig. to Australia; | | sailed from Liverpool to |>>>James Blennerhassett (alias Blenner Hassett); | Melbourne, Victoria, | b.1872 Myrniong, Victoria; d.1873 Victoria, aged 1 year | Australia, "age 26 years"; | | departed 25.7.1865 on |>>>Roger Blennerhassett (alias Blenner Hassett); b.16.6.1873 Myrniong; | the 27th voyage of | of Devenish 1912; d.25.12.1938 Lake Rowan; unm. | the S.S."Great Britain" | bur. Lake Rowan Cemetery, Benalla, with his parents NOTE: S.S."GREAT BRITAIN" | (Capt. John Gray) | This was the famous iron steamship designed by | (see NOTE to left) |>>>William Blennerhassett >>>>>>|>>>James William >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|>>> Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Chief Engineer of | / | of Devenish; farmer; | Blennerhassett; the Great Western Railway; built at Bristol, | labourer & road contractor | b.4.8.1874 Myrniong | b.29.8.1913 Stewarton, Victoria; England 1839-43 & launched by Prince Albert, | 1865-7; of Pentland Hills, | / | d.29.8.1961 Waaia, Victoria; consort of Queen Victoria; | Victoria 1867; farmed | d.6.7.1929 | of Numurkah, Victoria; / | 70 acres at Pentland Hills | at St James, Lake Rowan | m.9.12.1944 Coolingatta, QLD With a length of 322ft and displacement of | / | (Horse & gig accident) | Renee <???> of QLD 3,675 tons, the "Great Britain" was the | then settled at Devenish, | bur. Lake Rowan | largest ship afloat at that time; Considered the | near Benalla (Lake Rowan), | / | John Robert Blennerhassett first "modern" ship, she was the

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