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THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ARTHROPODA ARTICLE 8 Pages 1-80, Plates 1-22, Figures 1-7 BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF CENOZOIC OSTRACODA FROM SOUTH CAROLINA By WILLIAM KENNETH POOSER The University of Kansas Paleontological Institute THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS JANUARY 15, 1965 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Arthropoda, Article 8, Pages 1-80, Plates 1-22, Figures 1-7 BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF CENOZOIC OSTRACODA FROM SOUTH CAROLINA By WILLIAM KENNETH POOSER Department of Geology, The University of Kansas CONTENTS PAGE PAUL ABSTRACT 5 Family Paracyprididae Sars, 1923 30 INTRODUCTION 6 Genus Paracypris Sars, 1866 30 Scope and purpose of study 6 P. kaesleri Pooser, n. sp. 30 Previous studies 6 Superfamily Cytheracea Baird, 1950 31 Locality and auger hole numbering system 6 Family Brachycytheridae Puri, 1954 31 Field and laboratory techniques 6 Genus Brachycythere Alexander, 1933 31 Acknowledgments 10 B. interrasilis Alexander, 1934 31 Description of study area 10 B. marylandica (Ulrich, 1901), STRATIGRAPHY 10 Schmidt, 1948 31 General features 10 B. martini Murray and Hussey, 1942 32 Systematic stratigraphy 11 Genus Alatacythere Murray & Hussey, 1942 .. 32 Paleocene-Lower Eocene strata 11 A. ivani Howe, 1951 32 Black Mingo Formation 11 Genus Digmocythere Mandelstam, 1958 33 Middle Eocene strata 13 D. russelli (Howe & Lea, 1936), Introduction 13 Mandelstam, 1958 33 Congaree Formation 14 Genus Pterygocythereis Blake, 1933 34 Warley Hill Formation 15 P. americana (Ulrich & Bassler, 1904), Santee Limestone 16 Malkin, 1953 34 McBean Formation 18 Family Campylocytheridae Puri, 1960 35 Oligocene strata Genus Leguminocythereis Howe, 1936 35 Cooper Marl 20 L. scarabaeus Howe & Law, 1936 35 Upper Miocene strata 22 Genus Triginglymus Blake, 1950 35 Duplin Formation 22 T. whitei (Swain, 1951), Pooser, (n. comb.) 36 Surficial material 25 Family Bythocytheridae Sars, 1926 37 Summary of Cenozoic geologic history 26 Genus Monoceratina Roth, 1928 37 Conclusions 27 M. alexanderi Howe & Chambers, 1935 37 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Family Cytherettidae Triebel, 1952 37 Subclass OSTRACODA Latreille, 1806 28 Genus Cytheretta Mailer, 1894 37 Order PODOCOPIDA Müller, 1894 28 C. alexanderi Howe & Chambers, 1935 37 Suborder PLATYCOPINA Sars, 1866 28 Genus Protocytheretta Puri, 1958 38 Family Cytherellidae Sars, 1866 28 P. karlana (Howe & Pyeatt, 1935), Genus Cytherella Jones, 1849 28 Puri, 1958 38 C. excavata Alexander, 1934 28 Family Cytherideididae Sars, 1925 39 Genus Cytherelloidea Alexander, 1929 28 Subfamily Cytherideidinae Sars, 1925 39 C. leonensis Howe, 1934 28 Genus Clithrocytheridea Stephenson, 1936.. 39 C. montgomeryensis Howe, 1934 29 C. garretti (Howe & Chambers, 1935), C. nanafaliensis Howe, 1934 29 Stephenson, 1944 39 Suborder PODOCOPINA Sars, 1866 30 C. harrisi (Stephenson, 1938), Superfamily Cypridacea Baird, 1845 30 Pooser, (n. comb.) 40 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS C. virginica Schmidt, 1948 40 1948 52 C. ruida (Alexander, 1934), Munsey, 1953 40 Genus Trachyleberis Brady, 1898 52 Genus Haplocytheridea Stephenson, 1936 .. 41 T. bassleri (Ulrich, 1901), Brown, 1958 52 H. montgomeryensis (Howe & Chambers, T. florienensis (Howe & Chambers, 1935), 1935), Stephenson, 1946 41 Pooser (n. comb.) 53 H. stuckeyi Stephenson, 1946 47 T johnsoni Pooser, n. sp. 54 H. leei Howe & Garrett, 1934), T.? pauca (Schmidt), 1948 55 Schmidt, 1948 42 T. spinosissima (Jones & Sherborn, 1887), H. moodyi (Howe & Garrett, 1934), Pooser (n. comb.) 55 Stephenson, 1946 42 Genus Actinocythereis Puri, 1953 55 H. bassleri Stephenson, 1943 43 A. davidwhitei (Stadnichenko, 1927), Subfamily Neocytherideidinae Puri, 1957 43 Puri, 1953 55 Genus Cushmanidea Blake, 1933 43 A. stenzeli (Stephenson, 1946), C. mayeri (Howe & Garrett, 1934), Brown, 1958 56 Puri, 1958 44 Genus Buntonia Howe, 1935 56 C. caledoniensis (Munsey, 1953), B. reticulata Pooser, n. sp. 56 Puri, 1958 44 B. howei (Stephenson, 1946), Genus Hulingsina Puri, 1958 45 Stephenson, 1947 57 H. ashermani (Ulrich & Bassler, 1904), B. alabamensis (Howe & Pyeatt, 1934), Puri, 1958 45 Stephenson, 1947 57 Family Cytheruridae Müller, 1894 45 Genus Echinocythereis Puri, 1953 58 Genus Cytherura Sars, 1866 45 E. clarkana (Ulrich & Bassler, 1904), C. johnsoni Mincher, 1941 45 McLean, 1957 58 C. wardensis Howe & Brown, 1935 46 E. jacksonensis (Howe & Pyeatt, 1935), Genus Cytheropteron Sans, 1866 47 Puri, 1953 58 C. variosum Martin, 1939 47 Genus Henryhowella Puri, 1957 59 C. sp. A 47 H. evax (Ulrich & Bassler, 1904), Genus Eocytheropteron Alexander, 1933 47 Puri, 1957 59 E. blackmingoense Pooser, n. sp. 48 Genus Murrayina Puri, 1953 59 E. spurgeonae Howe & Chambers, 1935 .... 48 M. dictyolobus (Munsey, 1953), Family Hemicytheridae Puri, 1953 48 Pooser (n. comb.) 59 Genus Aurila Pokorq, 1955 48 M. martini (Ulrich & Bassler, 1904), A. conradi conradi (Howe & McGuirt, Puri, 1953 60 1935), McLean, 1957 48 M. barclayi McLean, 1957 60 Genus Hemicytherura Elofson, 1941 49 Genus Occultocythereis Howe, 1951 60 H. howei (Puri, 1953), Pooser, (n. comb.) 49 O. delumbata Howe, 1951 60 Family Loxoconchidae Sars, 1925 50 Genus Orionina Puri, 1953 61 Genus Loxoconcha Sars, 1866 50 O. bermudae (Brady, 1880), L. mcbeanensis Murray, 1938 50 van den Bold, 1952 61 L. sp. cf. L. claibornensis Murray, 1938 50 Genus Puriana Coryell & Fields, Genus Cytheromorpha Hirschmann, 1909 51 in Puri, 1953 61 C. warneri Howe & Spurgeon, 1935 51 P. rugipunctata (Ulrich & Bassler, 1904), Family Pectocytheridae Hanai, 1957 52 Puri, 1953 62 Genus Munseyella van den Bold, 1957 52 REFERENCES 62 Munseyella subminuta (Puri, 1953) APPENDIX 67 van den Bold, 1958 52 Selected measured sections 67 Family Trachyleberididae Sylvester-Bradley, Selected logs of auger holes 75 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE FACING PAGE 1. Cytherelloidea 28 9. Hemicytherura, Cytherura, Eocytheropteron 36 2. Cytherella, Cytherelloidea, Haplocytheridea._ 29 10. Cytherura, Cytheropteron, Eocytheropteron 37 3. Clithrocytheridea, Haplocytheridea 30 11. Cytheromorpha, Cytheropteron, Munseyella 38 4. Clithrocytheridea 31 12. Cytheretta, Protocytheretta 39 5. Clithrocytheridea, Haplocytheridea 32 13. Trachyleberis, Buntonia, Pterygocythereis 42 6. Haplocytheridea, Hulingsina, Cushmanidea 33 14. Loxoconcha, Buntonia, Trachyleberis, 7. Haplocytheridea, Cushmanidea 34 Pterygocythereis 43 8. Hulingsina, Monoceratina, Haplocytheridea, 15. Trachyleberis, Triginglymus, Echinocythereis 44 CI ith rocytheridea 35 BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF CENOZOIC OSTRACODA FROM SOUTH CAROLINA 5 16. Buntonia, Actinocythereis, Loxoconcha, 19. Henryhowella, Paracypris, Brachycythere 50 Brachycythere 45 20. Actinocythereis, Henryhowella 51 17. Aurila, Orionina, Puriana 46 21. Brachycythere, Murrayina, Trachyleberis 52 18. Leguminocythereis, Digmocythere, Alatacythere 47 22. Echinocythereis, Trachyleberis, Murrayina 53 FIGURES FIGURE PAGE I. Location of the study area in South Carolina Limestone is overlain by the McBean Forma- and county numbers used in this paper 7 tion 17 2. Map of collecting localities and location of 5. Areal distribution of the Cooper Marl 21 geologic cross section 8 6. Areal distribution of the Duplin Formation 23 3. Geologic cross section 14 7. Internal lateral view of left valve of Paracypris 4. Areal distribution of Santee Limestone, Mc- kaesleri 30 Bean Formation, and area in which the Santee TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. Correlation of Cenozoic strata of South Caro- 5. Distribution of ostracodes within the Santee lina with Alabama and North Carolina 11 Limestone 19 2. Distribution of ostracodes in Paleocene and 6. Distribution of ostracodes within the Cooper Lower Eocene formations 12 Marl 22 3. Comparison of Eocene stratigraphie section of 7. Distribution of ostracodes within the Duplin this paper with those of Cooke (1936) and Formation Cook & MacNeil (1952) 13 8. Distribution of ostracodes in Middle and Up- 4. Distribution of ostracodes within the Warley per Miocene and Recent sediments of the At- Hill Formation 16 lantic Coast 75 ABSTRACT A detailed study of the strata and ostracodes of Ceno- cal studies of ostracodes within the Gulf of Mexico, it is zoic age in South Carolina was undertaken to define postulated that the Duplin Formation was deposited in adequately the rock-stratigraphic units, to determine their a near-shore, inner-neritic environment with the maxi- stratigraphic relationships, and to determine the nature mum depth of water probably not exceeding 75 to 100 of the ostracode faunas within these units so that this area feet. might serve as a reference with which future geological The ostracode assemblages of the Black Mingo, investigations might be correlated. Cooper Marl, and Duplin Formation are sufficiently Fifty-nine species belonging to 32 genera of ostracodes distinct to be used as stratigraphic indicators. The as- are described from the Paleocene-lower Eocene, middle semblages of the Warley Hill Formation and Santee Eocene, Oligocene, and upper Miocene strata of South Limestone have the same forms in common and the Carolina. The species discussed include four new species, ostracodes thus cannot be used to separate these units; Paracypris kaesleri, Eocytheropteron blackmingoensis, however, the assemblage is readily distinguished from Trachyleberis? johnsoni, and Buntonia reticulata; six new those of the other formations. The ostracode assemblage combinations, Triginglymus whitei (SWAIN), Clithrocy- of the upper Miocene, Duplin Formation is strikingly theridea harrisi (STEpHENsoN), Hemicytherura howei different from those of the older formations. (PuR1),

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